I doubt they'll up the episode/chapter ratio (which I still think is a silly way to gauge pacing).I'm assuming Bones aren't stupid, aren't restrained by exec decisions, don't plan to stretch or mispace anything, and have the season planned out. Which, given that they had episode 20 ready in January, they probably do.
If we assume episode 1 being so recap heavy was a side-effect of S1's unpopular reception in Japan and the move to a new timeslot, episode 2 and 3 covering relatively little follows from that, given how dialogue heavy they are, and having a good episode 3 endpoint. Given that the following chapters are action-heavy instead, they can push chapter/episode count up, and hopefully they do. Same logic applies to the Stain, End of Term, and Forest Lodge arcs. They have a lot of action-heavy quick chapters to take advantage of.
Ending on Bakugou getting kidnapped is a terrible idea. Season 3 would begin at an awkward point, and you'd have to wait a long time to have enough chapters to adapt Season 3 anyway. It's the worst of both worlds.
...also I'm pretty sure you're a masochist, Poodlestrike, because "Bakugou is Sasuke 2.0!" is the opposite of hilarious :T
I can see the cavalry battle as a 2 episode mini-arc with its 4 chapters. There actually is a lot of text, lots of possibilities to have some slick animation sequences and they could show off some other battles theorethically.
I dunno, I just can see it work.
But add me to the "I have no idea where it will end, but there's no way it's going to be AfO" club.
(Btw, out of curiosity, have watched the latest 2 episodes yet?)