And trixie is called Trixie the Magnificant and not Trixie Lulamoon. And Octavia and DjPon3 appear by those names.
I can't wait to put The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon the Magnificant in my Ponyville.
Belle Eve Avatar is go!
Kinda wish I had a new one though...
Its gonna take forever earning bits, lol.
And Game OT, there needs to be one.
I think I now have a certain obsession with Tara Strong
not enough belle avatars.
ponygaf i am disappoint.
There you go Xze.
I can't find the avatar that someone was so nice to make for me
I used to have it saved, but I had to format my computer.
It was Belle with 2 ferrets.
It was here.