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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Sure thing. I know plenty of people would be happy to give you some episode recommendations too, if you'd like them.

Hmm sure, but I am more here for, you could say social studies. I just want to monitor this pony thing, it interests me as human interested in humans ,rather than ponies.( sorry if this sounds like rambling)

But sure recommend away.

But I do have questions for all who wish reply.

So in the name of studying the habits of humans.

First Question.Ahem.

Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.


Kills Photobucket
Celestia is best pony. She is like a horsie version of Gandalf or Dumbeldore.

Of the main cast, the answer is Rainbow Dash. She is a great leader and helps bring out the best in other ponies, like #2 best pony, Fluttershy.


Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are equal best pony. Pinkie because season 2, Dashie because season 1 and 3. Anyone who tells you Luna is best pony is biased.

Could you go into depth, personality color pallet.

So far I like the moon one. Potential time space powers.

Celestia is best pony. She is like a horsie version of Gandalf or Dumbeldore.

Of the main cast, the answer is Rainbow Dash. She is a great leader and helps bring out the best in other ponies, like #2 best pony, Fluttershy.

a bit more depth, please friend.


Welcome, Village.

"Best pony?"

For me, there isn't one. MLP is a great endorsement for individuality, and every pony on the show has their own unique traits. Its a boring answer, but they're all great in their own ways.

Failing that, Spike is best pony. He can be a little selfish at times, sure, but generally speaking he's a loyal and capable friend to all, despite his dragon-y heritage.


Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.

I think Luna has the potential to be best pony, but she's criminally underused. The entire show started with her, and most fans seemed to want to get to know her a little better, but the show just left us hanging and wondering. She had one fantastic episode at the start of season 2, which basically confirmed her as the greatest and most interesting pony. But then the end of season 2 literally forgot that she existed. And she still managed to pull that off with style. Season 3 wasn't very good for her. It's like the writers said "Hey look guys, we remembered that she exists. We don't actually have anything for her to say or do, but we remembered that she exists this time."

I think Celestia also has the potential to be best pony, but she's at her best when her greatness is implied. When they try to show her greatness, I think they tend to fall short. Luna benefits from more screen time, Celestia benefits from less.

If we disqualify Celestia and Luna as unfair comparisons to other ponies, then I would have to say that Rainbow Dash is best pony. She seems to genuinely enjoy life the most. Pinkie actually enjoys life more than anyone, but with Pinkie it goes too far, and doesn't seem real. Rainbow Dash is more relaxed and genuine. Also, Rainbow Dash's rainbow-colored hair is awesome almost to the point of cheating. But as we all know, it's not cheating if it's your own inherent greatness and you were born with it. Although Celestia and Luna debatably have nicer hair than Rainbow Dash (they both have superior hair effects, at minimum).


I ask this because , I am a fan of other sets of neon colored anthropomorphic animals, and I have always wondered why certain characters clicks with some people. And why certain characters seem to rear their heads no matter what IP it is.

Anyone like any other ponies, also if you like any background ponies, could you explain why.


Don't listen to the others, the only true answer is obviously Fluttershy. Because cute and loves her friends.

Just look at her. Adorable.


I ask this because , I am a fan of other sets of neon colored anthropomorphic animals, and I have always wondered why certain characters clicks with some people. And why certain characters seem to rear their heads no matter what IP it is.

Anyone like any other ponies, also if you like any background ponies, could you explain why.

I like Cheerilee. But I mostly like her because she's nice and she's single and she's a teacher and she grew up in the 80's.

Although I do also like her color scheme. I'm not sure why.

Edit: And Trixie. Trixie is also great.

You did see what happened to the last person that didn't say Celestia or Rainbow Dash, right?
Well yeah but, Ambiguous said "Twilight". That's a far cry from Fluttershy. Fluttershy is still a valid opinion.


Hmm sure, but I am more here for, you could say social studies. I just want to monitor this pony thing, it interests me as human interested in humans ,rather than ponies.( sorry if this sounds like rambling)

But sure recommend away.

But I do have questions for all who wish reply.

So in the name of studying the habits of humans.

First Question.Ahem.

Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.

best pony for me is Rarity. she's one of the more fleshed ponies of the group and she never comes off as one-dimensional as some of the other ponies do every now and then. part of that is the writing but her VA also does an excellent job in bringing her life and keeping her fresh. i like classy female characters with ambition and strength and her personality plays well off the characters in some fun ways. i also really dig how she is naturally giving of herself to her friends but still has these little selfish qualities too. she's owns her own business and has a great sense of style. she's just an incredibly fun character.


For me, the best pony is Fluttershy. Her personality was one that I instantly related to and adored watching.

Oh yeah, I guess I'm new here as well. Been watching since early season 2 airings, like 4 episodes in or so.


Kills Photobucket
Could you go into depth, personality color pallet.

Rainbow Dash is a favorite mostly because I'm training to be a pilot. So I can relate to the love of flying, and pilots by our very nature are a bit brash.

