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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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I hope she just appears out of nowhere in the season 4 premier and just hangs out with the Mane 6 all the time and follows them around on their adventures and acts like she's always been there and nothing is different and the others are just kind of creeped out and questioning who this even is and what she's doing here.




I hope she just appears out of nowhere in the season 4 premier and just hangs out with the Mane 6 all the time and follows them around on their adventures and acts like she's always been there and nothing is different and the others are just kind of creeped out and questioning who this even is and what she's doing here.

she will be Twilights long lost sister that she loves and has always known about but never said anything.


I hope she just appears out of nowhere in the season 4 premier and just hangs out with the Mane 6 all the time and follows them around on their adventures and acts like she's always been there and nothing is different and the others are just kind of creeped out and questioning who this even is and what she's doing here.

No, no, no! The others should act like she's always been there, referencing past events as if she was part of them too. And they should reveal that she's actually Twilight's little sister! And she could have a crush on Spike. And her and Fluttershy should act like best friends. It would be awesome.

Buffy FTW.

After much reluctance I finally watched Foaly Matripony, and I really liked it. It's like they finally found their groove. The song was ridiculously catchy and the jokes were actually funny.

And something for Forester:

Source is actually Pixiv, FYI, so you can't really hotlink even I tried.


Yay, Another forced toy that potentially impacts the dynamics of the show!

What could go wrong!?

I'm as afraid of losing Twilight from the show as anyone, but I'm trying really hard to get comfortable with the (possible) upsides of a new lead. Change is scary, but we've still got the same great writers at the helm. I have faith in their ability to turn changes from on-high into opportunities for great storytelling.

And if it turns out that Twi isn't going anywhere, no problem!


Change is scary, but we've still got the same great writers at the helm. I have faith in their ability to turn changes from on-high into opportunities for great storytelling.

They couldn't even bring back the show's greatest villain without screwing it up. I've honestly lost a lot of faith in the writers. Between several great episodes this season, there were A LOT of middling results plus the aforementioned biggest fuck up in the history of the show.


They couldn't even bring back the show's greatest villain without screwing it up. I've honestly lost a lot of faith in the writers. Between several great episodes this season, there were A LOT of middling results plus the aforementioned biggest fuck up in the history of the show.

i was actually pretty content with S3 until the season finale.

the finale 1. was horrible in itself and 2. nothing from any of the episodes before it amounted to anything and nothing was resolved.

it was an enormous let down, and now it seems that they ended the main characters core arc just so she can be replaced by some new character.

it was essentially a series finale that was very rushed and is now prolly going to be used as a soft reboot of sorts to change a lot of stuff.

again, i really liked S3 for the most part, but the finale really soured everything.

maybe Dash at Wonderbolts Academy, the Equestria Games and Discord Returns plot threads will matter in S4 cuz they sure didnt impact anything in S3.

between S4 having to continue from what was pretty much the end of the show to the anthro pones in highschool thing, my hype is pretty crushed. ill be watching out of curiosity to see how it all plays out and hope that S4 is actually decent.


They couldn't even bring back the show's greatest villain without screwing it up. I've honestly lost a lot of faith in the writers. Between several great episodes this season, there were A LOT of middling results plus the aforementioned biggest fuck up in the history of the show.

While I agree that "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was a poor episode, I don't think we can lay the blame on the writing team as a whole. The simple fact of that story was that it was built on a premise that should never have made it past the concept stage. You don't bring back a character whose popularity is owed to his arrogance and mischievousness and then turn him into a subservient wuss. It makes no sense.

I don't know all the facts, but I understand that the premise for the story was thought up by somebody's kid, who got it made as a result of some family connections. The actual episode was then written by Dave Polsky, who isn't exactly a fan-favourite writer.

I was pretty happy with the season overall, with my rankings putting six of the episodes in "Excellent", five in "Good" and two in "Poor". Plus, we got Corey Powell added to the writing team, which was beyond excellent news.


While I agree that "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was a poor episode, I don't think we can lay the blame on the writing team as a whole. The simple fact of that story was that it was built on a premise that should never have made it past the concept stage. You don't bring back a character whose popularity is owed to his arrogance and mischievousness and then turn him into a subservient wuss. It makes no sense.

I don't know all the facts, but I understand that the premise for the story was thought up by somebody's kid, who got it made as a result of some family connections. The actual episode was then written by Dave Polsky, who isn't exactly a fan-favourite writer.

I was pretty happy with the season overall, with my rankings putting six of the episodes in "Excellent", five in "Good" and two in "Poor". Plus, we got Corey Powell added to the writing team, which was beyond excellent news.

Believe or not, I still have some hope for season 4. But the more I read about it, the more pessimistic I become.

And there is a good reason for that. I think that the problem with the show aren't the writers, they have proven that they can handle the job (most of the time). The current show runners on the other hand...

