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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic


drifter444 said:
I can't wait to see the fanart of Luna and Celestia with the elements plus epic Discord art!

It would be interesting to see some Screen caps of the windows of Canterlot castle.

Major Spoiler:
Here you go

released sometime last week, or maybe the week before.
CassSept said:

Fluttershy best pony confirmed, even Discord couldn't break her.

Best line ever and draw with Pinkie. Even before epic line utterance

jogarrr said:
Celestia's history lesson was pretty interesting. So Discord ruled things before her.. So her and Luna are no longer connected to the elements..

All it did really did was beg more questions than it actually answered. I don't think we'll ever get an answer what happened to their parents. If anything actually happened to them at all. But the power of the Elements changing hands does make sense though. The power being wielded by those who can truly harness it.

All in all a great start to S2.
Discord is a kick ass villain. I really hope after Team Pony does what they do it's not the last time we see him.


Holy crap Discord is awesome. Master of all master trolls indeed.
Fluttershy making Discord give up early by being too nice.
Also mean Fluttershy is amazing, I want more.
Finally notice how Twilight Sparkle is the only one who didn't lose their color this episode, obviously she is best pony.


agidot said:
Very great episode!!! but I think it might be a little too creepy for kids...
It definitely took things a step farther than any previous episode.

Ookami-kun said:
So where was Luna anyway?
I just assume she sleeps all day since she works at night.
Equestria being ravaged by Discord? Wake me when it's over, yawn.

V Good question. I hope we get answers later in the season. I can't believe they still haven't showed her at all. 25 episodes since she last made an appearance.


Felt a bit rushed during the first half, but Discord more than makes up for it. Best villian ever.

Fluttershy wants to be nice? NOPE


ThreeSix said:
Going to try to talk about my impressions for the first episode without any specific spoilers. But overall, the first episode wasn't as good as I was hoping. There were some very funny moments and references but I felt the pacing of it was way too fast, and the very beginning where each character had their mini "intro" felt forced down your throat. (This is Twilight, she does magic remember?)

All things considered, it wasn't bad either. Just not what I was hoping for. I'm hoping this is just a similar case to season 1 and it all gets better after the first two episodes.

I thought it was just me that felt this way. The beginning felt very rushed, like they were trying to shoehorn character recaps into a few minutes, after which they all
rush off to the castle
I'm glad they managed to slow things down in the second half just in time to make the pacing a lot better. Otherwise, I think the entire episode would have been ruined for me.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Having John de Lancie voice Discord is the best thing that's ever happened.


Prodigal Son
So after the episode I've seen a few theories and...

What are the odds of Discord influencing Luna into becoming Nightmare Moon? Carek reminded me that Faust suggested something had influenced her, so do we have our catalyst? Especially after it was revealed that Luna and Celestia ended his reign.



brian577 said:
I suppose it could also be just for the first 2 episodes since they're more adventure oriented.
That could be true. Also, since it's only the first of a two-parter, this episode on its own has no moral or friendship lessons.


ThreeSix said:
There were some very funny moments and references but I felt the pacing of it was way too fast, and the very beginning where each character had their mini "intro" felt forced down your throat. (This is Twilight, she does magic remember?)

I kinda felt the same way, everything felt like a Disney ride.

Here are the main characters! Look, this one's a farmer!

WOAAH something terrible has suddenly happened and it's up to you guys to fix it! Go right now!


Everything is moe to me

I needed that.

hey look trollestia isn't even the rightful ruler of equestria.
pinkie pie was amazing.
rarity might have moved up a spot on my list.
fucking applejack
i'm disappointed discord had to 'cheat' to influence fluttershy.
lots of material for ahoyhoy in this episode.
Q as discord was great.
the intro seems like it might have been tacked on to the original discord episodes as a reintroduction of the mane 6.
episodes pony ranking:
1. pinkie pie - amazing.
2. rarity - loved rarity in this episode especially in the diamond scene
3. fluttershy - fluttershy was fluttershy and it was nice she was uncorruptable.
4. twilight - she was just kinda there to move the plot from pony to pony.
5. applejack - eh.... she's still the character that cant lie with a straight face, but it was alittle silly.
6. dash - realy disappointed, only funny scene was when she told discord to put em up. nothing really funny about her character in this episode.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ThreeSix said:
Going to try to talk about my impressions for the first episode without any specific spoilers. But overall, the first episode wasn't as good as I was hoping. There were some very funny moments and references but I felt the pacing of it was way too fast, and the very beginning where each character had their mini "intro" felt forced down your throat. (This is Twilight, she does magic remember?)

All things considered, it wasn't bad either. Just not what I was hoping for. I'm hoping this is just a similar case to season 1 and it all gets better after the first two episodes.

Given that this is a new season and a new timeslot, I'm sure they're thinking that there's going to be some new viewers. It may be a recap to us, but to other people they're meeting the characters for the first time.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Any new human pony candidates for the first episode?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
EatChildren said:
Any new human pony candidates for the first episode?

Not really, but the potential for John de Lancia/Discord crossovers is amazing.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
That was a decent episode with some funny moments.

-Chocolate rain
-Paranoid Apple Jack was pretty funny
-As was Fluttershy being cruel.
-Obviously Twilight is the best pony since she wasn't affected by Discord's nonsense.

Unfortunately, the episode wasn't paced very well at all. Everything felt like it was moving way too quickly, especially the farm scene. But like I said, not a bad episode.


