Jintor said:Doctor Who scribbles
Choppasmith said:@Myke What's that preview for. I mean I can tell it looks like a Karaoke project, but is it for certain software? Just curious.
Mechanical Snowman said:Well... nvm.
And yes a lot of that makes sense. Equating them to siblings is probably more accurate; Twilight is "in charge" of Spike but they tease each other quite a lot.
I hope we get a proper explanation of what Spike's role is to Twilight, at the moment I just assume that Celestia gave him to her as a communication link between them both. I also find it weird that she never acknowledges Spike when they see each other, most recently in the last episode. I don't think they've uttered one line to each other.
Not in person though!
But I did forget about that one.
He gets to hang out with ponies all day. He should be the grateful one!G-Fex said:Spike is underappreciated! Ungrateful ponies!
Confused101 said:
Mechanical Snowman said:He gets to hang out with ponies all day. He should be the grateful one!
G-Fex said:He does a lot for them.
Digging up tasty jewels, riding broncos and getting thrown off, co-commentary with the crazy pinkie pie.
I haven't found one and it doesn't help that I don't even know who the creator is.Foxix said:Please tell me this comes in wallpaper size.
Confused101 said:I haven't found one and it doesn't help that I don't even know who the creator is.![]()
ivedoneyourmom said:Foxix: I'm going to be rocking an 80's Cherrilee until I think of a good RD to make.
Yeah, I posted that earlier. It's the coolest AMV ever.shaowebb said:
Uchip said:what happened to all the necklaces and shit they all got in the pilot eps?
CHEEZMO said:Yeah, I posted that earlier. It's the coolest AMV ever.
The best bit is those Pinkie Pie interjections near the start. 'OH!'shaowebb said:I know! The sudden intro of Rainbow Dash hooked me. That was pretty funny and unexpected.
shaowebb said:
Uchip said:what happened to all the necklaces and shit they all got in the pilot eps?
Uchip said:oh noes
sonic fans got hold of it
bail out
Ultimoo said:I don't know what is so hilarious/enjoyable about watching the ponies run/dash. Maybe because they're actually running like ponies, lol.
It's for Ultrastar, a free Singstar clone for Windows. There is also a multiplatform fork called Ultrastar Deluxe. Great stuff for karaoke fans.Choppasmith said:@Myke What's that preview for. I mean I can tell it looks like a Karaoke project, but is it for certain software? Just curious.
Yeah, it seems like I'm really off the mark. I feel stupid now. :/ZealousD said:There's certainly a lot to their friendship, but I don't see any of these relationships applying to Spike and Twilight.
I don't see a child/mother relationship at all. Spike is far too willing to give his opinion ("That nest needs to be condemned!" "Just use your magic, Twilight!") and is just too frank with Twilight for him to see Twilight as a mother figure. And certainly I haven't seen anything motherly come from Twilight.
Pupil/teacher is a stretch. Twilight is a pupil of Princess Celestia, and I don't see Twilight teaching anything to Spike.
The servant stuff seems to be merely on a professional level. I think Spike sees him and Twilight as equals in a lot of ways. Remember in Diamond Dogs where he uses Twilight as his knightly steed? Would you ever ride your master?
I think an older sister / younger brother relationship is much more applicable.
I sort of assume that they are called out of hammer space whenever needed. Like any magical girl anime, nobody knows where the stuff comes from and nobody knows where it goes after the battle is over.Uchip said:what happened to all the necklaces and shit they all got in the pilot eps?
The running animation is incredibly impressive, isn't it?Ultimoo said:I don't know what is so hilarious/enjoyable about watching the ponies run/dash. Maybe because they're actually running like ponies, lol.
i think i have to watch ghost again.Dai101 said:
Dai101 said:THIS.
I've always liked how well animated they are, the animators really show their work in this series. It's nothing like i've ever seen in a long time, specially in a FLASH Animated show
Foxix said:I had just sort of assumed that Princess Celestia had confiscated them.
