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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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They don't really strike me as being much different to novelizations, to be honest. A little lazy for sure, but that's the world of merchandising for ya.

Novelizations are at least a completely different medium. This is someone copy-pasting still frames directly from the TV series to make a comic.

So it happened and a few Bronies show up and zero Juggalos show up. Bronies win~



Novelizations are at least a completely different medium. This is someone copy-pasting still frames directly from the TV series to make a comic.

That's true. I guess I just kinda expect that sort of thing where Hasbro is concerned.

At least we're getting high-quality original comics though, I feel like that balances things out a bit.

It's MLP:FiM's anniversary today for it's first airing three years ago.

Nice! Anyone from PonyGAF been here since day one?


I wouldn't say the beginning. I discovered the show in March and found the people here to be the most sane. Lurked the board for a couple months until my account cleared.


You guys are old >_>

I started mid of season 2, by the time I caught up "A Friend in Deed" was probably the newest episode.


You guys are old >_>

I started mid of season 2, by the time I caught up "A Friend in Deed" was probably the newest episode.

I think I started around the same time you did. I was watching an episode an evening for a while, and by the time I was up to the last few episodes of S2, the finale was just about to air.


I started watching in February 2011 after Kotaku posted a ponified Starcraft 2 trailer. I think I caught up around Green Isn't Your Color.


Officially, I started watching episodes (starting of season 1) around the beginning of season 2. However, I'd put my true start at November 5, 2011, the day that Sisterhooves Social aired, the first episode I watched "live".


By the time I started watching the show, Season Two was well underway. I was very familiar with the show, since my two brothers were already fans, but I just hadn't sat down and watched an episode for myself until that point.
April/May was when I started watching. Believe "Over A Barrel" was my first episode to see as it aired.

Same for me. I could have watch the episode before that one, but I opted to skip it that week because I was still working my way through the back log. Though, the first time I ever tried watching an episode, I didn't even get to the theme song before saying "Nope". The episode was actually Glida's episode, and watching Pinkie explain the sonic rainboom (before it even existed) to Twilight, some how threw me off. Thankfully I eventually watched the pilot and now here I am today.
I haven't been here for a while, but I believe I started posting within the first 10 pages of that original thread. (100ppp mind you) I checked out the thread because I had seen a few glimpses of the show from my god-daughter having it on while I visited my friends. I thought the animation was rather well done and it caught my interest. My initial posts were actually speaking out against Jenga who was really coming down on the fans. I then became a fan myself shortly after. I haven't been active in here but I haven't missed an episode yet.
I started really watching at the end of season 1, although I did watch and enjoy episode 1 of season 1, I stopped after episode 2. (I wanted the adventure to continue and bounced after I heard it finished)


Love the show, own up to the title of "brony". Rewatched Equestria Girls last night. Spotted Derpy but I couldn't find my personal favourite, Lyra Heartstrings (though I did see a couple ponies that had a similar colour). Does anyone know if she's in the movie?

Hiya PonyGAF, pleased to meet you :)


Love the show, own up to the title of "brony". Rewatched Equestria Girls last night. Spotted Derpy but I couldn't find my personal favourite, Lyra Heartstrings (though I did see a couple ponies that had a similar colour). Does anyone know if she's in the movie?

Hiya PonyGAF, pleased to meet you :)

She wasn't in there, sorry.




Well, there's always the upcoming season. Fingers crossed.

Edit: Just watched the video. Adorable lulz :)

Oh, and I didn't say hi earlier. Hi! I never saw you before and if I never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in PonyGAF!

But really, I'm the most prolific poster here. Mostly because I post a lot of fanart.


Oh, and I didn't say hi earlier. Hi! I never saw you before and if I never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in PonyGAF!

But really, I'm the most prolific poster here. Mostly because I post a lot of fanart.

Which I'm thankful for: I've been downloading most everything you've put up since my days as a lurker (I've lurked this board for years, but didn't apply to GAF until recently).

Shining Force and PonyGAF were the two main reasons I finally applied. ^_^


Love the show, own up to the title of "brony". Rewatched Equestria Girls last night. Spotted Derpy but I couldn't find my personal favourite, Lyra Heartstrings (though I did see a couple ponies that had a similar colour). Does anyone know if she's in the movie?

Hiya PonyGAF, pleased to meet you :)

Seems like Luffy has you covered, but welcome anyway! Like you, I lurked PonyGAF during the painful months-long wait on account approval. It's nice to be able to join in!


Nice to see new faces! And just in time, too--a little while before S4.

Nice! Anyone from PonyGAF been here since day one?

Like many others I wasn't day one. I started watching the summer after the first season aired. Towards the end of it, I would say. I had heard about pony but thought it was stupid at first and didn't want to watch it. Then I watched Party of One. Then I watched the first episode, and then the second...

Part of what drew me to NeoGAF was that I had heard of a prolific PonyGAF community, one so active that it drew the ire of other GAFfers. To be honest, initially a part of me wanted to to engage in "flame war topics" in defense of pony because I found the hate irritating. Early in my GAF career I can remember visiting this one topic and getting mad in it, though thankfully I didn't go all that overboard.

That pic good, I like it.


Seems like Luffy has you covered, but welcome anyway! Like you, I lurked PonyGAF during the painful months-long wait on account approval. It's nice to be able to join in!

Nice to meet you too! Brohoof!

I could've sworn she was in the hallway when Twilight first enters the school. Blink and you'll miss her.

I thought so at first too, but now I just went back to take a couple screengrabs and...



