I'm a pretty new fan of about 2-3 months.
Anyone also collect the funko vinyls?
It seems impossible to get Luna especially if I'm in Canada.![]()
Welcome to the herd! I don't collect the Funko stuff, but I do love me some Luna.
Oh, it's been a while since someone new to the fandom came to this thread. I believe the standard question is, who is your favorite pony (main and side)?
I gotten some of the Funko figures. All the Mane 6, plus Celestia and I did get a Luna.
Twilight's the favorite main for me, though Rarity is a very close second. For side characters, I suppose I'll have to go with Derpy, Flim & Flam (who are quite underrated), and Discord.I checked this thread once but I'm still on season 4 so I was pretty lost.
Been a bit depressed lately and this show has been great for me.
I like Twilight or Pinkie the most. Pinkie really warmed up to me. I really like Cadence now too after her introduction.
Side ponies would have to be Derpy because she had some showtime but I actually liked Octavia enough to buy her figure before even seeing her in the show.
I'm a pretty new fan of about 2-3 months.
Anyone also collect the funko vinyls?
It seems impossible to get Luna especially if I'm in Canada.![]()
Hi! It's nice to have someone new around here so welcome! I collect the Funko vinyls. I have the mane 6, Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Bon Bon and Lyra. I am really kicking myself for not picking up a Luna at Phoenix Comicon a few months back. The vendor had her for $40, which I thought was expensive, only to find out she goes for $100-$200. Same with Celestia.
How much fandom created stuff have you seen? There are some pretty amazing ones if you want any recommendations.
I kind of joined this thread just to get in touch with some other people who like the series.
I do message one of my friends about the show though.
Hven't been very involved other than watching the show and collecting the figures.
So I guess Luna is rare in the US now too. That makes me sad.
I've got The Great and Powerful Trixie, Celestia and Applejack on backorder. Cadence is preordered too. I might make a trip down to a toy shop on the weekend and see if I can find some other ones I want.
I'm a pretty new fan of about 2-3 months.
Anyone also collect the funko vinyls?
It seems impossible to get Luna especially if I'm in Canada.![]()
You guys were in denial. There was no way it was going to be anything but this.
Discussion of EG is fine here.Dunno if discussion about the Equestria Girls movies is cool for this thread, but holy fuck was the third movie bad.
No one reacts to anything like a normal person would react to. It's all so fabricated it's not even funny.
Also, it wasn't funny.
Haven't seen any of season five. But have they done a episode yet focusing on background characters? Like a episode devoted to them or them taking a spot in the mane 6 for a brief thing. Talking about like Lyra and the other fan favorites, not spike, CMC and the like.
Discussion of EG is fine here.
You're looking for episode 100, "Slice of Life". It does what you're asking for and more.
Nice, will catch up this weekend.
Anyway, Friendship Games deleted scene 1: alternate "I Know There's More That's Out There" that's a duet with Sunset. Sunset's conflict in the song doesn't appear in the movie at all, so it makes sense that this was changed.
Hm. Wonder if the rest of the script reflected that concept at one point. Definitely not the right movie to address it in, but it's interesting to know they were thinking about it.
I believe the issue people are having with "Brotherhooves Social" involving crossdressing is that Steven Universe recently had a scene where Steven crossdresses that isn't played for comedy or even treated as something strange. Especially after that, a straightforward crossdressing gag feels old hat. Personally, I'm just hoping there isn't a "liar revealed" scene.
There's never really been an adequate (or any) explanation as to why Sunset stayed after the first film. They'd have to address that elephant in the room if they made it part of this film.
It would be a rather silly subplot, though, since the only thing stopping her would be her shame
I believe the issue people are having with "Brotherhooves Social" involving crossdressing is that Steven Universe recently had a scene where Steven crossdresses that isn't played for comedy or even treated as something strange. Especially after that, a straightforward crossdressing gag feels old hat. Personally, I'm just hoping there isn't a "liar revealed" scene.
There's never really been an adequate (or any) explanation as to why Sunset stayed after the first film. They'd have to address that elephant in the room if they made it part of this film.
Anyway, Friendship Games deleted scene 1: alternate "I Know There's More That's Out There" that's a duet with Sunset. Sunset's conflict in the song doesn't appear in the movie at all, so it makes sense that this was changed.
I figured she kinda burned her bridges back in Equestria. I mean, I'm sure Celestia would forgive her and whatever, but it doesn't seems like she'd really made friends back there or anything. Not much for her to go back to.
Pretty much.
If you add the comics (when she first ended up in that world and after she became friends with the other 5) its basically what happened. She even mentioned that she was always alone in Equestria and that world in the latter comic.
Plus as said before i don't think she wanted to face Celestia again after what happened even if Celestia would forgive her. Or at least not yet?
Also, amusing to think it's Rebecca Shoichet doing a duet with herself.
Still seems like it's a better choice than staying in a school where everyone DOES hate you. Even the second film, the others pretty much just tolerate her. They're not really friends.
If we're talking grievances about Equetria Girls, I'd like to know the answers to the following:
Why does the portal turn everyone into teenagers? The fact that Twilight is Sunset's "replacement" coupled with the fact that Twilight had never met or even heard of her before the first movie suggests that Sunset is much older than Twilight, yet they both become teenagers in the human world.The answer, of course, is Hasbro.
How does Sunset know to steal Twilight's crown? How did she know that Twilight would be staying at the castle that night? How did she even know what the crown is? After all, the element of magic did not the take the shape of a crown before Twilight used it against Nightmare Moon. Did Sunset just grab the first magical artefact she came across in the royal castle?
What was Sunset's plan in the first movie? Turn her schoolmates into mindless slaves and invade Equetria? Would she have been able to do that with any old magical thingamabob? And how exactly would an army of humans who have no magical ability and who would be completely unused to their new pony bodies in Equestria be of use to her in taking over Equestria?
If we're talking grievances about Equetria Girls, I'd like to know the answers to the following:
I enjoyed it though it felt "safe". At least you can understand somewhat why Big Mac was doing it. It's funny that Big Mac got a big speaking role, but he spent like half the episode speaking as Apple Bloom's "cousin".
I thought the reactions to him were pretty amusing. I think they even had the same pairings that we saw in the first Sisterhooves Social, though I wonder why RD and Scootaloo paired up now if the idea of sisters competing was supposedly very loose. Weren't RD and Scootaloo considered close enough the last time or something (a rule they just pulled out for this episode?)?
I could have done without the lengthy musical number but just about everything else clicked.
Also, confirmation that Equestria Girls 4 is coming, though no details beyond that.
I'm with the majority too. The episode kinda was what I was concerned it would be, but I feel like it did enough right to balance things out.
Having everyone recognise Big Mac as a stallion from the get-go was perfect; nopony got hit with the idiot stick, which is always the biggest concern for me. If you can put the image of Mac in a dress putting on a southern belle accent out of your head, the story is actually a pretty sad one. The guy tries so hard recapture Applebloom's admiration, but arguably he's just making things worse. He's a simple guy, and this is all he's got.
I'd kind of disagree there. The Apple's help organize this event, and Mac has helped before. You'd think he'd know the rules. The reaction by the judge at the end pretty heavily implies brothers have competed before.
After three movies, I can safely say that I will never understand the appeal in the movies (now I feel like the anti-brony contingent on GAF). I can't believe they are still working on the FIM movie, but they seem to churn out these Equestria Girls movies so quickly.