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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 5 |OT| 100+ episodes and better than ever!

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Kills Photobucket
Small teaser for upcoming episodes.

Andy Price and Katie Cook OC's spotted!

Loved it. Absolutely loved it. They actually said BonBon's name! Everything was so good. Freaking Gummy. It was everything I wanted, Lyra and BonBon, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, Dr. Whooves and my personal favorite: Miss Derpy herself. Did it pander? Yes. Was it just a bunch of fan service? Yes. Was it awesome? Hell yes!!

Now, I just want them to use all these characters more. Make it like the Simpsons where Springfield was about everyone who lives there.

Also, according to the credits, Derpy's official name is Muffins. Which I am perfectly okay with. Although she will always be Derpy to me....
A lone black sheep changeling that lives in Ponyville and gets treated mostly like a normal pony? Sounds like the start of a lot of fanfics, and yet believable in the context of Ponyville just being weird like that.


Or it's just Doomie.
I liked this episode a lot! Unlike most episodes, all I can do is make a list of random things that come to mind:
* Really surprised that they decided to go with the Agent Bon Bon fanon (by egophiliac).
* I liked how blatant they got with Lyra and Bon Bon's friendship being more than a friendship, with all of the closeness despite the loud insistence that they are just best friends.
* I was glad to see that every background character got at least tolerable voices this time around, including Bon Bon.
* I liked Doctor Whooves' portrayal as a nutty professor character, though I was a bit disappointed by his claim that he hadn't quite figured out time travel. I was hoping for at least a cameo of a Future Doctor Whooves who figured it out coming back to revisit the wedding (or maybe that's in there, I haven't checked what others have said). I suppose fans could always use the watch from the Doctor Who episode "Human Nature" as a way around this, as they were already doing.
* I did like that they established the Doctor and Derpy as an assistant / "companion with no sexual tension" relationship, which I always preferred over them being a couple. Plus, the Doctor is with Rose in the end to please our Doctor.
* I was surprised that the The Big Lebowski ponies got as big a role as they did, even if only The Dude talked.
* The Octavia / Vinyl scene was great, and I'm glad I didn't watch the full clip.
* Gummy's monologue was amazing.
* Steven Magnet making Matilda more nervous was pretty good.
* I did generally like how the main plot was about Cranky and Matilda.
* They used the names for male and female donkeys during the wedding.
* The random changeling at the wedding is interesting.

Like wookie said, I'd be totally fine with these characters getting roles in future episodes.

And from the above preview, it seems like maybe
some of the characters that were missed, like Minuette / Colgate, will still have roles in future episodes


Kills Photobucket
I must have missed the secret agent Bon Bon joke. What's the origin of this?

I don't follow the fanfic community, but I know at least in on fan-comic, Bob-Bon's different voices were explained by her being octuplets, and one of them was a secret agent.


And there is no better fan comic they could reference than Slice of Pony Life.
I must have missed the secret agent Bon Bon joke. What's the origin of this?

Not sure, but it may have something to do with the gag that her voice changes every time she appears in each episode.

BTW, someone recorded this episode and some people noticed... this popping up.
Only appeared for a nanosecond before DJ Pon-3's cart thingy tripped over the Twilight scepter. You had to pause the video to notice, in case you missed it, and realize this isn't fake at all, and for that I say...
, FiM Staff?!

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
This was amazing and fantastic and amazing. Like holy shit those Doctor Who reference alone.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Celestia and Luna arguing might secretly be the best part of the episode. Especially with Celestia it kind of knocks them off their high horse a bit to see them not be so royal or perfect.


Everything is moe to me
the episode made me smile.

the octavia/vinyl magic wubdub ride was a bit eh, but everything else was solid gold.
derpyXhooves confirmed.
changelings not forgotten.
Gummy's monologue.
hugh jelly spotted.
the Doctors character in general.
luna and celestia fighting.
secret agent bonbon.
shining crying at the wedding.

all solid gold.


That was a fun and interesting episode to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed the numerous references parts aimed at fans. The part with Octavia & Vinyl was indeed one of the most enjoyable moments of the episode. I was some what confused during Bon Bon's moment, but it was interesting nonetheless. Good to see past secondary characters show up again.