So while it seems really close I don't think either of them are her.


Kills Photobucket
Nice to meet you too! Brohoof!

I thought so at first too, but now I just went back to take a couple screengrabs and...



So while it seems really close I don't think either of them are her.

One of the people involved (might have been Sibsy) said they made a point to have no background pony counterparts in EQG. Well, other than Derpy.


Which I'm thankful for: I've been downloading most everything you've put up since my days as a lurker (I've lurked this board for years, but didn't apply to GAF until recently).

Shining Force and PonyGAF were the two main reasons I finally applied. ^_^

Ahh, cool. What do you do for your Shining Force fix, since Sega doesn't seem to want to revisit classic Shining Force? =\

Every so often I do see stray classic Shining Force topics on Gaming side. It seems like a demanding series, but fun. I don't know much about earlier Shining Force titles, except for "now bear my arctic blast!". Not sure if you already know this, but if you have a 3DS I believe there's SF: Sword of Hajya on VC.

Have fun on GAF!


Part of what drew me to NeoGAF was that I had heard of a prolific PonyGAF community, one so active that it drew the ire of other GAFfers. To be honest, initially a part of me wanted to to engage in "flame war topics" in defense of pony because I found the hate irritating. Early in my GAF career I can remember visiting this one topic and getting mad in it, though thankfully I didn't go all that overboard.

The more of those threads I see, the more I enjoy reading them. I guess I've moved past the point of being offended and now I just enjoy watching silly people get mad about it.

Unrelated Engineer Applejack:

I already made a long post post about how I discovered pony so I won't repeat that long and sorted tale here. Instead I will just give the short version. I was a big Star Craft 2 fan back in 2010 and liked to follow the Gaf Star Craft tournament threads. A certain, notorious poster by the name of Panda Man would describe his matches by posting gifs from MLP. I had no clue what it was all about, didn't even associate them with the brand until one of my board game buddies admitted to liking the show. Ponies became prolific all over gaf and my curiosity peaked so I went to youtube and picked a random episode which turned out to be Suited For Success. While I liked the animation and the song, I felt the show fell right into the stereotypical girl fluff about fashion and being pretty and not much else. A couple years later I was feeling a little down and decided to give it another go, since it had just premiered on Netflix. I watched Look Before You Sleep, liked it and started from the beginning. The rest is history.

It was kind of weird episode to convert me, since in hindsight it's more a middling one. But hey, it worked and it introduced me to the best pony: Apple Jack.

To all these awesome new posters: Who is your favorite pony and which is your favorite episode? Luna is my overall favorite, but AJ is my favorite of the mane six. Sleepless in Ponyville is my favorite episode.


One of the people involved (might have been Sibsy) said they made a point to have no background pony counterparts in EQG. Well, other than Derpy.

Hmm, well DJ Pon-3 is in the movie quite a bit, and that Pony's never even had dialogue, unlike my Lyra :p

Ahh, cool. What do you do for your Shining Force fix, since Sega doesn't seem to want to revisit classic Shining Force? =\

Every so often I do see stray classic Shining Force topics on Gaming side. It seems like a demanding series, but fun. I don't know much about earlier Shining Force titles, except for "now bear my arctic blast!". Not sure if you already know this, but if you have a 3DS I believe there's SF: Sword of Hajya on VC.

Have fun on GAF!

I still have my Sega Genesis and copies of Shining Force and Shining Force II. Haven't played the others in a while. I also have them on a HD Sega Collection for the PC, so that's generally where I play it these days when I need to get my fix. Man, those games are full of horrible localization that is cringingly awesome :) I haven't played Shining Force on 3DS yet as I can't expect it'd be any good :/ The main reason SF is so important to me is that while it wasn't the first SRPG I played, it was certainly the first one I recall ever getting really involved in, replaying over and over.

To all these awesome new posters: Who is your favorite pony and which is your favorite episode? Luna is my overall favorite, but AJ is my favorite of the mane six. Sleepless in Ponyville is my favorite episode.

Apple Jack is actually my least favourite of the main cast (please don't hurt me!) but I still think she's awesome. I also love Luna. Lyra Heartstrings is my favourite. I remember finding Pinkie Pie annoying until they started showing her as deranged (like the party she had by herself with all of her stuffed animals), at which point I absolutely loved her. Absolutely adore Fluttershy. Can relate a good deal to some of Twilight's neurotic tendencies as well ^-^ Flim and Flam, Trixie, Derpy, Zecora...man, everypony is so awesome :)

By the way...I'm assuming everypony's seen this? It's MLP meets Wu-Tang Clan and works surprisingly well together!


To all these awesome new posters: Who is your favorite pony and which is your favorite episode? Luna is my overall favorite, but AJ is my favorite of the mane six. Sleepless in Ponyville is my favorite episode.

Sonic Rainboom is unquestionable my favorite episode.

Favorite pony, on the other hand, would be a toss-up between Twilight or Celestia. Admittedly, I can relate* to Twilight better than Celestia, but I like the later for reasons similar to Dr. Forester.

*Relate might not be a strong enough word, to be honest. The younger brother of my best friend in High School was a big pony fan, and he was convinced that I was actually Twilight Sparkle. Really.

Well, there's always the upcoming season. Fingers crossed.

Edit: Just watched the video. Adorable lulz :)

Hello! Ignore the party pony gifs.. the welcoming Burro is here... have a burrito (*warning, contains Fluttershy's Chickens...*)

*notices your username!!!*

As long as you stay away from any Dark Dragons, you and I shall be fine.
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