He's chaos, they could've gone anywhere with him. And they didn't even touch upon the idea that Discord let Twilight win the first time.
You know what today is? Winter Wrap-up (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least)!
Im in exactly the same opinion with this. If thigns like discord and twilight princess (no pun intended) turn great in the 4th season, I will be very happy with it. And it would be awesome if we had teacher twilight like in the comics, I wouldnt mind a bit that direction.I would agree there were pacing issue sin many episodes of S3, but I still enjoyed it.
I like that they gave soft endings to all the characters that would have made appropriate stopping points had the series ended.
I still say the route they went with Discord worked fine. I really didn't mind the ending, and didn't really see it as a pacing issue. Discord was a self centered person, I think it's much more appropriate for him to be suddenly hit with losing his only friend than a gradual change over an episode. It seems more in tune with his character. And as I've said before, reforming him was the only way they could have gone with the character. They can't just bring him back to steal the elements and get turned to stone at the end again, and again.
As for Twilight, there are many roads they can do down now that she's a Princess. They can move her to a more supporting role like the other Princesses. Have her open up a magic school in Ponyville.
Ultimately though, they don't really need to do much. She's still Celestia's student. She still has a lot to learn.
Saddle up for one long wait...
As an Australian, could someone clear up which months Winter covers in the US?
I really wish we could all just use the quarter system. Everyone wins!
Saddle up for one long wait...
Saddle up for one long wait...
As an Australian, could someone clear up which months Winter covers in the US?
I really wish we could all just use the quarter system. Everyone wins!
As an Australian, could someone clear up which months Winter covers in the US?
I really wish we could all just use the quarter system. Everyone wins!
wait wait wait....
seasons are measured differently around the world?
We have more than one Aussie in this thread =o
wait wait wait....
seasons are measured differently around the world?
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, they sure are. For example, We're in Autumn here right now, and our Winter comes after that (June/July-ish).
wait wait wait....
seasons are measured differently around the world?
Seasons are measured by how hot/cold it is. Each country has their own system, based on the weather, even America, which can have heat waves on the same day when it has blizzards.
You'd think they would adopt a system centered on the summer/winter solstices, and let people figure out for themselves how their towns deviate from the norm, but you've seen how hard it is to get people to use the metric system. Now try telling someone it's technically summer when they're not wearing shorts yet.
i know your in a different season, but i thought they were measured the same as ours.
Seasons are measured by how hot/cold it is. Each country has their own system, based on the weather, even America, which can have heat waves on the same day when it has blizzards.
You'd think they would adopt a system centered on the summer/winter solstices, and let people figure out for themselves how their towns deviate from the norm, but you've seen how hard it is to get people to use the metric system. Now try telling someone it's technically summer when they're not wearing shorts yet.
our system is like, this date is when a season starts, every year its the same, and its always like that no matter the weather.
so everyone else is like, if its hot, its still summer? so summer can be like 11 months long or something?
our system is like, this date is when a season starts, every year its the same, and its always like that no matter the weather.
so everyone else is like, if its hot, its still summer? so summer can be like 11 months long or something?
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, they sure are. For example, We're in Autumn here right now, and our Winter comes after that (June/July-ish).
Yeah, because she's been so trustworthy in the past.
sunset shimmer is best pony
If I had to guess, I'd say that the Rarity story probably got bumped to S4 as a result of the short season. Doesn't make sense to think she'd tweet about a story if it wasn't something they genuinely had planned.
That was posted less than a month before the premier of the season. She certainly would have known what season 3 was going to be like by that time.
our system is like, this date is when a season starts, every year its the same, and its always like that no matter the weather.
so everyone else is like, if its hot, its still summer? so summer can be like 11 months long or something?
How can you not find an adorable robotic foal quoting Sartre hilarious
Uh guys?
WTF is going on?
So if EqD is to be believed, this the Japanese ending theme for MLP:
【PV】片思いの唐揚げ [あまくち姫] (Short ver.)/ HKT48[公式]
Link doesn't work for me...
Link doesn't work for me...
Ask Love Letters is pretty cute.
Ask Filly Twilight is cute, but sadly doesn't update very often.
Ask High School Cadance is pretty adorable too.
Ask the Crusaders goes for show-accuracy.
Ask Hot-Blooded Pinkie Pie goes for Dragonball-esque shenanigans.
My Little Beekeper is nice if you don't mind OCs.
Open it then refresh it.
Easier to just go here:Still doesn't work. Copy/paste?
The big white guy in the middle is obviously Twilight's new VA.
Easier to just go here:
The big white guy in the middle is obviously Twilight's new VA.
He could be Spiku, and MLP Nippon becomes an overdubbed adult oriented laugh track comedy...but no...
"Rarity..I.."/Charlton Heston voice