My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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May the Best Pet Win had the most interesting plot out of any episode this season in terms of character development. That the studio was able to work around the merchandise in order to create a very entertaining episode that was coherent with the themes of the show (i.e. good storytelling) is commendable.

tl;dr what the fuck are you going on about right now?
He disliked the episode and really disliked Tank.

From a couple of pages ago...
I suppose my biggest grief with the episode is Tank is just unappealing as a pet. Some pets get by on their personality (Angel, Opal, Olwicious) others on their appearance (Gummy, Winona). Tank has no personality to speak of and in terms of appearance well he's not exactly much to look at. He was designed to be as unappealing as possible to Dash and in the process it made him unappealing to me.
Basically, Dash grew during the episode, Brian didn't.


Obsidian fan
not even big-big mac?


No :(
May the Best Pet Win had the most interesting plot out of any episode this season in terms of character development. That the studio was able to work around the merchandise in order to create a very entertaining episode that was coherent with the themes of the show (i.e. good storytelling) is commendable.

tl;dr what the fuck are you going on about right now?

Dash wanted a cool pet that could fly, she settled for a cool non-flying one that saved her life on the condition that she could make it fly. Lots of growth.

The thing is, I thought Dash already learned that you can find things in common with creatures you wouldn't expect (Pinkie) in Griffon The Brush Off. She showed desire for a 'cutesy-wutesy' pet in Swarm of The Century. She showed that she can think critically to appreciate the complications and nuances of a situation in Over a Barrel. Bridle Gossip taught her not to judge another by first impressions alone.* She even learned that what you might think is the right thing for you might not actually be in Suited For Success.

The Dash we got in May The Best Pet Win, acted as though she didn't experience any of these lessons. She was so one-note. It doesn't really count as growth when you pare down the character to a simple level and use that as your starting point. The episode was poorly written especially from a character standpoint.

*She did give the pets a chance to prove themselves, but she also made snap judgements as well.


Still without luck
Givin' Linky a break.

Try this on, Chuck:

Thanks Ahoyhoy! But could you give her a more colorful, regular looking hat, please? :)

edit: Also, as you can see above, the color looks a bit off (skin and hair). Sorry, I don't mean to be too picky.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Dash wanted a cool pet that could fly, she settled for a cool non-flying one that saved her life on the condition that she could make it fly. Lots of growth.

The thing is, I thought Dash already learned that you can find things in common with creatures you wouldn't expect (Pinkie) in Griffon The Brush Off. She showed desire for a 'cutesy-wutesy' pet in Swarm of The Century. She showed that she can think critically to appreciate the complications and nuances of a situation in Over a Barrel. Bridle Gossip taught her not to judge another by first impressions alone.* She even learned that what you might think is the right thing for you might not actually be in Suited For Success.

The Dash we got in May The Best Pet Win, acted as though she didn't experience any of these lessons. She was so one-note. It doesn't really count as growth when you pare down the character to a simple level and use that as your starting point. The episode was poorly written especially from a character standpoint.

*She did give the pets a chance to prove themselves, but she also made snap judgements as well.

Yeah, well, if Dash characterization was poor on May The Best Pet Win, then it is appalling in The Mysterious Mare Do Well. She went from being a jerkass to being a caricature of one. I don't like her kind of character in the first place, and here they made her downright despicable. The baby scene is particularly disgraceful. Yeah, Dash, let's play with everyone's concern for the baby, for the sake of one more self-serving quip!

Yes, you may argue that her arrogance is her defining characteristic, but guess what: I don't like her defining characteristic, especially since it isn't being played for character growth, otherwise she wouldn't be acting like this after what she went through in several previous episodes. By the end of episode, Dash does say she learned a lesson, but she never does show any kind of sincere humility. I wouldn't even be surprised if she didn't think there was a reason to be humbled - after all, it took five ponies to make her feel bested.

