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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 5 |OT| 100+ episodes and better than ever!

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Well Fluttershy can't help but lose her surroundings when she's madly in love.
Seriously, look at this, Tree Hugger isn't even saying anything at this part.

As for Discord, there's a difficult balance that has to be kept. You feel that Discord should remain more alien and closer to his old self, but I've seen some people saying that his character arc should be closer to that of Sunset Shimmer. Personally, I'd prefer the former. Still, the crew has to show that Discord is actually becoming friendly, and that does require him to act more "human".
he's a hard character to manage, and I'm glad I don't have to write him :p

Part of my dislike for that ep came from Treehugger, who was just infuriating.

Jay RaR

Ah man, the wait for episode 100 got even more HOIP and unbearable, lmao.

>tfw I'm more hyped to hear background characters talking rather than watching the Mane 6 fight to the death...

Seriously, wtf was that wasp...bear...thing? lol I don't remember the last time a monster attacked Ponyville, was that back in Season 1?

Pretty excited for Octavia, Vinyl, Dr. Hooves, and Ditzy appearing in this! Hopefully Bon Bon and Lyra both get to speak as well!

Lots of weird little things in there.
Doc Hooves has a British accent. The Dude is a tailor? Button Mash spinning around on DJ PON3's decks. Everypony sitting like a human. Luna at the wedding.

I saw Princess Cadence and apparently someone else saw Shining Armor as well. Still, really odd that royal pony folk are at a Ponyville Wedding.

Jay RaR

It's About Time in Season 2, when Cerberus showed up. Maybe you want to count Tirek.

Oh yeah, forgot about that! I dunno if Tirek should count, since he was terrorizing all of Equestria. Discord would count as well if so.

Also forgot to mention the Panda-wasp was giving a noogie to poor Pinkie there, lol


I saw Princess Cadence and apparently someone else saw Shining Armor as well. Still, really odd that royal pony folk are at a Ponyville Wedding.

Oh yeah, Cadance is totally there. Can't see Shining, but it'd make sense for him to be there too.

As for the logic of it... I figure logic might be taking a backseat in this story.

That'd be because it was a link to ED, with the expectation that they'd post a higher quality video there later. (they didn't)

Ah, that makes sense.
Derpy talked! Octavia!!!! OMG why is this not for another two weeks!!! And lol at sweetie bell saying maybe its a friendship problem that will resolve itself in thirty minutes!


So well, I used to be really into the show around Season 2, but fell out after 3 and haven't seen anything in forever. I'd like to get back into it; how was season 4 and how is 5 so far? I don't think I'll be as big of a fan as I was, but I'd like to casually enjoy the show.




Derpy talked! Octavia!!!! OMG why is this not for another two weeks!!! And lol at sweetie bell saying maybe its a friendship problem that will resolve itself in thirty minutes!

I really liked Sweetie Belle's quip there. Bit of an obvious gag, but still made me smirk.

So well, I used to be really into the show around Season 2, but fell out after 3 and haven't seen anything in forever. I'd like to get back into it; how was season 4 and how is 5 so far? I don't think I'll be as big of a fan as I was, but I'd like to casually enjoy the show.

Fan consensus seems to be that Season 3 was a low point, Season 4 was a decent step up and Season 5 is the best thing since sliced bread (so far, anyway).

If you're only planning to watch casually, I think you'll probably have a good time with 4 and 5.
So well, I used to be really into the show around Season 2, but fell out after 3 and haven't seen anything in forever. I'd like to get back into it; how was season 4 and how is 5 so far? I don't think I'll be as big of a fan as I was, but I'd like to casually enjoy the show.

You will get mixed opinions on season four but I personally liked it. There was only one real dud, a few mediocre and quite a few classics. Rarity Takes Manehattan, Three's A Crowd, Trade Ya, Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3, Pinkie Pride and Simple Ways are all superb, to name a few. The songs overall weren't as good but Apples to the Core and You'll Play Your Part are both great.

