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My fucking nutjob neighbor


Neighbours from Hell
HAve you talked to your other neighbors about this? Are they upset too? You could form some sort of collation and drive him from your lands.
One neighbor is being annoyed also. Houses further away I don't think the sound reaches them. I asked some neighbors down the block who I know well and they say they hear it, but it's too far away to really bother them. I'm right next door.

Anyway, I talked to a friend of mine who is a lawyer today and he recommended against calling the landlord and tearing into him. He recommended a mediation service. Where they mutually arrange me and the neighbor and potentially the landlord also to sit in a room and hash it out and if we can come to a written agreement that satisfies all.

I'm gonna do that tomorrow and call the mediation service if they're open on President's Day. If not, Tuesday. I assume they'll contact him and he'll either accept or decline. If not, he said to contact an attorney and send them a legal threat and if they see the letterhead from a lawyer it may get them to stop. This was also recommended in this thread. I really didn't wanna get lawyers involved because frankly I don't wanna have to fucking pay for an issue I'm not causing, but if the mediation doesn't work, then that's the next step my buddy recommended.
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One neighbor is being annoyed also. Houses further away I don't think the sound reaches them. I asked some neighbors down the block who I know well and they say they hear it, but it's too far away to really bother them. I'm right next door.

Anyway, I talked to a friend of mine who is a lawyer today and he recommended against calling the landlord and tearing into him. He recommended a mediation service. Where they mutually arrange me and the neighbor and potentially the landlord also to sit in a room and hash it out and if we can come to a written agreement that satisfies all.

I'm gonna do that tomorrow and call the mediation service if they're open on President's Day. If not, Tuesday. I assume they'll contact him and he'll either accept or decline. If not, he said to contact an attorney and send them a legal threat and if they see the letterhead from a lawyer it may get them to stop. This was also recommended in this thread. I really didn't wanna get lawyers involved because frankly I don't wanna have to fucking pay for an issue I'm not causing, but if the mediation doesn't work, then that's the next step my buddy recommended.
That seems like a good idea. Your city may also have a noise ordinance that you could threaten him with. But going about it like an adult and not letting your emotions overtake you is the best bet. Good luck. Keep us posted too.


Neighbours from Hell
That seems like a good idea. Your city may also have a noise ordinance that you could threaten him with. But going about it like an adult and not letting your emotions overtake you is the best bet. Good luck. Keep us posted too.
Will do. Also will start recording decibel levels just to have on my phone.


I mean it's been going on for like 3 years. Surprised op didn't just snap one day and slash the guys tires, break his windows with a bat then use the same bat on the guy when he came running out of his house.
Some people don't have it in em. Im white knighting for my soft bro.


Why the hostility? Would you go out there and punk him into submission? I guarantee that neighbor would slap you and burn out in his rice rocket while you sobbed on the curb. Then you'd come back to Gaf pretending to be tough.
I would have a very stern talk with him. None of this polite shit


It’s honestly frustrating to follow this thread. I want the OP to just man up and lay down the law. I mean, 3 years is enough to make someone go crazy. At least retaliate in a petty way.
Aw I see you've been following since beginning and I haven't been. I apologize for being snarky. I'm always joking though but still. 3 years is a damn long time to put up with such nonsense.


looking at the cars definitely not in the UK. we don't need to display tax badges and our driver seat is on the right side not left :)

goid point. I thought it was a non-US location because of the front license plate looking like an international kind.

OP, I still strongly suggest you chat with the local chief of police in person about the issue and how to resolve it. I think you might get a better response than over the phone.


Neighbours from Hell
It’s honestly frustrating to follow this thread. I want the OP to just man up and lay down the law. I mean, 3 years is enough to make someone go crazy. At least retaliate in a petty way.

Believe me, I wanted to take my baseball bat and beat the shit out of him and trash his car. It's taking every fiber of my being not to do it.

I promise you retaliation isn't gonna solve anything. It'll make me feel better in the moment, but the dude has already reported me to his landlord for "racial harassment" when I've done nothing to the sort. If he wakes up one day and his tires are slashed he'll go right to the cops. Then I'll have the cops breathing down my neck on top of this issue, and he'll be even less inclined to be reasoned to stop because he'd have scored a major victory.

I made a thread on this board about revenge. Nothing satisfies me more than a good revenge. I want nothing more. But I want to solve the problem. Getting petty revenge will satisfy me for a brief moment. Then it's the cops, then it's him upping the ante, which means I'll have to up the ante, which leads to a rabbit hole of escalations that probably leads to someone getting shot. His boys are packing, I know that, so that's another thing to consider as well.

Gonna do this one the right way. It won't be as satisfying, but it has a better chance to solve the problem.

My car isn't gonna make any noise. For one, my driveway is on the opposite side of the house as his apartment, so he wouldn't even hear it. It's a quiet car.

I beat the dude's ass, I get a criminal record, I lose employment opportunities, him being a douche pushed me over the edge fucking up my life, he wins. Gotta play this smart.
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Believe me, I wanted to take my baseball bat and beat the shit out of him and trash his car. It's taking every fiber of my being not to do it.