Koomaster said:I sort of assume that they are called out of hammer space whenever needed. Like any magical girl anime, nobody knows where the stuff comes from and nobody knows where it goes after the battle is over.
Up until recently, Flash has usually been equated with "low budget", or at least an aesthetic that isn't associated with a budget. MLP is unique because it has a decent amount of money behind it, and doesn't shy away from the tweening aesthetic.shaowebb said:Flash isn't what it used to be when Macromedia owned it Dai101. I'm an animation student using CS5 and since Adobe got ahold of it the program has become incredibly intuitive.
meltingparappa said:Up until recently, Flash has usually been equated with "low budget", or at least an aesthetic that isn't associated with a budget. MLP is unique because it has a decent amount of money behind it, and doesn't shy away from the tweening aesthetic.
Seeing those outline walk cycles make me think it's possible the hair isn't done via boning and IK, which is a massive amount of work that looks fantastic.
Also in fairness, it may be worth noting that half of the episodes ARE outsourced to a giant animation studio in Malaysia, which is presumably why Winter Wrap Up looks better than Over a Barrel.
shaowebb said:
meltingparappa said:This is so nerdy and nobody probably cares, but...
I'm only guessing based on those walk cycles, but I imagine the way the episodes are animated roughly breaks down to this:
They probably have you typically have a library of existing symbols that they rarely change, such as heads with its own turnarounds, including individually nested mouth shape and eyes with their own libraries inside of them. Gestures are probably typically redrawn arm or leg shapes, sometimes body shapes or sometimes everything in its entirety, depending on the action.
For typical gestures on the show, you can see that a lot of motion tweens are applied to existing symbols (facial features moving around a fairly static view of a head), but the limbs are typically redrawn in their entirety (characters pointing or clopping or whatever).
Things like Twilight eating the flower pedals is obviously a lot of redraw instead of motion-tweening a library of mouth shapes, and you can tell it's also on a combination of 2's and possibly 3's.
There are some instances where a character will jump and their hair is redrawn and that is partly why it makes me think that maybe they're not going with IK for the hair (which would explain the many layers in the outline view) and just have them nested in some insane way that they are generally good about keeping track of.
Things like full body walk cycles (as opposed to instances where you can fudge it to save time because you don't see their legs) which are frequently reused have significantly greater care thrown into them. This makes perfect sense to do these using an utterly comeelx combination of shape and/or IK tweens, particularly since FIM isn't shying away from the aesthetic you get when keeping motion tweens on ones.
Note that IK/boning is different than motion tweening which is different than shape tweening. Depending on what you're doing, shape tweening is frequently never worth it, and if an effect is gnarly enough than it's probably better being done in AE during post.
Anyway, I'd give an arm and a leg to see an actual production flash file. The implications from those walk cycles is staggering, but I wonder how they handle a typical less-demanding scene.
Uchip said:Why u gotta bring lupin into this
Confused101 said:Personally, I like the little fillies. They're dumb but at least they're cute while being dumb.
DrForester said:Think my biggest problem is that they'll get old. By the nature of the character they created to make them they're always going to be doing stupid stuff to get their Cutie Mark. Having them get it would remove an element Faust clearly wants in the show. They're the Wesley Crusher's of Ponyville.
It's certainly one way to put it. It's a nice thing to be able to sit down for 22 minutes and watch something so innocent and fun. I've seen two people now say that the show's helped them, at least a bit, deal with depression.wsippel said:I sit here, drunk as I am, and ask myself: Why do people like this show? Why do I like this show? And honestly, I believe this show mostly appeals to people of a certain age who have seen some really unpleasant shit in their lives. Am I wrong?
ChuckNoLuck said:So I just finished episodes 8, 9, and 10 yesterday. I really like the rivalry aspect of 8 with Applejack and Rarity. Any other ones I should look forward to like that one?
Uchip said:Why u gotta bring lupin into this
Hoofies?Mechanical Snowman said:Though some people are just furries, or whatever the pony equivalent of that is.
Foxix said:Has anyone posted this up yet? There's a preview for the Super Ponybeat You Gotta Share.