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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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coldvein said:
and i'm weeping pink tears for humanity
Do you weep frosting? If so, that's kinda cool.

Seriously though, it's cool that you disagree. We're not hurting anyone, right? Humanity will be just fine. :)

Are you into animation at all? If so, what shows are they? (Sorry, I didn't read all of your previous posts) I'm always willing to try new stuff.


Confused101 said:
Are you into animation at all? If so, what shows are they? (Sorry, I didn't read all of your previous posts) I'm always willing to try new stuff.

you are wise to have spared yourself from my previous posts. as far as other animation... eh. i like rocko's modern life.
Foxix said:
Alright the Avatar wall has officially been overhauled to only include static images.
I feel bad for you Foxix. The majority of those avatars were animated right? You put a lot of work into all of that and I salute you.


Pandaman said:
As someone who was very recently homeless:

thats not very adorable of you.

To be fair I like beating everyone in games, he just happened to brought up Hobos. No offense.

All Hail Foxix, creator of pony avatars, the bestest at making so many for us. We still appreciate you!


Confused101 said:
I feel bad for you Foxix. The majority of those avatars were animated right? You put a lot of work into all of that and I salute you.
srsly. I don't think I thanked you after..well... the
yesterday. My Rarity avatar served me well, thank youuuu :D
Myke Greywolf said:
Twilight>Fluttershy>>Pinkie Pie>Spike>>Rarity>Applejack>>Rainbow Dash
This is exactly mine, what a coincidence!

It's been a tie between Twilight and Fluttershy for a while until she took the lead in A Bird In The Hoof. I'm getting a bit bored of Pinkie, not to say she's not great but it's sort of the same-old same-old every single episode. She needs some depth to travel up the list again, until then she's just a joke character.

Foxix said:
Alright the Avatar wall has officially been overhauled to only include static images.
o_O forgot about avatars. It looks like most people have already changed, but for anypony who's still avatarless or feels like swapping:



Mechanical Snowman said:
o_O forgot about avatars. It looks like most people have already changed, but for anypony who's still avatarless or feels like swapping:

I was looking at the Twilight Sparkle cutie mark, actually. I like my avatars slightly understated, so a full blown pony, while fun, probably isn't my style. I tried to make it transparent, but the white stars blend in with the light gray of GAF's colors. And an avatar that only works in odd numbered posts is a little silly.

So I'm just going to use the fully colored one. Thanks!


as a matter of decency, i will answer your question. obviously the term "quality entertainment" is subjective. you find my little pony to be quality entertainment, that's fine. you like what you like, i like what i like. as far as television goes, i find most of it to be pretty vapid and lame. when there's a tv show that i like, i like it for the following reasons... a, it's funny. not chuckle funny, but i'm pissing in my pants funny. b, it has a story that is interesting. not just interesting, but imposing and demanding, something that makes my brain move. it doesn't feel like a chore, it's just magnetic. it's exceptional. it's not "just nice", it's amazing. i don't like spongebob, i don't like most cartoons. time is running very quickly, and if i'm going to spend any of it in front of a television set it had better be really, really good. we like different things, we have different perspectives, and that's alright.

Thing is, I pretty much think like you. And I like My Little Pony as well. It might seem weird, but I can elaborate, if you want.

I know very well, that once you reach certain age / maturity / education, you simply do not want shows / movies / books / whatever that are just "alright". You want them to be awesome, or else you wouldn't bother with them because your time and patience are quite limited, unlike, say, the one of a children.

I too love demanding, complex, artful entertainement. I love Murakami and Nemirovsky's novels, Cohen's movies, Foreign Affairs is my idea of an interesting lecture, and I just came from a flamenco - jazz fussion suite concert today and it was awesome (no, I didn't made that up).

Thing is, these tastes doesn't deprives me from enjoying the simpler things of life too. I believe that culture and intellectuality doesn't necesarily imply elitism. It doesn't makes your tastes more narrow ("selective", as some people say), but rather it expands them. I do not only like books / movies / shows that appeals to my demographic, but almost every piece of media as long as it has goodd quality, sans a few exceptions (one has personal tastes too).

