Jenga said:at least stephanie is a real person
these guys cuddle their pillows to fictional talking cartoon ponies
Never change.

Jenga said:at least stephanie is a real person
these guys cuddle their pillows to fictional talking cartoon ponies
Jenga said:at least stephanie is a real person
these guys cuddle their pillows to fictional talking cartoon ponies
alternatively, we could just disagree with your assessment.esquire said:Uh, yeah.
So anyway, I don't want to detract from your current obsession. It's just funny that you guys don't see through it but I guess I understand.
While i wont disagree that an open and vocal culture of acceptance within a community of peers has attracted a large portion of the fanbase, i disagree that the show would not have otherwise stood on its own merits within the usual crowd of enthusiasts.You can come up with ancillary reasons to like something but you primarily like it because it's acceptable to admit to liking it. Why else would you need to come up with a name like "Bronies" to describe your solidarity. Surely girls like this show as well, do they not? Yet that name is specifically describing the male fans of this show...
Foxix said:So what your suggesting is that I don't actually enjoy the show because I actually enjoy it, and that rather I'm somehow subconsciously only enjoying it for ironic/hipster reasons which are somehow manifesting themselves as an earnest fandom in my conscious mind.
If I'm anywhere near warm on this I think you may want to take a step back and realize it really isn't anywhere near that complicated. It's just a charming and well animated show. As someone who's an avid fan of animation in general I find it genuinely entertaining, for non-meme reasons.
Ultimoo said:I didn't come up with the term bronies, nor do I advocate its use. I'm not sure why you think I need to make up reasons to like something...? If my main reason for liking a show is because it's acceptable, then you're describing every person who has ever liked a show or anything for that matter. So I'm not sure what you're trying to get at really, me liking MLP is the same as me liking any other show, yet you act surprised or claim that I have an obsession. I don't see you going into the Doctor Who thread or Community thread and making wild claims on how they only like the show because it's internet popular. If watching a television show is an obsession, I guess you got me.
Jintor said:Urgh. Such a trollish sentence. Immediate insult and then 'oh hey you guys get so defensive about things'
Because they are attacked
Pandaman said:alternatively, we could just disagree with your assessment.
While i wont disagree that an open and vocal culture of acceptance within a community of peers has attracted a large portion of the fanbase, i disagree that the show would not have otherwise stood on its own merits within the usual crowd of enthusiasts.
popularity is a reason to be initially attracted to the show but i don't think its why its stuck with so many people. lots of things can become popular on shock value [in this case, the mlp legacy], but that's not reason enough to stick around. Strike witches exploded out of the niche anime crowd on sheer shock value, but that's all it really had going for it. nobody stuck to strike witches for the plot or characters [except hartmann ofcourse] and most importantly, although its internet popularity was through the roof, its viewership was inconsistent. it just wasn't good enough to solidify a fanbase outside of the diehard enthusiasts, it was a show that just got popular on shock value and became a meme because 'everyone else was doing it so i wont be mocked'.
my little pony was a similar circumstance where at face value it seems something worthy of little more than open derision amongst a mature crowd, but it actually managed to secure and expand its fanbase WITHOUT building on that shock value. friendship is magic does nothing to live up to the stereotypes of previous my little pony products and it is those stereotypes that contrasted against the demographic enough to create the 'brony' culture.
Ultimoo said:Like I've said multiple times, why is it obsessed to like MLP and not another show like Community? Because we're not the target audience? lol. You're trying to find reasons to discredit MLP as a likable show for some reason, which is quite entertaining to say the least.
Negator said:I don't really care one way or another about all the trolls and their weak attempts at trolling us, I think it's actually kind of cute. I don't think I've seen an argument yet regarding the actual quality of the show, just a bunch of ad hominem nonsense and OMG UR WATCHING PONIES LOL
Pandaman said:nobody actually liked lazytown, its popularity stemmed from its absurdity.
Pandaman said:sure you could, you'd just be wrong.
seriously, you ever watch an episode of lazytown? there's a reason nothing ever came of it beyond pedobear shops.
esquire said:LOL, where have I used ad hominem? I think only Foxix and Ultimoo freaked out and got overly defensive. Everyone else has been pretty cool about talking about this shows popularity.
esquire said:Well you could make the same argument about MLP. You only "like" it now because it'sinternetpopular.
