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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Nocturnowl said:
Someone get some obese blobby human ponies in here, the reactions will be so gold that I could start a jewelery business and live a life of luxurious wealth!

I don't think that'd be the best of ideas lol


Mirimar said:

See? SEE? Human ponies don't seem so bad anymore, huh?

DrForester said:
Wouldn't she have won anyway since she hit the post? Not too familair with the rules...

Foxix Von

mj1108 said:
Oh my god... how big is that print and where did you have it done?

Hmmm, to answer a bunch of different posts at one time: my mom actually works at the highschool and I found out through her that at the school's gym they have a very big printer for banners/parents that want to have large photos of their kids doing sports activities and things. I didn't want to fiddle with cropping the image because it would have probably been unreasonably large to fit anywhere without the space around the image. So I just took the image on a flash drive to the highschool and had it printed at 36x24 or so and then to avoid fiddling with uneven cutting of white space I just took it to the local print shop and had them trim it off. I go to the school to have any prints done since their prices are extremely reasonable, at least compared to the print shop when I asked how much they would charge for a print of that size. I also have a very nice phantasy star print that the local shop would have charged upwards of 30 bucks for:

There was probably a good inch or so of space on each side so after trimming it's probably like 34x23. The last time I went to the shop to have it trimmed they were super friendly and only charged me 2.50. Yesterday was someone different who wanted 5 bucks
. Anyway it only cost 12.96 for the print and 5 for trimming.

All in all it cost 17.96 plus whatever tax is on 5 bucks and was printed at the highschool and trimmed at a print shop, even though it just now occurred to me that my girl's dad has a ton of drafting equipment and I could have just cut it at her place >_>.

And yes I worked at gamestop for a couple years, quit then worked at a blockbuster, and now just work once every few weeks or so for fun at gamestop again when I'm not busy. Picked up all sorts of crazy promo stuff while working there, good job on spotting the sonic hat.

As for the image I used, I got it from Doc's post here:
DrForester said:

Comic-con poster vectors, without the OC ponies in the balloon.


Also, amazing knowyourmeme.com history video on Ponies.



Nocturnowl said:
I'd say they are my favourite style of human ponies, if anyone here does see anything controversial about them i'd be intrigued to hear the reasoning, unless the reasoning is "they are human ponies"
One could say that Applejack has an invisible Big Mac moment going on, but human pants kind of ruin the joke.

Orcastar said:
Wouldn't she have won anyway since she hit the post? Not too familair with the rules...
Dash threw first and landed near the post. AJ threw second and her shot landed farther.

While Dash was teasing AJ about the two throws, AJ picked up Dash's second shoe and placed it on Dash's nose. My theory is that the nose is not a proper throwing position, since Dash's second throw hit the side of a barn, and that Dash accepted AJ's playful silliness as a signal that any serious competition had ended and playtime had begun, and/or that it was time for Dash to self-impose another handicap.

AJ's second throw (using her mouth, the hands of any non-Unicorn) was perfect, which made Dash change emotional gears back into competition mode, but it was already too late for that, which frustrated her and sparked that episode's escalation.

The blue/yellow in the circled shoes in the second angle are simply backwards in an animation error. The yellow-colored shoe on the post is still correct.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Choppasmith said:
Speaking of GIFs, I thought I'd ask here instead of making a thread somewhere. Can anyone recommend a good offline GIF viewer. I generally use Irfanview which is great for the most part, but it just SUCKS for gifs. Much appreciated.
I don't really know if it is good for GIFs in particular, but have you tried XnView?

RiccochetJ said:
Found my second ferret convulsing this morning. Saw this with my first one. It's a matter of weeks if not days now :(
Sorry to hear about that, I've read about how much you love your pets. :(

Mirimar said:
Hm... yeah, right. This particular undesirable appropriation of the show is an unfortunate effect of the scene on the first episode where Twilight meets Applejack. I don't think there is anyone in PonyGAF who gets off on that kind of stuff, though... Unless, of course...

Exploration of such themes is better left to other channels, in my opinion. Don't you think?

