Todoroki got stole.
Still love that Horikoshi didn't mean to make Monoma a jerk, but doubled down on it anyway.Man i can't wait to hear Class B's Mister Jerk, hope the VA did a good job.
That's a really cute pic! MHA boys are best boys!Theres so many things I love about this picture.
Did they? I can't remember.It's too bad they spoiled Chuunibird's power in the first season.
Anime watchers won't have the same experience of Deku winning the first event, becoming THE target for the chariot game, seeing Deku get what appears to be the worst group ever, and then seeing Chuunibird's power shine.
Did they? I can't remember.
Oh damn never thought of it that wayKishimari thinks a flashback of Bakugou and gets MAXIMUM hard. DoL must have died in bliss.
To be honest, most of my hype came from how Deku, instead of teaming up with Iida or Tsuyu, teamed up with Mei and Tokoyami, two background minor characters. That breaking of expectations alone was hype enough.
Didn't get the impression that he had a weak team either.
lol. The guy that bullied another student mercilessly for years, and even suggested he commits suicide, is treated unfairly.He's treated so unfairly.
Remmeber he also could have killed or critically injure Deku in one of ther first classlol. The guy that bullied another student mercilessly for years, and even suggested he commits suicide, is treated unfairly.
Yea I don't read the spinoff but noticed this and got confusedSo, new Illegals is out, and it heavily features Ingenium, the original Ingenium, who is definitely not paralyzed, and who has definitely not given his title to his brother.
Is Illegals a far-flung prequel to the main series then? Not sure I realized that.
I liked the latest chapter of Illegals but I'm still not really a fan of it. It's like if Horikoshi did MHA but instead of himself he was Generic Shonen Author 5.
I liked the latest chapter of Illegals but I'm still not really a fan of it. It's like if Horikoshi did MHA but instead of himself he was Generic Shonen Author 5.
Yeah, agreed. I'm not super into it, but it seems like this is the writer's first time doing anything, and in that respect, it's more forgivable.That really describes it so well. It also creates a neat space where we get two works of the same idea/universe and you can see the difference in character writing and action and art and all that jazz.
It just leans too heavily into all the tropes that MHA avoids, which is what makes MHA so good.
I will admit, that Wasp/Beehive girl is pretty legit tho
At least Illegals is still better than Horikoshi's second main work Bugle. The one-shot was at least okay, but the real series was straight up shit.I wouldn't say MHA avoids the Tropes per say, but that's a bit off-topic right now. You're right Illegals hits them full force tho, which is the tell-all mark of inexperience. It just comes off as generic most of the time with nothing to really elevate it. You know what would be neat? Compare this to Horishiki's(I know I know, I am terrible at spelling names/remembering names, it'll never change) earlier works like the circus one. That was also kind of generic in a lot of ways, but I still think it had enough interesting stuff to make it an alright read. I can't really say the same about Illegals right now tho.
wonder if Horikoshi sat down and spent time on learning how to write before making Oumagadoki Zoo? he got a lot better after Barrage ended.
Also I suspect Barrage was heavily edited (As in influenced by his editor) and made into a more "Shonen" work, the One-Shot was much much better.
Huh, weird. Didn't feel that way at all!You got the order of his work wrong.
Its Zoo->Barrage->MHA.
Zoo was cancelled right?editor influence would explain a lot of things, like why nobody from Barrage ever shows up in MHA
but man, that's really weird, Zoo is so much more like MHA that I just assumed Barrage was something he made before.
makes sense, especially if the editor interference thing is true.Zoo was cancelled right?
Maybe he thought it would turn out better if he just went generic full shonen instead.
Then that failed even harder and he went 'fuck it, I'll just do what I want' with MHA.