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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming



Then she uploaded it signed by herself only, and after I called her out on that, she took a week to fix that, resulting in most other versions floating around on the Internet not having my mark.

That'll teach me to work with kids with more talent than sense.

did she offer any explanation? sheepish shrug? anything?
(also the head is the most important part...so there's that.)
the difference is really noticeable from your work and her usual attempts at pony heads, which have completely different proportions and look a lot more "fan-art cartoony". in a bad way.

edit: sorry for killing the thread again guise :\

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
did she offer any explanation? sheepish shrug? anything?
(also the head is the most important part...so there's that.)
the difference is really noticeable from your work and her usual attempts at pony heads, which have completely different proportions and look a lot more "fan-art cartoony". in a bad way.

edit: sorry for killing the thread again guise :\

Something like "oops, sorry, I always do this", which is the standard cop-out code speak for "I don't feel it's important enough for me to be careful about it". When applied to things like crediting and respecting other people's work, it's clearly a sign of immaturity. I don't think she had malicious intentions at all, but I'm getting too old to deal with this kind of "LOL whatever" attitude.

Here is some other stuff that I've been doing with ponies.

My final emofuri piece with an OC:

A very shippy piece:
A very shippy piece:
I interpret this as AJ dreaming she's Rarity kissing AJ (herself), and Rarity dreaming that she's AJ kissing Rarity (herself).

Ohh! Or! AJ dreaming about Rarity (interacting with IRL sleeping AJ), and Rarity dreaming about AJ (interacting with sleeping Rarity), and Luna making these two imaginary characters smooch while the dreamers watched.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I interpret this as AJ dreaming she's Rarity kissing AJ (herself), and Rarity dreaming that she's AJ kissing Rarity (herself).

Ohh! Or! AJ dreaming about Rarity (interacting with IRL sleeping AJ), and Rarity dreaming about AJ (interacting with sleeping Rarity), and Luna making these two imaginary characters smooch while the dreamers watched.
The latter would be correct, yes. :)
Season 4:

Castle Mane-ia: (5*4+4*1+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Rarity Takes Manehattan: (5*3+4*3+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50 - new
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Power Ponies: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2: (5*3+4*2+3*2+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.14
Flight to the Finish: (5*1+4*4+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.00
Bats!: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*0+1*0)/5 - 3.20 - new
Daring Don't: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.00

S1 and S2


Gold Member
I'm going to Japan tomorrow for two weeks and I was wondering if there was some JDM only MLP stuff that was worth picking up and taking home?


The three singing girls from that equestria girls thing seem to be pretty popular for whatever reason. Makes sense, they have some of the better designs.

Also this page.
I'm going to Japan tomorrow for two weeks and I was wondering if there was some JDM only MLP stuff that was worth picking up and taking home?

As far as I'm aware, there's nothing Japan exclusive that's particularly interesting. Maybe the Pony Tales (miniseries) volume that has an alternate cover with Princess Twilight, even though she never appears in the collected stories?

As for the Rainbow Rocks villains, I'm eh on them. I don't like Adagio's design, but the other two would be decent enough if not for the ever present skin color thing. I think their speaking voices are rather unfitting, and despite seemingly being voiced by regular VAs for the show, the two besides Adagio sound like season 1 and 2 background ponies to me. I do get the distinct impression that this will be one of those movies where the villains are far more interesting than the heroes, achieved by making our heroes less interesting, given how the apparent beginning of the movie focuses on them and how the feature song of the heroes is so much worse than the feature song of the villains that it's ridiculous. I'm referring to the song clips that were found on a personality quiz game on the Rainbow Rocks website, if you don't know.


I'm also not a fan of the skin thing, rather the whole human highschool thing in general. And I was in highschool not too long ago, and still didn't like it.

I dunno, I'm not gonna get too into it, because I don't want to go on a whole thing about design, but I would preferred if they would have taken a pokemon mystery dungeon thing with it, and just upped their technology quota slightly and just made them a bit anthropomorphic. Then they could actually punch things.