Definitely watch it. And definitely watch season five. Season five feels more like seasons one and two; a return to basics. Season five is only eight episodes in, but the two part opener is easily the best season opener since Return to Harmony. And then the other episodes like Castle Sweet Castle, Tanks for the Memories (this episode is godlike), Make New Friends but Keep Discord and The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone are just fantastic. Really there's never been a better time to jump back in. Episode 100 is right around the corner and from what little has been revealed already seems like it's going to be one the best episodes ever.

So yes, get caught up and geek out with the rest of us.


Has anyone posted the other one? Only off-camera recording at the moment.

Lots of weird little things in there.
Doc Hooves has a British accent. The Dude is a tailor? Button Mash spinning around on DJ PON3's decks. Everypony sitting like a human. Luna at the wedding.

Her voice sounded a bit odd to me too. I wonder if she's a guest voice ala the wheelchair pony in "Trade Ya"?

Nice and in the
Wedding scene
you can see not only


Kills Photobucket
So there's a rumor going round that Peter Davison's (The Fifth Doctor) son will be voicing Time Turner in the 100th episode, even after that clip was released.

Whoever started this rumor doesn't seem to realize his oldest Son is only 15, and that is not a 15 year olds voice.


So well, I used to be really into the show around Season 2, but fell out after 3 and haven't seen anything in forever. I'd like to get back into it; how was season 4 and how is 5 so far? I don't think I'll be as big of a fan as I was, but I'd like to casually enjoy the show.

Fan consensus seems to be that Season 3 was a low point, Season 4 was a decent step up and Season 5 is the best thing since sliced bread (so far, anyway).

If you're only planning to watch casually, I think you'll probably have a good time with 4 and 5.

Yeah, I agree with PaulloDEC. Season 3 imo is easily the worst season. It doesn't necessarily have the worst episodes (like imo Mare do Well), but it was pedestrian. I thought it was obvious they had a short season and rushed things. Season 4 was like Season 1 & 2. It has it's good episodes and it's bad ones, but overall it definitely improved on 3.

Season 5, well 8 episodes in and I already think I want to call it the best season. I've actually enjoyed every episode so far. The writing, dialogue, worldbuilding, and animation (especially some of the faces) has been really good so far.

Let's put it this way: I was ready to stop watching after Season 3, but I wanted to see if things improved with a full season again. They did, season 4 kept my interest. Season 5 is the most fun I've had watching the show.
Season 4 was definitely a huge improvement over season 3, so I strongly recommend checking it out. It did have issues, though, such as the decision to greatly downplay Twilight in most of the season. It does make sense that they'd want to appease people who were worried that Princess Twilight would take over the show, but they went too far and made it feel like nothing about Twilight had actually changed, to the point where random citizens could feel free to be rude to her. Season five has been much better about incorporating her status as a princess into unrelated episodes.

On the other hand, I thought season 4 did a pretty good job handling Discord as a good guy, if you were disappointed by "Keep Calm and Flutter On".

Perhaps this video recap in the OP can get you interested. Spoilers, but the quick cuts mean that few particulars are spoiled other than "good guys win and maybe hug".

EDIT: It occurs to me that for a final episode of the show, something along the lines of The Next Generation's "All Good Things" would actually work really well. Twilight's mind goes back and forth between her time when she was still Celestia's student in Canterlot, the "present", and the far future, and in all three timelines, she has to gather up her friends to solve a problem.


Kills Photobucket
I didn't think S3 was that bad. I think the biggest problem was, being Meghan's first year as editor, and the first season without any Faust involvement, most he scripts felt like rough drafts. But it was definitely the weakest season of the show.

I don't think S4 reached near the heights of S1 and S2, but it was a big improvement. Scripts felt a lot more solid, and it felt in general like Meghan and the team was getting back on track. I think the season felt a bit too "forced" compared to S1 and S2 where there seemed to be an effortless, natural charm to everything. I think the key arc wasn't handled that well, with really only Rarity and Pinkie Pie's episodes really standing out for me. Still, it was a improvement, and despite my hatred of the season opener and ending, I thought the rest of the season was solid, if not spectacular.

