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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Hey, don't get me wrong I'm all for "Roll Call". Roll is my main in Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I just think playing as a Pony in an MM like game would be pretty sweet and sounds like a lot of fun.


The heroine isn't a pony, she has a pony. As well as two independent pods.

She can apparently merge with the pods to get jet boots (like Pantsu Witches), or she can merge with the pony to become a centaur.

She can also talk to that kitten-in-a-box that sings Luna's Boat Song from Lunar.

The heroine isn't a pony, she has a pony. As well as two independent pods.

She can apparently merge with the pods to get jet boots (like Pantsu Witches), or she can merge with the pony to become a centaur.

She can also talk to that kitten-in-a-box that sings Luna's Boat Song from Lunar.

Now i feel stupid I didn't notice that before I figured it was just sketches suggesting she transforms into a Pony and the centaur was sort of an alternate idea. Now it's terribly obvious to me now.
Uh. No one here actually watches the show, you know that right?

I do too Owl... just no one likes what I have to say! ;p

Or what I think about a lot actually... ;_; (j/k)

Well, I rather not leave on a dumb note! ;p I actually spent today saying bye to a guy I met via this show! He is a quiet guy and pony fan that lived rather close to me, and I managed to not only have a great time, but just talk about geeky things! (For instance how I theorized Star Trek and MLP are similar, and fans of both can be crazy.. myself included for the MLP side! ;p Also a long discussion on the Comics and how to improve artwork etc, which I found very helpful!)

Overall was a bittersweet day. But I am truly glad I got to say goodbye before he moved to North Dakota! (and at least we have DA and the internet!)


Kills Photobucket
Apparently the anti-Twilicorn crowd came back in force yesterday on the EQD page when it was announced that Princess Twilight would be in the comics starting with issue 13. Not too surprising since #13 hits pretty close to the S4 premiere.

Going to be hilarious when Princess Twilight ends up being awesome. Though I will admit the pirate issue is a strange time to bring her to the comics. If this cover is any indication (and it's possible it has no bearing on the plot), Celestia and Luna will be in it, and as far as Pony Princess Pirates they both look was cooler than Twilight does, and she's just going to be overshadowed.



About Twilicorn in comics

  • An earlier note pointed out that they would wait to see how she acts in season 4 before giving her wings in the comics. They have access to the scripts, and have come to the conclusion that shes still the same Twilight, and treated the same way, just with wings.
  • The dynamic of the characters is still the same. Twilight doesn't get special treatment as an alicorn princess in comparison to her friends. They remain as equal as they always have been.
  • The quality of the book will remain the same as it always has, (or improve if the recent arcs are any indication, these things just keep getting better.)


I don't understand what the fuss is about Twilight getting wings in the comics.

Anyway, here's an interesting detail from the newest comic
which I never would have noticed if it wasn't for EqD
Certainly explains why Twi is a fan of Daring Do.


I don't understand what the fuss is about Twilight getting wings in the comics.

Neither do I. If the latest comic shows us anything, it's that
being an Alicorn (or a Princess) doesn't get you particularly special treatment in Equestria, unless your name is Luna or Celestia. Cadance doesn't seem to get any special treatment in High School, other than the usual social acceptance that comes with being friendly, outgoing and (presumably) hot.

Anyway, here's an interesting detail from the newest comic
which I never would have noticed if it wasn't for EqD

Certainly explains why Twi is a fan of Daring Do.

Nice detective work! I quite like the idea of Twilight's mum being an author.

He wasn't an interesting villain to begin with. Just some generic evil force.

Sombra is another character that a lot of fans seem to really like, though I can't imagine why. I didn't think his design was particularly interesting, and the character itself sure as hell wasn't.
He wasn't an interesting villain to begin with. Just some generic evil force.
Sombra is another character that a lot of fans seem to really like, though I can't imagine why. I didn't think his design was particularly interesting, and the character itself sure as hell wasn't.

That's why I said wasted potential, because they wasted the potential to have an interesting back story and personality and instead we got...RAAAARRRGH.


That's why I said wasted potential, because they wasted the potential to have an interesting back story and personality and instead we got...RAAAARRRGH.

