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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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The funniest part is the 'pretty girl' makeover. She used to be a pony. She could be wearing a towel for all she knows. She's not going to have any appreciation of any of this.


but they have clothes, fashion, and makeup in equestria



but they have clothes, fashion, and makeup in equestria

for horses. she's not going to suddenly think omg i'm beautiful as a human though once they redo that hilarious trope in ponytone multicolor. Self-acceptance and inner beauty from a person who used to be a pony?


Excellent work, you're getting better by leaps and bounds and slides.

Still a long way to go, though.
I know there's still plenty room for improvement. That's the fun part. Well, the really fun part is looking back half a year and then wonder what I can do six months from now.


I know there's still plenty room for improvement. That's the fun part. Well, the really fun part is looking back half a year and then wonder what I can do six months from now.

You've improved faster than I did. It took me a year and a half to get to the point I'm at now.


You've improved faster than I did. It took me a year and a half to get to the point I'm at now.
I'm still really, really slow at drawing, though. I need to work more on speed and accuracy. Although this one had a ton of new techniques I had to learn, the hair and metal in particular.

Still, thanks for the kind words.
I'm still really, really slow at drawing, though. I need to work more on speed and accuracy. Although this one had a ton of new techniques I had to learn, the hair and metal in particular.

Still, thanks for the kind words.

Speed and accuracy will come with time, I'm still rather slow compared to people I met at school, but I'm getting faster. Just keep it up, your stuff is looking good.


Speed and accuracy will come with time, I'm still rather slow compared to people I met at school, but I'm getting faster. Just keep it up, your stuff is looking good.
I'm thinking some speed sketches are in order soon, but I also want to learn to draw humans, so, I'll probably do a mix. I also have an idea for a pretty awesome Rainbow Dash drawing, but I'm going to take a short break from big drawings. At least for a few days.


She'd cheer for Fluttershy if the need arose though.
That was pretty much Dash's defacto role in Hurricane Fluttershy.

Best part of that episode was RD's efforts to motivate Fluttershy even when Fillydelphia's wingpower record was clearly on the forefront of her mind and FS was unlikely to be a big contributor towards toppling it. That extra bit of patience and consideration paid off big time when Fluttershy's efforts proved vital when Thunderlane and those other pegasi staged their big sick-out.

Dash was always in her corner... something she's always good at so long as there's no chance of her own contributions being upstaged (i.e. Rarity in Sonic Rainboom, the Mysterious Mare Do Well, Applejack in Fall Weather Friends).

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Here are two pieces that I did for JudHudson, on an "Evil Dead" crossover theme:


I really like how they came out, but I'm a little afraid that they could bite me in the ass later. The dA FiM groups don't allow for this kind of content, and rejected my submissions. :p

Regardless, I am extremely thankful to Jud for giving me this opportunity to show what I can do. It has allowed me to improve my technique and introduce some new elements to my skill set. :)


Here are two pieces that I did for JudHudson, on an "Evil Dead" crossover theme:


I really like how they came out, but I'm a little afraid that they could bite me in the ass later. The dA FiM groups don't allow for this kind of content, and rejected my submissions. :p

Regardless, I am extremely thankful to Jud for giving me this opportunity to show what I can do. It has allowed me to improve my technique and introduce some new elements to my skill set. :)

I'm not really a fan of Grimdark/horror ponies myself...but man, Evil Dead...it was just too cool of an idea to pass up, I really wanted to see it brought to life, and you did a smashing job at it :D

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I'm not really a fan of Grimdark/horror ponies myself...but man, Evil Dead...it was just too cool of an idea to pass up, I really wanted to see it brought to life, and you did a smashing job at it :D
Thank you so much for the compliment, I'm extremely happy that you liked it. Oh, and here is a little extra that I thought of while I was doing the illustrations:



she is really the only one I currently dislike.

In time Rarity will become the only character you care about in the show, her fabulosity eclipsing all of the other ponies.

But it'll indeed take a while. In the meantime I offer this science as evidence to prepare for the mega truth bomb the show will inevitably deliver.

Guess she didn't learn her lesson from last e3

Ugh. I saw the PS4 reveal, and this sounded worse. I couldn't fathom at the time how things could go worse than the PS4 reveal, which although wasn't an abomination, isn't the sort of hype you expect from an event like that in so far as the game selection was kind of lame, no console, bells and whistles, data mining, etc.

Anyway. Time to get to business. And by that, I mean pony.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 4 Episode 8: Apple Family Reunion.

