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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
McNum said:
It's tradable? Well, I don't play much Engineer, so I'd be willing to trade it for something I actually would use. That and I like Fallout, but there are bigger fans than me.

I'm in the market for Übersaws, Sandviches, and/or Huntsman bows. Yeah, I know I can unlock those with Achievements, but that could take a while since I don't farm for it. Other stuff that makes Medic or Heavy better is fine, too. The bow is more or less just to be able to do something in Medieval Mode.
I have a Huntsman and a Sandvich, I think, you can have those ^^ Just tell me how trading works best.

Also, if anyone has that Sniper Cowl from Brink, a Heros Hachimaki or Blighted Beak he doesn't need, want or just get rid of - I'm here, got a key and some other random crap :)


Yay :D
They should become tradable tomorrow, i i want some quakecon items, too

I would love a genuine rocket launcher, because as a German IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get a genuine one without trading (we have no quake 4 and other id games except for rage and doom 3)


OMG Aero said:
Yeah it was only added recently and it makes the Engineer's build screen look like this:

And as a side note if you don't want it I will give you a pony for it. An actual real life pony.

I want it so bad.
Neat. I saw that I had one, but I don't play Engineer so I didn't know about the interface change :p


Bufbaf said:
I have a Huntsman and a Sandvich, I think, you can have those ^^ Just tell me how trading works best.
We'll have to wait until they become tradable, because I just checked and mine isn't. I also checked the Mann Co store, some of those prices are pretty shameless. Well, people want their hats, I suppose. And yet the class starter packs looks tempting. On sale, too. I kind of wish those packs would be included when you actually bought TF2, to be honest.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
McNum said:
We'll have to wait until they become tradable, because I just checked and mine isn't. I also checked the Mann Co store, some of those prices are pretty shameless. Well, people want their hats, I suppose. And yet the class starter packs looks tempting. On sale, too. I kind of wish those packs would be included when you actually bought TF2, to be honest.
The starter packs are perfect to go from f2p to premium with only a few bucks and great value! Can't go wrong there, especially when they are on sale.
edit: oh, I get it, you mean if you bought the game prior to f2p - yeah, that would be reasonable.


Bufbaf said:
The starter packs are perfect to go from f2p to premium with only a few bucks and great value! Can't go wrong there, especially when they are on sale.
edit: oh, I get it, you mean if you bought the game prior to f2p - yeah, that would be reasonable.
Yeah, I got TF2 as part of the Orange Box. Just never really got around to playing it much. Maybe I should grab the Heavy and Medic packs, I got a few € left from the summer sale in my Steam Wallet. Might as well use them.

Heh, I just realized, I started to play TF2 because of My Little Pony. If someone had told me that a year ago, I wouldn't have believed them.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, the server we played on last night, was that one of the GAF servers?

OMG Aero

If anyone actually wants to trade their Pipboy, I can offer the Heavy's security shades that came from the summer crates, any (tradable) weapons from the top three rows of the last page of my backpack that you need and if that isn't enough let me know and we can work something out. I don't want to leave anyone feeling short changed.


McNum said:
Yeah, I got TF2 as part of the Orange Box. Just never really got around to playing it much. Maybe I should grab the Heavy and Medic packs, I got a few € left from the summer sale in my Steam Wallet. Might as well use them.

Heh, I just realized, I started to play TF2 because of My Little Pony. If someone had told me that a year ago, I wouldn't have believed them.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, the server we played on last night, was that one of the GAF servers?

Lol same here :D


I still really like this one.


A kind of excitement I can relate to!


Thanks for another fun Synchtube everyone! Shame about the vote drama, though I didn't let that spoil the evening.

TF2 was fun once again too, though it seems that being as spread out as PonyGAF is, we're always going to have problems with servers and lag; if we play on a US server, European bronies have massive lag and on Euro servers it's the Americans that suffer. Guess that can't really be helped. Of course TF2 isn't the most serious of games, so it's good fun nonetheless.

Oh and if anyone wants to trade stuff, I've got a bunch of duplicate items I'd be willing to part with; have a look. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some more Heavy items...
ThreeSix said:
Hadn't seen this one before, hilarious!

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
So, this was brought up in yesterday's Synchtube, and it got me thinking, so I'd really like to see some discussion on this.

Why did fans take to Octavia so much?


Is it because she's cute? Because she has a distinctive hair style and color scheme? Because of the snobbish attitude and eyes with a shape resembling Twilight's and color matching her cutie mark? The upright position? Her amazing magnetic hoof holding the cello bow? The fan speculation about her relation to Pinkie Pie? Her expression when Pinkie asks her to play the Pony Pokey?