S5 has just been on a roll. It really feels like they're going back to the basics and the charm of S1 and S2 has returned.
So well, I used to be really into the show around Season 2, but fell out after 3 and haven't seen anything in forever. I'd like to get back into it; how was season 4 and how is 5 so far? I don't think I'll be as big of a fan as I was, but I'd like to casually enjoy the show.
Ponies is still as good as it's always been, but with 5 seasons, it's best to casually enjoy it as you plan to.
Two minute clip and apparently a song at that, so even with there still being a week until the episode, not watching all of that. Liked the bit I saw, though.


Huh, neat. That was one of my favorite fanon ideas, so I'm glad the f is becoming a c. They're going crazy with the 100th episode, aren't they?

Also, with two two-minute clips out, there's only 18 minutes left we haven't seen yet.

Jay RaR


This just made the wait much harder for these long 8 days!

I really didnt expect this, now I wonder what fanon will remain fanon at this point.


All I ask is they have Time Turner dump Rose (god, my least favorite Doctor Who companion >.>).

Huh, I guess they do live together.

If there is any doubt about this episode been made to bronies, that clip cease it for good.

Fans of this show will be very happy next week.
Bah, you guys worry too much. The staff is on a roll, Larson is writing the episode and every clip they have shown so far has been great. I, personally, have been waiting for an episode like this since forever and really all I want out of it is pretty much what they have shown so far. Just don't build this episode too much in your mind and set your expectations too high and just relax and celebrate with the staff the joys of MLP.


Going by the previews, I'm pretty certain I'm going to love it (especially since Larson is writing). It's how the fanbase reacts that I'm uncertain of (and curious about).
I feel that worries about fan reaction to this episode are overblown. The previews have already shown
Derpy talking
, which had previously caused shenanigans, and I haven't seen any sign of a big negative reaction to it.
Going by the previews, I'm pretty certain I'm going to love it (especially since Larson is writing). It's how the fanbase reacts that I'm uncertain of (and curious about).

It will be split if going by comments on EQD and youtube. But, for me, I couldn't care less about what the fandom as a whole thinks. I swear the fandom has the exact opposite opinion of every episode than me judging by the comments. They all went nuts for Bloom and Doom while I thought it was just okay, and they all dumped on Tanks for the Memories which is one of my favorite episodes of a ll time. Seriously, there is a reason why I chose ponygaf to be the place I hang my hat up and that's because you guys are the only consistent and sane bunch of fans out there. I am always willing to discuss opinions with you guys, but the fanbase as a whole? Nah. They are so caught up in using the word "pandering" that I think they have forgotten it's actual meaning and has just become yet another way for them to complain about nothing.


I, for one, am totally okay with them going all out fandom pandering for one episode. Especially the 100th episode. That is cause for celebration. If it works, this will be so awesome. If not, well, it's one episode. We've had bad episodes before, we will likely again.

But I am looking forward to it. If they pull it off, it'll be the Pinkie Pride of the season. Completely crazy, but wonderfully entertaining.

I don't know much about the fandom, but I have something you might be able to help me with. Perhaps this is the right place to ask?

My wife recently found her collection of old MLP toys from 80's and early 90's. As MLP seems to have some new following nowdays, we were wondering if people are interested in the older figures as well? Anyone here in GAF a collector or anything like that? Or is the fandom more about the newer stuff?

Thanks in advance.

Edit. I just realised this is a thread for the show, not the community. I'll make another post in the correct thread.
i actually had a dream about this episode last night. Rainbow Dash got launched into space somehow (abducted by aliens?) and Twilight Sparkle built a spaceship to get her back, taking Lyra, Bon Bon, and Vinyl Scratch along with her. I could only find the second half of the episode on YouTube though.
Huh. It wasn't as terrible as I thought. In fact, it was a great episode overall.

Dat Gummy inner monologue near the end. I imagined there is a lot of stuff that goes on in his head, but I never imagined they made it happen.

Also, I kind of enjoyed Derpy's new voice.


Loved it. Pandering be damned, this was probably one of the cleverest episodes the show has ever done.

Yep, this is pretty much my thought of the episode as well. I loved seeing the interactions between the characters (I think Celestia + Luna and Lyra + Bon Bon may have been my favorites - though I did enjoy the foals being afraid of the lone random changeling).
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