Regarding Twilight's little light show.
Regarding Twilight's little light show.
Celestia totally knows what's in the box. She just says she doesn't know where the keys are.
Considering Celestia used her horn to open a lock in s2e1...the 6 locks better not mean 6 alicorn horns >_>
Considering Celestia used her horn to open a lock in s2e1...the 6 locks better not mean 6 alicorn horns >_>
Applejack isn't getting enough love for her time on this episode.
Also, Pinkie is basically just a random assortment of jokes now. She was crazy before, but now almost all her jokes leave me with,"what?" Like the frosting joke.
Yeah, if Pinkie doesn't improve, she'll be dropping down my list.
I should probably feel bad about laughing when she fell down the stairs, though.
And now the premier is ruined.
And now the premier is ruined.
Sup rupees.
There's no green one!
Guys, no whining about spoilers, please. Don't let a select few stifle all discussion in this thread as well.
For example, we need to find out how much the Magic Key DLC costs. Twilight can't save the day without your money!
And lots of it.
Speaking of which, S4 1-2 was better than S3 1-2, but that's not really a high achievement. Discord was good at some points, annoying at others. Wish they hadn't made him into a pet like they did.
I think he meant he was spoiled.
What was the original image before it was replaced with floating, upside-down Sweetie Belle?Nope, Luffy changed the image. Maybe he thought it would make the mods a little nervous.
You mean like something for the Awesome Fan Art thread?Nope, Luffy changed the image. Maybe he thought it would make the mods a little nervous.
S4 1-2 provided new material there, like ahegao Pinkie Pie.
So Celestia Had Magic, Generosity, and Kindness. Luna had Laughter, Loyalty, and Honesty. I think it's a good spread. Those are certainly the three I would most associate with Celestia.
What was the original image before it was replaced with floating, upside-down Sweetie Belle?
Well, what can I say? Absolutely loved it. Apple Jack was a boss in this episode. Kinda wished Discord played a more important role in this episode but I loved his bits anyways. So excited for more pony!!!
Can't say I'm too impressed with AJ in this episode as she started the whole "princess shouldn't be with as" non-sense. She does look pretty badass fighting the vines though.
Speaking of chugging down nondescript pale colored fluids, when Zecora said it responds to alicorn magic, Twilight then used dark magic.
To be fair on AJ, she had a really good point. With Celestia and Luna out of the picture, something happening to Twilight would mean that control of Equestria would default back to Cadance. Cadance, people.
I kid, I love Cadance.
Speaking of chugging down nondescript pale colored fluids, when Zecora said it responds to alicorn magic, Twilight then used dark magic.
I figure it was Sombra being a very adapt Unicorn. Probably had some help along the lines of the alicorn amulet.
I think it's more like a selected 6 episodes out of the 26 of the season.finally what i wanted all along has come
a season long story arc