Frantic Fanatic
Neo Member
Do what the comics do. Chrysalis is attacking. Other forces are also at play. Twilight goes after Chrysalis, Celestia defends Canterlot (along with Spike). Nightmare Rarity arc. Twilight and co go to the moon to get Rarity back, Celestia and Luna organize forces back in Ponyville. Heck, the new arc looks to have both Celestia and Luna feature prominently in the final showdown.
And the whole thing with Celestia fighting in Canterlot was about 6 pages of a four volume comic. They hardly took the focus away from Twilight and the others.
Comics you can read over and over. TV Episodes you can't easily watch over and over.
I understand you can have multiple plot threads in TV shows, but you risk over-complications and it takes some real talent to do so, especially in a kid's show.
What demographic are the comics marketed to any ways?
Is it just me, or was this the most devastating loss in the series so far?
I really, really hope they rebuild the library rather than have Twilight live in that godawful Tree Palace.
The palace is still probably the library, and if it is brought up, all the books are probably fixed by the same magic that fixed everything after Discord's reign.
At least those are the bets I'll place. Libraries are a magical place after all. :V