ZealousD said:I just want to defend Lazytown by saying that the songs on the show were actually really good.
The Most Famous Example.
Seriously, tell me this isn't catchy.
I'd dance to this shit.
Although I'm not going to lie and say that irony wasn't a big part of it's popularity.
The comparison to LazyTown isn't completely off the mark. Both shows became memes because of the humor inherent in something good coming out of something that we'd otherwise have the lowest of the low expectations for.
The difference here is that LazyTown didn't have good characters or good plots or anything like that. The quality came 100% through the musical segments. My Little Pony is a good all-around cartoon. I would not be able to stomach watching a full LazyTown episode from beginning to end. But I can easily do so with MLP, and enjoy myself.
Esquire, my thoughts about this show were not so dissimilar to yours that long ago. I watched a few episodes and considered my curiosity satiated and came to very similar conclusions. But I gave the show a second shot and now here I am, sporting a pony avatar.
duckroll said:That's nonsensical because no one had long discussions about the quality of episodes in Lazytown, nor was there a huge real fanbase of people working hard on actual artwork, t-shirts, models, etc to express their love for the show. Lazytown was something everyone was interested in making fun of because it had really crazy scenes which made for excellent animated gifs and little else.
It's obvious that the people who stick with MLP actually watch the show and care about the characters. Even if some of them are doing it just because it's the in-thing now, it's not the same as Lazytown at all. I see the fanbase here as no different from people who are really into Lost, 24, Twilight, Harry Potter, etc. It's actually popular in a meaningful way. That doesn't mean everyone has to like it, or that it's appealing to everyone, but let's not disrespect the people who do.
lol overly defensive. You say something I think is absurd and you counter "stop getting so offended," if you wanted to talk reasonably you wouldn't insist on reinforcing the fact that you think someone is being oversensitive or being offended by their lack of masculinity, how does that even add anything to the conversation, when you constantly bring it up? Does that somehow invalidate my point?esquire said:LOL, where have I used ad hominem? I think only Foxix and Ultimoo freaked out and got overly defensive. Everyone else has been pretty cool about talking about this shows popularity.
Yeah, the Lost finale is way worse than anything we can imagine MLP:FiM's finale ever being.esquire said:But that's nonsensical to compare MLP to those shows. It's one thing to say you like MLP, it's another thing to say it's on par with LOST, 24, etc. I get you guys like the show, but you're getting a little carried away.
Condescending ad hominem marks the line where this whole exchange goes from a legitimate conversation to blatant trolling. This is the last reaction that you're getting out of me.esquire said:LOL, so insecure. Aw man, you need a hug. Pony hugs!
Ultimoo said:lol overly defensive. You say something I think is absurd and you counter "stop getting so offended," if you wanted to talk reasonably you wouldn't insist on reinforcing the fact that you think someone is being oversensitive or being offended by their lack of masculinity, how does that even add anything to the conversation, when you constantly bring it up? Does that somehow invalidate my point?
esquire said:Well if you are a fan of animation *stuff*
sure i can, because you were nice enough to provide lazy town as a comparison; a show that's popularity literally lived off of one song about baking cake. i dare you to find anything[i/] through dramatica/macrochan/knowyourmeme/4chan/etc from lazytown that didn't happen in the first 12 episodes. and remember, this is a show that was discovered years after it started airing, so this isnt due to a lack of material.esquire said:I don't think MLP has been around long enough for you to make the claim that people are sticking around.
so whats the cut off here, because it seems somewhat arbitrary.For example, I never actually watched the show until recently despite knowing about it's popularity on the internet (plus, on an unrelated note, I don't feel okay watching the show on YouTube commercial free where I don't "pay" anything for it via advertising or a cable subscription). I'd say it's popularity is still on the upward swing and a year from now you will know who the actual fans are and who the "hipster" fans are.
Once again, you attempt to invalidate my points because you find me too emotional? How can you even sense emotion over text? You're quite the psychic. Someone can bring up the exact same point as me but the fact that I said it doesn't make it any less of a valid statement. You're really reaching to avoid arguing.esquire said:But sorry, you aren't really the person I would choose to get into a reasonable debate over this show because you are too emotional over it. Other people have brought up good points, you haven't.
