My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Alright I've finally completely adsorbed Saturday's episode, and I have to say FUCK THAT
I refuse to accept that turtle (sorry Tortoise) as Dash's pet, it completely goes against her personality. I see this as evidence that Hasbro is is more actively interfering the show and it hurts the story. Did the writers forget she lives on a cloud? So much for the toys and show being separate. Dash wasn't acting like herself at all either, she doesn't seem like the type to break down and cry because the odds are against her (and really, they weren't). I'm not trying to deconstruct a children's cartoon, it just felt like this episode lacked the clever writing I've come to expect from the series. I can accept the idea that Twilight could let her OCD run a little wild, I can accept the idea that Fluttershy might snap under enough pressure, and I can even accept the idea that Pinkie uses her bubbly personality to hide a tortured soul. What I can't accept is Dash doing a complete 180 on her personality in 5 seconds.


Kills Photobucket
Alright I've finally completely adsorbed Saturday's episode, and I have to say FUCK THAT
I refuse to accept that turtle (sorry Tortoise) as Dash's pet, it completely goes against her personality. I see this as evidence that Hasbro is is more actively interfering the show and it hurts the story. Did the writers forget she lives on a cloud? So much for the toys and show being separate. Dash wasn't acting like herself at all either, she doesn't seem like the type to break down and cry because the odds are against her (and really, they weren't). I'm not trying to deconstruct a children's cartoon, it just felt like this episode lacked the clever writing I've come to expect from the series. I can accept the idea that Twilight could let her OCD run a little wild, I can accept the idea that Fluttershy might snap under enough pressure, and I can even accept the idea that Pinkie uses her bubbly personality to hide a tortured soul. What I can't accept is Dash doing a complete 180 on her personality in 5 seconds.

Dash is the element of loyalty. She went with the pet that was loyal to her. It fits her personally to pick Tank. She learned a lesson about what a qualities are important. It fit the show perfectly.

Not to mention it's very clever that the two most polar opposite ponies, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have pets that are also their polar opposites (Angel would make a great pet for Dash, and Tank for Fluttershy).

As for the cloud home. Celestia made a helicopter attachment for Dash's pet (or at least provided the power source), I'm sure it's not a problem making the turtle compatible with clouds.


^All right I'll buy that. But did they have to make her look like somepony who puts on a tough show to impress ponies but is in fact a complete baby? Because you and I both know that's not Rainbow Dash. She may suffer from stage fright, but she's no coward.
As requested before, here is this week's Synchtube playlist (I'm not going to link directly to episodes because that's probably against some rule):
Pony 64 - Rock Star Quicksand
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! - Cappy New Year
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! - Abusement Park
Cornered Pony
Beyond Her Garden
PMV - The Stars Will Aid In Her Escape (Cosmic Love)
MLP:FIM - May the Best Pet Win
Pokey Smokes - Avast Fluttershy's Lament

Thanks for doing this. I finally got around to watching the episode just now so I'll check out all the other vids yall saw in a bit.


I thought the episode seemed a touch off, but I think Tank's a great (maybe perfect) pet for Rainbow Dash. I dislike that they gave him a helicopter add-on though. Totally defeats who he is.

Also, I expected Tank to float down the river, but according to the internets, tortoises are unique in that they're the only kind of turtle that can't swim.

All right I'll buy that. But did they have to make her look like somepony who puts on a tough show to impress ponies but is in fact a complete baby? Because you and I both know that's not Rainbow Dash. She may suffer from stage fright, but she's no coward.
Rainbow Dash was afraid of the gorge, and was lying when she said she wasn't. Rewatch the part where she says it's not scary. Totally lying to herself. And yet, it was entirely her idea to go there and she obviously loved it (at first). She enjoys flirting with her fears when she's in total control of the situation, but broke down when faced with little more than the idea of being trapped in that gorge, helpless indefinitely.

Edit: Thinking about it, when Dash said "C'mon slowpokes, you want to win, don't you?" and then charged into the thorn patch, I suspect she wasn't as much taunting the pets, as she was keeping herself psyched up. It also explains her meek "I'm the one who was supposed to win" after she got caught.
Dash does talk a big game, but it's usually nothing she can't back up. Even though it was a challenge, she did enjoy Ghastly Gorge, because she likes challenges. Being trapped under a rock wasn't a challenge, or even a fear she could face and surmount, it was a defeat. Yes it's true that she wouldn't have been trapped for that long because her friends were nearby and knew where she was, but the situation wasn't in her control. Thus the despair.
I thought the episode seemed a touch off, but I think Tank's a great (maybe perfect) pet for Rainbow Dash. I dislike that they gave him a helicopter add-on though. Totally defeats who he is.

I agree with this, based on the short glimpse we've gotten. It seems kinda silly to come to the conclusion that he's a great pet despite how different he is from Dash, but still require him to change. I think a tortoise caddy or sling for Dash would've been interesting. It would've made him a literal burden (albeit a light one, since she can lift him with one hoof), showing Dash's willingness to give up a little for the sake of someone she cares about.

I assume they have ideas for him this way though, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see more of Tank before the season is through. I'm just hopeful that they'll find ways to express his characteristic slowness, when he makes his next appearance.


Kills Photobucket
Dash does talk a big game, but it's usually nothing she can't back up. Even though it was a challenge, she did enjoy Ghastly Gorge, because she likes challenges. Being trapped under a rock wasn't a challenge, or even a fear she could face and surmount, it was a defeat. Yes it's true that she wouldn't have been trapped for that long because her friends were nearby and knew where she was, but the situation wasn't in her control. Thus the despair.

