This comic. Wow, just wow. Say what you want about Rarity, but this is pretty cool (Linked for Huge):
Rarity Takes Some Time Off
Description of what is going on by the artist:
"Rarity, while not as powerful a unicorn as Twilight, possesses something far greater in skill in her ability to focus and concentrate her magic on much more nimble tasks. Using small finer points of magic, she can manipulate multiple items and tools at once while crafting her dresses, demonstrating the enormous dextrous control she has over her magic.
On a clear day, if her schedule permits it, she'll venture out at dawn to the clear plains beyond the forests outside Ponyville to practice one of her favorite stress relief hobbies. Archery is a guilty pleasure for Rarity: a thrilling activity, but not at all as barbaric a sport as some Rainbow or Applejack partake in. She considers it to be fairly similar to sewing really, only now she's using a much bigger needle and she's aiming at a small round target instead of stitches. Over the years she's become remarkable good at it, and it shows. At times she's even amazed at how simply she can "thread" arrows through one another, from great distances no less. She'll also add her own little "touch ups" to the game too, not being one to forget artistic license. In the end, she'll come back feeling just as rejuvenated as with any day at the spa center, and returns to her more or less humbler duties."
- Exploding_Guy