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My fucking nutjob neighbor

Cutty Flam

Also, anyone get the feeling that OP is a bit off his rocker based on the amount he knows about his neighbor? Seems like we've got a Distrubia type situation on our hands.
Haha the thought entered my mind as well. But I’m definitely with you DragoonKain DragoonKain , I’d know a decent bit about my enemy as well, especially if he warmed up his loud ass car 5 times a day for 45 minutes. I would actually feel bad for the dude who treats his car like his life if he weren’t disturbing the quality of life over there 3-4 hrs each day, and at the dead of night as well. Has to be unbearable

He’s technically your neighbor not your enemy but ffs, these days I just want peace and quiet more than anything. To have it stripped away would be literal torture for me. And sometimes it does get taken from me and it’s fucking tough to deal with

It’s kind of funny the way you describe him though. It’s like he’s this guy who has the world yelling in his ear and complaining right in his face and all he does is calmly look at you and shrug it off without a word haha. Is that how he responds to most of your confrontations lol? It makes it so much funnier that he looks like Keenan lolololollll

Fucking 3am, putting Monster decals sloppily on hahahahahahahahahaha this guy may be ruining your sanity but he’s fucking hilarious in his ways you gotta admit that’s some pretty hilarious shit 😂


Neighbours from Hell
Haha the thought entered my mind as well. But I’m definitely with you DragoonKain DragoonKain , I’d know a decent bit about my enemy as well, especially if he warmed up his loud ass car 5 times a day for 45 minutes. I would actually feel bad for the dude who treats his car like his life if he weren’t disturbing the quality of life over there 3-4 hrs each day, and at the dead of night as well. Has to be unbearable

He’s technically your neighbor not your enemy but ffs, these days I just want peace and quiet more than anything. To have it stripped away would be literal torture for me. And sometimes it does get taken from me and it’s fucking tough to deal with

It’s kind of funny the way you describe him though. It’s like he’s this guy who has the world yelling in his ear and complaining right in his face and all he does is calmly look at you and shrug it off without a word haha. Is that how he responds to most of your confrontations lol? It makes it so much funnier that he looks like Keenan lolololollll

Fucking 3am, putting Monster decals sloppily on hahahahahahahahahaha this guy may be ruining your sanity but he’s fucking hilarious in his ways you gotta admit that’s some pretty hilarious shit 😂
Oh, my friends love it, they can't get enough and I get it. I laugh too... like Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker before he loses his shit. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Cutty Flam

Oh, my friends love it, they can't get enough and I get it. I laugh too... like Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker before he loses his shit. :messenger_winking_tongue:


Cutty Flam

^^^^OP deteriorating in despair

Honestly, the way you describe your neighbor, I picture him as a human being now that you’ve described him as Keenen (LOL) but before I can’t think of him as anything besides a bee or hornet or something that mindlessly survives and lives for the hive mind, the queen that is his car lol. It’s so funny how you describe him. Like he’s incapable of words and only functions to serve and service his car lmfao


Neighbours from Hell
^^^^OP deteriorating in despair

Honestly, the way you describe your neighbor, I picture him as a human being now that you’ve described him as Keenen (LOL) but before I can’t think of him as anything besides a bee or hornet or something that mindlessly survives and lives for the hive mind, the queen that is his car lol. It’s so funny how you describe him. Like he’s incapable of words and only functions to serve and service his car lmfao
You should hear the way he talks to his kids. When he's working on his car and one of his kids comes out I hear him like "FUCK! I told you I'm trying to ____ ____ ____ with my car, can you wait one fucking hour????" and the kid runs back inside.

His ex baby mama used to get on his case about it and they'd fight over it. She was fucking NASTY too. She'd storm out "all you do is fucking work on that fucking car, what are you even doing??" and he'd yell back.

He's either a loser that has no other hobbies or priorities or he has extreme OCD. I lean toward both. When you come out at 4 am just to rev your engine a couple times and go back inside, there's no other explanation.
Oh, my friends love it, they can't get enough and I get it. I laugh too... like Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker before he loses his shit. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Every time you post these updates it reminds me of my crazy neighbor. I never really paid much attention to him except during that parking space altercation. But my roommate at the time kept extensive tabs on him and would tell me about all his nigh time shenanigans lol.


Wtf. Where is the link to THAT saga?!

can't believe I found it!

On that topic, here is a similar old thread I found while searching (other gaffer's horrible experiences with vision loss etc). Ironically I had a post in there as well.

