Fantastic yet again!Calpain said:
I don't think Fluttershy would mind!Void Insanity said:Then I'll keep posting Companion Cube Ponies.
Lol, why not. It even has Steam achievements for my freshly linked Facebook profile.Firehead said:Right, I'm giving away a copy of Secret of the Magic Crystals - from this video - to somepony.
Just PM me with your Steam profile to be entered (I'll be using a random number generator to choose the winner, so first PM would be number one, second person would be second, etc.)
The giveaway will be open until 9PM EST (about 2 hours).
AdawgDaFAB said:
Heh, I actually enjoy it somewhat.OMG Aero said:Is this really a giveaway or is it actually a punishment?
About thirty minutes left~Firehead said:Right, I'm giving away a copy of Secret of the Magic Crystals - from this video - to somepony.
Just PM me with your Steam profile to be entered (I'll be using a random number generator to choose the winner, so first PM would be number one, second person would be second, etc.)
The giveaway will be open until 9PM EST (about 2 hours).
Calpain said:I've got to admit, Companion Pony is pretty cute. Who could incinerate that face?
Adelor Lyon said:[IMG]
Now why can't we have more of this?
Adelor Lyon said:[IMG]
I like it, but her eyes look creepy :(
Original Lauren Faust Pinkie Pie Concept Art:
'Cause it's creepy as fuck.Void Insanity said:Now why can't we have more of this?
Adelor Lyon said:
Eyup!CHEEZMO said:'Cause it's creepy as fuck.
They're not even wings. She has like 10 feathers just sticking out of her.AceBandage said:Forget the face... what he hell is up with Flutershy's wings?
And your bikini clad horse eye rape is not creepy at all right?CHEEZMO said:'Cause it's creepy as fuck.
Firehead said:Right, I'm giving away a copy of Secret of the Magic Crystals - from this video - to somepony.
Just PM me with your Steam profile to be entered (I'll be using a random number generator to choose the winner, so first PM would be number one, second person would be second, etc.)
The giveaway will be open until 9PM EST (about 2 hours).
Bakphoon said:Introducing:
"Pegasus Pinkie Pie Series"
Pinkie Pie: "Oooooh wings!"
YAY!Firehead said:And the winner is...
The second PM, which is...
Now Rainbow Dash has nowhere to hide!Calpain said:Oh god, what has science done!Nice edit!
AceBandage said:
You won't ever need to apologize for that.Myke Greywolf said:I am sorry, but I will have to argue with you, in this case.
At face value, I'd agree that there's nothing wrong with Rarity being a "gifted" telekinetic, but suggesting that she is gifted, while at the same time suggesting that Twilight and other Unicorns aren't similarly gifted, as a counterpoint to Twilight's massive power level, says to me that somebody has inadequacy issues.It is true that Rarity needs no "enhancements" to be great. But I see absolutely no harm in fans imagining her to have this particular advantage, especially when it fits nicely with what we've seen of her, and particularly when combined with this particular application. It's a small thrill to see her portrayed as being a "closet badass", and we can imagine it as being her little secret, shared with us (as inconsequential as it may be).
It's fun. I will not let this particular thing carry the way I perceive the character, canon-wise. I'm OK with this.
yepRegulus Tera said:Isn't that the same artist who drew the Derpy handjob?
those were respectable tree farmers though, not some dirty knee shrub pickers.Ookami-kun said:Why does Applejack have fears though, since she has relatives from other fruits?
Regulus Tera said:Isn't that the same artist who drew the Derpy handjob?
ahoyhoy said:uhh.... hmm...
Does anyone really want to know the answer to this?
ahoyhoy said:uhh.... hmm...
Does anyone really want to know the answer to this?
ahoyhoy said:uhh.... hmm...
Does anyone really want to know the answer to this?
Ookami-kun said:Why does Applejack have fears though, since she has relatives from other fruits?
Narag said:
Whatever doesn't kill you, can only make you stronger.burningranger said:I swear if I live past this year due to all the cute induced heart attacks I'm going to suffer, I'll be a lucky SOB.