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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:
I'm half-joking half-serious here but what kind of message does that send to the kids that are watching?
That we should punish whenever we must, but forgive whenever we can, especially when dealing with the ones we love?

OMG Aero

Mechanical Snowman said:
I see what you did there :p

My point was, that Luna attempted mass genocide and that should not be forgotten just because she says "my bad" and flutters her eyelashes.

I'm half-joking half-serious here but what kind of message does that send to the kids that are watching? It's too unlike real life and would never happen in any situation, ever, and is potentially damaging to anyone that takes the message to heart.
Did Luna actually try to kill anyone? I just remember her threatening to make it night forever and then she was just trying to stop the main cast from stopping her.


OMG Aero said:
Did Luna actually try to kill anyone? I just remember her threatening to make it night forever and then she was just trying to stop the main cast from stopping her.
Never ending night would kill pretty much everyone and everything in Equestria. So... yes?


wsippel said:
Never ending night would kill pretty much everyone and everything in Equestria. So... yes?

They has magic. It might just make it significantly annoying.

Anyway, Celestia probably would do something. It's not like she was incapacitated or anything... was she?


Jintor said:
They has magic. It might just make it significantly annoying.

Anyway, Celestia probably would do something. It's not like she was incapacitated or anything... was she?
Judging by the scene in which she reappears, I'd say she was banned like Luna was. On the sun.


Mechanical Snowman said:
My point was, that Luna attempted mass genocide and that should not be forgotten just because she says "my bad" and flutters her eyelashes.
Luna was driven to develop a shell-like alternate persona (the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual) complete with a new name, new appearance, new powers, everything, by a bunch of selfish, uncaring, unfeeling, ungrateful ponies (that apparently includes Celestia).

Nightmare Moon attempted to make them all to pay attention to her, possibly for as little as one day, maybe it was even a matter of minutes or hours, and for that rule breaking and not changing it back immediately at Celestia's say-so, she was beaten up by her sister and imprisoned for 1000 years (at least, that's what Celestia's history books say, the real story might be less favorable towards Celestia). The Nightmare Moon persona would have obviously helped Luna deal with the imprisonment. That sad moon picture isn't accurate.

Then some prophecy (Whose prophecy? Did Celestia write it?) predicts the exact time of her escape, an escape performed with the help of the stars, which seems to implicate Twilight somehow. Perhaps by being convinced by Celestia that Nightmare Moon would appear (and that she would destroy the world, somehow the prophecy got that little part wrong), Twilight's need to be right made her unconsciously use her magic to draw Nightmare Moon towards her, providing a weakness in the trap that Nightmare Moon was able to capitalize on. That might also explain how Twilight was able to nail down the exact place of her appearance as well as the time.

So, after using her omniscience to push Twilight the Chosen One into "random" encounters with all the other Chosen Ones and Nightmare Moon, Celestia ran off and hid somewhere and let the ponies think she had been harmed somehow by Nightmare Moon (notice how Pinkie-Pie straight-up says that Celestia's only hiding), instead of fighting her own battles or just saying "Hey ponies, guess what? My sister just came back from the moon! Lets throw a big party to welcome her back!"

Then after doing little more than accidentally crashing a party and being glad that even one pony there knows who she is, the stupid ponies try to arrest Nightmare Moon for no apparent reason (Celestia ditched her own party? Someone go arrest Luna for it), so she ignores them all and goes home only to find that her house is wrecked because Celestia got bored with it. Celestia apparently got bored with her battery-powered super weapon too, because she just left it sitting there in the hall. The "heroes" don't know what "go away" means, so they barge in and beat up Nightmare Moon and make Luna cry, just in time for Celestia to swoop in and play good-cop.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
ARGH! "Huffy the Magic Dragon" is melting my translation brain circuitry! And I haven't even reached "horse drawn horse drawn carriages"! THIS EPISODE IS FRUSTRATINGLY FULL OF PUNS!

Breath deep, Myke. It's the last one. You're supposed to be doing this for fun, remember?


Everything is moe to me
OMG Aero said:
Did Luna actually try to kill anyone? I just remember her threatening to make it night forever and then she was just trying to stop the main cast from stopping her.
yea, she was kinda considerate for someone trying to kill everyone.


Everything is moe to me
wsippel said:
Never ending night would kill pretty much everyone and everything in Equestria. So... yes?
she spent a thousand years on the moon presumably eating rocks, its understandable if she forgot how plants grow. >_>
ruby_onix said:
Luna was driven to develop a shell-like alternate persona (the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual) complete with a new name, new appearance, new powers, everything, by a bunch of selfish, uncaring, unfeeling, ungrateful ponies (that apparently includes Celestia).

