My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Community thread's been dead for months now anyway. A handful have done a pretty great job of ensuring people won't come here/driving away those who do. Some bronies just want to watch the world burn.


RomanticHeroX said:
Community thread's been dead for months now anyway. A handful have done a pretty great job of ensuring people won't come here/driving away those who do. Some bronies just want to watch the world burn.
why you so depressed :(
Some people sure like bringing the atmosphere of the thread crashing down with their doom and gloom.

And on the night before pony day! For shame!

Time for an image dump featuring things that you personally might either like or dislike, but you have to tolerate because that's something you do as a mature adult.




I dont want this thread to die. I don't really partake in other forums, so it's pretty much the only active MLP thread I'll be in. The daaww is the best lets not kill it :D


Obsidian fan
Slamtastic said:
I was under the impression that we were all refined Gentlecolts in this thread.

It appears I was mistaken!
Some of us are.

What direction are you supposed to pass the port at the table?

No Googling.
Port is the best. But I'm a philistine and will drink it from the freezer, before dessert, and the $5 a bottle kind. I just love really sweet wines.

Link Man

T. S. said:
Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that even though we may strive for harmony every day, life has a tendency to throw chaos in our face. Sometimes, what one pony may see as a joke, another may view as a grievous offense. Some days we may even feel like the world is crumbling beneath our hooves. However, as long as we hold the capacity for apology and forgiveness in our hearts, the bonds of our friendship will never shatter; and as long as we continue to strive for harmony even in the face of chaos, we will always wake up to a bright new morning.

Ever your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle



RomanticHeroX said:
Community thread's been dead for months now anyway. A handful have done a pretty great job of ensuring people won't come here/driving away those who do. Some bronies just want to watch the world burn.
Some of those who drive posters away attract others.

Link Man

judhudson said:
So I made these for a friend's birthday tomorrow. I kind of don't want to give them over to her now...[img][/quote]

The CMC would fit nicely in that style.


judhudson said:
So I made these for a friend's birthday tomorrow. I kind of don't want to give them over to her now...[IMG][/QUOTE]
Really nice job with those!


Neo Member
PBalfredo said:
This art is pretty awesome, but I question whether Rarity/Sweetie Belle's father is a Unicorn at all.


Judging by a couple of close ups, if he had a horn, it would either be sticking out the bottom of his hat or you would see it through a hole in his hat. We don't really see either. Also, the handful of times we've seen male unicorns in the series, especially more in the work/draft-style horse which he's based on, they've had very prominent horns:


To me, his cutie mark is also that more of an earth pony then a unicorn pony. Football seems like the kind of game an Earth Pony would have more talent in while unicorns are more sciences/magic/music/design/art etc. Obviously, this isn't always the case, but it's just been my general observations over the course of the series.

Obviously, we probably won't know 100% until they show him without his hat on, but there's been talk that not all parentage of ponies has been the same race even though the other two sets of parents from the mane six we've seen (Twilight's and Pinkie's) have been. To me, Rarity and Sweetie Belle got their horns and manes from their mother while they got their coats from their father.

OMG Aero

Remember that you can check the time of today's Synchtube at THIS LINK.
According to CaptainFish daylight savings has confused everyone in America so if I don't post that here you will miss the stream.
Kirby starts an hour before as usual.
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