Some good cheery reading for your Friday night and weekend, classic-gaf-trauma style.
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Neighbours from Hell
DragoonKain DragoonKain where is the next episode in the day’s of our neighbor.
No real update. The driveway to the apartment is narrow so with his 2 cars he can't park them side by side, so he seems to rotate whatever car he uses every week, so he usually moves one up, so he can get the other car parked behind it out. Yesterday I guess he just got lazy and didn't feel like doing all that work, so to get the second car out, instead of moving the first one up a bit, he just veered it to the right onto their front lawn and just parked it there for the rest of the day. I'm sure that's great for property value, people driving through the neighborhood looking for homes for sale and they see a fucking ghetto ass car parked on a front lawn :messenger_expressionless:


Neighbours from Hell
Hey OP, any juicy updates for us? Are you, the neighbor and his cars still alive?
Small update, ever since I threatened him weeks ago, he's been a little better. Letting the car run for like 15 minutes instead of 30-over an hour. But oddly the past week he was silent. Barely used the cars at all.

I guess he was banking, because these last few days he fucking exploded. He has been out there all day revving his engine. Two nights ago until 2 in the morning. But he parked his car across the street, not in his driveway maybe because he knew it would piss me off and I'd call the cops. Not sure if the other neighbor whose house he did it in front of said anything or not.

Last night he was out there from like 3pm to 11pm revving and working on the car. As usual, with his friend, who does all the work and his fat ass just sits back and watches. The first night it was the Spyder. The last two days it's been the Lancer.

He's been out there since noon revving the engine. Still doing it now off and on.

I heard him talking to a friend the other day and he referred to the Spyder as his "race car." So that suggests he does street racing with it.

But he added a new decal to the Spyder! Check it out! Oddly, the trash next to it is pure poetry in more ways than one.

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Bang his wife ez

Ok ok lets be serious. Just tell him to stop. If he dont then report him to cops and have fun while he gets the punishment he deserves


Neighbours from Hell
We need pics of this douchebag.
I posted one in one of my previous post, here are a couple others, not the best, I only have a few I found in my camera roll.

Yes, these photos were taken on different days. He wears this orange shirt I'd say 27 days every month.

One pic is him working on his car from last year, the other is him standing on his apartment railing staring at his car, admiring it. He does that a lot. He will rev the engine, get out, and sit there for like 15 minutes just looking at him. I actually came back from the store earlier and he was outside filming his car with his cell phone.




Unconfirmed Member
I posted one in one of my previous post, here are a couple others, not the best, I only have a few I found in my camera roll.

Yes, these photos were taken on different days. He wears this orange shirt I'd say 27 days every month.

One pic is him working on his car from last year, the other is him standing on his apartment railing staring at his car, admiring it. He does that a lot. He will rev the engine, get out, and sit there for like 15 minutes just looking at him. I actually came back from the store earlier and he was outside filming his car with his cell phone.


Are you playing Pokemon snap irl?

Also does he have Christmas lights in his car???


Neighbours from Hell

Was relaxing earlier when I heard him revving the engine. It happens so much now I can tell what car he’s using just by the sound. I was like hmmm this is weird this sound is unfamiliar. I look outside and neighbor has a new addition to the family, another Mitsubishi! Mazel tov.

And yes it’s yet another in the eclipse family. This will be the 5th total he’s had in that family of cars since he’s been here. It’s greenish in color, I’ll post a pic later.

I already reported it to CPS, as this poor new car is about to be used and abused to fucking hell and the poor thing has no idea who it was just adopted by,


At this point I would give up. Your asking for a cancelling.

Clearly this will be another instance of "while black".

Can't even run you car engine 24 hours a day 7 days a week while black.

Clearly OP is racist and will falsly call the police. Time to doxxx and burn his house down. We could use google earth and apple maps to triangulate the location based on the posted pics and figure out OP's identity.

Black cars matter!


Unconfirmed Member
If you can get him to call the police on you for something OP the cops will break his door down and shoot him for absolutely no reason other than being black.
That's what the media says anyway.


If you can get him to call the police on you for something OP the cops will break his door down and shoot him for absolutely no reason other than being black.
That's what the media says anyway.

Going off the media and BLM a roving gang of racist white men should be hunting him down any minute now.

Is the OP even in America? How is it possible for a black man to survive outside with all that racism around?


Neighbours from Hell
It's been a while for updates. Today his boy pulled up in his flatbed loaded with car parts and tires. They installed a white canopy over that new Eclipse he got a couple months ago and have been doing shit to the Eclipse since noon under the canopy and they're still out there now. So over 9 hours. No idea what they're doing under there.

I can't wait to see what Frankenstein of a car is born from this little project. I'll find out tomorrow when it gets light out and they remove the canopy.