Nightmare Moon attempted to make them all to pay attention to her, possibly for as little as one day, maybe it was even a matter of minutes or hours, and for that rule breaking and not changing it back immediately at Celestia's say-so, she was beaten up by her sister and imprisoned for 1000 years (at least, that's what Celestia's history books say, the real story might be less favorable towards Celestia). The Nightmare Moon persona would have obviously helped Luna deal with the imprisonment. That sad moon picture isn't accurate.

Then some prophecy (Whose prophecy? Did Celestia write it?) predicts the exact time of her escape, an escape performed with the help of the stars, which seems to implicate Twilight somehow. Perhaps by being convinced by Celestia that Nightmare Moon would appear (and that she would destroy the world, somehow the prophecy got that little part wrong), Twilight's need to be right made her unconsciously use her magic to draw Nightmare Moon towards her, providing a weakness in the trap that Nightmare Moon was able to capitalize on. That might also explain how Twilight was able to nail down the exact place of her appearance as well as the time.

So, after using her omniscience to push Twilight the Chosen One into "random" encounters with all the other Chosen Ones and Nightmare Moon, Celestia ran off and hid somewhere and let the ponies think she had been harmed somehow by Nightmare Moon (notice how Pinkie-Pie straight-up says that Celestia's only hiding), instead of fighting her own battles or just saying "Hey ponies, guess what? My sister just came back from the moon! Lets throw a big party to welcome her back!"

Then after doing little more than accidentally crashing a party and being glad that even one pony there knows who she is, the stupid ponies try to arrest Nightmare Moon for no apparent reason (Celestia ditched her own party? Someone go arrest Luna for it), so she ignores them all and goes home only to find that her house is wrecked because Celestia got bored with it. Celestia apparently got bored with her battery-powered super weapon too, because she just left it sitting there in the hall. The "heroes" don't know what "go away" means, so they barge in and beat up Nightmare Moon and make Luna cry, just in time for Celestia to swoop in and play good-cop.
I'll re-watch the pilots to see if what you said has any truth to it, but at the moment it reads like you're just a Luna apologist twisting the canon.

I'll admit, it will be an insanely cool twist if Celestia's the evil one and Luna was good all along, but at the moment it just doesn't add up.


Mechanical Snowman said:
"Everyone likes to forget that Luna would have impaled Twilight on her horn and then turned Equestria into night forever, consequently making all the Ponies starve to death as their food would not be able to grow. Lucky Twilight's such a badass, but nooo she gets barely any credit and everyone's already forgotten that she saved the world in the next episode.

Yes I mad.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Uchip said:
how long before you guys start writing fanfiction
I haven't written any, but I don't get all the fan fiction hate. There are some pretty interesting, intriguing and entertaining pieces floating around, and a little social networking (something fan communities are very adept with, and that has become pretty efficient with recent web tools) goes a long way to making them shine through the sea of crap. I don't see it as being any different from fan art.

I haven't posted any here either, because I don't think this thread is ripe for that yet, but I've read some that I wouldn't be ashamed in the least to share with other fans in any other environment.


Myke Greywolf said:
I haven't written any, but I don't get all the fan fiction hate. There are some pretty interesting, intriguing and entertaining pieces floating around, and a little social networking (something fan communities are very adept with, and that has become pretty efficient with recent web tools) goes a long way to making them shine through the sea of crap. I don't see it as being any different from fan art.

I haven't posted any here either, because I don't think this thread is ripe for that either, but I've read some that I wouldn't be ashamed in the least to share with other fans in any other environment.

well whatever floats your boat
to me it just seems like you could be watching other things instead of reading fan fiction
unless its written by squirrelking :D
Myke Greywolf said:
I haven't written any, but I don't get all the fan fiction hate. There are some pretty interesting, intriguing and entertaining pieces floating around, and a little social networking (something fan communities are very adept with, and that has become pretty efficient with recent web tools) goes a long way to making them shine through the sea of crap. I don't see it as being any different from fan art.

I haven't posted any here either, because I don't think this thread is ripe for that yet, but I've read some that I wouldn't be ashamed in the least to share with other fans in any other environment.
I got the impression from some of your earlier posts that you hold fan-fic writers in pretty poor regard. I'm glad that's not the case!

DennisK4 said:
That reminds, me the first time I watched the pilot I thought Luna said 'your son' when talking to Twilight. I was like 'WTF, is she talking about Spike?'

I must have been pretty slow that day.