MLP is a damn good show for kid. Or little girls, if you wish. But it has a lot of talent behind, and it shows. The animation is outstanding, as any animation freak of these boards can confirm you. Fluidity, anticipation, and something that it is sorely missing from most cartoons nowadays: facial expression. The voice talent is inmense (even more so when you consider the singing voices). The plots are simplistic and predictable (it is a show for kids afterall), but the writting qualities resides on the rock - solid character building and comical gags. As, for the personal appeal, one is not always in consant demand of brain - crunching entertainement. Sometimes you feel as if you want just a laugh, something simple, something kind towards you (notice how much of the MLP fandom is composed not only of grown adults, but adults with very stressful, hard lives, or that have passed trough harsh times?). MLP is able to provide these traditionally "childish" qualities, without actually treating you like an idiot. And, such as a man of your intellect may appreciate, that's a very rare thing to see nowadays. So, there it is.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:
This is exactly mine, what a coincidence!
Great minds think alike. But yeah, I'd do nasty things for an episode that actually deepens Pinkie's character beyond awesome 4th-wall-breaking comic relief, and I hope episode 25 is it. She'll probably have to deal with her socialization addiction.

Foxix Von

Nishastra said:

These ones of mine are actually already in use, as is the one you have listed for meltingparappa.

Thanks for the heads up! I hurried through it lol, and Mecha I just added yours in as well!

Foxix Von

Pandaman said:
dash haters.
seriously, spike over dash? you might aswell vote in a diamond dog.

Or Gilda.

Myke Greywolf said:
Great minds think alike. But yeah, I'd do nasty things for an episode that actually deepens Pinkie's character beyond awesome 4th-wall-breaking comic relief, and I hope episode 25 is it. She'll probably have to deal with her socialization addiction.

Maybe we'll get to see a dark and brooding loner Pinkie.


Pandaman said:
dash haters.
seriously, spike over dash? you might aswell vote in a diamond dog.

I like Spike and Dash and ..honestly maybe Dash a bit more because she's got more time/episodes.

Spike needs more time, and hopefully episode will show it for him the.

Spike's perspective has got to be pretty awesome since he's mostly left out. He's even left out of the Damn group shot!


Ikael said:
Thing is, I pretty much think like you. And I like My Little Pony as well. It might seem weird, but I can elaborate, if you want.

I know very well, that once you reach certain age / maturity / education, you simply do not want shows / movies / books / whatever that are just "alright". You want them to be awesome, or else you wouldn't bother with them because your time and patience are quite limited, unlike, say, the one of a children.

I too love demanding, complex, artful entertainement. I love Murakami and Nemirovsky's novels, Cohen's movies, Foreign Affairs is my idea of an interesting lecture, and I just came from a flamenco - jazz fussion suite concert today and it was awesome (no, I didn't made that up).

Thing is, these tastes doesn't deprives me from enjoying the simpler things of life too. I believe that culture and intellectuality doesn't necesarily imply elitism. It doesn't makes your tastes more narrow ("selective", as some people say), but rather it expands them. I do not only like books / movies / shows that appeals to my demographic, but almost every piece of media as long as it has goodd quality, sans a few exceptions (one has personal tastes too).

MLP is a damn good show for kid. Or little girls, if you wish. But it has a lot of talent behind, and it shows. The animation is outstanding, as any animation freak of these boards can confirm you. Fluidity, anticipation, and something that it is sorely missing from most cartoons nowadays: facial expression. The voice talent is inmense (even more so when you consider the singing voices). The plots are simplistic and predictable (it is a show for kids afterall), but the writting qualities resides on the rock - solid character building and comical gags. As, for the personal appeal, one is not always in consant demand of brain - crunching entertainement. Sometimes you feel as if you want just a laugh, something simple, something kind towards you (notice how much of the MLP fandom is composed not only of grown adults, but adults with very stressful, hard lives, or that have passed trough harsh times?). MLP is able to provide these traditionally "childish" qualities, without actually treating you like an idiot. And, such as a man of your intellect may appreciate, that's a very rare thing to see nowadays. So, there it is.