Celestia really is because she reminds me of characters like Dumbledore and Gandalf. Super powerful, yet very wise. Not the type to solve everyone's problems directly, but help others solve the problem for themselves. She's a ruler, but she tends to be hands off, and knows how much assistance is needed for any situation. She doesn't go overboard in response to something.


Unconfirmed Member
Hmm sure, but I am more here for, you could say social studies. I just want to monitor this pony thing, it interests me as human interested in humans ,rather than ponies.( sorry if this sounds like rambling)
Heh, I've kind of followed into this for the same reason. Always considered taking the path of being a Sociologist.
I guess I've caught up into it, but I guess it also helps that a good chunk of the people I associate with are big into it. Ease of access to conversations and jokes.
Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.
I'd give the title of that to Rarity. A great character with a personality that runs surprisingly deep. Also considering the fact at first sight (viewing?) I was completely turn off by the character. I first tuned into a dress-making episode and everything seemed to fall into generic blob of a young girl television. Everything is nice and willing to do everything, being as pretty as you can be, then they started singing... No thanks. Nothing of value for me here.
Somehow I came back and started properly. Turns out they developed a character that actually wasn't a perfect gem; in-fact they all have flaws and the creators play and develop with them rather naturally. And that episode that onced turned me away is now one of or not the best episodes of the show.
And the voice actress pretty much nails each line perfectly. Great. Great. Great work.

Edit: To the latest question. Yeah, I'd probably enjoy it. I somehow never left viewing children's shows. I've been the eldest sibling and the youngest seemed to control the TV with their programing. Then watching other younger kids in the family.... I've just kind of grew (trying) to appreciate childhood programing.


hmm Interesting responses.

Do you all think you would have enjoyed this show as children.

That's actually a tough question to answer, for me anyway. I think at a very young age I might have. As an older child and teenager though, I probably wouldn't have given it a chance.


Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.

Rarity is best pony.

Besides Tabitha St. Germain doing such good work for her voice (especially when Rarity gushes or wails about something, or otherwise acts in a highly dramatic fashion), her character is just one of the most fun of the bunch. Initially I was totally turned off by Rarity and expected her to be shallow, conceited and trivial, but in spite of how she does in fact reflect those tendencies at times, there's also something in her nature that tends to fight against those qualities: in a way that feels totally natural and not forced. It doesn't come off as "she's a bitch but she's actually nice too" all of the time; it seems like one believable cohesive character whereby both sides existing simultaneously seems to make total sense.

I've only seen the Season 3 opener of Season 3 so far, but there was one moment with Rarity that was sublime--
the part where Rainbow Dash mentions how dull the Crystal Palace is or something, and in response Rarity gushes about it. Rainbow Dash reveals she was messing with her and Applejack laughs...and then Rarity laughs with a small "very funny."
and the way it was handled was so natural, and so grown for the character. She has her frivolous and selfish moments too (the end of Twilight's party in Season 2), but they're handled without making her despicable.

I also like her willingness to get aggressive, among other traits it just subverts the superficial stereotypes that are easy to pin on her.

hmm Interesting responses.

Do you all think you would have enjoyed this show as children.

I probably would have, but I also would have had a hard time watching it. I know that as a child I would have been very insecure about others knowing I watched the show, having gone out of my way to make sure family and friends didn't know I watched Sailor Moon or Powerpuff Girls. However, I most definitely would have been attracted toward the show, and would eventually get sucked in to the fanbase somehow.


hmm Interesting responses.

Do you all think you would have enjoyed this show as children.
Good question, actually. Probably. It's a cartoon, I watched pretty much any kind of cartoon as a kid, good and bad. Still an animation fan as an adult, so I guess that part stuck. I was a big fan of The Powerpuff Girls, though, so something being girly certainly wasn't a barrier even then.


Do you all think you would have enjoyed this show as children.

Heck yeah. As a kid in the 80's I was enjoying all the great "boys" cartoons like Transformers, GI Joe, He Man, some anime like Robotech, and pretty much everything I could find, but a closeted part of me was also eagerly watching "girls" cartoons.

The 80's MLP didn't make the cut, and wasn't something that held my interest, but this new one is definitely my type.

Note: I never really lost my interest in cartoons. In the 90's I was mostly watching anime and then Beast Wars dragged me back to my cartoon roots, and then Sailor Moon dragged me back to "girls" cartoons. In the 2000's, I saw Harry Potter and distinctly told myself "Well, it's good, but I'm much too old for this." A few years later I was gleefully enjoying being a Potterhead. Nowadays, I just don't question these things. And before you start to think me a manchild (not that there's anything wrong with that), this weekend I was marathoning "Downton Abbey" (worth it), "Murdoch Mysteries" (worth it), and watched the 1953 religious epic "The Robe" (it's no Ben Hur). While catching up on some much-needed home repair.


Heh, I've kind of followed into this for the same reason. Always considered taking the path of being a Sociologist.
I guess I've caught up into it, but I guess it also helps that a good chunk of the people I associate with are big into it. Ease of access to conversations and jokes.