Kills Photobucket
Myke Greywolf said:
Sure she does. Her love reaches all the way to the moon:

(click for full version)

I love canon-twisting fan art!


And continuing the image bombs. Sure this can have many uses.



ruby_onix said:
Luna was driven to develop a shell-like alternate persona (the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual) complete with a new name, new appearance, new powers, everything, by a bunch of selfish, uncaring, unfeeling, ungrateful ponies (that apparently includes Celestia).

Nightmare Moon attempted to make them all to pay attention to her, possibly for as little as one day, maybe it was even a matter of minutes or hours, and for that rule breaking and not changing it back immediately at Celestia's say-so, she was beaten up by her sister and imprisoned for 1000 years (at least, that's what Celestia's history books say, the real story might be less favorable towards Celestia). The Nightmare Moon persona would have obviously helped Luna deal with the imprisonment. That sad moon picture isn't accurate.

Then some prophecy (Whose prophecy? Did Celestia write it?) predicts the exact time of her escape, an escape performed with the help of the stars, which seems to implicate Twilight somehow. Perhaps by being convinced by Celestia that Nightmare Moon would appear (and that she would destroy the world, somehow the prophecy got that little part wrong), Twilight's need to be right made her unconsciously use her magic to draw Nightmare Moon towards her, providing a weakness in the trap that Nightmare Moon was able to capitalize on. That might also explain how Twilight was able to nail down the exact place of her appearance as well as the time.

So, after using her omniscience to push Twilight the Chosen One into "random" encounters with all the other Chosen Ones and Nightmare Moon, Celestia ran off and hid somewhere and let the ponies think she had been harmed somehow by Nightmare Moon (notice how Pinkie-Pie straight-up says that Celestia's only hiding), instead of fighting her own battles or just saying "Hey ponies, guess what? My sister just came back from the moon! Lets throw a big party to welcome her back!"

Then after doing little more than accidentally crashing a party and being glad that even one pony there knows who she is, the stupid ponies try to arrest Nightmare Moon for no apparent reason (Celestia ditched her own party? Someone go arrest Luna for it), so she ignores them all and goes home only to find that her house is wrecked because Celestia got bored with it. Celestia apparently got bored with her battery-powered super weapon too, because she just left it sitting there in the hall. The "heroes" don't know what "go away" means, so they barge in and beat up Nightmare Moon and make Luna cry, just in time for Celestia to swoop in and play good-cop.

It's scary how closely your thoughts on the Nightmare Moon incident mirror my own. I almost typed that exact post up last night after seeing that Luna/Celestia fan art.

Did anybody else find their reunion scene after Twilight defeats NM kind of awkward? Luna just seems scared out of her mind of being imprisoned again, and immediately starts sucking up to her imprisoner.


Really eternal night would only hold for half of Equestria I imagine. The other half of the planet would be entirely bathed in sunlight 24/7. Pegasus Ponies would have to go on missions to bring back food from the other side of the planet, and maybe even set up colonies there. Inconvenient, but nobody is going to die. Ponies would have adapted and learned to appreciate Luna's nighttime, and she probably would have called the whole thing off once that happened.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:
I got the impression from some of your earlier posts that you hold fan-fic writers in pretty poor regard. I'm glad that's not the case!
I only despise bad fan fiction writers. Like those who insist on transforming material like MLP:FiM into smut shipping fan fiction, or those who think their own ideas are so much superior to the original creator's ones that they insist on spitting all over canon in their fan fiction and take their own work all too seriously.

But thank you for giving some thought to my previous posts, I feel flattered. :)

Koomaster said:
Really eternal night would only hold for half of Equestria I imagine. The other half of the planet would be entirely bathed in sunlight 24/7. Pegasus Ponies would have to go on missions to bring back food from the other side of the planet, and maybe even set up colonies there. Inconvenient, but nobody is going to die. Ponies would have adapted and learned to appreciate Luna's nighttime, and she probably would have called the whole thing off once that happened.
Only thing is, without nights to cool it off, the sunlit half of the planet would soon heat up to unbearable temperatures, killing every life form on it too.

I actually think that Equestria resides in a magical discworld, since it is never said that the sun and moon spin around the land, but only that they rise and set at a given time, making me think that the horizon is the same in every point of this world.

Edit: Sorry for editing my posts so much, it's just the way that I think that makes me do it.


Kills Photobucket
Myke Greywolf said:
I actually think that Equestria resides in a magical discworld, since it is never said that the sun and moon spin around the land, but only that they rise and set, making me think that the horizon is the same in every point of the planet.

