Neighbours from Hell
When was suspected all along, he's a guy who knows nothing about cars who wants to be in a Fast and Furious movie.But why?
And all of that water will just run down the windshield underneath.
When was suspected all along, he's a guy who knows nothing about cars who wants to be in a Fast and Furious movie.But why?
And all of that water will just run down the windshield underneath.
When was suspected all along, he's a guy who knows nothing about cars who wants to be in a Fast and Furious movie.
If I find the site, I'll post it here and we can have a forum battle like Westside StoryThere's gotta be some ricer car forum out there, and this guy is posting regular updates about a hapless shut-in stalking him and taking pictures of his sweet ride.
Nothing really new, but you guys seem to get a kick out of photos of his piece of shit car, so, here's today's photography update. It's supposed to rain today, so he went in hardcore on that protection to ensure his car survives the raindrops!
He's bounced around a few baby mamas who all look like girls you'd see on Teen Mom.This guy must get so much strange.
poor Mitsubishi's. I hope that's not an Evo. and I hope that isn't a GT Spyder. He ruined them.
Each night before he checks in for good, he puts these little covers on the green vent things on the hood(not sure what they're called) and them puts weights on them to hold them down so they don't blow away.
I can tell you why he covers the hood. A proper factory hood with heat extractors is designed with a rain catch inside that allows engine heat to escape but catches any rain water and diverts it through channels inside a hood liner to weep away from the engine components. Cheap shitty hood cut outs don't have this and rain water can just pass through and dump all over the engine potentially damaging things like electrical.
I contacted a lawyer before all this went down and they told me there really isn't anything they could do, get in touch with a mediation service.
So I got in touch with that mediation service before all this crazy shit went down, and I told them the whole story and the guy was like wow, well we are exactly the type of service made for your situation, and he said they just need his address and name and they'll send him a request to appear for a sit down to come to terms and if we agree we each sign something. But it's optional, he doesn't have to go, all they can do is ask. I doubt he'd have gone. Anyway, when I got around to finally getting his name, I sent it in right before all this shit went down, and I called them back and we both agreed to postpone it to a later date, so that was that.
The first week of quarantine, he didn't leave the house for a week. It was peace and quiet. He only left the house once to get groceries and he had a pair of gloves on. Since then he's been going out every single day, like 5 times a day, back to the same old same old, except he's not letting his car run as long, about 20-30 minutes instead of like 45 minutes to over an hour, but he's going out for a half hour and coming home about 5 times a day. No idea where the hell he's going. Has no mask or gloves. He's clearly not social distancing or wearing protection.
The other night he was out there at 3 am doing something with his car. I thought someone was trying to break into my house, I heard these little noises, I looked out and he was doing something with his car. Then he got in the car and revved the engine a couple times. I opened the window and told him to shut the fuck up or I'm gonna beat his face in with a baseball bat. I was in a bad mood and the quarantine got me stir crazy. That's really the first time I made a threat against him during this whole time. Next day I saw what he was doing at 3 am--he installed a green Monster Energy Drink looking decal on the side of his one car.
He definitely has some OCD shit going on, there's no reason anyone would be out at 3 am doing something like that.
Thankfully the car he's been letting run a lot has been the Lancer and not the Spyder, the Lancer is loud, but not quite as loud as the other, so it's still very annoying, but it doesn't quite induce migraines like the other.
So unless I snap and beat him with a baseball bat, it's on hold til after corona... unless he catches it and it kills him which I'm hoping, because he's going out 5 times a day. A friend also recommended if mediation doesn't work, reporting him to anti-pollution agencies or some left wing green organization to get them to go after him for letting his car run.
That's about it for now.
Well, I'm glad I can be of service.This has become one of my long-game threads that I always look forward to reading an update about months.. nay, YEARS on end in OT. The only other one that stands out in my mind was the poor guy who's coworker accidentally blinded him and periodically would report back with updates on if his latest surgery to regain his vision took.