Orcastar said:
See? SEE? Human ponies don't seem so bad anymore, huh?
Every dark cloud has a silver lining, thanks for reminding us. :)


Gold Member
Myke Greywolf said:
Sorry to hear about that, I've read about how much you love your pets. :(

Thanks Myke. Here's a couple pictures of my lil one being interested in your design :)



Here's the two of them in happier days. There was a snow storm and they wanted to go play out in the snow. I opened the door and they had to decide. This is them contemplating.


Foxix said:
Let's not get too excited here.
Hmm, there doesn't seem to be a chubs lyra meme...
Though this is different, Sweetie Derelle? Has that been posted here? Had no idea about that one.

Derelle ball Rarity

Unaltered original



ruby_onix said:
Dash threw first and landed near the post. AJ threw second and her shot landed farther.

While Dash was teasing AJ about the two throws, AJ picked up Dash's second shoe and placed it on Dash's nose. My theory is that the nose is not a proper throwing position, since Dash's second throw hit the side of a barn, and that Dash accepted AJ's playful silliness as a signal that any serious competition had ended and playtime had begun, and/or that it was time for Dash to self-impose another handicap.

AJ's second throw (using her mouth, the hands of any non-Unicorn) was perfect, which made Dash change emotional gears back into competition mode, but it was already too late for that, which frustrated her and sparked that episode's escalation.

The blue/yellow in the circled shoes in the second angle are simply backwards in an animation error. The yellow-colored shoe on the post is still correct.
Reading your posts always makes me wish I was more analytical, though at the same time I fear analyzing the show too closely might diminish my enjoyment of it. In any case, your theory does make sense, even if using such underhanded tactics is at odds with AJ being the element of honesty. However, as we've seen time and time again, just because the cast embody the elements of harmony does not mean that they are perfect examples of their respective elements; they've all failed to live up to their own elements at least once.

Of course my first instinct is to question whether the writers would think about such minute details so deeply, but then again one of the biggest reasons why the show has garnered such a devoted following is because they decided that a show aimed at children does not need to be dumbed down. The few official making of videos do give the impression that Studio B puts an insane amount of work into the show, so I guess it is plausible that all the details that make analyses like yours possible are completely delibirate. In the end that just makes me appreciate the show even more.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Okay, so I've decided to run through the entire season a third time, and I thought I'd spend this watch through looking for the craziest still frames I could find. The animators are crafting each and every still frame of this show and if you aren't careful you can be skipping some of their best animation work. Or sometimes, their hilarious mistakes.

So without further ado, here are some of my favorite frames from Episode 3: The Ticket Master.


This frame is pretty awesome for a reaction image. Pinkie's face is especially funny.


The hilarious results of teleportation.


This frame just looks... unsettling. I don't even know what's going on with Twilight here.


If there's a problem with this show's animation, it's that non traditional poses tend to go weirdly off model. Does she even look like a horse here?


You can tell the animators had fun with this one. Rarity's face is awesome.


But the winner of this episode was actually Spike, proving again why he's the best character of this show. Let's take a further look!


He's chewing here, but that's not what it looks like! In fact, I'm not really sure what this looks like.


No Spike, that's not how you do it.


Twilight's adorkableness occasionally rubs off on Spike.


I uh..... no comment.


And here's the best frame in the whole episode. Every time I see this picture, I laugh. Every. Single. Time.

And as a bonus, here's an awesome animation error!




Orcastar said:
Reading your posts always makes me wish I was more analytical, though at the same time I fear analyzing the show too closely might diminish my enjoyment of it.
I find I'm able to shut off my brain and enjoy simple things for what they are. MLP:FIM in particular makes that very easy. But it's sort of a fun mental/creative exercise on later viewings to assume that much greater depth is in there, and look deeper until you find it (even if all you end up finding is a reflection of something you brought in with you). I don't really take it that seriously, and it hasn't negatively affected my simple enjoyment of the show in reruns, but I'm sure it's not for everyone.