I agree with this, based on the short glimpse we've gotten. It seems kinda silly to come to the conclusion that he's a great pet despite how different he is from Dash, but still require him to change. I think a tortoise caddy or sling for Dash would've been interesting. It would've made him a literal burden (albeit a light one, since she can lift him with one hoof), showing Dash's willingness to give up a little for the sake of someone she cares about.

I assume they have ideas for him this way though, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see more of Tank before the season is through. I'm just hopeful that they'll find ways to express his characteristic slowness, when he makes his next appearance.

The helicopter works for me. Look how Tank put on his sunglasses, he wants to be cool. , and the helicopter add on helps him to do that. He doesn't wan't to be a burden to Dash, he wants to be her pet.


Unconfirmed Member
The helicopter works for me. Look how Tank put on his sunglasses, he wants to be cool. , and the helicopter add on helps him to do that. He doesn't wan't to be a burden to Dash, he wants to be her pet.

Goes against the entire exchange between Twilight and AJ though. Instead of slowing down to care and play with a creature vis-a-vi accepting Tanks limitations as well as his unique strengths, she didn't learn a damn thing.

Unless the "care and affection" that Tank needed was a magical helicopter mod. Then I guess it fits.


Kills Photobucket
Goes against the entire exchange between Twilight and AJ though. Instead of slowing down to care and play with a creature vis-a-vi accepting Tanks limitations as well as his unique strengths, she didn't learn a damn thing.

Unless the "care and affection" that Tank needed was a magical helicopter mod. Then I guess it fits.

But we see in the episode that Tank wanted to be faster. He tried that obstical course, and other things welll beyond his limitations. The helicopter was just as much to make Tank happy.


Well, Tank has to be able to get to and from Cloudsdale somehow. And yes, the helicopter turtle tortoise is a bit silly, but on the other hoof, it's a solution to a problem. Namely Tank has no way to get to Rainbow's home. If it wasn't for the golden glow that tells that Princess Celestia had a horn in the matter, I'd have pegged the helicopter mod to be a Pinkie Pie invention.

That or it was just a gag that one of the animators had drawn and it got thrown in for a cheap laugh at the end.

By the way, I'm not the only one happy to see energetic Fluttershy make a return, am I? It makes sense for her to, well, geek out over a pony wanting to adopt a pet, especially when that pony is a friend of hers.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Alright I've finally completely adsorbed Saturday's episode, and I have to say FUCK THAT
I refuse to accept that turtle (sorry Tortoise) as Dash's pet, it completely goes against her personality. I see this as evidence that Hasbro is is more actively interfering the show and it hurts the story. Did the writers forget she lives on a cloud? So much for the toys and show being separate. Dash wasn't acting like herself at all either, she doesn't seem like the type to break down and cry because the odds are against her (and really, they weren't). I'm not trying to deconstruct a children's cartoon, it just felt like this episode lacked the clever writing I've come to expect from the series. I can accept the idea that Twilight could let her OCD run a little wild, I can accept the idea that Fluttershy might snap under enough pressure, and I can even accept the idea that Pinkie uses her bubbly personality to hide a tortured soul. What I can't accept is Dash doing a complete 180 on her personality in 5 seconds.
Tank saved her life.

Life-threatening situations tend to be shocking!


Kills Photobucket
That would work, if her friends couldn't see the avalanche from the finish line.

But RD isn't really the type of pony to think things out. Not the first time she over reacted ("I'm going to be banished for flying badly!")

Edit: actually, now that I think about it, none of the ponies think things out very well.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he is treated the exact same way as Owlowicious.
As the best pet ever that's like totally awesome and radical and cool? Yeah. Sure.

I'm ok with the helicopter, but my FANON tells me that they take it off after they arrive. Like they only wear it to get places then when they get there they take it off. And since we won't be seeing tank for another 20+ episodes probably, I'll keep imaging that until it changes :p


Obsidian fan



The helicopter works for me. Look how Tank put on his sunglasses, he wants to be cool. , and the helicopter add on helps him to do that. He doesn't wan't to be a burden to Dash, he wants to be her pet.
As much as Tank can't match Dash's speed, Dash can't match Tank's slowness. She can't handle slowing things down (not without falling asleep). They give each other something new. I liked how Dash rode tank out of the gorge when she couldn't fly, instead of walking, which would've been faster (another sign that Dash was afraid in there, and didn't want to be alone). That's the way I'd like to see things continue. Tank carries Dash, so Dash should carry Tank. Each one carries a physical burden to let the other into their world.

Well, Tank has to be able to get to and from Cloudsdale somehow. And yes, the helicopter turtle tortoise is a bit silly, but on the other hoof, it's a solution to a problem. Namely Tank has no way to get to Rainbow's home. If it wasn't for the golden glow that tells that Princess Celestia had a horn in the matter, I'd have pegged the helicopter mod to be a Pinkie Pie invention.
I don't see why Tank would need to go there, aside from a visit, and Dash could carry him. Tank can take care of himself in the world below. When Dash goes home, she has to say goodbye. When she comes back, she has to find him. He's probably not far from where she saw him last.


Obsidian fan

1. Rainity
2. Spitfire with hair down
3. Octavia
4. Gala Dash

Edit: Oh, they're all the same guy. Explains why they all look creepy and... "janky".
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