The plot twist was telegraphed: it wouldn't have been as obvious hadn't they revealed Twilight's horn or Fluttershy's wings. There's no way that Dash wouldn't be suspicious after seeing both a horn and wings on the mysterious hero. After those scenes, the only thing that could have saved the conclusion would be if it was either Celestia or Luna.

The humor fell mostly flat, especially when comparing this episode to Lesson Zero, which took a similar approach in exaggerating character's flaws. In my opinion, this was the weakest episode in season 2, and one of the show's overall weakest ones.

Merriwether Williams had no previous writing credits on this show, but this is definitely not a promising start for her.


Kills Photobucket
Dash wanted a cool pet that could fly, she settled for a cool non-flying one that saved her life on the condition that she could make it fly. Lots of growth.

The thing is, I thought Dash already learned that you can find things in common with creatures you wouldn't expect (Pinkie) in Griffon The Brush Off. She showed desire for a 'cutesy-wutesy' pet in Swarm of The Century. She showed that she can think critically to appreciate the complications and nuances of a situation in Over a Barrel. Bridle Gossip taught her not to judge another by first impressions alone.* She even learned that what you might think is the right thing for you might not actually be in Suited For Success.

The Dash we got in May The Best Pet Win, acted as though she didn't experience any of these lessons. She was so one-note. It doesn't really count as growth when you pare down the character to a simple level and use that as your starting point. The episode was poorly written especially from a character standpoint.

*She did give the pets a chance to prove themselves, but she also made snap judgements as well.

Other than Fluttershy, all the ponies got pets that suit their personalities. And in the case of Twilight and Applejack, got pets that can help them with their work. You think Applejack looked at thing but a dog that could heard animals?

I can agree today's episode was weak, but lets also be fair that her friends handled the situation poorly themselves.


Just watched the episode. Rainbow Dash really was a douche in this one. Starting to not like her character. Guess that is moving AppleJack up on the list.

Link Man

Thanks Ahoyhoy! But could you give her a more colorful, regular looking hat, please? :)

edit: Also, as you can see above, the color looks a bit off (skin and hair). Sorry, I don't mean to be too picky.

I'm sorry, Chuck, but I can't do any better than what Ahoyhoy has done here (the second one is brilliant!). If you were waiting for me, then just pick one of his.


How exactly was I supposed to grow?
You were supposed to learn that looks aren't everything.

I am happy to accept this name as long as it makes DrForester's "Hour glass equals Doctor Who name" rule incorrect.

I am a petty man.
I support trolling DrForester, as Celestia demands of me, but when you have a very solidly accepted Dr Who pony, and then you introduce a female pony with the same cutie mark, and there's a Time Lady in Dr Who, then that should be the first place you look for the name.

Completely ignoring the cutie mark and saying "Her two-tone tail looks like a toothpaste commercial. Let's call her Colgate" (when the famous blue-and-white toothpaste they were actually looking for was Aquafresh) is just stupid and lazy, which I guess is par for the course for the fanon names of background ponies.


You were supposed to learn that looks aren't everything.

Looks may not be everything but they certainly help. Particularly when your trying to introduce a new character that the audience is supposed to sympathize with. That being said, my opinion of Tank has somewhat changed.

Still a pretty sloppy plot hole though

OMG Aero

I support trolling DrForester, as Celestia demands of me, but when you have a very solidly accepted Dr Who pony, and then you introduce a female pony with the same cutie mark, and there's a Time Lady in Dr Who, then that should be the first place you look for the name.
But the thing is, Doctor Whooves was named so not just because of his cutie mark but because he kinda resembles David Tennant. Whereas Minuette didn't resemble Romana in any way at all. It was just a name drawn out of a hat because "Well that pony that looks like Doctor Who has an hourglass mark too, quick what's the first female time lord name that comes to mind let's name her that".