It's probably about as bothersome as combing over an episode looking for good out-of-context reaction images, or listening for the point when the voice actor is swapped for the singing voice. Or watching for the use of stuntmen in live action shows. Sometimes when it works, you'll see something you can't unsee, and maybe it can be a bit distracting in later viewings. No real harm. Distraction wears off.

In any case, your theory does make sense, even if using such underhanded tactics is at odds with AJ being the element of honesty. However, as we've seen time and time again, just because the cast embody the elements of harmony does not mean that they are perfect examples of their respective elements; they've all failed to live up to their own elements at least once.
AJ wasn't being underhanded or dishonest here. Dash was provoking her, so she responded by putting a shoe on Dash's face. I don't think AJ expected Dash to actually throw from that position. AJ had a good laugh at Dash's clowning around, but then Dash said the game was still on, and told AJ to throw. AJ had no real choice but to keep playing seriously, and her excitement over her perfect shot was genuine. Logically, AJ might want to accept that Dash wasn't being entirely serious when she was playing, but people aren't immediately selfless in victory, and AJ did even agree to a rematch (which next wound up putting pressure back on AJ).

I don't blame AJ or Dash for what happened, because I thought the show went out of it's way to present a multitude of small, evenly-matched escalations (although someone suggested that AJ is the more sensible of the two, so she should've been less likely to fall into that sort of spiral... until you take her speculated wing envy into account). I was mostly surprised to see that people blamed Dash, when I thought it was equal. But the blame seems to come from not asking why ponies were acting the way they were, and Dash's motivations were less obvious in this instance. This was a great episode for looking into what makes Rainbow Dash tick. Since Rainbow Dash's actions were mostly unusual and unexplained, AJ's similar actions were forgiven as valid responses. Also, AJ made an open declaration of cheating, which was surprisingly effective in swaying opinion.
At which hour is going to be the synchtube?

Myke Greywolf said:
Oh, come on, it's not that bad. :)

Except for that kid on the top of the first picture. That's just wrong.

In other news, spanish-speaking PonyGAFfers can now evaluate the official latin american spanish dub for "The Ticketmaster":

Part one
Part two

Im wating here for the european spanish series that is released in spetember. Thyve "released" the dubbed the opening and its a piece of shit, when the ponies sing at the middle, it sounds like an old woman speaking, the worst of all fluttershy., in fact, it doesnt to seem to change the voices at all and hears like only one person singing.
Its so bad that im pretty sure that are not the voices that are going to be used for the show, and that they are not even choosed yet, and it has just been done fast to make it usuable for the toy adverts, and that even the opening in the show itself is going to change. Or at least Im praying for that.

The voices in the latin american one dont seem bad at all, but the translation... lets say people of Spain dont talk like that :lol
I wouldn't personally buy it, but I'm sure others would be interested and the concept of the pic looks like it could turn into a cool looking picture / shirt. Plus, more Belle action pics are always interesting to see being made.

The reason I wouldn't is simply because I'm not into the whole "Let's put zombies in everything and it will make it cool!" thing that seemed to be going on everywhere recently. I think the only things that I ever liked involving zombies were Dead Rising and Resident Evil.

OMG Aero

drifter444 said:
So if some people don't like human ponies and some people don't like ponies in human poses, what's the consensus on humans with ponies?
SpacePirate Ridley said:
At which hour is going to be the synchtube?
It starts at midnight BST. I have just over an hours worth of videos and then we'll be playing TF2 if you have that and want to join in too.


I don't know if it's anticipation or dread, but I'm looking forward to seeing how good/bad/awesome G1 was.

In preparation, I have found the following videos to be used as a barely witty response:
"The horror. The horror!"
Same as above, different pony.
"It was awful!"
*faint* (Which by the way could be funny to add to the playlist just before the G1 episode. Can Synchtube handle so short videos?)

In any case, it should be fun. See you at the synchronized internet tube watching!