Is this Applejack playing the harmonica?Menmanelf said:Have another one of my awful drawings, going to try more of this later, drawing something in 10mins to practice, as well as only faces for now. stuff/ajharmonica.png
Ultimoo said:as evidenced by your attempts to rationalize that MLP is some sort of ironic fad or meme.
esquire said:LOL, where have I used ad hominem? I think only Foxix and Ultimoo freaked out and got overly defensive. Everyone else has been pretty cool about talking about this shows popularity.
ZealousD said:You guys have to understand that Esquire is still on the "outside" and so there's still a lot he doesn't quite get about this show yet. His perspective is completely understandable and normal. True, that doesn't mean he's right, but he's at least more open-minded than you guys are giving him credit for.
ZealousD said:You guys have no trouble shrugging off blatant trolls like Jenga. Don't start getting pissy just because somebody starts making an actual argument.
You guys have to understand that Esquire is still on the "outside" and so there's still a lot he doesn't quite get about this show yet. His perspective is completely understandable and normal. True, that doesn't mean he's right, but he's at least more open-minded than you guys are giving him credit for.
Well geez. Are you saying it isn't? Because it totally is. It goes deeper than that, sure. But it is totally an ironic meme.
It certainly is a meme, but the "irony" is just a paper-thin cover double-serving as a lure, under which the un-ironic fandom has their un-ironic fun.ZealousD said:Well geez. Are you saying it isn't? Because it totally is. It goes deeper than that, sure. But it is totally an ironic meme.
I had to squint and give it a little thought before I came to that conclusion. How is the tablet working for you?Menmanelf said:
Negator said:Well, he's stated earlier in this thread that he's actually seen some of the episodes, which in my opinion is way further than most people go.
Only time will really tell if the show has any longevity. If this thread is still alive and kicking well into summer all the way into the next season in fall (supposedly), we'll have our answer.
Ultimoo said:What good points has he actually made? MLP is a cartoon like any other cartoon, but he insists on finding reasons why people like it besides good animation and a likable cast. And his rebuttals consist of "don't care, like what you want" and "don't get so mad" so I'm not sure how much of an actual argument that is. Just because he can attempt to eloquently mask his trolling behind walls of text doesn't make it any less trollish.![]()
no, it was built on an ironic meme.ZealousD said:Well geez. Are you saying it isn't? Because it totally is. It goes deeper than that, sure. But it is totally an ironic meme.
Ultimoo said:What good points has he actually made?
Myke Greywolf said:It certainly is a meme, but the "irony" is just a paper-thin cover double-serving as a lure, under which the un-ironic fandom has their un-ironic fun.
You could probably make a new thread for Season 2, helps reduce clutter in the thread and an more organized OP would be cool, and especially since Season 2 won't be starting for a while either.Foxix said:I'm actually kind of hoping we get a second thread for the second season. Unlikely we'll reach OT2 by then but... I dunno it would definitely be pretty great to have a REAL OP and that would maybe help people realize we're actually watching the show rather than people just assuming it's just a meme thread. And I've already started collecting conversation and reaction quotes about the show from this thread so hopefully it goes somewhere.
i think many of us are enterpreting his point to be that the show does not have any staying power beyond that initial popular attraction.ZealousD said:That the show's popularity can be largely attributed to the irony of the whole deal. And that is very much true. Granted, this is not a new point. It's certainly one I made much earlier in this thread when I was much more skeptical.
Menmanelf said:Havn't really had a chance to use it since I did that Twilight drawing. That was the first since then, and knocked it out in under 7min, so wasn't expecting anything too good, but from my art class found I improved best when doing speedy drawings than slow ones, so going to do a few this afternoon I think, mainly focusing on faces for now.
Pandaman said:i think many of us are enterpreting his point to be that the show does not have any staying power beyond that initial popular attraction.
since the show does nothing to actually further that irony by appealing to classic my little pony stereotypes, i dont really see how that could be possible.
