*explodes into correct avatar*
*explodes into correct avatar*
CHEEZMO;32872372 said:So anyone else gonna share their "prettiest pony" ranking?
You know you have one.
Oh hey, I had actually heard that there was a local (Vancouver) performance of Wizard of Oz that cast a little kid in the role of Dorothy, and supposedly she was really good.Cool new radio interview with Michelle Creber (Apple Bloom) She mentions practically every Season 3 episode will have a song, and that there were a ton of upcoming songs for Season 2. She sounds so sophisticated and mature for her age
I posted mine a while back.CHEEZMO™;32872372 said:So anyone else gonna share their "prettiest pony" ranking?
You know you have one.
Cuteness overload you say?
Rainity will be always my #1 !
I'm still fine with this list.
I hear ya man. Just look at her.
Octavia's got an attractive design, but she's still just above-average normal. And she's probably the best of the background ponies.
CHEEZMO;32872372 said:So anyone else gonna share their "prettiest pony" ranking?
You know you have one.
When did discussion here take the turn into creepyvile?
I want to see more of her as the season progresses.
Like, outside of work, involved in the plot.
When did discussion here take the turn into creepyvile?
I suppose that more so it recently went full speed ahead compared to how it was before. ¯\_(ツit took a turn?
But RD isn't really the type of pony to think things out. Not the first time she over reacted ("I'm going to be banished for flying badly!")
Edit: actually, now that I think about it, none of the ponies think things out very well.
i think we should give him a chance beyond the gimmick for the introduction episode. I mean, owlicious and whinona don't have a character on peer with opal and Angel either.I suppose my biggest grief with the episode is Tank is just unappealing as a pet. Some pets get by on their personality (Angel, Opal, Olwicious) others on their appearance (Gummy, Winona). Tank has no personality to speak of and in terms of appearance well he's not exactly much to look at. He was designed to be as unappealing as possible to Dash and in the process it made him unappealing to me.
Angel: Little a-hole bunny who apparently likes Fluttershy and acts like an a-hole because he wants her to stop being so Fluttershy.I suppose my biggest grief with the episode is Tank is just unappealing as a pet. Some pets get by on their personality (Angel, Opal, Olwicious) others on their appearance (Gummy, Winona). Tank has no personality to speak of and in terms of appearance well he's not exactly much to look at. He was designed to be as unappealing as possible to Dash and in the process it made him unappealing to me.
Well, it took some time but had some luck pulling it from my iTunes. Had to do some converting but in the end, it'll do until they decide to pay attention to the fanbase and release an actual DVD/Blu-ray boxset.
lt's amazing how much they don't want my money. I have all this money to give, and make nothing I want![]()
Ugh... shit like this is why I will never be able to own Gargoyles Season 2 part 2.lt's amazing how much they don't want my money. I have all this money to give, and make nothing I want![]()
The Gargoyles DVDs got cancelled because Disney knew exactly how well the DVDs would sell, and didn't think the money was big enough to bother with. I don't think we need to worry about that with Shout Factory. They're happy to collect crumbs, so long as it's still profitable and they enjoy it.Ugh... shit like this is why I will never be able to own Gargoyles Season 2 part 2.
The Gargoyles DVDs got cancelled because Disney knew exactly how well the DVDs would sell, and didn't think the money was big enough to bother with. I don't think we need to worry about that with Shout Factory. They're happy to collect crumbs, so long as it's still profitable and they enjoy it.
The thing is, nobody really knows how dependable the brony audience is (mostly Hasbro). They don't want to invest in a phantom that might not really be there. That's why Shout Factory is perfect for us. They've already released previous-gen My Little Pony. They're willing to release MLP:FIM as if it were any other MLP. And if the bronies happen to arrive, that's a bonus. If we can make Shout Factory happy, they'll have to know we exist. If Shout knows we exist, Hasbro and other companies will start to believe.
I know single DVDs are not ideal, but if we can't at least make an impact with them (and a lasting impact, not one that fades after the first disc), we won't deserve any quality commercial product, whatsoever.
Russian dancing ponies!
This Derpy lava lamp thing is pretty neat too. Just look how happy she is!
Episode 1![/QUOTE]
Great video and flash! I love Derpy's expression when the two lava blobs merge. I've been listening to a lot of Weebl's stuff recently, so the ponified dance was appreciated. Someone should do a moustaches video, too.
Actually, the placeholder is 110 minutes. That'd be five 22 minute episodes. 26 eps in S1 means about 5 DVDs to complete S1. At $15 each (less if you shop around), that's $75 for S1.And if Shout does release a Boxset, I'm there Day 1. Hasbro (I take it the money would go to Hasbro, or would it be Apple?) got the digital sale in iTunes. But I have no interest to collect/purchase individual dvd's with 2 episodes at *looks on Amazon* $15. I understand that they need the sales to warrant a full box set, but that's just not wise financial sense on my part (lets say they do release all episodes, 2 on each DVD at $15...that would be $195 for all episodes?).
Ah, so they're going to be releasing a 5-episode DVD (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0063FGF14/?tag=neogaf0e-20). Okay, I can agree with that. I was basing my figures off of this: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005CHHX0G/?tag=neogaf0e-20
I watch it for the plot, but can't we have both?stay under developed
Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.Scoot need an episode.
Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.
Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.
Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.
Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.
Don't get me wrong, as a Gargoyle's fan I am all for blaming Disney first and I won't deny they had the biggest part in its cancellation(mostly the part of not bother to advertise it all). That said, of course they knew how exactly they would sell, the half the target audience was too busy bitching about not getting all of season 2 in one set to go out and buy what was actually available.The Gargoyles DVDs got cancelled because Disney knew exactly how well the DVDs would sell, and didn't think the money was big enough to bother with.
Michelle Creber did just suggest that more songs are being loaded towards S3 and the end of S2, and that they're no longer pushing for Scootaloo to be a "bad" singer.Maybe they're going the anime route and saving their budget and making these crappy episodes and near the end of the season there will an amazing Scootaloo episode that they'll blow their budget on animating Scootaloo's awesome moves.
Crappy episodes relative to how awesome The Scootaloo Episode will be.