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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Foxix Von

Mechanical Snowman said:
Yeah, unfortunately everyone who lost their avatar privileges by being stupid got a fresh start because of the new internal hosting.


Well it was beautiful while it lasted.


Myke Greywolf said:
Doing some timing to create a karaoke song, helping my wife with her craft-work, then going to bed early because I have a flu. What about you?

probably drinking heavily and hopefully singing some karaoke. i specialize in billy idol and blink 182 joints. meet me somewhere?


I find My Little Pony fascinating on more than one level, actually.

First it's the simple fact: It's a My Little Pony show that's not only watchable, but actually pretty good. I'd be the first to admit that it's very saccarine, sweet almost to the point of nausea, yet it never quite reaches that point, not even with Fluttershy. That is a very hard balance to pull of, yet this show makes it look easy. But simply the fact that it's a MLP that isn't bad was enough to get me curious.

Secondly it's the animation. The sense of detail, both in how ponies are supposed to move, and in character animation and emotion, is pretty impressive. Try noticing how the pegasi use their wings to emote, Fluttershy in particular. There's a reason this show makes so many gifs, it's not difficult at all to find awesome or silly looking emotions and animations, then slap some text on it for good measure. This is pretty much why I keep watching. I'm a sucker for good animation.

Thirdly, the characters. We've seen them all before. The introverted geek, her snarky friend, the hard worker, the shy wallflower who likes animals, the tomboy show-off, the fashionista, and the... whatever Pinkie Pie is. Looney Toon? The point is, though, that they're written pretty well, and the interactions between the cast are funny and believable, for cartoon ponies. Add to that the voice acting, which is pretty good, and has pulled in a lot of the big voice talents to boot and it you get some characters that are worth watching.

But finally, what fascinates me the most about the show, is the hate. No, not in the show, there is no hate in Ponyville (except for Glenda, she made Fluttershy cry), but the people hating on the show itself. It's amazing. I mean, I get not liking the show itself, that's fair. No show is for everyone, MLP is no exception. But the sheer hate the very concept of a good My Little Pony show is getting is truly interesting to see. Why can't My Little Pony be good? Is there a rule about that, or something?

It's also a little funny, but if you want to see how mature a message board is, My Little Pony is an excellent test. And I'm not talking "rated M" mature. GAF actually surprises me with this. I mean, the "It only hates everything" gif is funny because it's true. Yet My Little Pony is allowed to exist in all its friendly and magic glory. Other internet forums clamp down on it immediately, but PonyGAF just trucks along, growing a little every day and is pretty much the friendliest thread here. Trolls, exempted, of course. I still don't get the hate, but that's probably why I'm fascinated by it. Especially at the people that used to hate it, but now watch it as well. It's an odd show in that respect, really.

And now that I've written all of that, for no reason in particular, except that I felt like it, I think I should probably join PonyGAF officially. Lost my MvC3 avatar to the new rules, so I might as well see if I can find anything pony to use for a while. Had Felicia before, so if I should keep the colors, I'm probably looking at a Rarity avatar. Or maybe Twilight Sparkle. I'll think of something. I wonder which of the fillies Mechanical Snowman made are still free. Anyone keep track of that?


FTH said:
nothing worse than a safe troll, it's time to unleash the kraken on our ponybutts

start with the fanfic pics and work your way to the nuggety pedo center

There had better be an episode Friday, no more breaks Hasbro plz

EDIT: Good, Cutie Mark episodes are awesome :D

stop spreading lies, LIES.


McNum said:
I find My Little Pony fascinating on more than one level, actually.

First it's the simple fact: It's a My Little Pony show that's not only watchable, but actually pretty good.

again with this shit. watching a drunken disabled person drag himself down the street is also "pretty good", but not something i want to spend much time doing.


coldvein said:
again with this shit. watching a drunken disabled person drag himself down the street is also "pretty good", but not something i want to spend much time doing.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
McNum said:
Whole lot of cool stuff
Great to have you around. :)

Pony ranking, please! ;)

coldvein said:
again with this shit. watching a drunken disabled person drag himself down the street is also "pretty good", but not something i want to spend much time doing.
OK, we start now.

Breathe deep.

Embrace subjectiveness, open your mind to the relativism of enjoyment.

Repeat "people like different things for different reasons" 1,500 times under your breath.


coldvein said:
again with this shit. watching a drunken disabled person drag himself down the street is also "pretty good", but not something i want to spend much time doing.
No, it actually is pretty good. Good animation, good voice acting, and well rounded characters, it even tackles some fairly mature (again actual mature, not "rated M" mature) subjects in some episodes. Objectively, the show is good. Your denial will not make it stop being good.