Yeah, I'll confess on double-dipping on both aspects of it. There's something inherently funny about stripping a little of the innocence out of the show, and sharing the laughter with the people who can appreciate it.ZealousD said:I don't know about you, but I'm having both ironic and un-ironic fun here. I like to make the point that Fridays are "motherfucking" pony days, after all.
Myke Greywolf said:Yeah, I'll confess on double-dipping on both aspects of it. There's something inherently funny about stripping a little of the innocence out of the show, and sharing the laughter with the people who can appreciate it.Friendship is magic, after all.Go too far with your innocence-stripping and I'll rip your fucking throat with my teeth, though.
You didn't like Cutie Mark Chronicles?duckroll said:I feel the last two episodes have been a bit weak. Really hope that after next week's crappy Pinkie Pie episode, the finale will deliver.
esquire said:But that's nonsensical to compare MLP to those shows. It's one thing to say you like MLP, it's another thing to say it's on par with LOST, 24, etc. I get you guys like the show, but you're getting a little carried away.
OMG Aero said:You didn't like Cutie Mark Chronicles?
But that episode was so adorable!
Foxix said:With the exception lazytown most of those developed they're popularity based solely on the quality of series. I know, at least in my case that I grew up watching Sailor Moon despite me being outside of its intended audience, however that was also a time when I had no access to internet and no one I knew as a child watched it either. I will agree that it is very interesting to watch this sort fandom blossom in real time as a result of social media. I don't think most ever got enjoyment lazy town, and I'm not really acquainted with the series as a meme or it's fanbase(if any.)
I'm failing to see where you're going with this. That being said your argument for the most part is heavily circular. We can state the reason we enjoy something and you can state that you understand that however, then go on to state incorrect reasons we enjoy the series. Then any attempt at rectifying your misunderstanding of the fanbase is shrugged off telling us a majority of the fans don't think the same way/we don't fully understand the true appeal of what we're enjoying. Regardless of any evidence and or staying power the property could possibly show it's unlikely that we'll ever get anywhere.
esquire said:It's pretty easy to troll male My Little Pony fans because of the male insecurity over liking a "girls" show. The horror.
Well I think for anything to be enjoyed there has to be some social consensus that it is "okay" to like it.
Jintor said:This is patently untrue. People like a lot of things that it is 'socially unacceptable' to like (some people even like things that it is illegal to like).
Originally Posted by esquire:
LOL, so insecure. Aw man, you need a hug. Pony hugs!
Pandaman said:for the record, according to esquire its popular because its mainstream but its fanbase is hipster because it wont have staying power.
Jintor said:Internet popularity =/= wider society, right? MLP may be mainstream in internet terms but does that mean there's a social consensus that it's alright to like it? Only in certain social spheres, I suppose.
Sure, I'm just reading into my own insecurities, nothing to do with what you say at all.
im saying there's a disconnect when you accuse people riding out mainstream fads of being hipsters.esquire said:What the hell are you talking about Tubbs?
Jintor said:Listen, you can argue rationally or you can troll, but you can't do both. We're at war here, pick a side!
Pandaman said:im saying there's a disconnect when you accuse people riding out mainstream fads of being hipsters.
the disconnect being the definition of the word.
Its almost like you used the word for lack of anything more specific and equally disagreeable.
and that's just adorable.
Mechanical Snowman said:Seriously.
Esquire I don't get you; you started off being condescending and then calling the people who argued against you defensive and insecure. Then you made a great post that wasn't assholish and you clearly put a lot of effort into making your argument coherent. Now it seems like you're going back to trying to get a rise out of people.
Seriously.Jintor said:Listen, you can argue rationally or you can troll, but you can't do both. We're at war here, pick a side!
Ah. It's a cycle though, pretty sure if you weren't trying to be a little patronising to begin with, people would be much more likely to debate you properly.esquire said:The way I see it, some people bring up good points and deserve a good response other people bring nothing but insults and are brushed off with a flippant remark.
you were the first person to refer to it as a 'hipster show' and the first to liken its fanbase to being 'hipsters' who are only in it for the short term.esquire said:I'm still not sure what this even means. I don't think I'm the one that brought up the "ironic" or hipster aspect of liking this show but I addressed it nonetheless...