The pony to human, thing epically the art style is jarring to me. Then the highschool thing, I dunno. I'm not the demo for this, so I'm not really angry or anything. This is that monster high stuff, I was never at any point in that demo. So my views are purely from an artist standpoint, its a bit jarring.

But It could be worse, Gotham High could have existed.
* throws up a little *


Kills Photobucket
Ages ago, the Equestria orbits a black hole. Celestia and Luna pull and keep nearby a sun and moon to maintain balance.


DrForester, have you read/picked up "The Journal Of The Two Sisters" yet? As a Celestia fan, you might enjoy it. Makes a good companion book to "Elements of Harmony" at any rate.


Kills Photobucket
DrForester, have you read/picked up "The Journal Of The Two Sisters" yet? As a Celestia fan, you might enjoy it. Makes a good companion book to "Elements of Harmony" at any rate.

I did, and I thought it was quite good, for both Celestia and Luna.

I love how they pretty much made them both Maia from Tolkien.
Yet another Rainbow Rocks clip, and a pretty lengthy one too. This features the Main Five telling Sunset that they're friends now, then singing that they're friends now, and then... ugh, they're bringing back Flash's romance with Twilight. I was really hoping that he'd just be a background character for this movie. At least they actually brought up that he and Sunset used to date, and the characters are actually questioning why they get ears and tails when they sing, though they still don't care much.


Yet another Rainbow Rocks clip, and a pretty lengthy one too. This features the Main Five telling Sunset that they're friends now, then singing that they're friends now, and then... ugh, they're bringing back Flash's romance with Twilight. I was really hoping that he'd just be a background character for this movie. At least they actually brought up that he and Sunset used to date, and the characters are actually questioning why they get ears and tails when they sing, though they still don't care much.

Gee I wonder how much of the movie they're gonna show before it actually plays in theaters. Anyway, Amazon has the Bluray / DVD pack listed for the price of $16 for Oct 26. I wish they would give pony ponies the same treatment :S


"Pinkie Pride" rock medley, from the same person who did the rock medley for "Magical Mystery Cure". I liked the latter more, but this has some really good parts.

I quite like both, but I think I prefer the Pinkie Pride medley better. I found the MMC medley a bit rambling and not always easy to tell which song was which. I appreciate having the vocals for Pinkie and Cheese.

Yet another Rainbow Rocks clip, and a pretty lengthy one too. This features the Main Five telling Sunset that they're friends now, then singing that they're friends now, and then... ugh, they're bringing back Flash's romance with Twilight. I was really hoping that he'd just be a background character for this movie. At least they actually brought up that he and Sunset used to date, and the characters are actually questioning why they get ears and tails when they sing, though they still don't care much.

Don't feel particularly moved by the song. Par for the course so far. It really makes me appreciate the amount of variety we get with FiM, both in terms of musical style and lyrical content.


Finally saw preview 3: Dash is the worst, as usual.

And i've said it before and I'll say it again,
poor Sunset Shimmer

; _ ;


Yet another Rainbow Rocks clip, and a pretty lengthy one too. This features the Main Five telling Sunset that they're friends now, then singing that they're friends now, and then... ugh, they're bringing back Flash's romance with Twilight. I was really hoping that he'd just be a background character for this movie. At least they actually brought up that he and Sunset used to date, and the characters are actually questioning why they get ears and tails when they sing, though they still don't care much.

* remembers that flash exists *

Oh yeah that, I hope they don't do that again.


No offense, but what the heck? I don't understand this.

Rarity: ♪ Flash likes Twilight ♪
*Sunset Shimmer becomes visibly crushed*
Rarity: Oh sorry darling, I forgot that you two used to be an item, before he dumped you for being a horrible demon.
Sunset Shimmer: That's okay, it didn't bother me. I don't care who Flash goes out with, because I never had any feelings for him. He was just a tool.

Her words don't fit her actions. She's lying.
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