What in the hell did I just watch?

I mean, what an insane episode. Lots of fun, and incredibly dense with gags. I don't even know where to start.
That's possibly my favorite MLP episode. The amount of homages to the bronies that have supported them for years was amazing.

Doctor Whooves and Derpy... that Octavia/Vinyl scene... the BonBon secret... Gummy...



I can't imagine a way better to thanks your fanbase than that entire episode. It's SO, SO GOOD.


Funny thing is that before I watch that episode I don't want they to touch Bon Bon and Lyra. Now I think they do everything right with them.

This is the Best episode EVAR!


I rewatched the episode after viewing all the VA's behind the voices of the characters featured in today's episode. I am quite impressed by their performances, especially Tabitha's.
That was a really odd episode but in the best way. So much callbacks to previous episodes and the voices weren't that bad. Shame Vinyl is the only one to not get a voice. Also, that 'best friends' bit between Bon Bon and Lyra. I was half expecting Lyra revealing she knew what humans were, what with the fandom references.

Contemplating Gummy was a funny as hell scene. It'd be great if sometimes they have some of these characters talk a bit in future episodes. I swear there was an episode leak where Vinyl and Rarity were going to have an episode together.

Link Man

That was a really odd episode but in the best way. So much callbacks to previous episodes and the voices weren't that bad. Shame Vinyl is the only one to not get a voice. Also, that 'best friends' bit between Bon Bon and Lyra. I was half expecting Lyra revealing she knew what humans were, what with the fandom references.

"What is this word, "Man", that you keep using?"
Contemplating Gummy was a funny as hell scene. It'd be great if sometimes they have some of these characters talk a bit in future episodes. I swear there was an episode leak where Vinyl and Rarity were going to have an episode together.

We still haven't gotten that Pinkie/Octavia duet.


Kills Photobucket
In retrospect I am surprised that there wasn't a song in this episode.

Also, the video game had a Salt Lick controller.



I rewatched the episode after viewing all the VA's behind the voices of the characters featured in today's episode. I am quite impressed by their performances, especially Tabitha's.
Tabitha boasts astounding range. I'm always impressed but I was not at all surprised.
You should see what types of characterizations she's pulled off on non-MLP fare.
In retrospect I am surprised that there wasn't a song in this episode.

Also, the video game had a Salt Lick controller.

I'm sure the Octavia / Vinyl duet counts as a song. It was mentioned a while ago that they even brought in a professional cellist (Tina Guo) and all.

As for the salt lick controller... uh... wow, that's really gross, even for ponies.
Also, I'm surprised to say that I didn't notice the connection between those ponies until it was pointed out: they were all from the "Perfect Stallion" song, and were specifically the ones that fans latched onto. Well, not the "too flashy" one, as I recall.

Other observations:
I didn't get this was a Back to the Future reference until it was pointed out; I just didn't think to look at the helmet.

Look at how Pinkie is distracting the bugbear. Also, I did notice that some of the other Doctor Whooves showed up in the episode. The Third Doctor is in my previous post, and I believe people consider the one in this shot to be the Eighth Doctor. I'm not sure if they were put in just because they were recurring background ponies, or if they remembered the entire multiple Doctors thing.

And finally, here's everyone in the wedding. Zecora did appear in this episode after all!


I can't believe that Lyra and Bon Bon being "best friends" is canon.

I can't believe Vinyl and Octavia living together is canon.

I can't believe they actually named the sea serpent Steven Magnet.

Great episode.


Kills Photobucket
Celestia and Luna arguing might secretly be the best part of the episode. Especially with Celestia it kind of knocks them off their high horse a bit to see them not be so royal or perfect.

When you think about it, outside the comics and books, this is the first time since the pilot that Celestia and Luna have behaved as siblings. Every other interaction they have in the show, they come off more as co-workers.
Details of a panel with Larson at MLP-MSP (Minnesota/St. Paul) convention concerning episode 100. I haven't seen anyone else corroborate these details... but then again, I haven't looked around on tumblr nor do I intend to *shrug*.

