My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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A new tumblr has appeared and it's cuteness overload!




Cool new radio interview with Michelle Creber (Apple Bloom) She mentions practically every Season 3 episode will have a song, and that there were a ton of upcoming songs for Season 2. She sounds so sophisticated and mature for her age
Oh hey, I had actually heard that there was a local (Vancouver) performance of Wizard of Oz that cast a little kid in the role of Dorothy, and supposedly she was really good.

I should've paid more attention and noticed that it was Apple Bloom.

CHEEZMO™;32872372 said:
So anyone else gonna share their "prettiest pony" ranking?

You know you have one.
I posted mine a while back.

1: Wet Rarity
2: Gala Dash
3: S2 Luna (wearing the Batcape, but not the hood)
4: Gala Fluttershy
5: Gala Twilight

I'm still fine with this list.


Your list is too manestream.

Everyone knows that background ponnies are where it's at.
Octavia's got an attractive design, but she's still just above-average normal. And she's probably the best of the background ponies.

My list is only for the best of the best. Half the mane six didn't make the cut with their Gala dresses. Rarity only got in with her hair down version. Luna only made it in because of the cloak, and only with the hood down.


But RD isn't really the type of pony to think things out. Not the first time she over reacted ("I'm going to be banished for flying badly!")

Edit: actually, now that I think about it, none of the ponies think things out very well.

I suppose my biggest grief with the episode is Tank is just unappealing as a pet. Some pets get by on their personality (Angel, Opal, Olwicious) others on their appearance (Gummy, Winona). Tank has no personality to speak of and in terms of appearance well he's not exactly much to look at. He was designed to be as unappealing as possible to Dash and in the process it made him unappealing to me.


Everything is moe to me
I suppose my biggest grief with the episode is Tank is just unappealing as a pet. Some pets get by on their personality (Angel, Opal, Olwicious) others on their appearance (Gummy, Winona). Tank has no personality to speak of and in terms of appearance well he's not exactly much to look at. He was designed to be as unappealing as possible to Dash and in the process it made him unappealing to me.
i think we should give him a chance beyond the gimmick for the introduction episode. I mean, owlicious and whinona don't have a character on peer with opal and Angel either.


I suppose my biggest grief with the episode is Tank is just unappealing as a pet. Some pets get by on their personality (Angel, Opal, Olwicious) others on their appearance (Gummy, Winona). Tank has no personality to speak of and in terms of appearance well he's not exactly much to look at. He was designed to be as unappealing as possible to Dash and in the process it made him unappealing to me.
Angel: Little a-hole bunny who apparently likes Fluttershy and acts like an a-hole because he wants her to stop being so Fluttershy.

Opal: Nasty stuck-up cat who thinks she owns everything. Rarity spoils her rotten.

Gummy: Apparently a willing pawn of Pinkie's craziness, aside from his utterly powerless but often expressed desire to kill anyone and everyone, especially Pinkie.

Winona: Farm dog. Hardly qualifies as a pet.

Owliscious: Elbowed his way into Twilight's world as a nighttime assistant. A pushback from Spike seems to have reduced him to "pet" status during daylight hours.

Tank really wanted to be Dash's pet for some reason (I don't really get why any pet or candidate besides Angel, Opal, and maybe Winona would actually want to be a pet). He put up with being ignored and kept trying. He put up with being insulted and kept trying. He finished everything he started, even when he knew he had absolutely no chance to win. When every other candidate (egged on by Dash's reckless pushing them to win) ignored the scene of an accident and didn't check to see if anyone was hurt, in the process completely abandoning the one individual they were trying to impress, Tank was in a position to demonstrate his super-pony strength, rescue the lady, and carry her across the finish line.

Yes, Tank is ugly. And he's not just slow, he's painfully slow. But he has other qualities and was able to become friends with Dash. When she tried to comfort him after he was scared by the camera, I think that's the point where you can tell that his shortcomings entirely stopped mattering to Dash.

Dash's agreement to take the race winner as her pet was shallow, based on a whim. The racers' conduct during the race told her more about who she wanted as a pet than the race results did. The top candidates were all pale reflections of Dash. Tank is an opposite and balancing influence on Dash.

After she became friends with Tank, she no longer had a shallow desire to own a cool pet. Using the loophole allowed both Dash and the falcon to save face and blame the rules, because Dash was a few seconds away from breaking her own rules and rejecting him.


Well, it took some time but had some luck pulling it from my iTunes. Had to do some converting but in the end, it'll do until they decide to pay attention to the fanbase and release an actual DVD/Blu-ray boxset.



Well, it took some time but had some luck pulling it from my iTunes. Had to do some converting but in the end, it'll do until they decide to pay attention to the fanbase and release an actual DVD/Blu-ray boxset.

lt's amazing how much they don't want my money. I have all this money to give, and make nothing I want :(


lt's amazing how much they don't want my money. I have all this money to give, and make nothing I want :(

Exactly. I have a friend that makes plushes, she's starting on a Doctor Whooves. He's going to be custom as he'll have longer ears (basically a mule as I have three real ones) but I already told her to pencil me in for the mane 6 ponies.
lt's amazing how much they don't want my money. I have all this money to give, and make nothing I want :(
Ugh... shit like this is why I will never be able to own Gargoyles Season 2 part 2.

Thing is, we will probably never get any full season box sets if everyone were to take this stance and for a show who's existence is dependent on the merchandise sales, you are possibly even harming the chances of a season 4(or beyond). I get the feeling behind this, but odds are if us 'bronies' aren't buying these things, they won't bother giving us what we really want. Not buying Hasbro's crappy little toys are one thing(I can safely say, even if they were well made I'd have no interest in them myself), but I think we can all agree the episodes on the dvds will be stuff we actually enjoy, else this topic wouldn't even exist.

