Pretty solid episode. That fat pony at the end was really out of place for this show though.
Aye. Kind of made me... uncomfortable, to be honest. I really don't want to think they knowingly used weight for a joke.
So what? Are overweight ponies not suppose to exist or something?
So what? Are overweight ponies not suppose to exist or something?
Pretty solid episode. That fat pony at the end was really out of place for this show though.
I will agree, one odd thing was the fat pony at the end. The last gag of Rarity and Sassy saying no was just meant to be about yet another customer asking for the Twilight dress, but it could also come off as a joke about there not being any dresses for a pony that fat. It's especially odd because there was another fat character with the same color scheme, but smaller, earlier in the scene.
Pretty solid episode. That fat pony at the end was really out of place for this show though.
So what? Are overweight ponies not suppose to exist or something?
Up until this point, I'd have argued that no, they probably don't exist. We've seen precisely one "large" pony AFAIK, and he's a massively ripped dude, not overweight.
It just seems kinda weird and uncool, frankly, to have a scenario where the very first overweight character we see (who also seems deliberately designed to look unattractive, with a goofy-ass cutie mark and rubbish mane) shows up asking if a dress is available, only to be gleefully told "No!"
I'm kinda wondering if that character is just some weird and ill-judged inside-joke with the creators.
Well, we have had the fat pony in Cheerilee's class, but he's just another background character for the most part, who occasionally wears a fez. There's also Mrs. Cake, who is definitely chubbier than the other ponies. Though, I've always suspected that Mr. and Mrs. Cake's designs were inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley from the Harry Potter series.
But we've never had a character who's defining characteristic is being fat and ugly.
So, according to AKR the Celestia and Luna fangirls were sisters.
Rarity is best pony. Also McCarthy was the story editor on this one. Wonder if that will continue for the rest the season.
P.S. I am not a McCarthy hater, far from it. I just really like the M.A. Larson edited episodes is all.
She edited a few episodes in the season's first half, so I imagine we'll see more Larson ones, even if it was an even split between the two.
The shot from "Rarity Investigates" is everything I ever hoped for from that episode.
The shots from "Scare Master" (I assume) are cute. Dash's costume is curious. Are there astronauts in Equestria? And they dress like that? Or is it a sci-fi thing in-universe.
I just want to say that I feel like having a cutie mark of yourself is like the ultimate achievement.
It was odd that Rarity took so long to speak up to Sassy. I mean Rarity is supposed to be the boss
Something fun that happened in the background:
I mentioned that I wasn't too keen on Sassy Saddles' design, but I think this fan art looks nice. No source for now, but you can probably find it on DeviantArt from the name in the URL.
And it looks like the popular names for these two are Moonlight Raven and Strawberry Lemonade
They were also pseudo-paired up as adversaries in Bats!... but we try to forget that episode.Not much to say about FiM #37, but Friends Forever #23 looks like it could be fun. We don't see Applejack and Fluttershy paired up in many episodes; just "Dragonshy" comes to mind off the top of my head.
They were also pseudo-paired up as adversaries in Bats!... but we try to forget that episode.
I'm also not a fan of Celestia and Luna using the frozen wastes to seal away evils too great for Tartarus;
Sounds like Crusaders of the Lost Mark is going to be a "Stop helping me!" plot, and I'm guessing the secret Pinkie knows is that they're having a baby.
I just hope Brotherhooves isn't some "guy in drag" premise where Big Mac pretends to be AJ and the other townspeople are oblivious to it.
I just hope Brotherhooves isn't some "guy in drag" premise where Big Mac pretends to be AJ and the other townspeople are oblivious to it.
The Friendship Games premiere was shown of today at NYC, so of course watch for spoilers.