As with all things, The sun and the moon thing can be explained by an episode of Star Trek



Why are you assuming nature works as it does in our world? We've seen that ponies are freaked out by a forest that operates on its own. Most of the stuff in Equestria doesn't make any sense at all!


Don't know why I keep watching this show, etc etc.

Rating of the 6 ponies as of episode 14 15 (1-7 scale from strongly dislike to strongly like)

Twilight Sparkle: 7
Applejack: 6
Pinky Pie: 7 (she is infectious)
Shutterfly: 6
Rainbow Dash: 4 (I don't dislike her, but I'm not particularly fond of her. I especially thought lowly of her when she "cheated" against Applejack in the ironpony contes.t)...

Overall all the ponies have their moments - even Rainbow Dash - and I think the creative team has done a pretty good job making them all different.

Bonus round:
Spike: 5
Big Macintosh: 2
Celestia: 2 (not too sure on her. Its always awkward at the end of an episode to see her)
Favorite extra: Beige Pony with multi colored hair, candy cutie mark


Everything is moe to me
Niblet said:
Rainbow Dash: 3 (I don't dislike her, but I'm not particularly found of her. I especially thought lowly of her when she "cheated" against Applejack in the ironpony contes.t)...
she didnt cheat.

thats like saying fat people cheat at sumo wrestling. she's a pegasus, the wings are kinda attached.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Pandaman said:
she didnt cheat.

thats like saying fat people cheat at sumo wrestling. she's a pegasus, the wings are kinda attached.
Here we go again...

I finished translating all episodes to portuguese! Episode 21 was not as bad as I was expecting it to be, but it did have a few hard-to-translate puns, and a song, and that always means some extra effort. Now, on to timing!


Pandaman said:
she didnt cheat.

thats like saying fat people cheat at sumo wrestling. she's a pegasus, the wings are kinda attached.
I put cheat in quotes specifically because I recognize it wasn't true cheating, but it was poor sportsmanship. It is really a matter of honorable agreements and whether Rainbow Dash was in breech of an implicit agreement of sportmanship. I say she was and I think it reflects poorly on her. Its fitting of her abrasive character.
Myke Greywolf said:
I only despise bad fan fiction writers. Like those who insist on transforming material like MLP:FiM into smut shipping fan fiction, or those who think their own ideas are so much superior to the original creator's ones that they insist on spitting all over canon in their fan fiction and take their own work all too seriously.

But thank you for giving some thought to my previous posts, I feel flattered. :)
So you hate shippers! Even ones who write tastefully? And I hope you can find a way to get your subtitles noticed. Even if it's a fun project for you, it would be great for your work to be appreciated more and help people at the same time.

Niblet said:
Don't know why I keep watching this show, etc etc.

Rating of the 6 ponies as of episode 14 15 (1-7 scale from strongly dislike to strongly like)

Twilight Sparkle: 7
Applejack: 6
Pinky Pie: 7 (she is infectious)
Shutterfly: 6
Rainbow Dash: 3 (I don't dislike her, but I'm not particularly found of her. I especially thought lowly of her when she "cheated" against Applejack in the ironpony contes.t)...
You might want to correct Fluttershy's name or duckroll might ban you. :p

Glad that Twilight's getting more fans, I think I like her more with every re-watch. I watched Applebuck Season last night and she feels the most genuine out of the whole bunch, it's nice to have a down to earth character among all the crazy.
Niblet said:
Don't know why I keep watching this show, etc etc.

Rating of the 6 ponies as of episode 14 15 (1-7 scale from strongly dislike to strongly like)

Twilight Sparkle: 7
Applejack: 6
Pinky Pie: 7 (she is infectious)
Shutterfly: 6
Rainbow Dash: 4 (I don't dislike her, but I'm not particularly fond of her. I especially thought lowly of her when she "cheated" against Applejack in the ironpony contes.t)...

Overall all the ponies have their moments - even Rainbow Dash - and I think the creative team has done a pretty good job making them all different.

Bonus round:
Spike: 5
Big Macintosh: 2
Celestia: 2 (not too sure on her. Its always awkward at the end of an episode to see her)
Favorite extra: Beige Pony with multi colored hair, candy cutie mark
You mispelt FLUTTERSHY's name.

For that you must die.
ruby said:
Whaaaa. No one said anything? Where have you been for the last 10'pages? I even asked for editing advice on an avatar of this image in this very thread!

I bet he only likes deadpool.
Blue_Gecko said:
Whaaaa. No one said anything? Where have you been for the last 10'pages? I even asked for editing advice on an avatar of this image in this very thread!