Ah, I getcha. If the comics continue to be successful, a story where the leads are transported back into the dark days of the Crystal Empire might be neat. I'd be happy to get some backstory on Sombra if one of the writers thinks they have an interesting story to tell about him.
I don't understand what the fuss is about Twilight getting wings in the comics.

Sometimes I am glad I discovered Pony late. I just don't get a lot of the drama. I guess that comes with any fandom, but the reason why I chose to hang my hat here on gaf is because you guys are honestly the most chill group I have found. Sure, a few disagreements come up, but nothing compared to the venom found on other boards. It's okay not to like everything the creators do, but you really just don't achieve anything by making a scene.

Just submitted this to PonyGaf on DA

You always post really cool merch. That is awesome!


Sometimes I am glad I discovered Pony late. I just don't get a lot of the drama. I guess that comes with any fandom, but the reason why I chose to hang my hat here on gaf is because you guys are honestly the most chill group I have found. Sure, a few disagreements come up, but nothing compared to the venom found on other boards. It's okay not to like everything the creators do, but you really just don't achieve anything by making a scene.

Right there with you. I think I saw the S2 finale pretty close to the original airing, but it wasn't until much later that I was actively reading stuff and engaging with the online community. I was glad when I later realised that there was a moderate shit-storm around the whole Cadance/Shining Armour thing that I'd completely bypassed.

I'll probably go into community lock-down (this place excepted, naturally) when S4 starts airing too.


Thought I'd post this here for giggles, but Mighty Number 9, the Mega Man successor on Kickstarter right now, is having a poll for the design of the new heroine, and one if them looks very Pony inspired.


Most people are rooting for E and F, but seeing C winning would be funny (and it actually looks like it would be fun gameplay-wise than just a Roll expy)

B, C or H for me...

B is cute
C has more power, is the best choise for a future playable character
H is roll, no?

Now, what choose?


There's a phenomenon in Hasbro cartoons/comics called to sell toys. The show exists to sell toys, so sometimes the plot must do awkward things, for the sake of an apparently higher purpose.

Cadence and Shining Armor were made by Lauren Faust (Cadence's role as Twilight's former babysitter was apparently based on Lauren's experience as a babysitter). But the leadup to the Royal Wedding smelled like Hasbro's meddling. And eventually it became known that Hasbro merely promoted Cadence to sell toys (Lauren intended Cadence to be a Unicorn, not a Princess).

I personally enjoyed the Royal Wedding, and think it might have been the high point of the show so far. And promoting Cadence to sell toys took pressure off of Pink Celestia. I think it wasn't really a bad move, even if it messed with Lauren's vision of Princesses as being ultra-rare.

I didn't enjoy Cadence & Shining Armor at the start of S3 though. They seemed as hollow and thin-written as King Sombra. Combined with the fact that they didn't actually display a lot of personality in S2 (although they had enough, IMO), I think that soured people on those two.

Twilight was on track since the beginning of the series to eventually become the third Princess (fourth now, unless even more of them are retrofit into the story), but I think that was fast-tracked too quickly in S3, because the producers thought their show was going to end. I don't think the writers put any thought into where to take Twilight's character after that. People fear a change in her character, but if they change nothing, they'll have wasted the biggest card they had to play with that character. Also, I think Cadence in S3 gave a bad impression on what Princess Twilight was going to become.

The comics are a valid excuse to use an earlier "safe" version of Twilight that hasn't changed yet. And if Twilight post-wings shows a subtle change in her character, it would be a shame to have the comic writers jump in too early, before they've had a chance to get a feel for the changes.


Kills Photobucket
Was Shining Armor always Twilight's Brother?

In retrospect, the best way to introduce them, and keep all the marketing pushes would have been to swap the Crystal Empire and the Canterlot Wedding.

End season 2 with the Crystal Empire. A new student of Celestia's is introduced, and she's told to go to the Crystal Empire to see what's up. Celestia also sends one of her most trusted guards, and Twilight and the scooby squad. Introduce Shining Armor and Cadance and even use the events in the Crystal Empire to set up their relationship.