Hey guys, just got back from my second day of MLP MSP. There&#8217;s a lot of posts about episode 100, and I don&#8217;t know if anyone has done this yet, but since I was there for the panel and Larson got to talk about it afterwards, we got some inside info that I wanted to share. This is based off what I can remember, it was a few hours ago and I wish I had made this post sooner cause there&#8217;s SO MUCH I wanted to share.

1. First off and foremost, yes Derpy&#8217;s official name is now Muffins. It&#8217;s so official that even though her name is never said, Hasbro had Larson go back and rewrite every instance of her name

2. Amy Keating Rogers was the first writer for the script, but she ended up getting switched with Larson for this one and she wrote the one about the Griffins instead.

3. Larson didn&#8217;t actually want to be the one to write this episode but he did amazing with it.

4. Apparently Vinyl doesn&#8217;t talk on the show. In early versions of the script, she had lines but they were removed because&#8230; she doesn&#8217;t talk (we weren&#8217;t given a reason for this)

5. The episode was originally just a few brony shoutouts and then they just decided to go big with it.

6. The info that really floored me was that HASBRO was the one pushing the episode and telling DHX to add more brony stuff (so if anyone out there is complaining about too much fan service, it&#8217;s actually Hasbro&#8217;s fault)

7. Early scripts didn&#8217;t center around the wedding and the Vinyl and Octavia story was about Vinyl crashing at Octavia&#8217;s and wrecking her couch, and going to buy a new couch for her (riveting!)

8. Bonbon being a secret agent is an allusion to her various voices and appearances.

9. The Bugbear was just a simple bear at first, until someone suggested it be a panda as a reference to &#8220;they&#8217;re throwing pandas at us&#8221;

10. Good no reblogs yet, I forgot something. Gummy was scripted to have a French accent, dunno why they didn&#8217;t go with it.

11. Many scenes were cut including (but not limited to because I don&#8217;t remember them all)

* When Derpy said, &#8220;I feel just awful, doc!&#8221; the scene was going to pan out and instead of Doctor Whooves it was going to be Doc&#8230; someone else I can&#8217;t remember the name >_< I suck&#8230; but Derpy would have said, &#8220;Oh sorry wrong table&#8221; and moved to Doctor Whooves
* Doctor Whooves traumatic childhood event was going to be that he could never figure out how bowling worked
* When Doctor Whooves was running up to Rarity&#8217;s, Opal was going to be sitting on Tom and he was going to say, &#8220;Looking good Opal and Tom!&#8221; (or something to that effect)
* A scene where a group of background ponies walk by, then recolors of the same group walk by them and then they&#8217;d stand there for a moment and one would eventually say, &#8220;Well, this is awkward&#8221;
* At one point Flash Sentry would be walking behind Cranky saying something along the lines of, &#8220;I did this for you and that for you and washed your car and you still don&#8217;t like me&#8230; why doesn&#8217;t anyone like me?&#8221;
* After Luna and Celestia began fighting it was going to pan to outside where some of Celesitia&#8217;s guards and Luna&#8217;s bat guards would be doing impressions of them (this was Larson&#8217;s favorite scene that got removed)
* The original ending had a changling swarm heading for ponyvillie as the ending after the gang hugged, but they opted to go with one changling in the audience at the wedding instead

and along that note, Steven Magnet was also originally planned to be in the Season 3 finale with even a song, but it was cut

That&#8217;s&#8230; all I can remember, I&#8217;ll add more if I can, but I need to go back and rewatch since I missed some dialogue cause everyone in the room was too busy pissing themselves with laughter

My personal favorite scene was the one with Gummy XD

I just caught on now&#8230; I JUST REALIZED!

When talking about Bonbon&#8217;s expensive oats Lyra says, &#8220;I cooked them up and ate them!&#8221;


That last part is referring to Ponies With Hats, the MLP version of Llamas With Hats.