I promise you retaliation isn't gonna solve anything. It'll make me feel better in the moment, but the dude has already reported me to his landlord for "racial harassment" when I've done nothing to the sort. If he wakes up one day and his tires are slashed he'll go right to the cops. Then I'll have the cops breathing down my neck on top of this issue, and he'll be even less inclined to be reasoned to stop because he'd have scored a major victory.

I made a thread on this board about revenge. Nothing satisfies me more than a good revenge. I want nothing more. But I want to solve the problem. Getting petty revenge will satisfy me for a brief moment. Then it's the cops, then it's him upping the ante, which means I'll have to up the ante, which leads to a rabbit hole of escalations that probably leads to someone getting shot. His boys are packing, I know that, so that's another thing to consider as well.

Gonna do this one the right way. It won't be as satisfying, but it has a better chance to solve the problem.

My car isn't gonna make any noise. For one, my driveway is on the opposite side of the house as his apartment, so he wouldn't even hear it. It's a quiet car.

I beat the dude's ass, I get a criminal record, I lose employment opportunities, him being a douche pushed me over the edge fucking up my life, he wins. Gotta play this smart.
Any updates?

Surely the Rona solved this problem? He can't possibly still be doing this while everyone is self-isolating. Everyone is home 24/7, combined with cabin fever someone else must have lost it by now.


Any updates?

Surely the Rona solved this problem? He can't possibly still be doing this while everyone is self-isolating. Everyone is home 24/7, combined with cabin fever someone else must have lost it by now.

yeah he fugging murdered him

Go buy yourself a low profile oil catch can, and slink over there in the dead of night, drain that fucking car of earl. He starts it and leaves for 45 minutes, he'll come back to the engine completely seized up. Note* If you find yourself resorting to these means, consider neighbors who might have security cameras. Walk way around the block and approach from a direction opposite yours, then double back.


Neighbours from Hell
Any updates?

Surely the Rona solved this problem? He can't possibly still be doing this while everyone is self-isolating. Everyone is home 24/7, combined with cabin fever someone else must have lost it by now.
I contacted a lawyer before all this went down and they told me there really isn't anything they could do, get in touch with a mediation service.

So I got in touch with that mediation service before all this crazy shit went down, and I told them the whole story and the guy was like wow, well we are exactly the type of service made for your situation, and he said they just need his address and name and they'll send him a request to appear for a sit down to come to terms and if we agree we each sign something. But it's optional, he doesn't have to go, all they can do is ask. I doubt he'd have gone. Anyway, when I got around to finally getting his name, I sent it in right before all this shit went down, and I called them back and we both agreed to postpone it to a later date, so that was that.

The first week of quarantine, he didn't leave the house for a week. It was peace and quiet. He only left the house once to get groceries and he had a pair of gloves on. Since then he's been going out every single day, like 5 times a day, back to the same old same old, except he's not letting his car run as long, about 20-30 minutes instead of like 45 minutes to over an hour, but he's going out for a half hour and coming home about 5 times a day. No idea where the hell he's going. Has no mask or gloves. He's clearly not social distancing or wearing protection.

The other night he was out there at 3 am doing something with his car. I thought someone was trying to break into my house, I heard these little noises, I looked out and he was doing something with his car. Then he got in the car and revved the engine a couple times. I opened the window and told him to shut the fuck up or I'm gonna beat his face in with a baseball bat. I was in a bad mood and the quarantine got me stir crazy. That's really the first time I made a threat against him during this whole time. Next day I saw what he was doing at 3 am--he installed a green Monster Energy Drink looking decal on the side of his one car.

He definitely has some OCD shit going on, there's no reason anyone would be out at 3 am doing something like that.

Thankfully the car he's been letting run a lot has been the Lancer and not the Spyder, the Lancer is loud, but not quite as loud as the other, so it's still very annoying, but it doesn't quite induce migraines like the other.

So unless I snap and beat him with a baseball bat, it's on hold til after corona... unless he catches it and it kills him which I'm hoping, because he's going out 5 times a day. A friend also recommended if mediation doesn't work, reporting him to anti-pollution agencies or some left wing green organization to get them to go after him for letting his car run.

That's about it for now.
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There's some asshole who revs his dirt bike around our city at random hours.. if he ever does it near me and i have some kind of metal pipe in my hands I'm going Indiana Jones on his ass


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah you fucked up holmes.
Now he knows you have a problem with him and you cant do anything or he's going to blame you.
Should have torched the car long ago.


Gold Member
I contacted a lawyer before all this went down and they told me there really isn't anything they could do, get in touch with a mediation service.

So I got in touch with that mediation service before all this crazy shit went down, and I told them the whole story and the guy was like wow, well we are exactly the type of service made for your situation, and he said they just need his address and name and they'll send him a request to appear for a sit down to come to terms and if we agree we each sign something. But it's optional, he doesn't have to go, all they can do is ask. I doubt he'd have gone. Anyway, when I got around to finally getting his name, I sent it in right before all this shit went down, and I called them back and we both agreed to postpone it to a later date, so that was that.

