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G-Fex said:ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh I watched Sonic Rainboom! yay rainbow dash is awesome.
That was great.
Plus derpy was there!

G-Fex said:ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh I watched Sonic Rainboom! yay rainbow dash is awesome.
That was great.
Plus derpy was there!
G-Fex said:ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh I watched Sonic Rainboom! yay rainbow dash is awesome.
That was great.
Plus derpy was there!
Dai101 said:From ep 15 and on, Derpy is in EVERY episode. It's like playing "Where's Derpy"
G-Fex said:She's so derp!
Plus who else loved Fluttershy cheering?
I liked her cheering, but I also like the look of utter shock and horror on the other 3 at the same time.G-Fex said:She's so derp!
Plus who else loved Fluttershy cheering?
Dai101 said:
I'm not sure what's going on here.Menmanelf said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMrQSFAk85k
Thought this vid was worth posting as the sound editing is really good.
CHEEZMO said:I'm not sure what's going on here.
Ahhh, i see it now. lolduckroll said:Twilight Sparkle's singing voice.
Jeff Albertson said:Sorry to post here but anyone know why Shandeus finally got banned?
Dai101 said:Trollestia
DrForester said:post frame 2 where the bear blows up, or the cops arrest her and it's filled with crack.
Then why's sheDai101 said:Shut yo' mouth. It's all lies, Celestia loves her little sister Q_Q
ruby_onix said:Then why's shestealingeating Luna's blanket in her sleep?
Dai101 said:
Dai101 said:http://i.imgur.com/kI2Qv.png[IMG][/QUOTE]
First time I've ever said this....d'aaaawww!
[QUOTE=Dai101]Shut yo' mouth. It's all lies, Celestia loves her little sister Q_Q[/QUOTE]
I dunno, a thousand years of solitary imprisonment is pretty tough love. If Celestia had the power to put her away that long, she probably could have taken away her evil powers too.
srsly, it saddens me. They have so much potential and are so interesting.Kusagari said:So, I've been slowly watching the series and I just saw episode 18. I have to say that I have no idea why I've seen so much hate for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're pretty well done for kid characters and their 'talent show' in this episode was one of the funniest things in the entire series.
I don't hate them, but I'd rather see the main characters get developed then them shoeing in new crazy characters. Some of the best episodes are when they just leave the main characters to their own devices.Kusagari said:So, I've been slowly watching the series and I just saw episode 18. I have to say that I have no idea why I've seen so much hate for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're pretty well done for kid characters and their 'talent show' in this episode was one of the funniest things in the entire series.
Ultimoo said:I don't hate them, but I'd rather see the main characters get developed then them shoeing in new crazy characters. Some of the best episodes are when they just leave the main characters to their own devices.![]()
FTH said:srsly, it saddens me. They have so much potential and are so interesting.
Called it!duckroll said:Hmmmm, looks like the description for episode 25 is out. Doesn't sound like the last two episodes are going to be a two parter...
Pinkie Pie tries to learn why her friends are avoiding her party invitation.
Well, close enough anyway.Confused101 said:Man, if Luna wasn't confirmed for the second season I would immediately think that was an episode for her.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Grand Galloping Gala considering it's the second to last episode.
Or maybe Pinkie throws a party and no one shows up because they're all too busy that day.
G-Fex said:Celestia noooo
The witch!
Nuts to her, I love Rarity far more! Mwahaha, she's mad cuz she's stylin on her.
Because it's delicious. Ponies eat dandelion sandwiches, you think they wouldn't eat a cotton blanket? If your comforter was made from poptarts, you'd probably eat it too.ruby_onix said:Then why's shestealingeating Luna's blanket in her sleep?
Yeah, but I wouldn't eat someone else's poptart blanket while they're sleeping under it.Koomaster said:Because it's delicious. Ponies eat dandelion sandwiches, you think they wouldn't eat a cotton blanket? If your comforter was made from poptarts, you'd probably eat it too.
She is kinda chubby tho; not that I blame her. One thousand years of eating nothing but moon cheese will really do that to a pony.ruby_onix said:Yeah, but I wouldn't eat someone else's poptart blanket while they're sleeping under it.
Luna's going to wake up and think she has an eating/sleeping disorder because she ate half her blanket in her sleep. Then she's going to go for breakfast and she's going to want to eat an actual poptart, but she'll think "No I shouldn't" because she thinks she just ate half a blanket. Then she's going to think "But I'm sooo hungry... I'm a pig" and be hungry and miserable and feel weak all night at her crummy graveyard shift job and think she's gaining weight and have self-esteem problems when she's actually just malnourished.
Meanwhile Celestia can go to a happy party with all the awake ponies and turn down Pinkie-Pie's free cupcakes, or maybe just have one or two to be polite, and all the nobles will admire her dignified self-control.
And then Luna will turn evil again and the stars (Twilight Sparkle) will help her to rule the universe forever.
You did not just call Luna chubby! D=<Koomaster said:She is kinda chubby tho; not that I blame her. One thousand years of eating nothing but moon cheese will really do that to a pony.
http://www.youtube.com/user/MenloMarseillesKimosabae said:Where can I go to watch episodes for free?
Ultimoo said:http://www.youtube.com/user/MenloMarseilles
I use that guy personally.
Staccat0 said:Okay watched the first episode.
O don't need shit to be all dark, macho and mature" but I just don't really se the appeal for an adu lt.
Whatever. Different strokes.
One episode? C'mon.Staccat0 said:Okay watched the first episode.
O don't need shit to be all dark, macho and mature" but I just don't really se the appeal for an adu lt.
Whatever. Different strokes.
I sat through that first shitty season of Buffy because I could see the spark of something I would like.FTH said:One episode? C'mon.
It certainly had a charm, otherwise I would have bailed.Jintor said:Hey, the first season of Buffy wasn't that bad. It had Giles in it! Come on!
Staccat0 said:I sat through that first shitty season of Buffy because I could see the spark of something I would like.
I didn't get that spark here.
If the pilot was better, I'd have watched more.
This isn't for me, but I'm not trying to take it away from someone else. It just strikes me as a little odd.
"I can't imagine a punishment worse than spending a whole year on the Moon"Myke Greywolf said:
Everyone likes to forget that Luna would have impaled Twilight on her horn and then turned Equestria into night forever, consequently making all the Ponies starve to death as their food would not be able to grow. Lucky Twilight's such a badass, but nooo she gets barely any credit and everyone's already forgotten that she saved the world in the next episode.Jintor said:I'm pretty sure Nightmare Moon was, like, an entirely different personality. At least that's the impression I got.
Only the mane six know the whole truth of what happened that night, anyway. The other characters probably presumed that Nightmare Moon just had a change of heart and reverted back to Luna as soon as she faced her sister.Mechanical Snowman said:Everyone likes to forget that Luna would have impaled Twilight on her horn and then turned Equestria into night forever, consequently making all the Ponies starve to death as their food would not be able to grow. Lucky Twilight's such a badass, but nooo she gets barely any credit and everyone's already forgotten that she saved the world in the next episode.
Yes I mad.
I see what you did thereMyke Greywolf said:Only the mane six know the whole truth of what happened that night, anyway. The other characters probably presumed that Nightmare Moon just had a change of heart and reverted back to Luna as soon as she faced her sister.
Twilight is not the type to appreciate being a celebrity, in any case. She and her friends probably have an off-screen pact to keep hush-hush about the way Nightmare Moon was defeated, if not for any other reason but to keep Fluttershy's sanity safe from all the unwanted attention.