Who?Had to reread Eraserheads pep talk to figure out his angle.
He's a good sensei.
Also good to see the other big three members b backing up mirio when the chips were down.
I ever what Lucio's quirk is.
Who?Had to reread Eraserheads pep talk to figure out his angle.
He's a good sensei.
Also good to see the other big three members b backing up mirio when the chips were down.
I ever what Lucio's quirk is.
Had to reread Eraserheads pep talk to figure out his angle.
He's a good sensei.
The translations feel more and more rushed every week, pff.Had to reread Eraserheads pep talk to figure out his angle.
Two of the Big 3 doesn't sound encouraging to me unless the translation is off. Mirio needs another Mirio to cheer him up.Had to reread Eraserheads pep talk to figure out his angle.
He's a good sensei.
Also good to see the other big three members b backing up mirio when the chips were down.
I ever what Lucio's quirk is.
YFW death flags has been sent and you're the only black guyNighteye has recognized the Mad Man.
Aizawa is best teacher.
That black dude setup like 10 death flags.
YFW death flags has been sent and you're the only black guy
If someone is going to die, he is a good candidate plus we got the awesome black guy dies first trope. I hope we get to see his quirk first though this isn't bleach.He was already being a brash in the last chapter, made it seem like he would have done better if he was the one that encountered Eri, and now was asking Nighteye to see his future and if death was in it that he'd avoid it.
I was like "Stahp".
It's will either be something like Hina and cow guy from HxH or door-like ability like Bruno from Jojo or that CP9 dudeI wonder what his quirk is. He seems to have a key and lock motif going on.
I'm a little confused, why was there a new chapter today of all days? I happen to just find it. I thought there wasn't supposed to be one last week and don't they normally update on Thursdays?
That Aizawa pep talk was so strange, who knew he could be so sincere lol.
And are also of questionable quality at times.This chapter comes out next Monday in Japan, as does the official translation. The fan-translations get early copies by not quite kosher means.
They are pretty bad, though!Translation whining, love it.
Maybe we are having a Soul Eater crossoverStein
Volume version is always gonna be the best, but for a while there Fallen Angels had some quality stuff.There's a race between the two main fan-translators to get the chapters out first (yes, really), so they're skimping on the editing and proofreading.
Viz is the best version even without, though, especially in the volumes.
Now it just shitVolume version is always gonna be the best, but for a while there Fallen Angels had some quality stuff.
Yeah.Now it just shit
Yeah, I agree. I liked them for the characters, but I hope the pace picks up.I'm gonna be honest: I'm not a fan of the last few chapters that have basically just been "sit in room and discuss the villains plot". IT was uncharacteristically slow paced for this manga imo.
I'm gonna be honest: I'm not a fan of the last few chapters that have basically just been "sit in room and discuss the villains plot". IT was uncharacteristically slow paced for this manga imo.
I'm gonna be honest: I'm not a fan of the last few chapters that have basically just been "sit in room and discuss the villains plot". IT was uncharacteristically slow paced for this manga imo.
I'm gonna be honest: I'm not a fan of the last few chapters that have basically just been "sit in room and discuss the villains plot". IT was uncharacteristically slow paced for this manga imo.
makes sense his dad can breathe fire and his mom has telekinesis so a combination will be some form of pyrokinetichuh quirk deku is basically a firebender.
come on hiroshiki show us dekudad.
i'unno about the rest, but if deku and ochako had kids, they'd only have variations on zero gravity, since one for all can't be inherited except manually.I do wonder for popular ships what Momo&Todo, Deku&Ocha andKrishiman & bakoguquirks their kids will get if they get a combination of their parents.
If quirks act like genetics I would suspect he could.so down with the idea of MHA going HxH.
i'unno about the rest, but if deku and ochako had kids, they'd only have variations on zero gravity, since one for all can't be inherited except manually.
(unless deku can pass on his parents' quirks, but probably not.)
You say that like Ochako isn't already one.I'd expect Deku to still be able to pass on his mom or dad's ability. Deku and Ochako's child would be a gravity manipulation monster.
There's a race between the two main fan-translators to get the chapters out first (yes, really), so they're skimping on the editing and proofreading.
Viz is the best version even without, though, especially in the volumes.
If this was Naruto or other works it would turn out Deku is either the descendant of the original holder of One for all or the shining babyI hope that in the end, Deku's ancestors aren't anyone important, all his kids turn out normal and he doesn't give his quirk to one of them, and that the series epilogue ends on him picking someone just as random instead.
that's how it should work!