Everything is moe to me
Pancakes said:
Unfortunately, the episode wasn't paced very well at all. Everything felt like it was moving way too quickly, especially the farm scene. But like I said, not a bad episode.
remember they were originally part of season one, its possible that the farm scene was crammed in as a reintroduction to the ponies and what they do. it seemed alittle redundant against the palace scene that followed right after it.

also anyone else feel like there was alittle more mood to the episode than what was in season one? in regards to the music i mean. like when they meet celestia and the creepy balloon scene.
WHY NO LUNA!? She's referenced like a million times. You'd think she'd have some kind of stake in how this plays out.

Also, Chocolate Rain. Some stay dry while Pinkie feels the pain.

Anyone else think the other statutes might also come to life at some point? If the discord statute is real, why not the victory one?

I felt like the episode didn't do a very good job of setting things up. I guess the CMC part at the beginning was supposed to be the setup, but it didn't do a particularly good job because we didn't really know why we should be caring about that statute. Then we don't really know how the weird weather events are connected. It would have been much better if Celestia gave her infodump at the start of the episode.



Kills Photobucket
EatChildren said:
Any new human pony candidates for the first episode?

No, but you'll probably like this.

I also felt that the hypnotism was a major cop-out. Obviously with Fluttershy they're playing it up for laughs, but it never really feels like Discord is successfully turning our protagonists' strengths into weaknesses or playing on flaws in their character... at least not entirely. He just presents a plausible way for that to happen and then waves his wand to make them nega versions of themselves. It felt like a missed opportunity to me.


Kills Photobucket
Amibguous Cad said:
I also felt that the hypnotism was a major cop-out. Obviously with Fluttershy they're playing it up for laughs, but it never really feels like Discord is successfully turning our protagonists' strengths into weaknesses or playing on flaws in their character... at least not entirely. He just presents a plausible way for that to happen and then waves his wand to make them nega versions of themselves. It felt like a missed opportunity to me.

I don't know. I think he did a good job with Pinkie and Rarity, getting them to actually turn. But AJ, RD, and especially Fluttershy were kind of cop outs.


Everything is moe to me
Amibguous Cad said:
I also felt that the hypnotism was a major cop-out. Obviously with Fluttershy they're playing it up for laughs, but it never really feels like Discord is successfully turning our protagonists' strengths into weaknesses or playing on flaws in their character... at least not entirely. He just presents a plausible way for that to happen and then waves his wand to make them nega versions of themselves. It felt like a missed opportunity to me.
its possible fluttershy's straight hypnotism might be the cop out they use to 'get' discord for cheating before dash flew away.


Kills Photobucket
Really don't need spoilers in here guys. No one's coming in who hasn't seen the episode. And I've updated the thread guide so people who watch the synch tube can go right to the start of the episode discussion.


Wolf Akela said:
^Not sure if serious.

Also, I really enjoyed the fastness of that farm segment. It was basically a parody of the normal episode structure (Something goes wrong each pony tries to help, everyone works together, problem solved [plus Twilight's "hey I have a new spell to fix everything" was pretty great]) crammed into like two minutes before moving on to the real problem. It ade the quest to stop Discord actually seem urgent.

Amibguous Cad said:
Holy crap guys

Applejack GROWS CORN
Also, why are there pigs on the farm if ponies are (according to Pinkie) vegetarians?

I think that the hypnotizing element worked well, considering how much needed to be done during the episode. If this was longer, I would've liked to see them slowly turn into their 'opposites.' But with time constraints it was fine.

Also, multiple Trixies are back. If you look at the first scene after the opening song, there are 3 Trixies scattered throughout Ponyville.


Dark Phoenix said:
I think that the hypnotizing element worked well, considering how much needed to be done during the episode. If this was longer, I would've liked to see them slowly turn into their 'opposites.' But with time constraints it was fine.
I'm not really a fan of how it was pulled off, except for Rarity (AJ and Dash I thought were alright too), but they really didn't have much time to get it done for everyone. I would probably have shortened the exposition scene with Celestia to make more time, considering the episode was already half over by the time the story was set up.


Definitely some weird pacing issues. 22 minutes just isn't enough to be as plot-heavy as this episode was while still giving every character significant screen time.

Q Discord was brilliant though, both his voice acting and his wonderfully chaotic animation. We'll see how the rest of this story shakes out, but I wouldn't mind it at all if he drops in to troll the cast every once in a while later on. Also, between this episode and Swarm of the Century, M. A. Larson is clearly an enormous Trekkie.

Pandaman said:
also anyone else feel like there was alittle more mood to the episode than what was in season one? in regards to the music i mean. like when they meet celestia and the creepy balloon scene.
It helps that the episode was designed to be overtly creepy a la Party of One, but yeah, Will Anderson brought his A-game. Can't wait for the BGM rips.


I can't believe it's finally back!

As worried as I initially was, the show seems to be back in fine form. The comedy and brilliant animations remain, and while the show was a bit slow to start, I think you can chalk that up to the fact that it's a two part episode.

Pinkie's indifference to Discord taking over was classic, as was the fact that Fluttershy was unbreakable. Can't wait to see what's in weeks to come.


Amibguous Cad said:
Holy crap guys

Applejack GROWS CORN
I think this was the biggest revelation of the episode. Forget that 'Discord was the original ruler of equestria' stuff. Applejack freaking grows corn!
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