Also, get a new keyboard, your shift key is broken.


McNum, I welcome you to the pony circle, don your celestial robe and tell us of your pony rankings and favorite episodes :O

Ultimoo said:
stop spreading lies, LIES.
B-b-but they are! One day, one day you all will realize the magnificence of the AppleBloom and the Scootaloo. Not the best episodes, but still :p

And this time the focus will be on the main ponies gaining their cutie marks, so we get to see essentially more cutie crusaders!!
Fluttershy said:


coldvein said:
again with this shit. watching a drunken disabled person drag himself down the street is also "pretty good", but not something i want to spend much time doing.

Pfft this show ones up that. We're watching drunken disabled ponies drag himself down the street.



McNum said:
No, it actually is pretty good. Good animation, good voice acting, and well rounded characters, it even tackles some fairly mature (again actual mature, not "rated M" mature) subjects in some episodes. Objectively, the show is good. Your denial will not make it stop being good.

Also, get a new keyboard, your shift key is broken.

the what key?


G-Fex said:
Pfft this show ones up that. We're watching drunken disabled ponies drag himself down the street.


i can dig it, G-Fex. my hidden secret is that i don't even have cable, but do have a homeless shelter across the street so my sole entertainment is watching drunken toothless hobos drag themselves down the sidewalk.


FTH said:
So what is your opinion of the transexual community and their relation to My Little Pony?

are you trying to bait me into a ban? hahah. here we go. my "transgendered" friends all say that my little pony is garbage.


Dammit, he knows too much. Ok you can stay, but the doghouse is full so you'll have to stand in a sleeping bag in the outhouse


Kills Photobucket
FTH said:
B-b-but they are! One day, one day you all will realize the magnificence of the AppleBloom and the Scootaloo. Not the best episodes, but still :p

And this time the focus will be on the main ponies gaining their cutie marks, so we get to see essentially more cutie crusaders!!

Save it for MLP invasion of Saimoe 2012 next year.


Myke Greywolf said:
Great to have you around. :)

Pony ranking, please! ;)
Ooh that's a tough one. Let's see.

1. Fluttershy - She's just too adorable. It's almost too much with her shyness at times, but I like her, especially when she rises to the occasion.
2. Twilight Sparkle - Usually I don't like the socially awkward characters, yet Twilight is "good" awkward. She has a talent for doing it wrong, yet getting it right, so to speak.
3. Rarity - I'll be honest, I wasn't a Rarity fan until the Diamond Dogs episode. Sure, Suited for Success was good, but she came off as a bit arrogant and annoying early.
4. Pinkie Pie - "Oh, Pinkie Pie, you're so random." When she's fun, she's a lot of fun, but she's pretty much only random. I'd like to see a Pinkie focused episode that isn't "Feeling Pinkie Keen". I'd like to see how she handles responsibility.
5. Rainbow Dash - Dash is cool, really cool, actually. She's the pony most likely to do something completely awesome, see Sonic Rainboom as a good example. It's just that she can be a bit annoying when she's not awesome, but it comes with being cool.
6. Applejack - Now before you ask, no I don't hate Applejack. I'm just... ambivalent towards her. She's a good honest pony and a hard worker. But that's pretty much all I've seen. Even Pinkie is more than her "gimmick", but Applejack needs to get to do something.

For the rest of the cast, I like Spike. His final line in the Ticket Master is pretty much how I felt about the show there. Not going to ruin that for any newcomers. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, I actually like them. They're funny, and they're kids that behave like kids. They're not small adults like you see so often on TV. They're as random and weird as real kids can be. I like that, although I hope we get to see them discover their marks soon before that gimmick grows old. It'd be interesting if one of them got her mark early. That could be an interesting CMC episode, probably about tackling jealousy.

I've been around for a while, though. Part time PonyGAF. Just hadn't posted a ranking yet.


Ok Everyone we need to revamp the ponies for the nineties. The new generation, the pepsi generation.

Animation? I suppose we can leave that in.

Ponies? Absolutely not, it'll be about human girls who are a group who have a fondness for some friendship and yadda yadda. They just have "Pony Inspired" Hair and fashion.

Plenty of stuff to throw in, Katy Perry references, Russel Brand guest starring, Ipods, tweeting, facebooking, going to see 3D movies, dealing with hipsters, etc.

Ponies is a stupid name probably going to change it to just "Fillies"


FlightOfHeaven said:
Just because there's 5 star restaurants doesn't mean you don't enjoy a cup of ramen.
edit: Twilight at #2, I like it. I hate how people can rank her last, she's the best. :( After that last episode, she's probably #1 for me, Pinkie #2.