I can tell you why he covers the hood. A proper factory hood with heat extractors is designed with a rain catch inside that allows engine heat to escape but catches any rain water and diverts it through channels inside a hood liner to weep away from the engine components.
Really? Not even the Joe Blow consumer model? That's just stupid engineering then.Not in an Evo.
Nothing really new, but you guys seem to get a kick out of photos of his piece of shit car, so, here's today's photography update. It's supposed to rain today, so he went in hardcore on that protection to ensure his car survives the raindrops!
Is this supposed to be an indictment? The girls on Teen Mom are generally good looking teenagers who got knocked up.He's bounced around a few baby mamas who all look like girls you'd see on Teen Mom.
I’ve only seen a couple of em and I didn’t see anything special, but maybe I’m missing out.Is this supposed to be an indictment? The girls on Teen Mom are generally good looking teenagers who got knocked up.
In all honesty I never really watched an episode other than watching the porn of the Indian bitch getting fucked in the ass who was borderline attractive and I just figured they'd be good looking because of TV.I’ve only seen a couple of em and I didn’t see anything special, but maybe I’m missing out.
Well, I'm glad I can be of service.
But admit it, you all are just waiting and hoping I snap, commit a murder and wind up in prison so it can give you guys a story to tell for the rest of your lives.![]()
Ask and ye shall receive. Finally remembered to snap a photo of it today before the sun went down.
Don't you have other neighbors? Surely they cannot be ok with the every night revving and 2-3 am shenannigans.I think he definitely has to have severe OCD or something. I mentioned before the other day he was out there at 2-3am working on his car and putting a decal on, then revved the engine. The last two nights, he was out there at 2-3am again. This time he didn't let it run or rev the engine. I don't know if that's because I threatened him last time or not, but the last two nights at about 2:30am he started his car, drove around the block, came back, got out, stepped back and stared at his car for about 30 seconds and went back inside.
He did it two nights in a row, so he clearly wasn't getting gas. He didn't have anything in his hands so he didn't buy anything. His car is really loud so I can audibly hear it as it goes around the block, so I don't think he stopped anywhere to do a pick up or drop off, like drugs or money or something. I think he's inside sleeping and his OCD wakes him up and he has to go outside and take it for a quick spin to see if it's running smoothly.
I'll see if this becomes a new nightly trend. He's been out there as late as midnight in the past, and as early as 5-6 am in the past, but for the 2-3am stuff, this is a new trend.
Are those spikes on the back windshield?
Unless the guy mounted a non-functional intercooler to the car's front, that's an Evo.
I think he definitely has to have severe OCD or something. I mentioned before the other day he was out there at 2-3am working on his car and putting a decal on, then revved the engine. The last two nights, he was out there at 2-3am again. This time he didn't let it run or rev the engine. I don't know if that's because I threatened him last time or not, but the last two nights at about 2:30am he started his car, drove around the block, came back, got out, stepped back and stared at his car for about 30 seconds and went back inside.
He did it two nights in a row, so he clearly wasn't getting gas. He didn't have anything in his hands so he didn't buy anything. His car is really loud so I can audibly hear it as it goes around the block, so I don't think he stopped anywhere to do a pick up or drop off, like drugs or money or something. I think he's inside sleeping and his OCD wakes him up and he has to go outside and take it for a quick spin to see if it's running smoothly.
I'll see if this becomes a new nightly trend. He's been out there as late as midnight in the past, and as early as 5-6 am in the past, but for the 2-3am stuff, this is a new trend.
