Welcome back.
Now keep the smut to a minimum.
Love is in the air its time to celebrate a royal wedding! My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding is coming to DVD on August 7, 2012 from Shout! Factory in collaboration with Hasbro Studios. My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding features 5 episodes that everypony will love, including A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1, A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2, Hearts And Hooves Day, Sweet & Elite, and The Best Night Ever. Bonus features will include a coloring sheet and more! Girls can also act out imaginative stories of their own with delightful MY LITTLE PONY wedding-themed figures, play-sets, and vehicles from Hasbro.
When its announced that Twilight Sparkles older brother, Shining Armor, is set to marry Princess Celestias niece, Cadence, all the ponies in Equestria should be celebrating. But theres one pony in Ponyville whos not so thrilled with the news Twilight Sparkle! Why is the young unicorn so concerned? And will the royal wedding go off without a hitch? Find out in the two-part special, and then join us for the perfect after-party three more My Little Pony: Friendship
Is Magic episodes, all included in the first-ever DVD release of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding!
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding is priced at $14.97 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com
Welcome back.
Now keep the smut to a minimum.
Paging DrForester, this one is for you (if you have a Walmart in your area, check there).
I didn't get it for me though. I'll wait for the Princess Luna onethat will never happen
Limit it to very tasteful titillation. A black bra here, an exposed flank there. It's like the obscenities commission said decades ago, "You'll know it when you see it." So...yeah. Just no glistening.
We are taking it back!
Limit it to very tasteful titillation. A black bra here, an exposed flank there. It's like the obscenities commission said decades ago, "You'll know it when you see it." So...yeah. Just no glistening.
Alreaydy got the Celestia (and Twilight) fleece blanket.
Hub just played the Sonic Rainboom episode. So good. Hub has to be the best channel ever. There is literally stuff for everyone.
Hub released a special video for Pinkie Pie's birthday: 8 Bit Promo
Hub released a special video for Pinkie Pie's birthday: 8 Bit Promo
Lets Kickstart this bitch!
An animator must have had way too much fun with this one.
Welcome back Luffy.
Oh, and in case you guys don't check EQD. A new MLP DVD is coming out on August 7th:
An animator must have had way too much fun with this one.
no matter how many keys you overturn, you will never find your lil' Dashie. ;_;
no matter how many keys you overturn, you will never find your lil' Dashie. ;_;
I got food crumbs that kinda look like her :/
just ban everyone
This is just sweet. Has the artist made more MLP Wind Waker stuff?
Did you see the score... 9000
I really hope that was referencing the DBZ meme hahaha.
I'm positive it was. Notice that the score was 9000 during the "fight" with Discord. When they defeat him it presumably goes over 9000 and they win.
<3 Hub
That's it folks, just wrap it up.
That's it folks, just wrap it up.
Might as well just combine this thread with the furry thread.