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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming



please explain


And I'm pretty sure that's an oddly colored Elsa pony at that.

I'm sure that is supposed to be an Elsa pony, but in professional comics, the penciller, inker, and colorist are all different people, who might not even work in the same building.

The penciller (usually credited as the main artist) quickly sketched the pony, the inker revised the sketch and cleaned it up, and then the colorist realized that they had drawn an MLP pony (as opposed to general fantasy art), but didn't catch that it was also supposed to be Elsa.


Japanese artists draw some of the cutest ponies too. Especially Pinkies.

^ follow the link for full comic
Comic issue #23 was very cute and a lot of fun. I thought it did a good job distinguishing the levels of intelligence of the pets and the ponies, with only Angel and Owloysius looking particularly smart, the former more so. I did think the use of
Zecora's potions in the end was cheating a bit on the premise, but whatever
. It was a bit surprising that
we got another creature that sings to take control of ponies, though with a greater degree of control and a different motive than the Rainbow Rocks villains. It's a bit disappointing that we didn't get a creepy, sticky to touch kelpie, and this design is a bit too similar to that of the merponies shown previously, but whatever.
. Still, it did a pretty good job, especially as a mostly dialogue-free comic. I don't know what the trophies in dialogue boxes were supposed to represent, though.
On the subject of cute things, from ED another cute comic. First panel:

So I decided that after so many weeks without a new episode there, I would check to see what was going on with My Little Pony in Japan. It turns out it took less effort than I thought it would, after just Google searching "TV Tokyo schedule" and finding this on their listings. Turns out they're rerunning "Hurricane Fluttershy" now, so they should be approaching the end of their reruns; maybe season 3 will be starting in a few weeks.

The English translation that the site was put through by Google is interesting.
towairaitosupakuru of chief character is girl of unicorn. Adventure fantasy to learn about the friendship in event that twilight of reader varies with straightness!

"Hurricane flutter is shy"
Pegasus gather in Clough Dale, and tornado is caused and we roll up ground wed in the sky and produce clouds for the rainy season. Can you cooperate with rainbow dash and other friends through humiliation of the flutter shy ha past?….


 towairaitosupakuru…Miyuki Sawashiro
 Pinkie pie…Mimori suzuko
 Applejack…Tokui blue sky
 rariti…The Sasaki future
 Rainbow dash…Kitta Izumi
 Flutter is shy…Hidemi Kato village

BTW, while I wasn't sure if she'd do a good job at the start, The Sasaki future does a great job as rariti. You'd think Hidemi Kato village would be amazing as Flutter is shy, and she's good, but she's surprisingly underwhelming in the role when you'd expect Japan to excel at it. Except in "Best Night Ever", where she's amazing. I covered the Japanese dub over at Toon Zone, if you guys want to know more.

In other news, World of Warcraft pony item, and the description makes it clear that it's a reference.

This custom pony set is really good.

And ED has also informed me that this is a tumblr.


Part of me wants to buy the NA DVDs, but I'm still holding out for NA BDs. Can anyone else relate?

I wouldn't expect there to be any, honestly.

But, in the very, very, very low chances of us getting Blu-rays, I'd double dip. Well, triple dip, as I buy those DVDs with 5 episodes on them too.


Part of me wants to buy the NA DVDs, but I'm still holding out for NA BDs. Can anyone else relate?

I'm with you, with the exception of the NA part. This is 2014, and I'll be damned if I'll buy a brand new, digitally produced, fully HD television programme on a decades-old format in 720 x 576 anamorphic MPEG2.

/media snob rant


Season 4:

Castle Mane-ia: (5*4+4*1+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Rarity Takes Manehattan: (5*3+4*3+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Power Ponies: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Pinkie Apple Pie: (5*1+4*5+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.17 - new
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2: (5*3+4*2+3*2+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.14
Flight to the Finish: (5*1+4*4+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.00
Rainbow Falls: (5*2+4*2+3*1+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.83 - new
Bats!: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*0+1*0)/5 - 3.20
Daring Don't: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.00

S1 and S2

Personally I found Rainbow Falls to be a lot more enjoyable second time watching it.


