My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Unconfirmed Member
you always hurt the one you love


Happy pony day, chip


CHEEZMO™;32984660 said:
1:07 before the first fucking stupid motherfucking annoying, ear-bleeding squeal by that fucking retard.

He's the reason I dont watch Yogscast videos.

He only does that once. Vid is fun to watch anyways.
im just going to say that season two dash has been nonstop disappointing.

but rarity has been on the ball 24/7.

Really? Rarity seems to have been similarly one-note, exaggerating her negative traits into a caricature of her archetype. Stuff like the drama couch she carries around, etc. Rarity was kinda schizo back in season 1- for every Green Isn't Your Color, she had a Sonic Rainboom- but she's beenmuch more of the latter than the former in this season.

Twi and AJ, on the other hand, have been awesome. Pinkie too, in her very limited screen time so far.

Looks may not be everything but they certainly help. Particularly when your trying to introduce a new character that the audience is supposed to sympathize with. That being said, my opinion of Tank has somewhat changed.

Still a pretty sloppy plot hole though

What plot hole? I don't understand this complaint. I spent the whole episode trying to figure out how the turtle would live with Dash, until we saw the flyin invention he was sporting t the end. Clearly he uses tht to live in the clouds with Dash.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
whaaaaaaaaaaat? the entire plot could be read by the first leaked screenshot.
Predictability doesn't imply bad storytelling. The way Rainbow Dash's character comes to like Tank after her complete disapproval of the tortoise is not forced at all. Tank actually earns Rainbow Dash's respect by sticking to her despite her arrogance, and Rainbow Dash's realisation that the pet she needs is not necessarily the one she wants comes through a shocking situation -just the likes we know Dash tends to over-dramatise and react most meaningfully to.

The episode's conclusion may have been telegraphed, but it was not weakly cemented.
That and you could drive a truck through this plot hole. It's ironic that this is the first episode we've seen birds standing on clouds. It makes it even more obvious how perfect a flying pet is for Dash and how unsuited a turtle is.
May the Best Pet Win's theme (that friends can be found in even the most dissonant of places) would not work had Rainbow Dash chosen an avian.
Dash wanted a cool pet that could fly, she settled for a cool non-flying one that saved her life on the condition that she could make it fly. Lots of growth.

The thing is, I thought Dash already learned that you can find things in common with creatures you wouldn't expect (Pinkie) in Griffon The Brush Off. She showed desire for a 'cutesy-wutesy' pet in Swarm of The Century. She showed that she can think critically to appreciate the complications and nuances of a situation in Over a Barrel. Bridle Gossip taught her not to judge another by first impressions alone.* She even learned that what you might think is the right thing for you might not actually be in Suited For Success.

The Dash we got in May The Best Pet Win, acted as though she didn't experience any of these lessons. She was so one-note. It doesn't really count as growth when you pare down the character to a simple level and use that as your starting point. The episode was poorly written especially from a character standpoint.

*She did give the pets a chance to prove themselves, but she also made snap judgements as well.
I will agree the episode doesn't make much character sense as part of a greater continuity. I'm looking at it solely through a stand-alone viewpoint.
I feel like a lot of people are over looking a key aspect of the show. Underneath all the Brony fandom (not hating I watch the show myself) this show is still written for young kids. Over arching story arcs and deep character growth is lost on them. It makes more since for the writers to have it be a bunch of one-off episodes each with its own lesson to be learned at the end, then have large over arching arcs of story and character progression, that will likely not be understood by large parts of the audience.


I feel like a lot of people are over looking a key aspect of the show. Underneath all the Brony fandom (not hating I watch the show myself) this show is still written for young kids. Over arching story arcs and deep character growth is lost on them. It makes more since for the writers to have it be a bunch of one-off episodes each with its own lesson to be learned at the end, then have large over arching arcs of story and character progression, that will likely not be understood by large parts of the audience.

IIRC Hasbro execs wanted the episodes to be able to be watched in any order hence the one-off nature.


I feel like a lot of people are over looking a key aspect of the show. Underneath all the Brony fandom (not hating I watch the show myself) this show is still written for young kids. Over arching story arcs and deep character growth is lost on them. It makes more since for the writers to have it be a bunch of one-off episodes each with its own lesson to be learned at the end, then have large over arching arcs of story and character progression, that will likely not be understood by large parts of the audience.

pretty much this
and older fans want more out of it
and so the characters become estranged sexual objects
That pic is wonderfully drawn and I really hope the person does more, seeing as there is only 1 other picture related to the show in their gallery.
That pic is wonderfully drawn and I really hope the person does more, seeing as there is only 1 other picture related to the show in their gallery.

The link I posted was to their personal site, which has more pictures from the show by them, which are compiled into a youtube vid which is linked in a deviation on their DA gallery.