Sunday is his big car day. His boy comes over every Sunday lately, going on about 5-6 weeks. Probably because he actually has a job unlike my neighbor and needs to wait for him to have an off day to come do all the work for him.


It's been a while for updates. Today his boy pulled up in his flatbed loaded with car parts and tires. They installed a white canopy over that new Eclipse he got a couple months ago and have been doing shit to the Eclipse since noon under the canopy and they're still out there now. So over 9 hours. No idea what they're doing under there.

I can't wait to see what Frankenstein of a car is born from this little project. I'll find out tomorrow when it gets light out and they remove the canopy.

Sunday is his big car day. His boy comes over every Sunday lately, going on about 5-6 weeks. Probably because he actually has a job unlike my neighbor and needs to wait for him to have an off day to come do all the work for him.


If you ever talk to your neighbors, or got a neighborhood Facebook group, you should get together an get the cops on him, unless it’s cold outside I don’t see no reason for someone to run a car idle for more than 15mins.


Neighbours from Hell
Ok, I haven’t posted any updates in a while because frankly, I figured it was getting redundant a this point, but I had to share this one.

With the Lancer, he puts little square covers on the vents on the hood and puts weights on top of those to hold them in place. I don’t know if he thinks water from rain will get through or whatever and then he has this clear plastic tarp he puts over that and ties it to his side view mirrors on each side. He keeps the covers on it whenever he doesn’t drive it, but whenever the forecast says rain he puts the tarp over the hood.

Today we were supposed to get a massive rainstorm so all the usual stuff was on the hood of his car when I went outside earlier I noticed it.

About an hour ago I heard him start the car and let it run for the usual 45 minutes idly and then drive off. It hadn’t rained yet at that point.

about 10 minutes after he drives off a monsoon starts. Just crazy downpours. About 5 minutes after the monsoon started, I hear him fly up the street at like 100 mph, parks, sprints to his trunk, pulls out the plastic tarp, lifts up the hood of his car to examine the engine, proceeds to curse up a storm to himself, then fastens the tarp to the hood of his car and then drives off with a plastic tarp dangling from his hood.

I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. Just imagine going for a walk and seeing a car with a plastic tarp tied to someone’s side view mirrors covering hood driving around.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled lives.


I bet he read someone's post on a Lancer enthusiast forum that they left their car out in the rain once and then it ran rough after that, so he's taking no chances with letting the engine compartment get wet.


Gold Member
Ok, I haven’t posted any updates in a while because frankly, I figured it was getting redundant a this point, but I had to share this one.

With the Lancer, he puts little square covers on the vents on the hood and puts weights on top of those to hold them in place. I don’t know if he thinks water from rain will get through or whatever and then he has this clear plastic tarp he puts over that and ties it to his side view mirrors on each side. He keeps the covers on it whenever he doesn’t drive it, but whenever the forecast says rain he puts the tarp over the hood.

Today we were supposed to get a massive rainstorm so all the usual stuff was on the hood of his car when I went outside earlier I noticed it.

About an hour ago I heard him start the car and let it run for the usual 45 minutes idly and then drive off. It hadn’t rained yet at that point.

about 10 minutes after he drives off a monsoon starts. Just crazy downpours. About 5 minutes after the monsoon started, I hear him fly up the street at like 100 mph, parks, sprints to his trunk, pulls out the plastic tarp, lifts up the hood of his car to examine the engine, proceeds to curse up a storm to himself, then fastens the tarp to the hood of his car and then drives off with a plastic tarp dangling from his hood.

I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. Just imagine going for a walk and seeing a car with a plastic tarp tied to someone’s side view mirrors covering hood driving around.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled lives.

I thought you had finally killed him.


Neighbours from Hell
This is one of the greatest threads I’ve ever read

You gotta write a script about this and turn it into a horror film or something one day DragoonKain DragoonKain

I had another one that I thought I posted, but turns out I didn't.

About a month or so ago, I hear some commotion outside at like 2 am. I look outside and you know who is out there with the Spyder hood up on the phone with someone and I listened for a few minutes and it was hard to make out everything, but I did hear "Fuck this shit man I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I think I got this shit upside down. Tell me what I'm supposed to do"

Cutty Flam

I had another one that I thought I posted, but turns out I didn't.

About a month or so ago, I hear some commotion outside at like 2 am. I look outside and you know who is out there with the Spyder hood up on the phone with someone and I listened for a few minutes and it was hard to make out everything, but I did hear "Fuck this shit man I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I think I got this shit upside down. Tell me what I'm supposed to do"
He was on the phone with this guy

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