No, she was Apple Jewel.EDIT: Also, I don't remember, was Big Mac using the same fake name that Applejack did when she dressed up in the season 4 episode with the hipster pony?
Pretty sure that old pony that had a crush on uh..."Cousin Apple Orchid" was based on Joe E. Brown's character from Some Like it Hot. Just needed the famous "well, nobody's perfect" line.
I think we all now know the real reason why Big Mac dreamed to be an Alicorn princess in the episode 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?' He just wanted to be a hero in the spotlight since his sister and the rest of the Mane 6 always go on some dangerous adventures that involves saving the world from evil but all he ever does is just sit back while Applejack and his friends do all the really dangerous stuff.
And this was a nice shot:
I hope they keep her as an only-child. Frankly, it suits her personality. And also makes her surrogate sistership of Scootaloo feel more special.Barring another surprise sibling, that will leave Rainbow Dash as the only, only-child, pony.
Comic Con announcements
Chibi Equestria Girls dolls. I don't like the normal dolls, but I actually think these are cute. I notice that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have slightly different outfits--a blue skirt instead of green and straight-up shorts instead of a skirt respectively.
Aww, those are really cute! If I cared about EG a little more I'd probably consider grabbing a few.
Still waiting for some small, cheap, show-accurate pony figures. I think I might be waiting a long time.
Haven't they been doing that for a while, though? The mini figures have been getting more show accurate and have been covering more show characters with unique looks. These were unveiled just yesterday, and there were more before that, which you can find at that site.
They're not super amazing, but they seem to fit your requirements.
Oh they're actually not bad! How many have they released? I could see myself getting a Mane 6 set if they were ever to release one.
Still waiting for some small, cheap, show-accurate pony figures. I think I might be waiting a long time.
The Funko Mystery Minis would be decent if they weren't black.Racist!
All of the Friendship Games deleted scenes leaked, and wow, there are some big differences. Most notably:
* Pony Twilight actually does come to Dougworld when Sunset asks, but apparently comes and goes before the scene where they meet Dougworld Twilight. Oddly, they act like the only reason Sunset would want to go back to Equestria is because of how weird the Dougworld magic system is.
* In the original ending, Dougworld Twilight chooses to stay at Crystal Prep and makes friends with the other Shadowbolts. Sunset decides to stay in Dougworld because it's fine if magic is unpredictable; no mention of Celestia is made or anything.
Man, that kind of makes me dislike what we got, because those scenes are so much better.
I suppose we'll find out in a few short hours. That said, the CMC getting their cutie marks would make for one heck of a 5th anniversary present.In other news, apparently it's the 5th Anniversary of the first episode of Friendship is Magic! And airing on this momentous day is... a Cutie Mark Crusader episode. I guess that works.
Oddly enough, despite the past few episodes getting previews, this one hasn't, and in general, we know surprisingly little about this one. Will the title actually connect to the rest of the episode? Will the CMC being silhouettes in the cast picture for the season actually mean one or more of them getting cutie marks? Or is it just related to some gag? Or is it just entirely a misdirection?
All of the Friendship Games deleted scenes leaked, and wow, there are some big differences.
Yeesh. Now I'm even more happy that they tabled the "should Sunset go home" plot thread for now. It's an idea worth tackling, but centering the conflict around the differences in magic theory between worlds feels incredibly artificial. Not a fan of everyone at CP suddenly being BFFs with no apparent buildup either.
It may be a cmc episode, but it is written by amy keating rogers so I have high hopes. Not all cmc episodes are bad....hearts and hooves day is good
I wonder where the loop point is in that gif, it's pretty hard to find. I want to say it's at the start of when Scootaloo jumps from right to left, but I'm not entirely convinced.Oh, I wasn't suggesting that. Fans generally stopped automatically thinking a CMC episode would be weak a bit into season 2.
And ED reminded me, I forgot how great this gif was. (From Babs Seed's intro episode, I believe)
Some good facial expressions in this one (I liked the face Diamond Tiara made in the clubhouse).
scootaloo's didn't really make too much sense to me though (unless I couldn't see it right, but it looked like it was just a feather?).
The best part about the cutie marks: 1) represents how close the CMC are, 2) they each have a secondary symbol inside to represent them - song note for sweetie belle (makes the most sense), apple for apple bloom (thought it would be something construction related, but still makes sense while keeping with the apple family theme), scootaloo's didn't really make too much sense to me though (unless I couldn't see it right, but it looked like it was just a feather?).
Yeah, all three of the cutie marks have a shape inside of another shape like those hybrid Lucky Charms marshmallow shapes.It's a lightning bolt inside a feather.
I think the toughest sell for me has actually been the red-white-blue striped color scheme for the shields.
Though it does occur to me that this means the Cutie Mark God screwed up somewhere, if so many ponies misunderstand their roles in life yet still have cutie marks.
"Obviously I've known that since I've gotten my cutie mark that my talent is getting other ponies to do what I want."
She understood her cutie mark perfectly. She just had a lapse in judgement on how she gets other ponies to do what she wants, and what it is that she actually wants.
I wonder if they may be emphasizing these events because the time traveling in the finale will be changing all of them.
Somebody should be task in finding out as much about them as possible.