Man! I was one trait away from being Fluttershy! Instead, I'm Spike. I can except that. It's actually pretty accurate.
So about the episode... LUNA TIER! And the same guy wrote "Swarm of the Century" and "Sonic Rainboom"? This guy knows what he's doing and needs to write all episodes from here on out.
I love how they tied the main casts' cutie marks into RBD's story. I also loved how the main cast were all hanging out when the CMC found them and Dash stepped forward with supreme confidence because she knew that her story was the stuff of legends. And indeed it was. Sooooo awesome!
Awkward Fluttershy, Rarity's unamused face, Twilight Phoenix, reserved Pinkie Pie, Applejack's fake accent, Little Big Mac, and the Sonic Rainboom were huge highlights. I know that's basically the whole episode but it was THAT GOOD!