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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
n8BitMan said:
I gave in with the 2-parter, and found what I expected; a great cartoon, but no hold on valve. I didn't see why people came back to it on free will.. besides if you are just into animation and I do say that the animation is spectacular, but why come back? Was there more? Plenty of people said that the show is different from the intro, so I gave the next two a shot. It was cute, but I still didn't see it.
I peeked back at the pony community, not like it was hard to miss, catching some bits and pieces of the show. trying to see why such a show stands so highly regarded. The songs were pretty catchy, the characters had character, and the show didn't 'kid' around trying to speak down towards the viewers. I like that, and would probably remind myself of the show if I was to have some kids. But it still didn't answer the fandom.

Well, here I stand today. Just watched the whole series, and I do see why. The episodes did see to get better as time went on. I was worried that each episode would focus on two ponies and their differences/alikes and proceed to get along with them. The theory was proven false for the best and there is enough entertainment that I can enjoy it. I'm not that huge into it (at least not yet). I'll chug on with the show from here on out, because.. why not? It's at least 20 percent cooler than other stuff.
Yeah, this show has a way of progressively getting to you. You see the first two episodes: "It's alright, I guess. Nothing special, but let's see some more to see if it gets any better". Next thing you know, you have all aired episodes under your belt, and you don't even get why you did it. You may try to convince yourself that it was just to get in on the whole phenomenon...

Ant that's when you realize it:


Also: fantastic Nightmare Moon custom:

ruby_onix said:
Magic wasn't forbidden during Winter Wrap Up. Ponies were probably just acting down-to-earth to get into the spirit of things, and because their limited magics might not have been much use. Twilight just assumed magic was forbidden, the same way Applejack assumed wings were forbidden in Fall Weather Friends.

Rarity blatantly used her magic (telekinesis) in front of Twilight while nest-making, and those cheating Pegasus ponies were almost all using their wings constantly (except Fluttershy).
Nothing was mentioned about Pegasi being disallowed the use of their wings.

Applejack said:
That's not how we do it round here, Twilight, and especially not on my farm
Twilight said:
...so for hundreds of years they've never used magic to wrap up winter. It's traditional!
And Rarity never uses her magic to make the nests. Maybe "forbidden" was the wrong word, but it was definitely frowned upon and no other Unicorns used theirs.
My interest in the show was piqued when I saw my god-daughter watching it back in November. The animation immediately caught my eye and the voice acting was surprisingly well done. I don't remember what episode it was and I completely forgot about it after only seeing about 10 minutes worth. Then I saw this thread and saw that Faust was involved so I dove right in. I've been comfortably sitting between Twilight phase and Pinkie Pie phase ever since. The only reason I'm not full Pinkie Pie is that I really don't care for fan fiction, shipping and things of that nature. However, I do like the general fandom a lot.



I found out about it when I started seeing avatars around GAF. I really liked the look of them. I didn't know where they were from, although I could certainly guess that they were somehow MLP-related.

Then I found this thread on the first page at some point, watched some episodes... and the rest is history.

So I went from not on the chart directly to Twilight, and remain at some mystery stage between Twilight and Pinkie much like Confused101 :p


Skiptastic said:
o_0 And I certainly wouldn't say things like that!
Yeah I wasn't referring to you when I said that. :p

Confused101 said:
I've been comfortably sitting between Twilight phase and Pinkie Pie phase ever since. The only reason I'm not full Pinkie Pie is that I really don't care for fan fiction, shipping and things of that nature. However, I do like the general fandom a lot.
This sounds like me too, I liked the old cartoons, so I feel I started out in the Twilight phase to begin with. I am a little more involved than that, but not enough to go on full fanfic mode or do drawings of the ponies - but I may be excited to see other people create them. ^____^
duckroll said:
No. She is clearly mai waifu. You go away!
No, you go away!




The last panel should've been "A Sonic Rainboom" but what do I know...


"Party of One" is probably going to be heavy on depressed Pinkie so this is just a warm up. :lol

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I first caught sight of the meme on The Daily What, and as soon as I saw the character designs I went all "SQUEEEEEEEEE CUTE!". I love cute stuff.