Start up season 3 with the wedding, and have it in the Empire rather than Canterlot. Have a wedding with two characters that have been established, and that we actually care about. Also works better for the Changelings. Chrysalis hears about this fledgeling empire that literally runs on love. Makes more sense for her to launch an attack on the Crystal Empire than Canterlot.


Setec Astronomer
Meghan McCarthy isn't that good. Were it otherwise, the Toy Selling demands would be handled more gracefully. It's like the difference between Ojamajo Doremi and Precure. Both are subject to Toei's ruthless merchandising drive, but the former isn't subdued by it.


Kills Photobucket
Meghan McCarthy isn't that good. Were it otherwise, the Toy Selling demands would be handled more gracefully. It's like the difference between Ojamajo Doremi and Precure. Both subject to Toei's ruthless merchandising drive, but the former isn't subdued by it.

Well, while I stand by my suggestion, I also recognize there was probably a year or more between when the marketing people thought the two up.


There's a phenomenon in Hasbro cartoons/comics called to sell toys. The show exists to sell toys, so sometimes the plot must do awkward things, for the sake of an apparently higher purpose.

Cadence and Shining Armor were made by Lauren Faust (Cadence's role as Twilight's former babysitter was apparently based on Lauren's experience as a babysitter). But the leadup to the Royal Wedding smelled like Hasbro's meddling. And eventually it became known that Hasbro merely promoted Cadence to sell toys (Lauren intended Cadence to be a Unicorn, not a Princess).

I try not to let stuff like that bother me, to be honest. "To sell toys" is the price we pay for getting this show at all; without it, there wouldn't be a show. On that basis, I'm happy for the production team to roll with the punches and make the show fit around Hasbro's changes as best they can.

I personally enjoyed the Royal Wedding, and think it might have been the high point of the show so far. And promoting Cadence to sell toys took pressure off of Pink Celestia. I think it wasn't really a bad move, even if it messed with Lauren's vision of Princesses as being ultra-rare.

I'm actually OK with the net increase in Princesses in Equestria. I kinda like the idea that times are changing around the point that the show begins; maybe Celestia is getting a little past running the place on her own, so she starts to plan for the future by training new leaders to work alongside her. Cadance is already an up-and-comer, and once the Mane 6 rescue Luna we're up to three, with Twilight already in training (though she doesn't realise it yet). The idea that things are becoming more modern, with a team of leaders rather than a single ruler is a nice thought (even if it isn't the intent).

I didn't enjoy Cadence & Shining Armor at the start of S3 though. They seemed as hollow and thin-written as King Sombra. Combined with the fact that they didn't actually display a lot of personality in S2 (although they had enough, IMO), I think that soured people on those two.

Yeah, they weren't well served in that story. Hopefully they'll get some better material in S4, as they're pretty likeable in the latest comic.

Twilight was on track since the beginning of the series to eventually become the third Princess (fourth now, unless even more of them are retrofit into the story), but I think that was fast-tracked too quickly in S3, because the producers thought their show was going to end. I don't think the writers put any thought into where to take Twilight's character after that. People fear a change in her character, but if they change nothing, they'll have wasted the biggest card they had to play with that character. Also, I think Cadence in S3 gave a bad impression on what Princess Twilight was going to become.

The comics are a valid excuse to use an earlier "safe" version of Twilight that hasn't changed yet. And if Twilight post-wings shows a subtle change in her character, it would be a shame to have the comic writers jump in too early, before they've had a chance to get a feel for the changes.

I liked what Bobby Curnow from IDW said about it, as mentioned on the previous page:

I never said we'd wait until "AFTER season 4", I said we'd wait to see how she was handled IN season 4. We've got the season 4 scripts, and I've read a good chunk of them, and feel like I have a good idea how alicorn Twilight will be handled. Without giving to much away— she's going to be handled much the same as she ever was. She's the same character. If you'll let me indulge in a bad metaphor, it's like getting a drivers license. It means new responsibilities and new opportunities, but ultimately getting a driver's license doesn't change the person you are. I say this as someone who was skeptical myself. When I first heard about Princess Twi, my first thought was: "Huh. That kind of separates Twi from the rest of the Mane 6, doesn't it? They're no longer equals." All I'll say on that front is that my initial thought was wrong. The dynamics of the characters are the same.

