Myke Greywolf
Ambassador of Goodwill
Yeah, this show has a way of progressively getting to you. You see the first two episodes: "It's alright, I guess. Nothing special, but let's see some more to see if it gets any better". Next thing you know, you have all aired episodes under your belt, and you don't even get why you did it. You may try to convince yourself that it was just to get in on the whole phenomenon...n8BitMan said:I gave in with the 2-parter, and found what I expected; a great cartoon, but no hold on valve. I didn't see why people came back to it on free will.. besides if you are just into animation and I do say that the animation is spectacular, but why come back? Was there more? Plenty of people said that the show is different from the intro, so I gave the next two a shot. It was cute, but I still didn't see it.
I peeked back at the pony community, not like it was hard to miss, catching some bits and pieces of the show. trying to see why such a show stands so highly regarded. The songs were pretty catchy, the characters had character, and the show didn't 'kid' around trying to speak down towards the viewers. I like that, and would probably remind myself of the show if I was to have some kids. But it still didn't answer the fandom.
Well, here I stand today. Just watched the whole series, and I do see why. The episodes did see to get better as time went on. I was worried that each episode would focus on two ponies and their differences/alikes and proceed to get along with them. The theory was proven false for the best and there is enough entertainment that I can enjoy it. I'm not that huge into it (at least not yet). I'll chug on with the show from here on out, because.. why not? It's at least 20 percent cooler than other stuff.
Ant that's when you realize it:

Also: fantastic Nightmare Moon custom: