Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.
I think Luna has the potential to be best pony, but she's criminally underused. The entire show started with her, and most fans seemed to want to get to know her a little better, but the show just left us hanging and wondering. She had one fantastic episode at the start of season 2, which basically confirmed her as the greatest and most interesting pony. But then the end of season 2
literally forgot that she existed. And she
still managed to pull that off with style. Season 3 wasn't very good for her. It's like the writers said "Hey look guys, we remembered that she exists. We don't actually
have anything for her to say or do, but we remembered that she exists this time."
I think Celestia also has the potential to be best pony, but she's at her best when her greatness is implied. When they try to
show her greatness, I think they tend to fall short. Luna benefits from more screen time, Celestia benefits from less.
If we disqualify Celestia and Luna as unfair comparisons to other ponies, then I would have to say that Rainbow Dash is best pony. She seems to genuinely enjoy life the most. Pinkie actually enjoys life more than anyone, but with Pinkie it goes too far, and doesn't seem real. Rainbow Dash is more relaxed and genuine. Also, Rainbow Dash's rainbow-colored hair is awesome almost to the point of cheating. But as we all know, it's not cheating if it's your own inherent greatness and you were born with it. Although Celestia and Luna debatably have nicer hair than Rainbow Dash (they both have superior hair effects, at minimum).