I'm not gonna say everyone should go out buy the dvds asap, but if you are actually interested in seeing the show on dvd, you should probably buy the dvd. Waiting for the box set of the complete season/series is the best way to never get it. /rant

And now for a complete change of subject... I'm not a big fan of derpy, but I really like these pics. They may be a bit old, but I don't remember seeing them so:



Ugh... shit like this is why I will never be able to own Gargoyles Season 2 part 2.
The Gargoyles DVDs got cancelled because Disney knew exactly how well the DVDs would sell, and didn't think the money was big enough to bother with. I don't think we need to worry about that with Shout Factory. They're happy to collect crumbs, so long as it's still profitable and they enjoy it.

The thing is, nobody really knows how dependable the brony audience is (mostly Hasbro). They don't want to invest in a phantom that might not really be there. That's why Shout Factory is perfect for us. They've already released previous-gen My Little Pony. They're willing to release MLP:FIM as if it were any other MLP. And if the bronies happen to arrive, that's a bonus. If we can make Shout Factory happy, they'll have to know we exist. If Shout knows we exist, Hasbro and other companies will start to believe.

I know single DVDs are not ideal, but if we can't at least make an impact with them (and a lasting impact, not one that fades after the first disc), we won't deserve any quality commercial product, whatsoever.


Kills Photobucket
The Gargoyles DVDs got cancelled because Disney knew exactly how well the DVDs would sell, and didn't think the money was big enough to bother with. I don't think we need to worry about that with Shout Factory. They're happy to collect crumbs, so long as it's still profitable and they enjoy it.

The thing is, nobody really knows how dependable the brony audience is (mostly Hasbro). They don't want to invest in a phantom that might not really be there. That's why Shout Factory is perfect for us. They've already released previous-gen My Little Pony. They're willing to release MLP:FIM as if it were any other MLP. And if the bronies happen to arrive, that's a bonus. If we can make Shout Factory happy, they'll have to know we exist. If Shout knows we exist, Hasbro and other companies will start to believe.

I know single DVDs are not ideal, but if we can't at least make an impact with them (and a lasting impact, not one that fades after the first disc), we won't deserve any quality commercial product, whatsoever.

Shout Factory is a very honest company when ti comes to telling fans how it is. But they also know they need to make money. If there is a market for it, they'll work to get one.


And if Shout does release a Boxset, I'm there Day 1. Hasbro (I take it the money would go to Hasbro, or would it be Apple?) got the digital sale in iTunes. But I have no interest to collect/purchase individual dvd's with 2 episodes at *looks on Amazon* $15. I understand that they need the sales to warrant a full box set, but that's just not wise financial sense on my part (lets say they do release all episodes, 2 on each DVD at $15...that would be $195 for all episodes?).


And if Shout does release a Boxset, I'm there Day 1. Hasbro (I take it the money would go to Hasbro, or would it be Apple?) got the digital sale in iTunes. But I have no interest to collect/purchase individual dvd's with 2 episodes at *looks on Amazon* $15. I understand that they need the sales to warrant a full box set, but that's just not wise financial sense on my part (lets say they do release all episodes, 2 on each DVD at $15...that would be $195 for all episodes?).
Actually, the placeholder is 110 minutes. That'd be five 22 minute episodes. 26 eps in S1 means about 5 DVDs to complete S1. At $15 each (less if you shop around), that's $75 for S1.

And I think Apple and Hasbro sort of split the profits on digital downloads, while Shout pays Hasbro more money upfront, but they get to keep a bigger chunk of the profits. Of course, Shout has to pay for physical material costs, which Apple doesn't.

Forever Scootalone

It's actually really surprising that they set it up with solo episodes for the others in the group, followed by an episode focusing on her idol, but nothing for her :(

I wonder if she's just going to stay under developed with only screen time as part of the group, and no family, or they have plans to do anything interesting with the character.
Ah, so they're going to be releasing a 5-episode DVD ( Okay, I can agree with that. I was basing my figures off of this:

Yeah, the 5 ep DVDs for $12 are pretty good for stand alone releases, way better than most anime released I've seen in the past. I'm used to only getting full season sets for shows, but it would be about $60ish for Season 1 on DVD this way which isn't too bad.
Scoot need an episode.
Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.

Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.
Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.

Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.

Keep dreaming good sir.


Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.

Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.

Don't be silly. Season 3 will be 13 episodes of Scootaloo earning her cutie mark at last though.
8 Scootaloo episodes, all the same episode, but with minor changes in what they're wearing or what Cutie Marks they get. It's a time loop, and the lesson at the end of the episode is chronologically at the start of the time loop.
The Gargoyles DVDs got cancelled because Disney knew exactly how well the DVDs would sell, and didn't think the money was big enough to bother with.
Don't get me wrong, as a Gargoyle's fan I am all for blaming Disney first and I won't deny they had the biggest part in its cancellation(mostly the part of not bother to advertise it all). That said, of course they knew how exactly they would sell, the half the target audience was too busy bitching about not getting all of season 2 in one set to go out and buy what was actually available.


Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.

Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.
Michelle Creber did just suggest that more songs are being loaded towards S3 and the end of S2, and that they're no longer pushing for Scootaloo to be a "bad" singer.

Songs will be sung of Scootaloo's greatness. No wait, Scoot's the one singing. Songs will be sung of Rainbow Dash's greatness.
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