What do YOU see in Octavia, if anything?
Octavia? I personally think the design and colours just work well together, my favourite background/minor pony coming to think of it. I can't really add more reasons since she doesn't really do much.


Gold Member
airmangataosenai said:
You guys made Colbert? Dudes, shit just got real.
What's this now? Which episode? Tried googling, but nothing came up.

And Myke, I have no clue. They probably take to her for the same reason my favorite secondary character is Bon-Bon. Which is there's no reason. She just is.


Personally I like Octavia's colour scheme and attitude. Think about it: in a land filled with candy-coloured ponies, here we have a pony of a dull gray colour wearing an expression of haughty superiority, radiating an air of class and sophistication. By her very being she rejects the My Little Pony franchises' former defining characteristics of bright colours and fluffy vapidness. Much like the whole brony phenomenon, her popularity is in large part a result of the cognitive dissonance that stems from finding something so unexpected in the midst of otherwise somewhat predictable pony designs. She's a flash of subdued and smart gray in a sea of garish colours.

Regarding her cello-playing: if you look closely, she actually holds the bow in her "wrist", so no magnets needed.

EDIT: Also, these comics are some of the best the fandom has produced so far.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
DrForester said:
She has a bow-tie. Bow-tie's are cool.
Bow-tie is always a good argument.

In a fandom filled with male fans, female ponies get noticed more easily than male ponies; We don't have a lot of Pony Joe or Pokey Pierce fan art. The only male pony coming close to Lyra, Bonbon or Octavia's popularity is Dr. Whooves.
Myke Greywolf said:
Bow-tie is always a good argument.

In a fandom filled with male fans, female ponies get noticed more easily than male ponies; We don't have a lot of Pony Joe or Pokey Pierce fan art. The only male pony coming close to Lyra, Bonbon or Octavia's popularity is Dr. Whooves.
We may not have lots of fanart about him, but in the synchtube chat a lot of people were saying how they really liked Joe when his part came up.

OMG Aero

Sorry for the delay but here are the last two sets of poll results:
For Party of One: 26 people voted 5, 4 people voted 4, no-one voted 3 or 2 and 1 person voted 1.
For The Best Night Ever: 23 people voted 5, 6 people voted 4, 4 people voted 3, 2 people voted 2 and no-one voted 1.
Which, after getting the average for those two results, leaves us with this final ranking of the best episodes of season 1 as voted by PonyGAF:

1. Party of One - 4.74
2. Suited For Success - 4.73
3. The Cutie Mark Chronicles - 4.7
4. Sonic Rainboom - 4.68
4. Dragonshy - 4.68
5. Winter Wrap Up - 4.54
6. Green Isn't Your Color - 4.52
7. The Best Night Ever - 4.43
8. A Bird in the Hoof - 4.34
9. A Dog and Pony Show - 4.3
10. Swarm of the Century - 4.28
11. Bridle Gossip - 4.07
12. Friendship is Magic Part 1 - 4.06
13. The Ticket Master - 4.05
14. Griffon the Brush-Off - 4
15. Look Before You Sleep - 3.81
16. Stare Master - 3.71
16. Friendship is Magic Part 2 - 3.71
17. Fall Weather Friends - 3.69
18. Applebuck Season - 3.67
19. Boast Busters - 3.58
20. The Show Stoppers - 3.5
21. Over A Barrel - 3.48
22. Feeling Pinkie Keen - 3.45
23. Owl's Well That Ends Well - 3.22
24. Call of the Cutie - 3.15

Say what you will about how the polls have gone but personally this seems like a good ranking to me. There are a few episodes near the bottom of the table that I would rate a bit higher, but the top ten of the ranking seems solid to me with all of them being episodes I consider really good.

Before I mention the results of the contest, I'd once again like to thank Orcastar for offering a prize this week and n8BitMan for offering one last week. I only really did the other two contests in the past because I had a free game to give away and the summer sale meant good games were really cheap and I really didn't expect people to offer prizes off their own back. I'll certainly keep more contests in mind when it comes to streaming season 2.
Anyway, I ran the six entries I got for this contest through a random number generator and the winner is Ambiguous Cad! Unfortunately Cad you neglected to PM me your Steam ID and unless you have a different name on Steam I can't see you in the Steam group or on my friend list, so all you need to do now is send me your ID in a PM to pass along to Orcastar or PM him your ID yourself to cut out out the middle man and he can gift you your copy of King's Bounty: Platinum Edition.

