Propably not. MHA is very important to Shueisha to end it in one season. There will be a rather large break though because of the time slot mess right now though.
I'm going to bet the second season is 2 cour, maybe even a completely different studio.
crunchyroll should have it free with a week delay
Toei gonna eat this shit up!
...right, confused it with mean funimation right?
I'm going to bet the second season is 2 cour, maybe even a completely different studio.
I wonder if Bones and the main players on the production staff would only agree to a 13 episode series.What would changing the studio do?
What would changing the studio do?
I wonder if Bones and the main players on the production staff would only agree to a 13 episode series.
Change the animation quality and the direction a whole lot?
Bones is a pretty busy company, they also have a lot of stuff lined up for the next few broadcast seasons. If this series does well in Japan (I dont see why it wouldn't) Jump mightr be interested in whoring out the franchise and turning it into something that has a lot more releases.
I agree, I don't see BONES letting this go. They and everyone else want another FMA: Brotherhood in terms of quality.
Well for one thing it's going to lead to only a very small bit of the manga being adapted, and it sticks out to have a 1 cour adaptation when all of Shounen Jump's properties are being adapted as 2 cour seasonal shows these days, except this one, maybe the biggest of them yet.Not that I get what the issue in it being 13 episodes in the first place. Many other anime get another season a year later.
But does Shueisha want to whore out what is best positioned to be its "next big thing"? From what I gathered a lot of people want to see the anime adaptation do the story right rather than just tossing it out as quickly as possible without any care. So what's the point in just rushing along with a different creative team and studio when they took so much care in getting right at the start?
I agree, I don't see BONES letting this go. They and everyone else want another FMA: Brotherhood in terms of quality.
Well for one thing it's going to lead to only a very small bit of the manga being adapted, and it sticks out to have a 1 cour adaptation when all of Shounen Jump's properties are being adapted as 2 cour seasonal shows these days, except this one, maybe the biggest of them yet.
cause the show is just an ad for the manga and the merch. they need to get it pumped out ASAP.
Toei will be too busy with World Trigger Second Series or BLack Clover, I pray.
I think Black Clover is due for an anime.
A match made in... well, not heaven. But also not hell. Is there some kind of mediocre afterlife?
How can I watch this legitimate? It's not on crunchyroll.
How can I watch this legitimate? It's not on crunchyroll.
I love this scene so much...
Deku's facial expressions are the best part of the show so far. Based Studio Bones. You saved shonen and anime.
It has so many exploitable facial expressions already. I'll be spamming them all over gaming side.
You know all those comments that an anime came way too early in the manga's run?
I'm guessing the execs felt the same, and only approved 13 eps. We'll get longer runs in 2017, especially after the manga's gone further ahead.
It has so many exploitable facial expressions already. I'll be spamming them all over gaming side.
I decided to read some of the manga yesterday to see where the story is going. Hmmm. Can't say I like the direction. I thought it was going to be about something else...
what? you didn't like (manga spoilers)lulza shonen tournament arc!?
I stopped reading when they (late manga spoilers) get tosummer camp thingy
it's enjoyable but it's not FMA or One Piece.
I dunno I didn't read that far, just 5-6 chapters or so. What I didn't like is thatthe story goes from being about a guy without powers wanting to become a hero to a guy who inherits the Chosen One (TM) powers because of sheer luck, and goes on his way to become a hero. It's so... generic. I thought it was going to explore what it really means to be a hero outside of powers and stuff, and that maybe he creates a suit and uses all his analytic knowledge about superpowers to basically be the Batman of this universe. But nope. Chosen One (TM) superpowers!!! Zzzzzz.