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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic


Everything is moe to me
jogarrr said:
I think this was the biggest revelation of the episode. Forget that 'Discord was the original ruler of equestria' stuff. Applejack freaking grows corn!
trollestias solar empire being revealed as canon? fuck that applejack grows corn.


Neo Member
John de Lancie's performance was amazing. It did feel rushed, but each individual scene had so much charm. His stained glass scene was fantastic, and so was Rarity's corruption. I'm even more excited about the possible change from EI -- I'm sure that the crew really took advantage of that in this season.


I've got to agree that I thought things felt a bit fast paced, but still a very promising start to the new season! As Quinn mentioned, the stained glass scene was very well done and I was happy to see some more world building.

John's performance was absolutely wonderful too! Loved Discord and his personality and I think I will actually be sad to see him go if the last we see of him is in the next episode. Also I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice the ie was missing this time around! Let's hope Hasbro has dropped the ie requirement and is letting them have a little more wiggle room for stories.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
That was honestly pretty weak.
In fact I thought the beginning skit with the ponies working together to solve the cotton candy cloud problem was the best part -some great dialogue banter between everypony, and Pinkie being Pinkie is always a plus
. I just don't think plot-heavy episodes are something this show can pull off well, and in this case it even feels like a retread because Discord is trying to do the same stuff Nightmare Moon tried back in episode two. His degree of success is obviously higher, but the sudden transformation from friendship to enmity comes out very forced.

That said, this episode proved that Fluttershy is the best pony. She had to be haxed in order to be brought down.
Pancakes said:
-Obviously Twilight is the best pony since she wasn't affected by Discord's nonsense.
More like Twilight is so dull they cannot come up with an opposite for her character trait.
Amibguous Cad said:
I also felt that the hypnotism was a major cop-out. Obviously with Fluttershy they're playing it up for laughs, but it never really feels like Discord is successfully turning our protagonists' strengths into weaknesses or playing on flaws in their character... at least not entirely. He just presents a plausible way for that to happen and then waves his wand to make them nega versions of themselves. It felt like a missed opportunity to me.
Basically this.
DrForester said:
I don't know. I think he did a good job with Pinkie and Rarity, getting them to actually turn. But AJ, RD, and especially Fluttershy were kind of cop outs.
We've been shown stuff like this before and everypony has managed to come out alright from way more realistic situations.
is a cop-out.
blamite said:
You know why this episode was awesome?

No Spike.
Those few seconds with Spike were golden. He just brings out that "dumb yet cute" innocence that you see in little children.


Kills Photobucket
So thinking on it, while Discord is awesome, I don't really like them all being corrupted. Obiously they will all be friends again, but being the 6 that can weild the elements, they should be stronger (and I don't just mean the pegasus master race the had to be force turned).

OK guess time. Do they defeat Discord, or turn him good?


DrForester said:
OK guess time. Do they defeat Discord, or turn him good?
I'm gonna go with defeat. Can't see him just sitting back and letting Celestia rule what used to be his. Back in the stone prison for you!

But seriously Celestia, lend a freaking hand in helping the ponies defend Equestria! What is she doing all this time?


Prodigal Son
DrForester said:
OK guess time. Do they defeat Discord, or turn him good?
I wouldn't approve of the writers turning him good especially as a villain who mind controls people, something that seriously creeps me out.

Ellis Kim

Regulus Tera said:
Not only do they turn him good, Trollestia makes him her husbando.

Celestia's solar empire being canon is kinda crazy. And Applejack growing corn.

I need to rewatch the episode later; I feel a little bitter because a friend of mine got me anticipating with who the voice for Discord was going to be, and it was some random Star Trek character I never knew about/didn't remember. Fucking asshole, had me distracted the entire episode wondering if I recognized him from another role or not.

Thanks to Panda and gang, though, watching clips of this actor in his role as Q has made me feel a little better.


blamite said:
You can't solve all your problems by imprisoning them in rocks!



Unconfirmed Member
DrForester said:
So thinking on it, while Discord is awesome, I don't really like them all being corrupted. Obiously they will all be friends again, but being the 6 that can weild the elements, they should be stronger (and I don't just mean the pegasus master race the had to be force turned).

OK guess time. Do they defeat Discord, or turn him good?

Banish him and bring him back for the Season finale, with a traditional Star Trek cliff-hanger at the end.


Kills Photobucket
Don't get how you say Celestia solar empire is cannon. Her and luna defeated Discord. Then Luna tried to kill everything in Equestria. What should Celestia have done.


Prodigal Son
DrForester said:
Don't get how you say Celestia solar empire is cannon. Her and luna defeated Discord. Then Luna tried to kill everything in Equestria. What should Celestia have done.
When people like Discord have such powers at their disposal there's not much else that can be done.