That pic is wonderfully drawn and I really hope the person does more, seeing as there is only 1 other picture related to the show in their gallery.

if they actually had episodes like that where they actually leave the ponyville (i forgot what its called) it would be better
and the pic is great


if they actually had episodes like that where they actually leave the ponyville (i forgot what its called) it would be better
and the pic is great

We have, it's called Over a Barrel. We got stereotypical Indians with an ending that would make Crazy Horse cry.


I feel like a lot of people are over looking a key aspect of the show. Underneath all the Brony fandom (not hating I watch the show myself) this show is still written for young kids. Over arching story arcs and deep character growth is lost on them. It makes more since for the writers to have it be a bunch of one-off episodes each with its own lesson to be learned at the end, then have large over arching arcs of story and character progression, that will likely not be understood by large parts of the audience.
So what you're saying is that kids are idiots. This attitude is why 95% of children's TV is trash. No, scratch that, assuming that the majority of your primary audience is composed of idiots that won't understand complex plots and deep character development and need to have everything explained to them is the reason why 95% of all TV, movies, video games and even books is trash. This is the attitude previous generations of MLP were built upon.

Yes, FiM is still primarily (but as Faust and Thiessen have said several times, not exclusively) written for kids, but one of the biggest reasons why this generation of MLP has become so popular is that it's not dumbed down because of it. The writers assume that kids are smart and will understand the plot twists and the morals even when they're not shoved down their throats, and the whole show is better for it. Stripping away things because "large parts of the audience won't understand them" is a recipe for mediocrity and the reason countless TV shows, movies and video games, whether they're aimed at children or adults or both, fail every year.

If Faust and the writers would have had their way, we would be watching a series with an overarching plot and continuous character development. Hasbro said they wanted the series to be watchable in any order, so instead we have standalone episodes with small hints of continuity and character development. Would the series have been better with an overarching plot? I don't know. What I do know is that even without an overarching plot, FiM is still a "smart" show that doesn't talk down to its audience, and that should be applauded. The day the writers start writing with the aim of making all the jokes and plot twists understandable to all is the day the show becomes just another mediocre children's show and the brony phenomenon dies.


Everything is moe to me
werent we supposed to have a repeating villian type character this season that wasnt discord? wonder when that'll start up.
The link I posted was to their personal site, which has more pictures from the show by them, which are compiled into a youtube vid which is linked in a deviation on their DA gallery.

Ah sweet thanks, that was an idiot moment there for me. I didn't notice the text + link in your post after the picture + when I looked at the DA gallery I only saw the pic from your post and .

Looking again I also missed this one too:

This is so cute:


FiM is still a "smart" show that doesn't talk down to its audience, and that should be applauded.

I dunno
they still had the "moral of the story" summary at the end of each episode that reeks of target audience
its not really just because of the hasbro thing that there isnt overarching plot
its because kids really have short attention spans and the show is clearly made with them in mind

Bara has a "standard" in mass.

what kind of science is this?!

The day the writers start writing with the aim of making all the jokes and plot twists understandable to all is the day the show becomes just another mediocre children's show and the brony phenomenon dies.

im sorry, but which jokes and plot twists aren't easy to follow?


Junior Member
Okay, some of the bickering here is stupid.
Was Hero Turtles bad? Because seriously, no big plot arches, no big consistencies, lessons unlearned? So what, fuck that shit.
Not every series must be 'The Wire'. Ranma wasn't and it was damn entertaining series. Sure, it took lessons unlearned to the max and still was madly entertaining.

I love the Ponies for their style, animation, whimsical self-contained episodes and great voice acting. Which is exactly what Season 1 was and Season 2 is. Everything else is luxury to me.

That said, yeah, they should have spaced out the two Dash episodes. And everybody who goes against the turtle... lighten up guys. Great friends come in all kind of shapes. Plus turtle is mad strong, tiny Hercules yo :p


I dunno
they still had the "moral of the story" summary at the end of each episode that reeks of target audience
its not really just because of the hasbro thing that there isnt overarching plot
its because kids really have short attention spans and the show is clearly made with them in mind
Yes, the letters to Celestia are a concession to the kids, but overall the series doesn't talk down to its audience.

Also, Faust's original pitch for MLP was for a series with an overarching plot, but Hasbro executives said they wanted the series to be watchable in any order. Faust confirmed this in an interview.

im sorry, but which jokes and plot twists aren't easy to follow?
Granted, the actual plots aren't exactly complex, but there are a lot of gags in the series that kids won't even notice. For example, would the show's primary audience notice that the end of The Return of Harmony Part 2 was a recreation of Star Wars episode IV's ending? Would they notice that Pinkie is channeling Pepe le Pew in Griffon the Brush Off?