Let me see, S3 had some excellent episodes but at the same time it had horrible and absolutely unnecessary problems that really made me question those who represent the head of the show:
- Discord: rushed episode for nothing.
- Wonderbolt academy: ends in nothing.
- Olympics: ends in nothing.
- No episode for Rarity.
- The weakest 2 part episode of the show. On a season with way too many rushed episodes.
- The season final not only was rushed but it also gave a hard end to a main character.
- Lack of world building for anything, stuff just happens because it has to happen.
- Main characters awfully neglected to the point that some are a pathetic shadow of their former self.

Seriously, even the best teams can create crap when they follow a compromised, wrong or non-existent vision.



Believe or not, I still have some hope for season 4. But the more I read about it, the more pessimistic I become.

And there is a good reason for that. I think that the problem with the show aren't the writers, they have proven that they can handle the job (most of the time). The current show runners on the other hand...

Let me see, S3 had some excellent episodes but at the same time it had horrible and absolutely unnecessary problems that really made me question those who represent the head of the show:
- Discord: rushed episode for nothing.
- Wonderbolt academy: ends in nothing.
- Olympics: ends in nothing.
- No episode for Rarity.
- The weakest 2 part episode of the show. On a season with way too many rushed episodes.
- The season final not only was rushed but it also gave a hard end to a main character.
- Lack of world building for anything, stuff just happens because it has to happen.
- Main characters awfully neglected to the point that some are a pathetic shadow of their former self.

Seriously, even the best teams can create crap when they follow a compromised, wrong or non-existent vision.


speak the truth brother!!


Believe or not, I still have some hope for season 4. But the more I read about it, the more pessimistic I become.

And there is a good reason for that. I think that the problem with the show aren't the writers, they have proven that they can handle the job (most of the time). The current show runners on the other hand...

Let me see, S3 had some excellent episodes but at the same time it had horrible and absolutely unnecessary problems that really made me question those who represent the head of the show:
- Discord: rushed episode for nothing.
- Wonderbolt academy: ends in nothing.
- Olympics: ends in nothing.
- No episode for Rarity.
- The weakest 2 part episode of the show. On a season with way too many rushed episodes.
- The season final not only was rushed but it also gave a hard end to a main character.
- Lack of world building for anything, stuff just happens because it has to happen.
- Main characters awfully neglected to the point that some are a pathetic shadow of their former self.

Seriously, even the best teams can create crap when they follow a compromised, wrong or non-existent vision.

I can see a lot of those issues, but none of them really got to me a great deal. I'll admit I was pretty disappointed that Wonderbolt Academy had such a rough ending, and the aforementioned crummy Discord episode is going to be one of those ones I pretend never happened.

The other stuff wasn't so bad though. I'm willing to wait til Season 4 for another Rarity story, and I never had any expectation of seeing the Equestria Games. Crystal Empire was perfectly pleasant I thought, and it did a fair bit in regards to world-building. I can't say I really noticed any deficiencies in the characters (expect Spike, damn that episode), but I think that's probably a side-effect of such a short season.

Anyway, that's just me :)


I can see a lot of those issues, but none of them really got to me a great deal. I'll admit I was pretty disappointed that Wonderbolt Academy had such a rough ending, and the aforementioned crummy Discord episode is going to be one of those ones I pretend never happened.

The other stuff wasn't so bad though. I'm willing to wait til Season 4 for another Rarity story, and I never had any expectation of seeing the Equestria Games. Crystal Empire was perfectly pleasant I thought, and it did a fair bit in regards to world-building. I can't say I really noticed any deficiencies in the characters (expect Spike, damn that episode), but I think that's probably a side-effect of such a short season.

Anyway, that's just me :)

As I said much earlier, I like to think that S3 suffered from big external issues that affected several stages of the production. (I'm ignoring several comments from the people involved where they say, in way or another, that the season was what they wanted)

Now, for the lack of character development:
- AJ, FS, PP and arguably R (as pointed by Forester some time ago) lack aspirations. It's pretty difficult to have any progression without something that important.
- R and PP are presented as a mutilated version of their usual selves: PP is an annoying and out of place comedy relief. While R is a generic manipulative diva... and nothing else in both cases.
- In a similar way, FS, RD and AJ are often limited to their most basic roles, sometimes it gets so bad that they feel like background characters. The best example I can give you about this one is that the very few character specific episodes go, without fail, nowhere. Not to mention that the rest of the season is about TS.

The first part is something that can't be fixed with one random episode, it's something that requires vision from those who run the show. The second and third parts are just the left overs of what I like to think was a troubled production. (Because the alternative is incompetence or even negligence)

For the world building I'll give you the best example I can think of: not even the cast of the show knows what the Starswirl's spell does. And let's not forget, that for some reason it's the first and only spell that requires a verse.

Ugh... I'm a little bit tired. I was going to write a little bit about another important difference I noticed between seasons, but that will wait.


Kills Photobucket
I would agree there were pacing issue sin many episodes of S3, but I still enjoyed it.
I like that they gave soft endings to all the characters that would have made appropriate stopping points had the series ended.