Everything is moe to me
DrForester said:
Don't get how you say Celestia solar empire is cannon. Her and luna defeated Discord. Then Luna tried to kill everything in Equestria. What should Celestia have done.
remember when they introduced the everfree forest? Doesn't the description they used for it seem somewhat in line with the world of discord? Then comes celestia who topples the rightful ruled of equestria and placates his subjects, herding them into a small corner of equestria for the good of the ponies and banishing them to the point where the natural change of seasons found in the forest is seem as unnatural. why do the ponies have the right to do that? they don't have the right, celestia just had the power.

isn't it convenient that after toppling discord Luna soon followed? maybe we should ask Trotsky if that sounds familiar. hmm. Trots-ky. i wonder...


I wonder how long ago the whole overthrowing Discord stuff happened. We know Luna's banishment happened 1000 years ago but I wonder how long they ruled together before that.

Also, Celestia mentions that Discord was freed because she is no longer connected to the elements. So she just became 'disconnected' from the elements recently? When the main six first used them against Luna? But then wouldn't she have been able to use them herself before she became 'disconnected'?


DrForester said:
So thinking on it, while Discord is awesome, I don't really like them all being corrupted. Obiously they will all be friends again, but being the 6 that can weild the elements, they should be stronger (and I don't just mean the pegasus master race the had to be force turned).

OK guess time. Do they defeat Discord, or turn him good?

I go for defeat. Not much good can come out of Discord (besides being a recurring villain :D). Unlike Luna who had a good-->bad-->good phase, Discord was always an evil sunuvabitch to ponies, at least according to Celestia.

Has anyone found any good Discord fan art yet?


Kills Photobucket
Pandaman said:
remember when they introduced the everfree forest? Doesn't the description they used for it seem somewhat in line with the world of discord? Then comes celestia who topples the rightful ruled of equestria and placates his subjects, herding them into a small corner of equestria for the good of the ponies and banishing them to the point where the natural change of seasons found in the forest is seem as unnatural. why do the ponies have the right to do that? they don't have the right, celestia just had the power.

isn't it convenient that after toppling discord Luna soon followed? maybe we should ask Trotsky if that sounds familiar. hmm. Trots-ky. i wonder...

More slander against the kind ruler that saved everypony, not to mention gave up her control of the Elements so Twilight and company could wield them.

Seriously, would a "tyrant" give up power?


-Evil enchanter
-does evil dances
-look into his eyes, and he'll put you in trances.

...Pinkie strikes again.
edit: spoiler added. Sorry about that.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
FoxSpirit said:
Hey, keep down the spoilers. Not everypony has seen it :-\
Btw, youtube?

The episode is up (in HD) but I don't think we're allowed to link to it.

Just search for MLP season 2.


Pancakes said:
The episode is up (in HD) but I don't think we're allowed to link to it.

Just search for MLP season 2.
Also note, the SynchTube starts in less than an hour if you're willing to wait a little.


Unconfirmed Member
FoxSpirit said:
Hey, keep down the spoilers. Not everypony has seen it :-\
Btw, youtube?

I believe this is essentially the "spoiler thread", while the Community thread is safe (at least within limits).


This was a pretty good episode. I agree the first half felt a bit rushed but the 2nd half made up for it. Wish they had shown the 2nd ep since this is a two parter.

OMG Aero

In case anyone in this thread hasn't seen the episode yet or just wants to watch it again, we're going to be watching the first episode of season two on the Synchtube in a few minutes if anyone wants to join us.
Since the majority of people watching the Synchtube haven't seen the episode yet, there is a strict NO SPOILER rule in the Synchtube chat.

Afterwards we'll be playing TF2 as well, and I'll post the server IP we'll be using afterwards in the Synchtube chat, in the community thread and in our Steam group.
Here's the Synchtube url: http://www.synchtube.com/r/PonyGAF
And this is the link to our Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PonyGaf

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Holy s"§%, what an amazing episode. Amazing writing, the glass windows stuff, the cutie marks, the anti-ponies, Discord, everything.

So freaking good.


Prodigal Son
I know it's just speculation, but Discord making Luna into Nightmare Moon (way back in the pilot) fits what's been said before. It would be a good way to introduce her in S2. Also I wonder if any background ponies will be discorded next week?


Amazing episode.
John de Lancie was inspired casting.
Flutterbitch was easily Synchtube's fave nega-character.
Top-notch voicework from everyone... most notably Tabitha St-Germain.
Can't wait for next week.


I envy those of you who were able to wait until the SynchTube to watch the episode. You have patience rivaling Luna's.


jogarrr said:
I envy those of you who were able to wait until the SynchTube to watch the episode. You have patience rivaling Luna's.
The key is to stay up really late on Friday night until dawn on Saturday morning. Then you sleep all day and the wait doesn't seem so bad. And then you wake up to glorious chocolate milk rain. Mmmm... yummy.
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