The first week of quarantine, he didn't leave the house for a week. It was peace and quiet. He only left the house once to get groceries and he had a pair of gloves on. Since then he's been going out every single day, like 5 times a day, back to the same old same old, except he's not letting his car run as long, about 20-30 minutes instead of like 45 minutes to over an hour, but he's going out for a half hour and coming home about 5 times a day. No idea where the hell he's going. Has no mask or gloves. He's clearly not social distancing or wearing protection.

The other night he was out there at 3 am doing something with his car. I thought someone was trying to break into my house, I heard these little noises, I looked out and he was doing something with his car. Then he got in the car and revved the engine a couple times. I opened the window and told him to shut the fuck up or I'm gonna beat his face in with a baseball bat. I was in a bad mood and the quarantine got me stir crazy. That's really the first time I made a threat against him during this whole time. Next day I saw what he was doing at 3 am--he installed a green Monster Energy Drink looking decal on the side of his one car.

He definitely has some OCD shit going on, there's no reason anyone would be out at 3 am doing something like that.

Thankfully the car he's been letting run a lot has been the Lancer and not the Spyder, the Lancer is loud, but not quite as loud as the other, so it's still very annoying, but it doesn't quite induce migraines like the other.

So unless I snap and beat him with a baseball bat, it's on hold til after corona... unless he catches it and it kills him which I'm hoping, because he's going out 5 times a day. A friend also recommended if mediation doesn't work, reporting him to anti-pollution agencies or some left wing green organization to get them to go after him for letting his car run.

That's about it for now.

Fuck man, I need to see this sweet decal.


Unconfirmed Member
Two words... car bomb.

At night sneak out there and install a stock muffler on his car. Or buy him one of these if hes worried about his battery dying:


Would pay for itself in no time compared to the gas hes burning if hes doing this as much as you say he is.


Neighbours from Hell
Lemme guess, he wears Fox Racing hats and Affliction shirts?

He only owns 3 shirts. An orange shirt, a black shirt, and a blue shirt. Not sure what they say.

I'll try to get a picture of him, he's never standing around he's either walking to his car, sitting in his car, or walking away from his car and I don't have the time to snap a photo.

He kinda looks like Kenan from Kenan and Kel a little(left).

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I had a really bad neighbour once. Every weekend he would throw parties until 4 in the morning. And he had a dog that would crap in his balcony. Thing is instead of disposing of the waste he would toss it over to my house. I had to get really serious with him and let him know that I would report him if his behavior continued.


How old is he? Does he actually race these piece of shit cars? What part of the country are you in? Guessing midwest.
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Neighbours from Hell
How old is he? Does he actually race these piece of shit cars? What part of the country are you in? Guessing midwest.
My guess is late 30's early 40's.

Not sure if he races them or not. He leaves the apartment several times a day by himself, but isn't gone long enough for him to be going to any kind of a job. He's gone 2 hours at a time at most. Usually 30-45 minutes. As long as he's been there, he's never worked. I think he's on welfare, but not 100% sure.

No, I live on the east coast.
Are those spikes on the back windshield?

Yeah, he put something up there, not sure exactly what it is. He's really proud of these cars, he enjoys admiring them. When he gets out of his cars he gives them a good 10 second stare and sometimes a lap around the car just looking at it before he goes back inside.

Each night before he checks in for good, he puts these little covers on the green vent things on the hood(not sure what they're called) and them puts weights on them to hold them down so they don't blow away.
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Ask and ye shall receive. Finally remembered to snap a photo of it today before the sun went down.


What a legend. He even has a different color for the fuel-door, that is proof he is legit.

You should rethink your approach to this. You should befriend him. Maybe he will let you ride it with him. The two of you could go out cruizing the town!
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Also, anyone get the feeling that OP is a bit off his rocker based on the amount he knows about his neighbor? Seems like we've got a Distrubia type situation on our hands.


Neighbours from Hell
Also, anyone get the feeling that OP is a bit off his rocker based on the amount he knows about his neighbor? Seems like we've got a Distrubia type situation on our hands.
lol I mean I just found out his name a handful of weeks ago and he's been living there for years.

But his cars are so loud every time he turns them on it's basically like setting off a siren to alert the entire street, so it's easy to know when he's outside working on them.

If he didn't have loud cars, I'd never even knew the dude existed tbh. He's the only neighbor I really know of anymore.

Fret Runner

That car looks like the result of a out of nowhere older GTA mission.
You know the ones, the ones that said something like "your car has to be customised to take part in this race" so you just took it to the nearest garage an didn't wanna spend anything but the bare minimum on it an didn't give a shit what it looked like after.


Gold Member

Nothing really new, but you guys seem to get a kick out of photos of his piece of shit car, so, here's today's photography update. It's supposed to rain today, so he went in hardcore on that protection to ensure his car survives the raindrops!

But why?

And all of that water will just run down the windshield underneath.
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