Not exactly pony related, but I'd like to give big thanks to Cleo for gifting me Dark Souls. Now I have to survive it...
*Fluttershy is already dead*
Harsh. Personally found it one of the best ones since S1; which was a relief since I wasn't a fan of any of the S2 music to be honest. Though I like 'em catchy.The whole song sucked, easily the worst song in the entire series so far.
My burro, Burrito (still trying to come up with a slightly better name, but for now..) In his own version of hell, featuring the pink devil herself!
Front view
behind (yes, he is a fat one)
In progress work of Zed, the zony. Hmm rather than post, I'll link it. Might be... disturbing
For the love of all that is right in the world, don't click this link! In progress Zed goes nuts. I am sorry Belle Eve was there... forgot about her.
More and more progress. I am still doing another Scoots, but in the meantime, my brother and I try our hands at non-ponies for a change. Stupid imgur is sucking on my end.. sorry in advanced.
The great thing about the burro? Since he was an almost full custom, we added a ball-socket joint in his neck for articulation. Still have some mane to trim down, but overall works well enough.
I'll have more starting next year. Still have a Kirin, a Scoots, and maybe a Longma (if I ever get one of the artist here or anywhere to help me ponify one... =p) Always open to ideas, and or suggestions. Maybe I'll try a Princess soon. Luna needs a better thing than she has now.
Merry Christmas to all those who wish. I am not that type, but I shan't rain on anyone's parade.
Sirs, it seems that the very only episode about Fluttershy this season will also be the best one.
Keep calm and Fluttershy on synopsis. Hell to the fucking yeah!
I have seen "A Very Minty Christmas"'
That is downright adorableYou and I are probably the only two donkey/mule/burro fans on here XD
Now how do I go about requesting one?![]()
No opinion on Star Catcher, although I have a blindbag Minty just because of that movie.
Wonderbolt Academy alternate ending. I like this version better
Er, it doesn't exist anymore...? What happened in the alternate ending?
Er, it doesn't exist anymore...? What happened in the alternate ending?
I meant to post about this somewhere back when the episode first came out, but I really hate the way her story developed. The tornado was the only mistake she made that she's actually totally responsible for. Rainbow Dash only hurt her wing because she wasn;t as good as Dust. Pushing everyone ahead of her out of the way was dumb, considering how much everyone else sucked it honestly didn't make much of a difference. The tornado, yeah, that was bad, no doubt there. But then all of a sudden she's getting blamed for everything else that happened, and she's basically treated as a villain like Trixie or the Flim Flams, and that's kinda nuts.
RD had a great view of the obstacle, she was the one who first spotted the flag. They were diving towards it side-by-side (RD still had a perfect view), and then RD said that they should slow down because she didn't think they could both make it through at that speed, meaning they can't go through side-by-side (unless they slow down).No, she got hurt because they were moving too fast and she couldn't see in front of LD. You can't blame her for not being psychic. LD was lead pony that means RD is required to follow her and do as she is told.
Except that it was a race.There was also no point in pushing ahead of everyone else because it wasn't a race. Their only goal was to complete the course and remain in sync, which she was required to do lest she be disqualified.
I usually love your teachings, but you do understand the concept of lead pony and wing pony, right?RD had a great view of the obstacle, she was the one who first spotted the flag. They were diving towards it side-by-side (RD still had a perfect view), and then RD said that they should slow down because she didn't think they could both make it through at that speed, meaning they can't go through side-by-side (unless they slow down).
LD said "heh" and increased her speed. RD also increased her speed and pulled behind LD, single-file. RD couldn't see past LD flying single-file, which presumably is what caused RD to clip her wing.
LD didn't order RD to fly at an unsafe speed/distance ratio, or even one RD was uncomfortable with, she didn't give any orders. All she did was dismiss the idea of slowing down, and chose instead to speed up.
RD went into single file formation on her own initiative (after LD apparently made side-by-side flying impossible), and RD was in a position to set the distance between herself and LD. I don't blame RD, and I get why she was mad at LD, but RD clipped her own wing.
Except that it was a race.
Spitfire: This is not a race. Speed doesn't matter.
Lightning Dust: You're lying. Speed always matters.
Spitfire: LOL, you're right. Speed does always matter. Good job in defying my orders and winning this non-race. Here's a gold star.
LD's biggest flaw is that she knows the score. She's not dense like RD. She knows that she's not like other ponies, she's much faster, but instead of being content with that, she throws herself into training and explores the limits of her own ability (and sometimes that leads to failure). I expect she doesn't have any real friends, and RD is her first.
Edit: Also, Trixie and the Flim Flam brothers aren't villains.
I usually love your teachings, but you do understand the concept of lead pony and wing pony, right?
LD was leading, so RD went single file to follow, as a wing pony should. Wing pony also informed the lead pony the dangers of going too fast. Lead pony should have known not to fly too fast for the wing pony to read and follow. Lead pony doesn't mean to do whatever you want and enjoy that everyone can't follow.
Edit: Also, Trixie and the Flim Flam brothers aren't villains.
I'd say that they were portrayed somewhat villainously, at least, in the same sense LD was. As characters who were an obstacle due to their going about things the wrong way.
LD wasn't going too fast, she was going too fast for double file. LD accelerated into the obstacle, and pulled through it just fine.
If RD had kept her initial speed, LD's agressive move would have given RD the space she needed to clear the obstacle without the need for slowing down.
"Lead ponies and wing ponies must fly together. If any pair splits apart, they will be immediately disqualified." - Spitfire
If RD did not accelerate she would have risked being disqualified.