My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Slamtastic said:
Time for some random lolwut. Poland, you so crazy.

Its more fun if you can actually understand the language, like me :p

The male blind bag ponies form the new series (like big mac) are females on the polish descriptions, too.

Link Man

I like the idea of limiting myself to 3 images per post, as it drives me to be more selective and gives others a chance to post. However, posting thumbnails that link to the DA page are a bit misleading, as most people associate clicking on thumbnails with viewing the full image (I always link to the DA page anyway). That said, if I do find an image that is overly large, I will immediately try to resize it (Imgur has a handy option for that).

But enough chatter, here's some more fanart.



ChuckNoLuck said:
Sorry, it's probably my fault, but the first thing I noticed was what Dash was doing to the cloud with her lightning bolt...
Even the way she's posed makes it look like that. >_>
OMG Aero said:
And why don't you like to do that? It's considered good practice not to leech images from other websites as long as you link back to the original source.

People seemed to use thumbnails for a bit when I said how a while ago, so once again here is Aero's Handy Dandy Thumbnail guide:

1. Go to Imgur and either upload the image from your computer if you saved it or from web if you just have the url for it.
2. Copy the code in the "Linked BBCode (message boards)" section and paste it in your post
3. In the IMG part of the code, type an m between the end of the url and the file type. As an example this code (Sans slashes):[IMG][URL]

Becomes this:

[B]4. [/B]If you have no source for your image then the code is ready to post. If you do have a source (Such as a deviantart page) then replace the Imgur link in the URL part of the code with it to give proper credit to the artist and help people find more from them if they like it.
So following these steps for the image I found would give me this code (Again without slashes):

Which becomes this:

This doesn't stretch any pages, makes the thread easier to read and also has the benefit of allowing people to skip images they may not like (Such as human ponies, fanon comics etc) so they don't have to complain about them.

Alternatively we could just set a hard limit on how many fanart pics people can have in one post. In the PokeGAF community thread you can only post three at a time.

This is what I've been doing for ages now, it looks like a lot, but it's pretty easy to do. A nice benefit is by setting up a free imgur account it makes the pics easy to find later on if you ever want to share the link with people outside of the thread as well.

Another thing I have done when posting a lot of DA images is to get the thumbnail image from the DA gallery, like so:



I can understand why some may not like it, but for the record, I have absolutely no problem with massive image dumps. It's easier than having to figure out how to use deviantart myself. >.>


Yay, PonyGAF is back.

Sooo... I was just thinking randomly about how Team Celestia keeps saying that Nightmare Moon was trying to kill everypony by creating eternal night (lies and slander!), and lo and behold, Lauren goes and explains the situation. I should think things more often.

Nightmare Moon wasn't just trying to create night (which by our human science would kill all life), she was trying to create an "era of evil". The ponies would have probably survived, as her minions.

Also, when I was thinking about things, I thought "How did all life not die out before Celestia arrived?" And then I remembered the show-provided answer. Discord.

Discord ruled over a world of chaos where physical laws were constantly changing, but all life didn't die out (unless he killed everypony sometimes, only to bring them back later). For all we know, he's responsible for ponies being brightly colored and intelligent with cutie marks and wings and horns (he's the original Brony). If Equestria is Earth, then maybe ponies were actually human before Discord arrived and started messing with the universe.

Discord probably gave Celestia and Luna their Alicorn powers randomly, at which point they decided that ponies would be happier without his rule, so they attacked and defeated him. At which point they "stopped" the ever-changing world. It's Celestia and Luna's fault that ponies need to manually operate it's basic functions like the sun and moon and the change of seasons.
People who don't break the image links when quoting them are fucking jerks, even with the new resize thingy.

I always feel bad for people with slow / limited internet when I see pages in threads that have people quoting big pictures over and over without removing the


I always feel bad for people with slow / limited internet when I see pages in threads that have people quoting big pictures over and over without removing the tags.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure that a requoted pic doesn't use any extra bandwidth so long as it's on the same page. If it fit in your memory cache, it might not even use more bandwidth on a different page. It can mess with low-performance computers though, and it creates vertical spam for people who aren't interested.
I meant to also mention people browsing on weak computers or mobile devices. Is there a mobile version of GAF that can disable tagged images?
Is there no Twilight version of those stained glass pics?
Edit: Yup, there are actually a lot of cool stained glass pics in that person's gallery. Here it is Twilight's to finish the mane 6 from above.

Also, that filly Twilight pic = ;___;
People who don't break the image links when quoting them are fucking jerks, even with the new resize thingy.

If you're quoting a single image, and the post you're quoting isn't super recent, I think it's perfectly fine to quote images for realzies. It's more annoying to people reading the thread to have no idea what the poster is commenting on.

Seeing the same image ten times in a row though is annoying, yeah.

OMG Aero

Quiz Time!
Who is pink, almost always happy and eats a lot?
who will be on the Synchtube in 2 hours!

Who is blue and the coolest character in the show?
Meta-Knight Rainbow Dash
whose episode will be on the Synchtube in 3 hours!
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