I hunted down the episodes, was astonished at the quality, and jumped almost straight away to Pinkie stage. Yeah, that's me for you.

To tell you the truth, as dumb as it seems, ponies and the associated fandom are playing a great part to pull me from the brink of depression, in which I was starting to dive because of personal and work reasons. There's always something to do, and it's great to be a part of a fandom in which "niceness" plays such a big part. I just ignore the parts of the fandom I find creepy, disgusting or stupid (there are always some of those in any fandom anyway, but I've been an accepting person for a long time) and take joy in the rest of it.


Obsidian fan
Myke Greywolf said:
To tell you the truth, as dumb as it seems, ponies and the associated fandom are playing a great part to pull me from the brink of depression, in which I was starting to dive because of personal and work reasons. There's always something to do, and it's great to be a part of a fandom in which "niceness" plays such a big part. I just ignore the parts of the fandom I find creepy, disgusting or stupid (there are always some of those in any fandom anyway, but I've been an accepting person for a long time) and take joy in the rest of it.
Preach it, brother.


Dr. Pangloss said:
I thought they were making a play off the reading rainbow song.
They were; but instead of saying 'a reading rainbow' they said 'an awesome rainbow' so they changed the words anyway. So if they were going to change the words, 'a sonic rainboom' would actually be about 20% cooler in this case.
Koomaster said:
They were; but instead of saying 'a reading rainbow' they said 'an awesome rainbow' so they changed the words anyway. So if they were going to change the words, 'a sonic rainboom' would actually be about 20% cooler in this case.
Correct. I was almost expecting it as a I sang the tune in my head, lol. I guess there hasn't been a scene with RBD reading a book yet because that would've been almost too perfect.


Myke Greywolf said:
My wife's WIP:

Goddamnit, with all that stupid talk about "my waifu", for a moment there I thought you were saying that you were MAKING a real version of your pony waifu. Arghhhhhhh.

Must clean my head now. >_<


Kills Photobucket
duckroll said:
Goddamnit, with all that stupid talk about "my waifu", for a moment there I thought you were saying that you were MAKING a real version of your pony waifu. Arghhhhhhh.

Must clean my head now. >_<

Your own fault for participating in the waifu nonsense.


People hatin' on Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack? That's fine by me. That's more of them for me!

I rally wish those custom hoodies were real. :(


Mechanical Snowman said:
wooooow NeoGAF logo for cutie mark, along with grey skin and orange mane. DO IT.
Hour by hour; one more change;
I'm sewing them together; take great pains.

careksims said:
People hatin' on Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack? That's fine by me. That's more of them for me!
Who's doing that! They are both awesome, especially Apple Jack since she makes the coolest faces (points to avatar).

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
McNum said:
Where did this waifu nonsense come from, anyway? The usual place?
From this great scene from the Azumanga Daioh anime.

For context: the girls catch a photo that fell from the pocket of Kimura-sensei, their creepy teacher. They are amazed at the beauty of the woman portrayed, and ask who could she be. Kimura simply answers: "mai waifu", leaving the gang dumbfounded as to how such a creepy man could have such a beautiful woman for a wife. They actually find it hard to believe, until they meet her.

duckroll said:
Goddamnit, with all that stupid talk about "my waifu", for a moment there I thought you were saying that you were MAKING a real version of your pony waifu. Arghhhhhhh.

Must clean my head now. >_<
I'm lucky enough to have a real, beautiful, intelligent, talented, wonderful, flesh and bone wife who is only slightly less of a geek than I am and who is also a big fan of this show. If not at anything else, at least I win at that part of life. :)


Koomaster said:
Who's doing that! They are both awesome, especially Apple Jack since she makes the coolest faces (points to avatar).

Indeed she does. **winkwink**

AJ Defense Force Assemble!

Oh, Azumanga Daioh, it's like FiM, but witout ponies


meltingparappa said:
I am 99.9999999999999999999999% sure it exists, but after that story I can only go so far down the rabbit hole for one day.

You're right, I'm sure I don't want to see it anyway.
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