I'd give the title of that to Rarity. A great character with a personality that runs surprisingly deep. Also considering the fact at first sight (viewing?) I was completely turn off by the character. I first tuned into a dress-making episode and everything seemed to fall into generic blob of a young girl television. Everything is nice and willing to do everything, being as pretty as you can be, then they started singing... No thanks. Nothing of value for me here.

Somehow I came back and started properly. Turns out they developed a character that actually wasn't a perfect gem; in-fact they all have flaws and the creators play and develop with them rather naturally. And that episode that onced turned me away is now one of or not the best episodes of the show.
And the voice actress pretty much nails each line perfectly. Great. Great. Great work.

Edit: To the latest question. Yeah, I'd probably enjoy it. I somehow never left viewing children's shows. I've been the eldest sibling and the youngest seemed to control the TV with their programing. Then watching other younger kids in the family.... I've just kind of grew (trying) to appreciate childhood programing.

Incredible, I did exactly the same and share the same thoughts. To this date, I think Rarity is the most interesting character of the show. Not my favorite, that would be the pink one, since she is contagiously happy and stupidly adorable, not to mention her amazing singing voice.

And for the other question, I wouldn't enjoy it. Season 1 was a tad boring and "pink" for my taste (now and then), and the latest season came with a certain character trait that I find really annoying. I bare with it now, mostly, to follow the fandom.


I am while creating my analysis , I have come across something odd. Rarity is in fact special, so it makes quite a bit of sense that so many people seem to like her. Not as many people navy blue space princess but a lot of people none the less. As a for warning when I decide to post about the types of characters , they will be compared to other groups of neon color anthropomorphic animals. Someone may be offended, I am just offering an objective view on why certain types of characters click with people.

That said.

If the show decided to expand on the world they live in, would you enjoy that?


If the show decided to expand on the world they live in, would you enjoy that?

They do occasionally and yes I enjoy it when they do. Episodes about history, traditions and holidays are some of my favorites. Since I didn't answer your previous questions, best pony is Rainbow Dash and no I probably wouldn't have watched it when I was a kid.


Worldbuilding episodes are fun. Seeing events like Winter Wrap Up, the Grand Galloping Gala, Nightmare Night, the Running of the Leaves, and Hearth's Warming Eve is fun, both for the original events and those that are an adaptation of real life ones. Seeing the world outside Ponyville is fun, too, and it's amusing that one of the scariest places... is a place where nature takes care of itself.

It's showing that this is a world, not just a setting for one-off stories. And most importantly, the events stick. The show wouldn't be as fun if it contradicted itself a lot. The Crystal Empire does come off as a toy mandate, but this is My Little Pony. It comes with the territory.


Worldbuilding is great and all, until we get to the sea ponies. That's supposed to be the sign that we've gone too far.

Although I'd be game for jumping that shark. Just to see what's out there. Sharks were made to be jumped.


Worldbuilding is great and all, until we get to the sea ponies. That's supposed to be the sign that we've gone too far.

Although I'd be game for jumping that shark. Just to see what's out there. Sharks were made to be jumped.

You might jump a shark and latch on to a hang glider. It could happen.
Worldbuilding is great and all, until we get to the sea ponies. That's supposed to be the sign that we've gone too far.

Although I'd be game for jumping that shark. Just to see what's out there. Sharks were made to be jumped.

I know we can do better than "Shoo-bee-doo, shoo-shoo-bee-doo".


Optical illusion? Her left eye actually looks like it's misaligned with her right. :eek:

"Your right eye is point zero zero four higher than your left."
"Nobody's perfect, Twilight."


I am back with more questions.

how you feel the relationship between the hows creators and the fanbase. Is it good, bad , do you even think it should be there. Do you think it should be greater?

Tell me how you feel about it


Who is best pony. Also Why is best pony.


Trixie is the best pony because she's everything I like in a person/pony. She's confident with a bit of arrogance, doesn't take shit lying down, and best of all knows when to apologize when she crosses a line.

Also she's best in magic and all that.

The relationship between the creators and fans is pretty nice. Not too close but not too far.


I am back with more questions.

how you feel the relationship between the shows creators and the fanbase. Is it good, bad , do you even think it should be there. Do you think it should be greater?

Tell me how you feel about it

I think the current relationship is pretty great. I think to start with, the creators needed the vindication they felt when they were rewarded for all the blood, sweat, and tears they've put into this show and others, and the fans needed that extra little bit of assurance that they're not crazy.

But there have been a few small incidents that have come about from the fans getting too close to the creators, and the creators getting too close to the fans. It does make me worry that maybe they've gotten too close, and I think that maybe they should dial things down a little, but then again, so far I think everyone has handled the situations pretty well, and I've seen other fandoms develop problems even with a lot more distance, so I'm not sure if it really matters.

Basically, I think the fan interaction on MLP is great, better than most fandoms, and I think that I'd like to see this sort of thing continue, but I would be very hesitant to ask for it to be ramped up. I think it's very possible to go too far.
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