The premiere was solid. Not amazing, had some funny moments, had a fairly dull conflict but with some interesting developments along the way (Fluttershy opposing the group regarding Discord, and doing so in as convincing a manner as can be expected from Fluttershy / Applejack).
Yep. Twilight told her friends to stop treating her differently, that they were her friends, not her subjects.
AJ essentially says "Princess, I question your orders."
A: The Princess told AJ to knock that "Princess" stuff off.
B: AJ is allowed to question a friend, not a Princess. Questioning "The Princess" makes AJ double-wrong.
C: The Princess was right all along and AJ was wrong. Making AJ triple-wrong.
The guards informed The Princess of the chain of command. She ordered them to investigate and report their findings. They can do that. Perfect order. Equestria is in good hands. Ponyville is under an unusual attack. The Princess thinks this bears investigating, and sees the opportunity to unite the Element weaponry and gain the aid of her friends. So she travels to Ponyville, takes the lead in confronting Discord, takes the lead in investigating the potion, and takes the lead in investigating the forest. None of this is inappropriate.
But because dangerous forest creatures exist (which everyone knew), and because The Princess is distracted by trying (and failing) to use some new abilities, The Princess is exposed to a not-abnormal level of danger, which her backup was able to handle, and which she dismisses as she presses onward.
I think this is quite off the mark. Applejack went up with this episode in my opinion.
She showed appropriate concern for Twilight - respecting her position and their friendship. She did it every other time except for arguably the time she broached the subject about telling Twilight not to go. Twilight wanted them to go with her - she repeatedly stressed, at the beginning of the episode for one, that she wanted her friends to treat her as a friend. Applejack's questioning in the Everfree Forest respected both boundaries - concern for her life as a friend and for the significance of Twilight in the bigger picture.
Citing the necessity of Twilight's presence at the Tree of Harmony as a flaw in Applejack's thinking doesn't work in my opinion. There's no way anybody could have known how things were to develop. Twilight is a rational pony, the most rational as far as we know, and she heard a decent argument. Something that made her feel hurt to be sure, but Sure, the viewer savvy to this show likely already understands that the way to solve problems is by throwing Friendship at it. But that's not all that logical in the absence of understanding that.
She's bumpy, but it's her first day and she's getting the job done. But AJ stops her and insists that The Princess retreat back to the safety of her castle and act more like the sheltered Princess that she is. "For the good of Equestria." Causing the Princess great personal discomfort and a temporary lack in judgement, ensuring that the Elements are broken up and rendered useless, causing the group to fail in their investigation, causing them to be without the means to accomplish their mission even if they could figure it out, and putting The Princess in even greater danger when she eventually rejects AJ's notion of becoming a sheltered Princess and marches back in to the forest unescorted.
This is way too obfuscating. Most of what we saw of Twilight before the crisis was her fretting about separation, and her anxiety about doing some unspecified "things" for a minute while in her new loft as is usual to Twilight. The sensibility of Applejack's argument doesn't change because of what we know later; the variability is what prompted Applejack to speak up. If the other five ponies later found out Twilight's presence was essential, they or someone could've gone back. They should've discussed that beforehand, but the unfolding of the circumstances in this episode were super contrived anyway and a bit clumsy (the conflict being awkwardly developed, being kept in the dark, then slowly spoon fed with a long flashback sequence, then quickly resolved).
Twilight hasn't yet adjusted to the idea that life for her as she understands it, as it's been for three seasons of pony, may have to change. I don't expect the writers to address this issue anytime soon ("would she rather hang out in the treehouse in ponyville as a scholar or in the canterlot loft as a princess?") I mean, I find all of this pomp and circumstance, rulers and kings and social hierarchy nonsensical anyway, but even presupposing it I think Twilight might have to rethink who she is.
Hang on a second, one moment you're reprimanding AJ for questioning Twilight as a Princess, and the next you're reprimanding her for treating Twilight like a Princess at all?
Anyway, Applejack may not have been right to suggest Twilight head back into town, but she was absolutely right to raise some discussion on the matter. It wasn't about letting other people fight Twilight's battles, it was about big-picture thinking. Putting the fate of Equestria before a personal desire to hang with her buds might not win AJ any popularity points, but it's hard to fault her motivation.
That's an incredibly black-and-white way to look at situation that wasn't at all black-and-white. A good Princess is one who chooses her battles, and who carefully considers the words of her most trusted friends. A good Princess would think carefully about the consequences of putting herself in danger and make a wise decision.
Twilight has all the makings of a good Princess, and I don't think that has anything to do with whether or not she's willing to fight every battle in the trenches (or put stock in anything Discord says!)
I sort of agree with this, besides disagreeing about the AJ stuff. What's more important than Twilight learning how to fly properly and curtsy or whatever crap are things like what new duties she takes on, how her relationship with her friends changes, and how she changes as a pony. I think she made a rash decision in heading back to her friends, and it was providence/the grace of the writers/being strapped for time editing-wise that such a course of action was in fact more convenient than retrieving Twilight later. She has the capability to be a great leader. She generally is. It's just a matter of seeing what changes for her.