* The Derpy bit doesn't really mean anything for fans as long as she doesn't get called Muffins in the show itself.
* I prefer Gummy having a sort of world-weary voice over a French accent, even if it is a reference to French existential cinema. It would have been too many silly accents anyway; I did think giving both the Doctor and Octavia faux-British accents was a bit too much already.
* Concerning the scene of recolors encountering each other, I'm reminded of that one Seinfeld episode where Elaine becomes friends with bizarro versions of the rest of the cast and they encounter each other on the street. I think this sort of scene would be going a bit too far for this show, though. In an episode that otherwise fits just fine into canon, it's a bit too universe-breaking to say that the ponies we think look the same actually do look the same.
* Though I consider Flash Sentry to be my least favorite character in the franchise, it's depressing for him to be considered unlikeable within the actual show. Plus, you know, that would give him a characteristic that people may latch onto and thus make him more popular, which I don't want. I prefer him simply not appearing.
* I'm glad that they didn't use the return of the changelings just for a gag ending.
That last part is referring to Ponies With Hats, the MLP version of Llamas With Hats.


That line stuck out at me as being odd, but I didn't make that connection. That's amazing that they crammed that in there.

* I'm glad that they didn't use the return of the changelings just for a gag ending.

I've always liked the plot idea that a Changeling stayed behind with the ponies and tried to live with them, disguising itself as a background pony (explaining in-universe some of the multiple appearances, changing biology and details, etc. Maybe it's a common Changeling spying technique, explaining the multiple repeats in bigger crowds.), so I was pleased with that.

I'm a little sad Derpy is now officially "Muffins", I thought they won that battle with Hasbro, but I guess the name was a sacrifice they had to make.


Thanks for posting that Sigma, lots of great stuff in there. Kinda wish we'd gotten a few of those in the episode; the royal guards making fun of the princesses, flash sentry and recoloured background character gags all sound great.

I have to wonder if the name Derpy has been banned by Hasbro since the Derpy-gate incident back in season 2.

I'd be very surprised if that wasn't the case, honestly.
Considering everybody got invitations saying the wedding was the next day, why didn't Cranky and Matilda just hold off the day and work around everyone else?


Kills Photobucket
Considering everybody got invitations saying the wedding was the next day, why didn't Cranky and Matilda just hold off the day and work around everyone else?

You have it backwards. The wedding was supposed to be the next day, but the invitations said it was a day earlier than that.
I didn't get the full significance of this shot even when it was pointed out what Walter (the larger The Big Lebowski pony) was holding, but then I realized that the Donny pony is gone. And Walter is holding a coffee can.
Meaning Donny is dead and his ashes are in the coffee can.
Jeez, things developed quickly in the brief time between the Doctor leaving the bowling alley and the wedding.

More examples of fast fans being fast. First, second. The Derpy gif would totally be my avatar if NeoGAF still allowed GIF avatars. Unfortunately, I don't think any still shot would get the point across.

And this two year old picture made me realize: didn't one of the crew mention recently that Bon Bon's cutie mark was actually a bow tie and not a candy? Perhaps that was foreshadowing for the entire secret agent thing.


Best episode ever. It was a blast, I loved it. Maybe those ponies will return and stay in the background forever, maybe they won't, but it was absolutly wonderful. I'm also glad that the Derpy Gate is over and that the character is here to stay (loved her voice). It seems they want to call her Muffins, and I'm OK with it. She will remain Derpy to us of course, and a name change won't affect how likable and funny she is.


Wow, the show has now literally jumped the shark.

No really, watch the end of the clip again.

Edit: Dammit, Sigma.

I'm surprised I'm yet to see fanart of the mobile Vinyl stereo with Octavia playing on it modified to look like the Doof Wagon from Mad Max Fury Road, including flames shooting out of the cello, I figure it would fit pretty well - this fandom tends to be pretty fast about this sort of thing.... maybe I just haven't searched (enough)?


Unfortunately, I think people just settled with making a comparison picture.