Kills Photobucket
Myke Greywolf said:

Flutteryshy Vs. Luna finals. The K-On people will weep.

Honestly don't know if they can even be nominated. Don't follow Saimoe enough to know their nomination rules, if being from an American show is not allowed.


McNum said:
The Cutie Mark Crusaders, I actually like them. They're funny, and they're kids that behave like kids. They're not small adults like you see so often on TV. They're as random and weird as real kids can be. I like that, although I hope we get to see them discover their marks soon before that gimmick grows old. It'd be interesting if one of them got her mark early. That could be an interesting CMC episode, probably about tackling jealousy.
This guy rules. :D

For every McNum, there shall be one coldvein. For that is the law of equivalent exchange.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
McNum said:
Ooh that's a tough one. Let's see.

*pony ranking*

I've been around for a while, though. Part time PonyGAF. Just hadn't posted a ranking yet.

That's a great, well thought-out ranking. Thank you for sharing. :)

After episode 22, I had a slight change in my ranking: Twilight is back to #1, on account of her awesome "pushy" romp to bring Philomena back to health. Current standings:

Twilight>Fluttershy>>Pinkie Pie>Spike>>Rarity>Applejack>>Rainbow Dash


Kills Photobucket
Myke Greywolf said:
That's a great, well thought-out ranking. Thank you for sharing. :)

After episode 22, I had a slight change in my ranking: Twilight is back to #1, on account of her awesome "pushy" romp to bring Philomena back to health. Current standings:

Twilight>Fluttershy>>Pinkie Pie>Spike>>Rarity>Applejack>>Rainbow Dash

You're dead to me...


Guy's can't we all agree Pinkie Pie is amazing?

Edit: That's cute Aero, but it looks like Fluttershy's going to cry, don't do that :mad:


Kills Photobucket
G-Fex said:
Guy's can't we all agree Pinkie Pie is amazing?


Confused101 said:
That's why I refuse to do a full list. None of them deserve to be last. So instead I just say that Fluttershy is my number one and the others come later. :)

Kind of agree. Pinky is at the bottom of my list, but she isn't that bad. I just find the hyper characters a grating in large doses.

And Rainbow Dash on top. As I'm studying to be a pilot, the love of flying she has is just something I can completely identify with. Don't expect that to change.


OMG Aero said:
I just finished up a drawing I've been working on for the past week so I thought I might as well post it here. It started off as just some rough sketches to help get myself back into drawing while waiting for the Youtube upload of the last episode on Friday. But then OCD mode kicked in and I decided to scan it in and spend hours on it in Illustrator and Photoshop instead.

So here, have a picture of Fluttershy running into something as shy as her.
That is some high quality stuff. Awesome work :eek:
DrForester said:
As I'm studying to be a pilot, the love of flying she has is just something I can completely identify with. Don't expect that to change.
Paint your jet with a RBD theme please. I'd love to see that.

coldvein said:
just to recap, we're grown men talking about a fictional pony called "pinkie pie" ? nice.
Correct. And?


Confused101 said:
That's why I refuse to do a full list. None of them deserve to be last. So instead I just say that Fluttershy is my number one and the others come later. :)
That's why I said it was tough. It's like professional video game reviews. It's all high ratings, but the difference between 97 and 90 suddenly becomes vast. I like Applejack, I just think she needs to do something soon.

Also that Fluttershy meets a Boo is just awesome. The Boo is covering its eyes because it just got the STARE.


coldvein said:
just to recap, we're grown men talking about a fictional pony called "pinkie pie" ? nice.
coldvein you so crazy ♥♥♥

Have you started investing in your outhouse bag yet? I can suggest some from my console launch days that you should just love!

1- The Wallcreeper Model

The ultimate in stand up comfort, these can keep you insulated for days. The only problem is when the poop starts to stack up in the outhouse, you'll be pretty much stuck as your nostrils will be totally exposed to the smelly peeps and poops coming from underneath you.

2- Standard Issue

Campers Delight, these are usually good for laying down in. You probably should look elsewhere though, you'll be all crumpled up in the trollhouse, and the poophole isn't big enough to comfortably seat you with this one.

3- Standing Tall Edition

These monstrosities are perfect in standup insulation and mobility. You can get up in walk into the main house with us when we decide to feed you attention snacks, and also after your ban you can walk out like a boss. Also great for standing up against the shithouse with. These come as highly recommended :D

Good luck!
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