With all that out of the way, it's time to decide what (if anything) we do with the Synchtube until season 2 starts. No matter what I'd like to keep doing the weekly TF2 games. Playing with the rest of PonyGAF has breathed new life into the game for me and it's way more fun getting killed by people I know instead of complete strangers.
For the actual Synchtube though, I think there are four options we have right now:
1. Start streaming season 1 all over again, whether we start next week or have a break and start again in a few weeks. It's worth noting that current opinion seems to be that season 2 will start around October (Although nothing is confirmed now) and that, if keep streaming two episodes at a time, starting next week would have us finish at the start of November. So if we had a break or even if we start next week and season 2 starts early in October we would have to watch more than two episodes for some or all of the weeks to make sure we finish before season 2 starts.
2. Stream old generations of MLP. There were a fair few people requesting this in the Synchtube yesterday, and I'm not sure if they like suffering or don't know what they are unleashing but the few episodes of old MLP I saw during various Ponygoons suffering streams were terrible. If enough people want to do this we could all suffer together I guess, who knows, it might even end up being like a mass Mystery Science Theater or it could just be really awful. I'd like to preface this with a warning specifically to Rainbow Dash fans though, the previous gens were especially not kind to her.
3. Do nothing with the Synchtube and just have a long break until season 2 starts.
4. Watch all the episodes of season 1 in one big marathon stream. This would last over 9 and half hours (Not including any fan videos) so obviously not everyone would want to or could watch the whole thing but it might be neat to do this right before season 2 starts so people could see how much they can endure or pop in the room to watch a couple episodes throughout the day. It would be pretty redundant to do this and option 1, but there's nothing stopping us from doing this as well as option 2 or 3.

These are just the things I can think of and that were suggested yesterday so if you have a better idea or want to voice your opinions on those four options go right ahead. After we get a general consensus on the issue, then we can continue streaming or not depending on what everyone thinks.

And lastly, I'd just like to say thanks again to everyone who has ever watched one of the Synchtube streams. It's been really fun re-watching the series with you guys and I can't wait until we can watch some new episodes together.
Myke Greywolf said:
So, this was brought up in yesterday's Synchtube, and it got me thinking, so I'd really like to see some discussion on this.

Why did fans take to Octavia so much?


Is it because she's cute? Because she has a distinctive hair style and color scheme? Because of the snobbish attitude and eyes with a shape resembling Twilight's and color matching her cutie mark? The upright position? Her amazing magnetic hoof holding the cello bow? The fan speculation about her relation to Pinkie Pie? Her expression when Pinkie asks her to play the Pony Pokey?

What do YOU see in Octavia, if anything?
It's probably down to the design. She's got a pretty unique colour scheme and hair style and she always looks calm and collected even when Pinkie is jumping around messing stuff up.


Are the earlier gens ripe for some MST3k-like treatment? I thought PonyGAF was pretty good at making fun on some of the stupid stuff in FiM so if the material's there I think it could be fun.
Eeeeeee, I actually won something!

Thank you so much, Orcastar! PM sent. Really looking forward to tearing into the meat of the full version of King's Bounty.

As for synchtube, I floated the idea of trying some of the abridged series as "main attractions," to the synch, which got a little bit of support. I'd suggest holding a PM ballot out of the alternatives that seem to have support (start over, old gens, abridged).

That plan gets my vote, though option 1 would if this wasn't a serious possibility.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I vote for option 3, and perhaps a marathon session a few weeks/days before season2 starts.


I'm thinking Option 2 as well. I'd better, I was one of those suggesting it, after all.

I'd like to try out some old My Little Pony cartoons, just once at least. It's a combination of morbid curiosity and the hope that we can have fun mocking them. Remember the moral of Best Night Ever, after all. The old MLP is most likely bad, but watching it together might be fun. Besides, if it turns out it's not, then we can just play TF2 that much sooner that day. The question is, do we go for the best of the old episodes, or the worst? Since there are so many, we can afford to pick and choose.

Also, I have another suggestion in case old ponies don't work out. You have a knack for finding the good fanvids, which is one of the things I'm looking forward to each time. We could perhaps just make it half an hour of fanvids, then break out the weapons and play TF2.

I have no problem with the final episode rankings, the top ten is pretty much what I'd pick. Maybe not in that exact order, but they're all good. Interesting that we've got two ties. Also, there's a 0.2 point jump from Bridle Gossip to Swarm of the Century. Not sure how to interpret that, except it seems that there's a clear "best of" tier of episodes according to PonyGAF.
Option 2 would work for people saying Option 3 as well, because if they aren't interested in it they just wouldn't watch, while those who are looking for the potential of MST3K chat hilarity would. However if we do Option 2, I have a word of advice:
- Avoid My Little Pony Newborn Cuties like the plague! -
I watched 2 episodes of that because a FiM youtube uploader had them on their channel and it was like slow torture.