thank you for this well thought and nicely typed post. i agree with almost everything there. you seem like a cool and sane cat. what has been misconstrued here (by me, even) is that i can't/won't appreciate simple things in life. simple entertainments. i appreciate the fact that my socks are stained with blood, my shirts stained with brown beer, the shitty coloration of the linoleum floor that i live on. simple things can be good, and, dare i say, holy? so maybe my little pony is that way for you guys. i'm okay with that. just not my jam. again, thank you for the well thought out post. you just jumped to the top of my GAF friends list. which may or may not be good. haha.
Foxix said:
Thanks for the heads up! I hurried through it lol, and Mecha I just added yours in as well!
Cheers man.
Myke Greywolf said:
Great minds think alike. But yeah, I'd do nasty things for an episode that actually deepens Pinkie's character beyond awesome 4th-wall-breaking comic relief, and I hope episode 25 is it. She'll probably have to deal with her socialization addiction.
Yeah I'm actually really looking forward to this one, I'll be kind of disappointed if they don't humanise her a bit. The only time she's shown even a hint of emotion is the Griffon episode, if i remember correctly.

Pandaman said:
dash haters.
seriously, spike over dash? you might aswell vote in a diamond dog.
I actually dislike Dash quite a bit. I don't think she lives up to her spirit of loyalty, she's actually quite selfish and I imagine that if she ever did catch her big break and joined the Wonderbolts she'd leave Twilight and the rest in a heartbeat.

In fact, maybe it's her attitude that's actually holding her back. It's been mentioned before that she's possibly the best flyer in Equestria, yet she's still just pulling clouds around in Ponyville; a job that any Pegasus could do.

So yeah, don't like her until her character shows some real humility.


Thank you for this well thought and nicely typed post. i agree with almost everything there. you seem like a cool and sane cat.

As I say, you seemed like a pretty intelligent guy, albeit condescending. So I felt completely identified with your post and thus, obligued to answer :D

what has been misconstrued here (by me, even) is that i can't/won't appreciate simple things in life. simple entertainments. i appreciate the fact that my socks are stained with blood, my shirts stained with brown beer, the shitty coloration of the linoleum floor that i live on. simple things can be good, and, dare i say, holy? so maybe my little pony is that way for you guys. i'm okay with that. just not my jam.

:) it is exactly that. Plus, an honest to God, innocent cartoon drown in a sea of snark and "post modernism", to boot.

again, thank you for the well thought out post. you just jumped to the top of my GAF friends list. which may or may not be good. haha.



The horse on the bottom left has prettier mane than Twilight. So does the one on the left and right.

edit: all of them
G-Fex said:
The horse on the bottom left has prettier mane than Twilight. So does the one on the left and right.

edit: all of them
Twilight isn't concerned with superficiality, she's the most powerful pony in Ponyville and Canterlot, perhaps Equestria and she is friends with a dragon.

She should be wearing a 'u mad' t-shirt in every episode.


Mechanical Snowman said:
Twilight isn't concerned with superficiality, she's the most powerful pony in Ponyville and Canterlot, perhaps Equestria and she is friends with a dragon.

She should be wearing a 'u mad' t-shirt in every episode.

Yeah real powerful, seeing on how she couldn't do squat in Winter Wrap Up.

lolololol Cry Moar Twilight


CHEEZMO™ said:
Gonna need to be more specific.

Probably nice if we're gonna go off her diet.

alright, with as much specificity as i can muster,. i predict that the unicorn named _______'s tears taste like the seminal fluid of a mammal.


Obsidian fan
coldvein said:
alright, with as much specificity as i can muster,. i predict that the unicorn named _______'s tears taste like the seminal fluid of a mammal.
I meant that the taste of semen can vary wildly.


I said on Monday that I'd start making new avatars today, so... here they are!


All from episode 1. Rarity didn't have any really good frames. She was always either too busy moving things around or too close to the camera or just at a weird angle.
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