Damn, that sounds like schizophrenia. I mean my neighbor is just obsessed with his cars, he doesn't do anything else weird but that. If it weren't for his cars I'd never even know he existed. But your guy seems like he just had mental issues. I've found weird, irrational behavior can be a sign of schizophrenia, and a lot of schizophrenics wind up homeless.I had a neighbor years ago who was super weird. He'd be up all hours of the night working on the house he lived in with his mom. He also used to do weird things to his truck. I remember once they had a new concrete sidewalk put in and he used to water it non stop for months, then for some reason he just dug it out, leaving a trench. Another time he took the dashboard and all the wiring out of his truck and left it on his driveway for days. Neighbors told me that one time he dug out the sidewalk in front of his house and actually broke ATT's phone lines and knocked out service to the entire street. Supposedly ATT sued him but didn't show up to court and nothing ever happened to him. Neighbors used to call 311 on him all the time, he'd always have tow stickers on his truck (which no longer worked after he took it apart). I almost got into a physical fight with him because he parked on of his cars in front of my house in the spot I always park in. Yes, it's a public street but there's plenty of parking, he only did that to piss me off. I told him next time if he parked in front of my house I would fuck him up. He called the cops on me and I showed them and the cops told him not to park in my space again lol. I moved not too long afterwards but I found out eventually that he got into some dispute with his sister and she ended up getting evicted and now he's homeless.
It's no Evo. It's a base model US spec Lancer GLX riced up.Unless the guy mounted a non-functional intercooler to the car's front, that's an Evo.
Wouldn't shock me if he cut those holes out himself because it "looks cool"
I could be wrong, but I think it's another Mitsubishi, an Eclipse. Either way, I have no idea lol. He'll be going hog wild with this one until he does what he wants with it. All day, everyday.How does this ahole get money to buy all these cars?
looks like a Honda Civic late 2000 something, and so the saga continues........
How does this ahole get money to buy all these cars?
looks like a Honda Civic late 2000 something, and so the saga continues........
I was doing stuff on my computer today and I heard some noise coming from outside that sounded like somebody spraying something. It went on for like an hour. I was too lazy to get up and look, but when I eventually looked outside, this is what I saw. Before photo(as posted earlier in this thread) and after photo(from today).
I'll bet every fucking penny I have he used Flex Seal.
Call your local junk yard anonymously and have it towed .Well, his buddy came over, they removed the entire engine block out of the car, including other parts. His buddy loaded all of it into the flat bed of his truck, and drove off with it. Now the car is just sitting there with no engine.
No idea what this little project is the precipice of, but I'll definitely chronicle it for your entertainment purposes.
they look like junkers, likely bought at an insurance auction for a few hundred. Likely considered totaled because of some frame damage, flooding or sat on resale lots too long and were bought for pennies on the dollar by auction houses.
He only owns 3 shirts. An orange shirt, a black shirt, and a blue shirt. Not sure what they say.
I'll try to get a picture of him, he's never standing around he's either walking to his car, sitting in his car, or walking away from his car and I don't have the time to snap a photo.
He kinda looks like Kenan from Kenan and Kel a little(left).
A few people asked me to take a pic of him. This isn't the best pic, I had to zoom in a bit as he moved his car halfway down the street to work on his car for some reason. His friend came by to help him do stuff with the engine, he's been working on it for the last 3 hours. My neighbor is the one in the orange shirt. His friend always comes by to help with the big projects, he's always calling him on speaker phone when he's not here to ask him what he should do with his car. As usual, my neighbor just kinda stands around fiddling with bullshit, where his boy does all the work. Just as he is here. Anyway, I remembered people asked for a pic, so snapped one.
He's wearing the orange shirt today. I'd say he wears it about 80% of the time I see him. He only owns 2 other shirts that I've seen.
It looks like the engine could be worth more than the car! If i'm seeing things correctly and my memory is serving me well! That is a very good engine unfortunately for op.You can’t make this stuff up. A new car as entered the fray. Been working on this thing since 8 am. Let’s gooooooo
This has become one of my long-game threads that I always look forward to reading an update about months.. nay, YEARS on end in OT. The only other one that stands out in my mind was the poor guy who's coworker accidentally blinded him and periodically would report back with updates on if his latest surgery to regain his vision took.