I have to say this anime has become quite boring, every other episode is a wait for deku to use his powers, then that sound track plays ever other time that happens is blasted very loudly and speed lines all over the screen. I don't feel this adapation really adds much, I never once felt "oh that's good take on that scene", all it does is highlights how repetive it's gotten, it was awesome the first time but it has lost it's luster quite some time ago.
USJ is a lame arc in the manga but you can at least blow through it fast enough so don't have think about how lame it all was.
I like grape boys design, I acutally want him to be a more meaningful character but god damn his got no redeeming quality, his a joke character that isn't even the least bit funny.His a pervy loser through and through, he feels like his there to appeal to the otakus.
By episode 10 bleach was giving you the awesomeness that is don kanonji, naruto & team was training to face zabuza for another great round 2 and One piece captain kuro arc was kicking off into high gear (2nd or 3rd if you count axe hand morgan), yu yu hakusho was already in it's first tournement arc with kuwabara receiving his cool spirt sword.
Going back to watch the 10th episode of those animes made me realise this adapations is quite dull, it lacks energy, variety and vision.If feels a little bit like something made by a machine.
I am being very unfairly harsh on this anime it's not bad but am just dissapointed most episodes pretty much hinges on "deku uses his super strength moment", it doesn't do enough outside of those moments to entertain and I don't feel USJ arc is good enough to be final to anything it's pretty much just taster arc, while the arc after is a more meaty one.