Edit: You know what I love about Youtube? Related videos! Best laugh all day.


ruby_onix said:
AJ wasn't being underhanded or dishonest here. Dash was provoking her, so she responded by putting a shoe on Dash's face. I don't think AJ expected Dash to actually throw from that position. AJ had a good laugh at Dash's clowning around, but then Dash said the game was still on, and told AJ to throw. AJ had no real choice but to keep playing seriously, and her excitement over her perfect shot was genuine. Logically, AJ might want to accept that Dash wasn't being entirely serious when she was playing, but people aren't immediately selfless in victory, and AJ did even agree to a rematch (which next wound up putting pressure back on AJ).

I don't blame AJ or Dash for what happened, because I thought the show went out of it's way to present a multitude of small, evenly-matched escalations (although someone suggested that AJ is the more sensible of the two, so she should've been less likely to fall into that sort of spiral... until you take her speculated wing envy into account). I was mostly surprised to see that people blamed Dash, when I thought it was equal. But the blame seems to come from not asking why ponies were acting the way they were, and Dash's motivations were less obvious in this instance. This was a great episode for looking into what makes Rainbow Dash tick. Since Rainbow Dash's actions were mostly unusual and unexplained, AJ's similar actions were forgiven as valid responses. Also, AJ made an open declaration of cheating, which was surprisingly effective in swaying opinion.

Heh, shows you what a cynic I am when I can't see playful teasing without thinking there are some ulterior motives behind it. But yes, that does make more sense, since it means Dash lost the horseshoe toss because of her overconfidence.

I think both AJ's and Dash's responses to the escalation were ultimately in line with their character: Dash is too brash to think about the consequences of her actions, while AJ is too proud and stubborn to back down from a challenge before it's too late. Regarding the opinion that AJ is the more sensible one of the two, I would agree, but add that she tends to lose perspective when she puts herself on the line; whether this is because of wing-envy or an overall feeling of inferiority for being an earth pony is of course open for debate, though it does also explain why she accuses Dash of cheating. It would be interesting to see the show explore this angle, but I doubt it will ever happen. Anyway, I think in the end both AJ and Dash exhibited their most prominent character flaws in the episode.

I wouldn't blame AJ or Dash for what happened either. I'd much rather place the blame on the nature of the competition: the events in the iron pony competition clearly favored the use of wings. I mean the competition was tied at 5 before Dash started using her wings, but at the end the results were 15 to 5 for Dash, meaning she won every event from there on out; would wings really give her that big of an advantage? Actually, since the competition was presumably tailored for AJ and Dash, you would think that the ponies (the writers really) would come up with events that would allow both pegasi and earth ponies to use their natural abilities to their fullest without having to handicap themselves as Dash did at the start of the competition.

Actually scratch that, the real problem is not the competition, but the fact that the show depicts pegasi as being far too superior to earth ponies. In addittion to Fall Weather Friends, this is evident in Sonic Rainboom as well; how was Dash able to carry three of the Wonderbolts and Rarity and still be able to fly back to the arena? Sure, Dash is an extreme outlier in flying just as Twilight is in magic, but the power of her wings is still too exaggarated. I mean it's all well and good for Faust to claim earth ponies have a deeper connection with nature and are more hardier than the other two castes, but the show has so far shown little evidence of this beyond AJ's talent for maintaining her apple orchard. As it is now, being a pegasus almost seems like a superpower from an earth pony perspective instead of a natural trait, which is at odds with the relative in-universe realism the show seems to strive for.

On an unrelated note, I saw G4 ponies for the first time in Ireland at the local Tesco today. They only had some of the playsets, the big Celestia toy and Twilight's balloon though, which is just as well since I might have caved if they'd had a brushable Pinkie or some blind bags.
Ellis Kim said:

Possible Belle fighting off zombie ponies shirt design...? Would you guys buy it?
I would iif it was from hasbro. Not from you because you're using official stuff. Same reason why i won't buy the one with dash's cutie mark made into neogaf logo

edit 2- lol I was making that post thinking "man it'd be nice if it was belle being chased by zombies" and oh hey it was

edit- lol right after this post i see this shirt design that i would buy up immediately :p http://i.imgur.com/v9Xqf.png i think i'm a hypocrit
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