Proof once and for all that Discord's head was supposed to be a goat.
Welcome new forum version overlords!
Welcome new forum version overlords!
Taking this once I get on a PC. Hard to change avatars from a phone.
This would fit DrForester, methinks.
This would fit DrForester, methinks.
The good Dr. would never change avatars
Unless it's for a Belle-fest.
Yeah, Only change to DrCelestia on PonyGAF holidays.
Ah, that's too bad, it's pretty much perfect.
I'd take it, but I'm too attached to my current one.
I thought you didn't like ponies anymore? Your opinion is invalid.@Regulus Tera
I like your new avatar. I like the zelda ones. If you change your avatar to something that doesnt please me, I will insult you whenever I quote you or directly address you
Stoopy head
I don't like your avatar either.@Regulus Tera
I don't like your new avatar. I like your older ones. Until you change your avatar to something that pleases me, I will insult you whenever I quote you or directly address you
Stoopy head
I thought you didn't like ponies anymore? Your opinion is invalid.
who wants to make my new avatar?horizontal flip this and cut out the background
Huge breast!!Some new vectors for avatar use if anyone may be interested:
Maybe in that future Earth, Discord didn't so much arrive as was born. Whether he came about through experementation or natural evolution, I'm thinking he was simply the first "ascended" human who, in addition to inhereting considerable abilities in telepathy and telekinesis from his already highly evolved human parents, was the first to be able to bend reality and affect the laws of physics simply by willing it. These powers most likely awakened when he was just a child, and so he remade the world into the kind of fairy tale land he had imagined from children's books and the bedtime stories his parents had told him.Yay, PonyGAF is back.
Sooo... I was just thinking randomly about how Team Celestia keeps saying that Nightmare Moon was trying to kill everypony by creating eternal night (lies and slander!), and lo and behold, Lauren goes and explains the situation. I should think things more often.
Nightmare Moon wasn't just trying to create night (which by our human science would kill all life), she was trying to create an "era of evil". The ponies would have probably survived, as her minions.
Also, when I was thinking about things, I thought "How did all life not die out before Celestia arrived?" And then I remembered the show-provided answer. Discord.
Discord ruled over a world of chaos where physical laws were constantly changing, but all life didn't die out (unless he killed everypony sometimes, only to bring them back later). For all we know, he's responsible for ponies being brightly colored and intelligent with cutie marks and wings and horns (he's the original Brony). If Equestria is Earth, then maybe ponies were actually human before Discord arrived and started messing with the universe.
Discord probably gave Celestia and Luna their Alicorn powers randomly, at which point they decided that ponies would be happier without his rule, so they attacked and defeated him. At which point they "stopped" the ever-changing world. It's Celestia and Luna's fault that ponies need to manually operate it's basic functions like the sun and moon and the change of seasons.
Maybe in that future Earth, Discord didn't so much arrive as was born. Whether he came about through experementation or natural evolution, I'm thinking he was simply the first "ascended" human who, in addition to inhereting considerable abilities in telepathy and telekinesis from his already highly evolved human parents, was the first to be able to bend reality and affect the laws of physics simply by willing it. These powers most likely awakened when he was just a child, and so he remade the world into the kind of fairy tale land he had imagined from children's books and the bedtime stories his parents had told him.
Check your local laws for that one, really. Here in Denmark it'd be fine, for instance. We're allowed to copy from one media to another for personal use, which to me, is the sane way of looking at it, but this particular point is different in various countries.I have a question for you guys. I really hope it's something that isn't frowned upon or that shouldn't be discussed here on GAF.
I'm tempted to purchase Season 1 in iTunes. I pretty much given up hope that we'll see a boxset from Hasbro by reading the employee's replies in the official Shout! forum (the dvd company that Hasbro uses). I'm debating if I should go ahead, buy the whole season and use software to burn to disc and to make my own boxset so I can take with me with my laptop and/or portable dvd player. Is this a gray area considering I'll be spending the $50?
Pegasus master race confirmed again
That's Pinkie Pie. Rarity is Squiggletail.I don't see how Rarity is songsmile
Who?That's Pinkie Pie. Rarity is Squiggletail.![]()
Well, some Deviant Artists have lost no time in spotting the Twilight Dash implications from this episode.
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but I'm sure some will appreciate this! I love metal, and this just sounds so epic.