Completely ignoring the cutie mark and saying "Her two-tone tail looks like a toothpaste commercial. Let's call her Colgate" (when the famous blue-and-white toothpaste they were actually looking for was Aquafresh) is just stupid and lazy, which I guess is par for the course for the fanon names of background ponies.
And I could also say "Completely ignoring what the pony looks like and saying "She has an hourglass cutie mark let's name her after a character in Doctor Who" is just stupid and lazy".
I think that if you are going to give a fanon name to a character, the name should be influenced by what stands out most about that pony or sums them up best. This is supported by the actual show itself (See: Pinkie Pie, not Balloons) and by other parts of the fandom (See: Derpy or Ditzy, not Blondie or Bubbles). Sometimes the only defining aspect of a character is a cutie mark and that can make a great name (The pony formerly known as Lyra) and sometimes the cutie mark and design of the pony combine together to make a great name (Doctor Whooves, the pony that may or may not be still called Carrot Top) and sometimes what the pony looks like is a more defining characteristic than their cutie mark which is what I thought about Minuette.

I mean, hypothetically speaking, if instead of the way she looks now Minuette had rainbow coloured hair instead, would you still have wanted to name her something to do with Doctor Who just because of that cutie mark instead of something influenced by her hair which would have been a bigger defining feature of her? The reason I didn't like the Romana name is because it did nothing to tell me about the character and was just part of a blanket "Cutie mark is x, that means name must be y" rule. If you say Doctor Whooves then I know you are talking about the pony that has a cutie mark to do with time and kinda looks like David Tennant, if you say Vinyl Scratch/DJ PON-3 then I know you are talking about the DJ pony. Minuette's hair was more of a defining feature than her cutie mark so I thought the name should have been influenced by that.

In conclusion, I am arguing about fan names for cartoon ponies on the internet what the fuck is wrong with my life.


But the thing is, Doctor Whooves was named so not just because of his cutie mark but because he kinda resembles David Tennant. Whereas Minuette didn't resemble Romana in any way at all. It was just a name drawn out of a hat because "Well that pony that looks like Doctor Who has an hourglass mark too, quick what's the first female time lord name that comes to mind let's name her that".

And I could also say "Completely ignoring what the pony looks like and saying "She has an hourglass cutie mark let's name her after a character in Doctor Who" is just stupid and lazy".
I think that if you are going to give a fanon name to a character, the name should be influenced by what stands out most about that pony or sums them up best. This is supported by the actual show itself (See: Pinkie Pie, not Balloons) and by other parts of the fandom (See: Derpy or Ditzy, not Blondie or Bubbles). Sometimes the only defining aspect of a character is a cutie mark and that can make a great name (The pony formerly known as Lyra) and sometimes the cutie mark and design of the pony combine together to make a great name (Doctor Whooves, the pony that may or may not be still called Carrot Top) and sometimes what the pony looks like is a more defining characteristic than their cutie mark which is what I thought about Minuette.

I mean, hypothetically speaking, if instead of the way she looks now Minuette had rainbow coloured hair instead, would you still have wanted to name her something to do with Doctor Who just because of that cutie mark instead of something influenced by her hair which would have been a bigger defining feature of her? The reason I didn't like the Romana name is because it did nothing to tell me about the character and was just part of a blanket "Cutie mark is x, that means name must be y" rule. If you say Doctor Whooves then I know you are talking about the pony that has a cutie mark to do with time and kinda looks like David Tennant, if you say Vinyl Scratch/DJ PON-3 then I know you are talking about the DJ pony. Minuette's hair was more of a defining feature than her cutie mark so I thought the name should have been influenced by that.

In conclusion, I am arguing about fan names for cartoon ponies on the internet what the fuck is wrong with my life.

Cutie Marks are Serious Business


In conclusion, I am arguing about fan names for cartoon ponies on the internet what the fuck is wrong with my life.
I'll agree that the Dr Who connection was weak, but I think the toothpaste connection was weaker. My solution would be to wait for a better name to present itself. That's probably why I don't mind Hasbro dropping bombs on the fanon. Not 100% sold on Minuette, but it does have a nice ring to it.

I'll also disagree that you have a problem, because that would mean admitting that I have one.
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