I still say the route they went with Discord worked fine. I really didn't mind the ending, and didn't really see it as a pacing issue. Discord was a self centered person, I think it's much more appropriate for him to be suddenly hit with losing his only friend than a gradual change over an episode. It seems more in tune with his character. And as I've said before, reforming him was the only way they could have gone with the character. They can't just bring him back to steal the elements and get turned to stone at the end again, and again.

As for Twilight, there are many roads they can do down now that she's a Princess. They can move her to a more supporting role like the other Princesses. Have her open up a magic school in Ponyville.


Ultimately though, they don't really need to do much. She's still Celestia's student. She still has a lot to learn.


Other day I remember that was moths since I read Ask Valvet. I'm happy to back there and see a lot o new releases. That, Ask Molestia and Slice of life are my favorites tumblr.

There are others tumblr that you recommend?

Ask Filly Twilight is cute, but sadly doesn't update very often.

Ask High School Cadance is pretty adorable too.

Ask the Crusaders goes for show-accuracy.

Ask Hot-Blooded Pinkie Pie goes for Dragonball-esque shenanigans.

My Little Beekeper is nice if you don't mind OCs.


I would agree there were pacing issue sin many episodes of S3, but I still enjoyed it.
I like that they gave soft endings to all the characters that would have made appropriate stopping points had the series ended.

I still say the route they went with Discord worked fine. I really didn't mind the ending, and didn't really see it as a pacing issue. Discord was a self centered person, I think it's much more appropriate for him to be suddenly hit with losing his only friend than a gradual change over an episode. It seems more in tune with his character. And as I've said before, reforming him was the only way they could have gone with the character. They can't just bring him back to steal the elements and get turned to stone at the end again, and again.

As for Twilight, there are many roads they can do down now that she's a Princess. They can move her to a more supporting role like the other Princesses. Have her open up a magic school in Ponyville.

Ultimately though, they don't really need to do much. She's still Celestia's student. She still has a lot to learn.

I'm entirely with you Dr. I like the idea but the execution is what bothers me. Specially because both Discord and Fluttershy were amazing, sadly the rest not so much. (Maybe if they had more time...)

On the other hand, since we have a new princess, one of the best ways to keep the show running is exactly what you are suggesting... the problem is that, if you believe what the cast has been saying, S4 is going to be about TS.


Kills Photobucket
I'm entirely with you Dr. I like the idea but the execution is what bothers me. Specially because both Discord and Fluttershy were amazing, sadly the rest not so much. (Maybe if they had more time...)

On the other hand, since we have a new princess, one of the best ways to keep the show running is exactly what you are suggesting... the problem is that, if you believe what the cast has been saying, S4 is going to be about TS.

How do you get that? Meghan has only said there is a 2 episode followup, and we're all guessing it's the premier (some even think that upcoming book about Cadance may be a novelization of the episode). I haven't gotten the impression at all that it's going to be the Twilight Sparkle show.


How do you get that? Meghan has only said there is a 2 episode followup, and we're all guessing it's the premier (some even think that upcoming book about Cadance may be a novelization of the episode). I haven't gotten the impression at all that it's going to be the Twilight Sparkle show.

If I recall correctly, in one of these cons they said that S4 was going to be about TS dealing with her new role.


I still say the route they went with Discord worked fine. I really didn't mind the ending, and didn't really see it as a pacing issue. Discord was a self centered person, I think it's much more appropriate for him to be suddenly hit with losing his only friend than a gradual change over an episode. It seems more in tune with his character. And as I've said before, reforming him was the only way they could have gone with the character. They can't just bring him back to steal the elements and get turned to stone at the end again, and again.
He's chaos, they could've gone anywhere with him. And they didn't even touch upon the idea that Discord let Twilight win the first time.

And he was locked in stone. They didn't have to do anything with his character until they were certain that they had a perfect idea of where to take him. Although, their hand might've been forced by DeLancie's offer to come back for another episode, and a sense of "take him up on his offer now and make an episode (any episode) for him, or we might not get another chance."

I don't know all the facts, but I understand that the premise for the story was thought up by somebody's kid, who got it made as a result of some family connections. The actual episode was then written by Dave Polsky, who isn't exactly a fan-favourite writer.
The basic idea for the episode came down from the top, from Meghan, although it might have come from somewhere else before that.

The kid is apparently an aspiring rookie or apprentice writer, child of other writers who work in the industry but not on this particular show. It wasn't his personal fanfic, and doing a Discord episode wasn't his idea. He did the first pass of turning his assigned one-line idea (Fluttershy reforms Discord) into something bigger. Dave Polsky did the second pass, made some changes to the kid's work (he apparently had no idea the first pass was worked by a kid), and he turned the fleshed-out idea into a full episode.

Also, the kid and Dave both mentioned being abnormally rushed for some reason with that episode. Probably something to do with DeLancie's availability schedule. And Meghan said (joked?) that Dave is the writer she typically dumps the problem episodes on.
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