Silly girl, not wanting the superior ps3 platform.
Maybe she wanted to play Skyrim.
Maybe she wanted to play Skyrim.
Maybe she wanted to play Skyrim.
my job is to make the rest of you look normal by comparison.I would say Pandaman's pic is somewhat inappropriate...but I sort of picked up he is into odd things (and nothing wrong with that...I guess =/)
As far as I know it is entirely based on the way she was caught sitting on a bench at the beginning of Dragonshy.What is with the Lyra/Heartstrings pony always wanting humans (maybe it is because of that recent fanfic I read via ED...I don't know...?) Just and odd thing, is it a meme I missed out on? (and both xbox and PS3 are awesome...=o )
What is with the Lyra/Heartstrings pony always wanting humans (maybe it is because of that recent fanfic I read via ED...I don't know...?) Just and odd thing, is it a meme I missed out on? (and both xbox and PS3 are awesome...=o )
Oh, yes, Scootaloo is the best CMC, but only because she reminds me of Buttercup. and I loved Buttercup sooo much from the Powerpuff Girls =p (Yeah, was made fun of back then, now it doesn't seem like it was a big deal, weirdly...)
I would say Pandaman's pic is somewhat inappropriate...but I sort of picked up he is into odd things (and nothing wrong with that...I guess =/)
Oh Soarin', everyone knows you read those magazines in the bathroom! Plus, it would hide your wing boners much easier...(but, if Spitfire didn't want others to see it, she shouldn't have posed for those shots?) Oh, and I think the bottom pic is her liking a chili cutie mark, though, it could be another pony I suppose.
THAT FLUTTERSHY PLUSHIE!!! *so jealous...*
Sill deciding on what to pony-cize my avy into...I am failing at making a 'Bad Girl' pony that shows up at the size I would like...but my other idea, a pony with a gun-lance (via Monster Hunter series) it's cutting it either...
Also...we need some more art of best CMC pony...and by best CMC pony, I mean Scootaloo!
Lol Dos Equus
Why is fluttershy in a collar
She is human Dash and Pinkie's pet.
also you don't want to see behind Scoot's head...
Why is fluttershy in a collar
CHEEZMO;33725194 said:Reasons.
bad reasons
Pinkie does not use a computer to do this. She just runs around turning all the light's on and off.
I did not expect that video to get a pony version.Youtube comment said:The joke: There is a pony version of everything.
The punchline: We're not exaggerating.
I didn't get anything pony for Christmas What I did get, though, is a lot of the things I'd need to start learning to draw for real. So that's going to be fun.