In addition to that, I got the impression from the S2 finale that Cadance had been knocking around as a Princess for a while before she got handed the Crystal Empire in S3. I think it's probably a fair assumption that being a Princess doesn't actually mean all that much until Celestia decides that it does.
I didn't enjoy Cadence & Shining Armor at the start of S3 though. They seemed as hollow and thin-written as King Sombra. Combined with the fact that they didn't actually display a lot of personality in S2 (although they had enough, IMO), I think that soured people on those two.

I don't know if you do, but you really should read the comics. I completely agree with you as far as Shining Armor and Cadence go: I'm not offended by them by any means, they are just boring. The latest comic really helps give Shining Armor some personality. It's really quit an accomplishment. I feel like as long as Katie Cook and Andy Price continue to work on the on going series, the comics will be in good hands regardless if Twilight has wings or not.

I know this will be a controversial statement, but I thought Alicorn Twilight was handled well in the movie. She didn't seem above her friends, and was "nervoucited" about receiving new responsibilities. That was just a quick glimpse of things to come and frankly, I'm pretty excited to see where it goes.

Also, again, great discourse happening here. Very refreshing. Oh, and Apple Jack.


I don't know if you do, but you really should read the comics. I completely agree with you as far as Shining Armor and Cadence go: I'm not offended by them by any means, they are just boring. The latest comic really helps give Shining Armor some personality. It's really quit an accomplishment. I feel like as long as Katie Cook and Andy Price continue to work on the on going series, the comics will be in good hands regardless if Twilight has wings or not.
I haven't been reading them. I was really tempted when it started, with the multiple covers, but then I got flashbacks of the days when I used to collect comics, and I was glad I got out of that. It also sort of bugs me how the comics are a "secondary" sort of canon.

I'm still tempted to pick them up later as compiled volumes.

I know this will be a controversial statement, but I thought Alicorn Twilight was handled well in the movie. She didn't seem above her friends, and was "nervoucited" about receiving new responsibilities.

I agree. The opening made me want a straight-up MLP:FIM movie. The timing was even great, to explore the major change for Twilight, and then return (mostly) to the status quo in time for S4.


I don't understand what the fuss is about Twilight getting wings in the comics.

I think people liked Twilight as a badass normal, hardworking protege of the Master, instead of a legit Super Saiyin herself. She was the normal, slightly awkward pony, who was chosen by fate to study under Celestia. And it seemed like she would basically become a magical apprentice who would one day become a powerful wizard, and her becoming superhuman sort of spoiled the progression. Sure they'll treat her like nothing's *really* changed, but she was still zapped with magical lightrays and given wings and is now a 'Princess', and it seems forced, which maybe it was.

Or in short, people thought they knew where things were headed, and liked it, and now everything's changed, and they fear change.

That was more a general answer, and I think they assumed the comics wouldn't follow so closely to the show, or even maybe take a different path. Or atleast artificially delay the Princess transformation, since there isn't really a hurry to catch up to show canon.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I haven't been reading them. I was really tempted when it started, with the multiple covers, but then I got flashbacks of the days when I used to collect comics, and I was glad I got out of that. It also sort of bugs me how the comics are a "secondary" sort of canon.

I'm still tempted to pick them up later as compiled volumes.
The first two volumes, spanning issues #1-8, are already available. You have no excuse. Purchase those babies, NOW! :)

Meanwhile, I finally finished work on a commission that was consuming my time and sanity for the last two weeks, and finally did something for myself! Experimenting a bit with different pony body models and layer masks.
The first two volumes, spanning issues #1-8, are already available. You have no excuse. Purchase those babies, NOW! :)

Meanwhile, I finally finished work on a commission that was consuming my time and sanity for the last two weeks, and finally did something for myself! Experimenting a bit with different pony body models and layer masks.

Nice work man.


Kills Photobucket
So with the announcement that the Micro series is over after Luna's issue, I am glad they aren't going to go into the fan favorites. Though, I do wish Cheerilee and Zecora had gotten an issue.


Bat ponies>Earth ponies? I'm surprised, but it's not like I can disagree with it...

Dirt ponies are the worst ponies confirmed I guess.
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