I will say that I have had a morbid curiosity about My Little Pony: The Movie from 1986 since I found out that Danny DeVito was part of the VA cast.

OMG Aero

Amibguous Cad said:
As for synchtube, I floated the idea of trying some of the abridged series as "main attractions," to the synch, which got a little bit of support. I'd suggest holding a PM ballot out of the alternatives that seem to have support (start over, old gens, abridged).
That's an interesting idea, but how many abridged episodes were you thinking of watching per stream? Abridged episodes usually last around 10 minutes each so we would either have shorter streams or watch lots of episodes in each one which means we might run out of the good abridged series fairly quickly.

McNum said:
I'd like to try out some old My Little Pony cartoons, just once at least. It's a combination of morbid curiosity and the hope that we can have fun mocking them. Remember the moral of Best Night Ever, after all. The old MLP is most likely bad, but watching it together might be fun. Besides, if it turns out it's not, then we can just play TF2 that much sooner that day. The question is, do we go for the best of the old episodes, or the worst? Since there are so many, we can afford to pick and choose.

Also, I have another suggestion in case old ponies don't work out. You have a knack for finding the good fanvids, which is one of the things I'm looking forward to each time. We could perhaps just make it half an hour of fanvids, then break out the weapons and play TF2.
If we do decide on watching old episodes someone else would have to pick the episodes if we're going for quality otherwise I guess I'd just start from the beginning or whatever is readily available. All I know quality wise of the old series is that something called Newborn Cuties is one of the worst things created by mankind. I saw 5 minutes of that on a Ponygoon stream and wanted to claw my eyes out.

Having fan video only streams sounds like a good idea though and we could easily combine that with Cad's abridged idea.


AdawgDaFAB said:
Option 2 would work for people saying Option 3 as well, because if they aren't interested in it they just wouldn't watch, while those who are looking for the potential of MST3K chat hilarity would. However if we do Option 2, I have a word of advice:
- Avoid My Little Pony Newborn Cuties like the plague! -
I watched 2 episodes of that because a FiM youtube uploader had them on their channel and it was like slow torture.

I will say that I have had a morbid curiosity about My Little Pony: The Movie from 1986 since I found out that Danny DeVito was part of the VA cast.
My Little Pony The Movie? Yup, it's got Danny DeVito in it. It's, of course full movie length, though. 90-ish minutes.

On another note, there's a new Super Ponybeat out: Super Ponybeat - Singing Telegram (Postal Mix)
It sounds a little like a rethread of some of the older Ponybeats, though.


Option 2 sounds like it could be promising if we use the previous generations as something to rip on. Otherwise I'd be happy with the pony break offered in option 3.

As for Octavia, she's interesting to me because she just has a unique look and color scheme that just works very well for her. There's just something very charming about her that set her apart from her fellow orchestra members.


Amibguous Cad said:
Eeeeeee, I actually won something!

Thank you so much, Orcastar! PM sent. Really looking forward to tearing into the meat of the full version of King's Bounty.
Congratulations again on the win! Hope you enjoy the games, I know I did.

As for Synchtube, option 2 gets my vote as well. I don't really know anything about the older generations, though I do vaguely remember seeing an episode or two when I was a kid. No idea which series it was. Anyway, I'm sure it would be fun to watch them together however bad they are, and we can always just switch to fanvideos or TF2 if we start to feel our brains liquifying.

Also, the final episode rankings looks good to me. I'm surprised The Best Night Ever ended up so low though.

McNum said:
On another note, there's a new Super Ponybeat out: Super Ponybeat - Singing Telegram (Postal Mix)
It sounds a little like a rethread of some of the older Ponybeats, though.
The Not a Clever Pony remix was better.
Please explain how Octavia is any more popular than any other forefront background pony.

[I am stating in a clever way that Octavia gets just as much fanart as any other forefront pony, like the lotus twins, lyra, carrottop, derpy, etc]
Owlowiscious said:
[I am stating in a clever way that Octavia gets just as much fanart as any other forefront pony, like the lotus twins, lyra, carrottop, derpy, etc]
I'm sure there is a lot of fanart for all the ones you mentioned, but I'd imagine Derpy probably is by far the background pony with the largest amount of fanworks.
OMG Aero said:
That's an interesting idea, but how many abridged episodes were you thinking of watching per stream? Abridged episodes usually last around 10 minutes each so we would either have shorter streams or watch lots of episodes in each one which means we might run out of the good abridged series fairly quickly.