Okay, some of the bickering here is stupid.
Was Hero Turtles bad? Because seriously, no big plot arches, no big consistencies, lessons unlearned? So what, fuck that shit.
Not every series must be 'The Wire'. Ranma wasn't and it was damn entertaining series. Sure, it took lessons unlearned to the max and still was madly entertaining.

I love the Ponies for their style, animation, whimsical self-contained episodes and great voice acting. Which is exactly what Season 1 was and Season 2 is. Everything else is luxury to me.
I'm not saying that the series needs an overarching plot or that it needs to be 100% consistent. What I'm saying is that the nods at continuity and the fact that Equestria seems like a relatively well realized fantasy world make it better than it would be without these details.


Also, Faust's original pitch for MLP was for a series with an overarching plot, but Hasbro executives said they wanted the series to be watchable in any order. Faust confirmed this in an interview.

we're talking about what it is
not what it could have been

Granted, the actual plots aren't exactly complex, but there are a lot of gags in the series that kids won't even notice. For example, would the show's primary audience notice that the end of The Return of Harmony Part 2 was a recreation of Star Wars episode IV's ending? Would they notice that Pinkie is channeling Pepe le Pew in Griffon the Brush Off?

so 1 or 2 geek references is what keeps the bronies going? i somehow doubt that


its not really just because of the hasbro thing that there isnt overarching plot
we're talking about what it is
not what it could have been
I showed that it IS because of Hasbro that there isn't an overarching plot. You changed the subject.

so 1 or 2 geek references is what keeps the bronies going? i somehow doubt that
Of course not and I never said it was. I said one of the biggest reasons the series has become such a hit is the fact that it's not dumbed down, which is just another way of saying it's well-written.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Gotta love how every single Uchip posting just is a bunch of antagonizing questions (or just 2-5 word troll statements) he obviously doesn't even care to be answered. Just go check it out by yourself, it's pretty funny in fact :)

Orca, don't fall for him :) It's just Gfex all over again, but this time with a stealthier approach.


Gotta love how every single Uchip posting just is a bunch of antagonizing questions he obviously doesn't even care to be answered. Just go check it out by yourself, it's pretty funny in fact :)

are you actually going to attempt to prove a point or just throw accusations around?

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
are you actually going to attempt to prove a point or just throw accusations around?

I don't have to prove a point, I'm not even involved in this discussion. I just noticed what you're doing and thought it's funny. That is all.

I can figure out what I like and don't like all by myself, I really don't need reasons by random internet people. I just don't know if it's gonna end well if you keep dragging everyone in rather pointless discussions (which you don't care about, as you repeatedly said), while you're just changing your topics when you're out of good arguments and find another topic to argue.

This is what I ususally call "an internet troll's behaviour", and my mum told me not to fall for trolls.


I don't have to prove a point, I'm not even involved in this discussion. I just noticed what you're doing and thought it's funny. That is all.

I can figure out what I like and don't like all by myself, I really don't need reasons by random internet people. I just don't know if it's gonna end well if you keep dragging everyone in rather pointless discussions (which you don't care about, as you repeatedly said), while you're just changing your topics when you're out of good arguments and find another topic to argue.

This is what I ususally call "an internet troll's behaviour", and my mum told me not to fall for trolls.

or maybe you feel threatened that someone has a polarizing opinion to yourself?


im sorry
i wont drag anyone into any more "pointless discussions"
you may continue with your favourite pony lists and loving/hating rainbow dash

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
im sorry
i wont drag anyone into any more "pointless discussions"
you may continue with your favourite pony lists and loving/hating rainbow dash

Bravo, more antagonizing and subliminal insulting. One should think a person with your kind of interests should know better about interacting with communities he doesn't understand

But thanks for proving my point, anyway. Glad this went over so quickly.

OMG Aero

Before I forget, here is this week's Synchtube playlist:
Pony 64 - Inside the Ruins
Pinkie Right Back At Ya!
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! - The Kirby Derby, Part 1
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! - The Kirby Derby, Part 2
Super Maretroid: Ponystar Green Theme
Planet Winterwisp
SoGreatandPowerful - Pinkie Pie Swear
MLP - The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Gerudo Ponies (No BGM)
Reach for the Stars & Nega Wisp Armor 2 / My Little Pony Friendship is Magic theme V2

That last one is a contender for worst PMV I have ever seen. Only watch it if you want a good laugh or want to punish your ears.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Case in point, that Big Mac pic you posted ain't bara standards in size (compare to my Christmas XVmon). The only time I saw Big Mac acceptable as bara is that pic where he's lifting a basin full of apples with his back facing, and even then he doesn't look like Big Mac anymore.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I wonder what ponygaf is up to...

"click thread"


Back to the starcraft thread! D:
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