I finished up another drawing. This time, it's Princess Cadance!
In heavy armor!

Considering she's the only pony with a confirmed kill on another pony in the show, I figured drawing her as a Paladin wouldn't be completely out of character. She's sweet and kind and friendly... if you respond in kind. Are you a foe, she will show you what the Power of Love can do when used in anger. She's nice, because she can afford to be.


Kills Photobucket
Got some new monitors and entered the Master Master PC race.


Season 4:

Castle Mane-ia: (5*4+4*1+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Rarity Takes Manehattan: (5*3+4*3+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Power Ponies: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Pinkie Apple Pie: (5*1+4*5+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.17 - new
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2: (5*3+4*2+3*2+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.14
Flight to the Finish: (5*1+4*4+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.00
Rainbow Falls: (5*2+4*2+3*1+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.83 - new
Bats!: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*0+1*0)/5 - 3.20
Daring Don't: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.00

S1 and S2

Personally I found Rainbow Falls to be a lot more enjoyable second time watching it.

Problem with Rainbow Falls is it tries to set up a situation where Rainbow Dash is faced with choosing between being loyal to her friends to winning, and to set this conflict up, they establish in the first scene that she chose to be loyal to her friends rather than win.


I finished up another drawing. This time, it's Princess Cadance!

In heavy armor!

Considering she's the only pony with a confirmed kill on another pony in the show, I figured drawing her as a Paladin wouldn't be completely out of character. She's sweet and kind and friendly... if you respond in kind. Are you a foe, she will show you what the Power of Love can do when used in anger. She's nice, because she can afford to be.

Very nice!

Got some new monitors and entered the Master Master PC race.


Problem with Rainbow Falls is it tries to set up a situation where Rainbow Dash is faced with choosing between being loyal to her friends to winning, and to set this conflict up, they establish in the first scene that she chose to be loyal to her friends rather than win.

Cool wallpapers!

As for Rainbow Falls, I'd have said the biggest problem is that Dash still hasn't accepted that Spitfire (and her two friends, Crony and Clueless) are no good for her.

It isn't going to work, Dash. Move on.

What I Learned This Time (covering seasons 3 and 4 this time)

These are always fun.
It is something I am not interested in reading and I do not believe it is capable of supporting interesting plots without either making lesser versions of stories that could be done in the pony world or Littlest Pet Shop (BTW, anyone know if that comic is any good? All I know is that it had a Linkara cameo). Plus, it is hard to shake the feeling that Equestria Girls takes resources away from the main series; in fact, we actually do have evidence of that with season 5, since Larson had to step in for a bit as editor while McCarthy was busy working on Rainbow Rocks (details starting from here). I feel no hatred toward Equestria Girls, but I am allowed to be annoyed that it exists, just like how one can be annoyed at Die Hard 5.
Oh, we got news about it already. There's going to be a 48-page Equestria Girls holiday special in December. I suppose a snow day is something that couldn't really be done with the same meaning in pony land. Still, doesn't this mean that we're essentially getting two annual specials a year now? Kind of impressive, though if this was going to be a full on Equestria Girls story, it's kind of lame that there also had to be an Equestria Girls story in the Power Ponies issue.


ED reviews those Super Fan Art figurines. As expected, they are super brittle, but are otherwise quite nice. It's still really neat that Hasbro teamed up with fan artists like this.

I really dig the Zecora, and there's another artist on Super Fan Art whose designs look spectacular (she's the one cosplaying as Derpy in her picture).

As much as I love the way they look, they're still a bit pricey for my tastes. Maybe down the line when the whole 3D printing thing has improved a bit we'll see some cheaper, more solid versions made available.

Man at Arms made a Rainbow Dash themed weapon, a horse face plate with a unicorn horn. Note that it's not actually Rainbow Dash themed, but they tried, I guess.

Yeah, this is pretty weird. I really enjoyed the previous series of Man At Arms, but now that they're going with weird crossovers... I'm not really feeling it. Usually the end result is some bizarre abomination like this was.

Hmm, on one hand, I'm not sure if this is referencing Angel or Supernatural or Twilight or what. But on the other hand, that's an adorable Flutterbat.
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