I would time it to be as long as a normal synch. I know the mentally advanced series eps are usually 10 minutes long, so I'd plan to show four during a single sitting. You're right that we'd run through them pretty quickly, but we can settle on a new direction for the synchs when we do. Possibly the idea of starting over on S1 will sound better to people with a month or two of intermission. And it's worth noting that most of the abridged series are currently in production. Mentally Advanced is churning out an episode a week, more or less.

In order to test these ideas, what if we tried a little bit of everything for the upcoming one? Something like:

-Mentally Advanced episode
-Random fanvids
-Other recommended abridged series episode
-Random fanvids
-G1 Sea Ponies episode
-Random fanvids

And then we can see whether people liked the G1 episodes or abridged episodes or what have you and go forward with the group's consensus/voting for future synchs

I know there's a lot of options on the table, but I'd also be down for just a fanvid marathon. The best of all the PMVs, YTPs, fan music, etc. that the fandom has put together.

Owlowiscious said:
Please explain how Octavia is any more popular than any other forefront background pony.

[I am stating in a clever way that Octavia gets just as much fanart as any other forefront pony, like the lotus twins, lyra, carrottop, derpy, etc]

Well, I guess I'm wondering what defines her as a "forefront" background character. Lyra has her crazy expressions and sitting-like-a-human, derpy has her crossed eyes, what about Octavia caught the eye of the fandom? Orcastar's reply was really interesting in that light, and made me appreciate her much more.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Glad I wasn't the only one who saw that.


Dear PonyGAF:

It's been a while since the last time i posted here, in my defense i like to say that i'm not that much in the fandom of the series (and, i've to say that it sometimes it freaks me out) nor play videogames that much and without new episodes of the series it's hard to post in this thread without wondering "what the hell is everyone talking about", which doesn't mean that i've forget about all of you. Now, i've like to ask you for a little favor ...


Can anyone give some Applejack traits to that Samus illustration? I'd like to rock her as avatar since it's the 25th anniversary of the first Metroid game. I'll be forever grateful.

Thanks in advance ;), i'll keep lurking until S2 starts

Ellis Kim

Dai101 said:
Dear PonyGAF:

It's been a while since the last time i posted here, in my defense i like to say that i'm not that much in the fandom of the series (and, i've to say that it sometimes it freaks me out) nor play videogames that much and without new episodes of the series it's hard to post in this thread without wondering "what the hell is everyone talking about", which doesn't mean that i've forget about all of you. Now, i've like to ask you for a little favor ...


Can anyone give some Applejack traits to that Samus illustration? I'd like to rock her as avatar since it's the 25th anniversary of the first Metroid game. I'll be forever grateful.

Thanks in advance ;), i'll keep lurking until S2 starts
I'll see what I can do.
Amibguous Cad said:
Well, I guess I'm wondering what defines her as a "forefront" background character. Lyra has her crazy expressions and sitting-like-a-human, derpy has her crossed eyes, what about Octavia caught the eye of the fandom? Orcastar's reply was really interesting in that light, and made me appreciate her much more.
Faded colors as opposed to sharp outline.

Click Me

Ellis Kim

Here ya go, Dai101


I tried to put the cutie mark somewhere on her, but it just wasn't really all that prominent. If you don't like the metroid, you could always cut it out without much consequence, I think.

Because really, without a cutie mark, she's just Samus with an alternative ponytail and cowboy hat, lol.

edit: fixed the mistake

And incase anyone's wondering, the amazing original drawing is from here: http://zgul-osr1113.deviantart.com/art/Samus-Aran-127650549

edit2: aww man, Damn. I just noticed that there's a notable loss in detail that was caused by enlarging the image (when I worked on it) and then shrinking it back down to the original width size.

Oh well :S Its gonna be shrunk even more as an avatar, anyways.


Neo Member
I'd be okay with older episodes of G1 if for nothing more than the fact it would be interesting to watch it MST3K style. Abridged would be fine too. There's also the G1 movie as well if you really want to torture yourselves. :p I'd like to keep something going on the synchtube since I'm not able to really play TF2 as my computer is too old to run it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
DeadPhoenix said:
This, plus her awesome battle music(okay the battle music is fan made and came later, but its the only thing I really like about her)

wait wait what

McNum said:
My Little Pony The Movie? Yup, it's got Danny DeVito in it. It's, of course full movie length, though. 90-ish minutes.

On another note, there's a new Super Ponybeat out: Super Ponybeat - Singing Telegram (Postal Mix)
It sounds a little like a rethread of some of the older Ponybeats, though.
about FUCKING time holy fuck
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