I bet he only likes deadpool.
I'm quite sure even Foxix (who made the original avatar) told you it was taken, mister!

Amibguous Cad said:
The poor sportsmanship is expecting your opponent to handicap herself while you operate at at full strength, then complaining and undermining the legitimacy of the victory when she beats you.
Oh no, not this again ;_;
Niblet said:
I put cheat in quotes specifically because I recognize it wasn't true cheating, but it was poor sportsmanship. It is really a matter of honorable agreements and whether Rainbow Dash was in breech of an implicit agreement of sportmanship. I say she was and I think it reflects poorly on her. Its fitting of her abrasive character.

You know what's poor sportsmanship? Expecting your opponent to handicap herself while you operate at at full strength, then complaining and undermining the legitimacy of the victory when she beats you.

What isn't bad sportsmanship? Using your god-given abilities to their fullest extent in fair competition.

The Hermit


don't worry blue_gecko, there a link filled with pony avatars in the OP, that's where I got it.
And I wasn't visiting this thread for a while cause there's no new episode this week.

Blue_Gecko said:
Whaaaa. No one said anything? Where have you been for the last 10'pages? I even asked for editing advice on an avatar of this image in this very thread!

I bet he only likes deadpool.

actually I chose this avatar because of the quote... I hated Pinkie pie at first now I love her, she seems someone from animaniacs!
Baiano19 said:

don't worry blue_gecko, there a link filled with pony avatars in the OP, that's where I got it.
And I wasn't visiting this thread for a while cause there's no new episode this week.

actually I chose this avatar because of the quote... I hated Pinkie pie at first now I love her, she seems someone from animaniacs!
All right, I must've misread when he helped me resize it. I'm sorry, Baiano.

Pinkie Pie is incorrigable!


Amibguous Cad said:
You know what's poor sportsmanship? Expecting your opponent to handicap herself while you operate at at full strength, then complaining and undermining the legitimacy of the victory when she beats you.

What isn't bad sportsmanship? Using your god-given abilities to their fullest extent in fair competition.

I see where you are coming from, but that's not how I interpret it.

What is your thought on following matter:

I think that Dash was clearly cheating (and this time I mean it) during the long jump. The entire objective of this sporting event is to leap as far as possible. Rainbow dash resorts to flying to clear more distance than AJ because she was going to lose within the confines of the rules of the sport.
I do think Rainbow Dash bent the rules a bit, but I don't hold it against her or think she went entirelly against the spirit of the competition, I mean, for one thing, Rarity doesn't even have real wings.

Plus at the end of the day, she's the ambitious 'gotta win' character; she wants to be the best in a competition then let her, it would probably be a far greater headache for the gang if she lost.


Niblet said:
Don't know why I keep watching this show, etc etc.

Rating of the 6 ponies as of episode 14 15 (1-7 scale from strongly dislike to strongly like)

Twilight Sparkle: 7
Applejack: 6
Pinky Pie: 7 (she is infectious)
Shutterfly: 6
Rainbow Dash: 4 (I don't dislike her, but I'm not particularly fond of her. I especially thought lowly of her when she "cheated" against Applejack in the ironpony contes.t)...

Overall all the ponies have their moments - even Rainbow Dash - and I think the creative team has done a pretty good job making them all different.

Bonus round:
Spike: 5
Big Macintosh: 2
Celestia: 2 (not too sure on her. Its always awkward at the end of an episode to see her)
Favorite extra: Beige Pony with multi colored hair, candy cutie mark

Episode 16 is going to turn your world upside down.


Everything is moe to me
Niblet said:
I see where you are coming from, but that's not how I interpret it.

What is your thought on following matter:

I think that Dash was clearly cheating (and this time I mean it) during the long jump. The entire objective of this sporting event is to leap as far as possible. Rainbow dash resorts to flying to clear more distance than AJ because she was going to lose within the confines of the rules of the sport.
OBJECTION! she was merely falling with style!

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:
So you hate shippers! Even ones who write tastefully? And I hope you can find a way to get your subtitles noticed. Even if it's a fun project for you, it would be great for your work to be appreciated more and help people at the same time.

No, I love tasteful shipping. There's a Fluttershy/Big Macintosh shipping fic I particularly like. But I'm definitely not up for pony smut, and it revolts me that there's even the need to mention its existence. I'm also not a fan of the fandom's apparent need to make all the ponies go lesbian at the drop of a hat. Yes, I know that the gender ratio in the show favors this, but it gets old really quick, with all the shipping fics.
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