I'm going to assume somebody's working on it and isn't done yet because it's an elaborate piece and drawing fire is hard.
Then again, electrical effects on the cello instead of fire would work well with Vinyl's equipment.


lttp here, just got to watch ep100 and holy sweet damn that was so great. Larson's tweets thanking the fandom was a cute read too.
I keep forgetting to write about this. There were a few things that I was expecting from "Slice of Life" that I was surprised didn't happen.
* Equestria Girls reference. I know they said they were keeping the two parts of the franchise separate, but I figured that there would at least be a hint toward Dougworld existing. As we now know, Flash Sentry was originally planned to appear, though.
* The key givers. We know that Coco Pommel is in this season, but I figured it would be a small moment in this episode. I guess that does mean she's getting a major role in an episode, to my surprise. We know that the crew was surprised at her popularity, so they managed to include her in an episode in reaction to that? As long as the season 4-5 gap was, I find it unlikely that they had enough time to do that. Perhaps there was a story with a new character whose role they decided could be filled in by Coco, like a more extensive version of what happened with Derpy in "The Last Roundup". Also, I was hoping for a new Weird Al song in this episode.
* Maud. But she did appear two episodes ago.

Onto a topic that can be discussed, which new side character do you think was established well enough to appear more often with speaking roles, as opposed to fading back into the background? Derpy was handled much better than before and she was a lot of fun, so I think that's the option most people would go with if they had to pick one, but I also thought Doctor Whooves was set up well enough that he can be used in a variety of situations in the future. He can easily fit into a Ludwig Von Drake / Gyro Gearloose / nutty professor role. Although I suppose he would be taking some of Twilight's steam if they used him for that more often, now that I think of it.
I keep forgetting to write about this. There were a few things that I was expecting from "Slice of Life" that I was surprised didn't happen.
* Equestria Girls reference. I know they said they were keeping the two parts of the franchise separate, but I figured that there would at least be a hint toward Dougworld existing. As we now know, Flash Sentry was originally planned to appear, though.
* The key givers. We know that Coco Pommel is in this season, but I figured it would be a small moment in this episode. I guess that does mean she's getting a major role in an episode, to my surprise. We know that the crew was surprised at her popularity, so they managed to include her in an episode in reaction to that? As long as the season 4-5 gap was, I find it unlikely that they had enough time to do that. Perhaps there was a story with a new character whose role they decided could be filled in by Coco, like a more extensive version of what happened with Derpy in "The Last Roundup". Also, I was hoping for a new Weird Al song in this episode.
* Maud. But she did appear two episodes ago.

Onto a topic that can be discussed, which new side character do you think was established well enough to appear more often with speaking roles, as opposed to fading back into the background? Derpy was handled much better than before and she was a lot of fun, so I think that's the option most people would go with if they had to pick one, but I also thought Doctor Whooves was set up well enough that he can be used in a variety of situations in the future. He can easily fit into a Ludwig Von Drake / Gyro Gearloose / nutty professor role. Although I suppose he would be taking some of Twilight's steam if they used him for that more often, now that I think of it.

Derpy and Dr. Whooves. I loved them so much in this episode. Frankly, I loved all the characters so much in this episode that I want them all to have guest appearances from time-to-time
Late on this, but saw it last night and my sister and we were both quite thrilled with it. I felt it was a great episode in its own right, but it was a great fanservice episode but didn't feel too crazy and over the top.

Some thoughts

-Yay Derpy! I mean Muffins! Honestly, I prefer Muffins to Bubbles or Ditzy.

-Yay Doctor Whooves! I'm glad they made him his own kooky science character with a couple Doctor Who references, and not just make him Doctor Who Parody: The Character. I'm surprised he sounded so much like Peter Davidson, the fifth doctor. Or maybe it was just me. I'm not the biggest Who fan.

-I've anyways ADORED the fanon odd couple relationship between Octavia and Vinyl and I loved how they did it here. I'll always think of Vinyl's popular fan work voice, but I think it's an interesting idea to make her mute.

-Bon Bon's secret agent backstory was quite odd, but it was a clever way to reference her official toy name and fanon name. I love how they depict her relationship with Lyra. It was definitely as close to lesbian couple as they could get away with.

And I just loved everything else. I kind of understand this was just a fun thank you, but I really hope they can keep this up in future episodes. Like have Derpy have a showing cameo here and a Doctor reference there.
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