Gesundhoof. Heh. I dig pony wordplay.

It was...okay? I want to say I liked it, it evoked a lot of cozy family feelings and such. The problem for me is that it felt dull at times, and you could basically see most everything coming. It's just unfortunate that there's so little to talk about with this episode, I'm not often at a loss like this. It makes sense that this episode is about the Apple Family. I don't think we've seen the extended Apple Family since the Pilot episode, but it's good here because the sense of family community is taken seriously by the Apples, it provides them with identity. It did a good job of referencing the past in that sense, besides nice shoutouts like Braeburn. And...Babs. That was quite fast. Not much going with Babs. I almost don't think there's much you can do with Babs at this point; episodes are always about the CMC or the Mane6+Spike in some way. If Babs shows up again, it'll involve all of the CMC, but how do you bring her back and not have her control the episode? Baby Applejack was cute to see, and I like how the show comments on her appetite. I also like that she got her own song! She needed it. It was cute, charmy, and reminded me of line-dancing. It was also not entirely fun to listen to. I'm happy that she got her own song, and that it was so peppy, but it wasn't about anything all that interesting. So I kept checking out mentally during the song, and waited for it to be over in spite of the fun I was having.

The moral was pretty clear once Granny Smith is checking the album and Applejack is mentally elsewhere. It's actually a goal that's easy to relate to. Wanting others to be happy so bad, getting caught up in your ideas and not catching how your ideas might take the fun out of an outing. It's something I've been guilty of, definitely, and something I've observed from the outside too when I've gone to events planned by other people. What do you do about something like that, honestly? It's not such a clear cut thing, like "learn how to stand up for yourself." All you can do is try to involve others in your decision making sometimes, or have great understandings of other people and what will make them happy. Of course, being able to take an honest opinion from someone who claims they're not having fun, or being able to understand that someone isn't having fun, is important too. I suppose that's it; this message is difficult because it's not just about you the individual, but understanding the feelings of others. Letter to Celestia fucking changes everything though! Talk about your plot twists!

I don't remember the last time I felt so ambivalent about an episode. I'm happy for what it did and for the cozy feelings it evoked, but it was also pretty boring.

Other ponies? Applebloom. She just wanted to hang out with her favorite cousin Babs. Granny Smith was the usual Granny Smith, but as a visual gag her adjusting her face to young-mode was funny. Big Mac.......I like how the other Mane Six were handled when they showed up.
Rarity stole the show.
I also like that Twilight and Fluttershy weren't shown, because you don't have to show ALL of the ponies every time other ponies are referenced outside of the one pony the episode focuses on.
Don't join the list... Rarity belongs at the bottom, Unicorn racists are to be shunned, not loved, (Besides, season 3 put her in her place... the new background pony! ;p)

As usual, I am being bitter, but somewhat serious!


Rarity personality-wise has plenty of flaws: not exactly generous (see end of ACW), uses child labour (Sleepless in Ponyville), racist like the donkey above mentioned and lies a lot (Sweet and Elite). But she's fun as a character and usually delivers the best lines. On top of that she also has the best voice actor.


Don't join the list... Rarity belongs at the bottom, Unicorn racists are to be shunned, not loved, (Besides, season 3 put her in her place... the new background pony! ;p)

As usual, I am being bitter, but somewhat serious!

Yep, shes on the bottom of my list (Actually, she doesn't even deserve to be listed) for her racism towards donkeys/mules.



Later I'm going to stop by my local Hot Topic, just to see if they carry these. I know you're not BSing but I want to see if they're there now, and if so, which ponies.

The bolded made my day.

Only RD and Derpy according to their website. It looks like I may have to put mine up on Ebay...I really, really hate their size differences. I can fit into an XL swimtrunk, but apparently anything Hot Topic, the sizes are all out of wack...I'd need a 3XL in order to fit :/

This sucks.


She's the best character on the show. It just takes awhile for them to show that off.
Pretty much this. Rarity doesn't really come into her own until Suited for Success so it's no wonder Razgriz-Specter is pretty non-plussed about her through Episodes 1-5.

And yes, she is top-tier pony material - Greenhowse speaks the truth.

When Rarity is well written, she's the best of the lot. Her episodes are some of the best in the whole show. Look forward to 1.14 and 1.19, as well as 2.09, if you get there. :)
Don't forget about 2.05 (Sisterhooves Social). Still my favorite ep in the whole series. Although the best Rarity line delivery can be found elsewhere.
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