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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Pandaman said:
you were the first person to refer to it as a 'hipster show' and the first to liken its fanbase to being 'hipsters' who are only in it for the short term.

so yeah.

You mean me saying this?


Clearly it's a hipster show for hipster nerds."

You should read the post it's in response to.

I thought the "..." and the "hipster nerds" comment made it clear but I guess there's no such thing as sarcasm on the internet :V


Everything is moe to me
esquire said:
You mean me saying this?


Clearly it's a hipster show for hipster nerds."

You should read the post it's in response to.

I thought the "..." and the "hipster nerds" comment made it clear but I guess there's no such thing as sarcasm on the internet :V
sarcasm is not a catch all excuse for inconsistency.
esquire said:
You mean me saying this?


Clearly it's a hipster show for hipster nerds."

You should read the post it's in response to.

I thought the "..." and the "hipster nerds" comment made it clear but I guess there's no such thing as sarcasm on the internet :V

I don't think people pick up on sarcasm when it's done directly after trollin'

Just saying. ;)


Kills Photobucket



Kills Photobucket
OMG Aero said:
That second comic would be better if RD just told Scootaloo to put her apple in the trash instead.

Only reason it wasn't in the show was because the animators couldn't stop "HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" long enough.


You guys need to chillax, and try to distingish true trolls like Jenga from people who are actually trying to understand you like Esquire. Even if said understanding process comes srhouded by a veil of condescending *pats Esquire*

But that's nonsensical to compare MLP to those shows. It's one thing to say you like MLP, it's another thing to say it's on par with LOST, 24, etc. I get you guys like the show, but you're getting a little carried away.

We are not comparing this show to the likes of Lost, 24, or, say, Breaking Bad or BSG. We are comparing the fanbases. What we mean is that we are fans that like this show just because of how good it is. Not because "it is a fad", or because "we feel hipsteronic", or "for the lulz". We do it because we legimately enjoy the show, period, as much as the Treme or Chuck fanbase enjoy theirs.

We are not saying "My little pony has as much of a dramatic depth as the Sopranos" or "it has a plot comparable to Breaking Bad's", or "their character arcs are on par with Mad Men". No. What we are saying is "this is a show with good qualities of their own, and one can legitiametely like it". Because it has great musical numbers (I would put some of them on par with Glee, for example), an incesant wealth of animation talent (just look at the gifs), great voice cast, a smart, innocent yet humorous script that one can easily compare with Azumanga Daioh, and an extremely well built charaterization, which really can be pitched against some more mature and adult series (albeit you would need to watch several episodes to get the complete picture).

Our defensiveness comes from the implied (or imagined) assertion that if you have to like this show necessarily due to to its "fad status", or because we like to mock it (as it was the case with Lazytown) and not because it has some actual verifiable quality and weight of its own. It can really get on your nerves when someone tolds you that you can't actually like this or that, or that you like it but "deeply inside, you are doing it for the wrong reasons / the lulz / because you want to be accepted inside a group / because of repressed childhood memories / whatever". We like it because there are things in this show to like. And if you give it once chance, you may also see them too :D

This "acceptance" of the show is what I'm talking about when I say you like it because it's "popular." If people made fun of you for it, maybe you wouldn't be so open about your enjoyment of the show.

This is what you fail to understand, and one of the things that makes the whole "brony" phenomena a wonder to behold: there has never been any acceptance, even with boards like GAF of Penny-arcade being exceptions. The fanbase was mocked from the day one. People made fun from us form the very beggining. Some still do (see also: Jenga). People raised funds in order to put preassure on moderators so they close the MLP treads (I never saw that in my life with any other fanbase), and in many forums the treads were locked on sight without a warning. I have never seen so much vitrol going on for something as banal and harmless as a children cartoon show. What amazes me is that the whole fanbase and phenomena exist despite this show not having even the slightlest sliver of "acceptance" needed for any other thing to be accepted. We just don't give a flying fuck about it it. It is truthly a fascinant case of "the internet VS the societal customs" were said societal customs gets buttfucked in the end. And good riddance, I say.


I think the only place I have seen pretty much zero trolling (aside from Pony-chan obviously and self-created bastions of Pony... whateverness) is the Penny-Arcade forums, oddly enough.
Jintor said:
I think the only place I have seen pretty much zero trolling (aside from Pony-chan obviously and self-created bastions of Pony... whateverness) is the Penny-Arcade forums, oddly enough.

I guess you'd really have to be an asshole to love cartoons enough to hang-out in a forum for a comic but make fun of others who enjoy a cartoon.


Kills Photobucket
Thing I never got about the Pony hate (even before I started enjoying the show) was how it's any different from the people in the Tangled thread who loved it, or how GAF gets excited over every Pixar movie. Make no mistake, I thought Tangled was pretty good, and I do get excited about Pixar stuff. I make no argument that these things are not made for Children. The team that makes MLP was responsible for shows many of us enjoyed and we had no problem checking out their latest work.

One of the things MLP does well, and I wish other animated shows would take note, was it does the whole pop-culture references perfectly, in that if you get the joke, good for you, and if you don't, you continue unaware that you missed something. Swarm of the Century is a great example. Many people in this thread had no idea it was based on an episode of Star Trek, but still loved it.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
DrForester said:
One of the things MLP does well, and I wish other animated shows would take note, was it does the whole pop-culture references perfectly, in that if you get the joke, good for you, and if you don't, you continue unaware that you missed something. Swarm of the Century is a great example. Many people in this thread had no idea it was based on an episode of Star Trek, but still loved it.

I also like the fact that the show isn't mean-spirited or has a gross-out factor. It's essentially a very well-done show about goodness.


And have some of this...


So anyway, about the new episode. It was good. It was no "Sonic Rainboom" or "Winter Wrap Up" but it also wasn't another "Over the Barrel". The shooting star scene was so excellent. Seeing Spike with Twilight and the CMC with their sisters/idols was really heart warming. Also knowing that Luna got to see a good chunk of Ponyville appreciate the beauty of the night sky was great. (You know she was watching)

Dastardly Spike, the puns, OH GOD THE PUNS, Rainbow Dash being, well, Rainbow Dash and the action scene at the end were all fantastic. I was entertained and that's what matters.

It seems like birds either don't speak the language or choose not to because they certainly can understand it. And apparently they're very good at trolling.


Jenga said:
at least stephanie is a real person

these guys cuddle their pillows to fictional talking cartoon ponies

Oh my god, you like her? That makes you a pedophile. You are a sick sick man and you should be mocked everywhere you go and everywhere you post.

You sir are worst than hitler.

I've seen many horrible people in my time, I've seen furries, i've seen men with girl body pillows I've seen the depths of sonic fandom. But before today sir, I have never seen...the likes...of YOU.

Oh and

The Owl avatar....so tempting, it goes very well with my username. Actually I still haven't seen the episode yet so off I trot so to speak.


So... going by the past few pages, is esquire our new troll? It's good that Jenga has some company now. I bet it was lonely in the haters wing.

Dastardly Spike is also the best version of Spike. I really want an episode where he's like that throughout the episode. Like he gets corrupted by magic or something. I want to see him tie a pony to some train tracks and twiddle his moustache.
Zomba13 said:
Dastardly Spike is also the best version of Spike. I really want an episode where he's like that throughout the episode. Like he gets corrupted by magic or something. I want to see him tie a pony to some train tracks and twiddle his moustache.
I expect to see this in the second season.

Mechanical Snowman said:
Edit: oh shit portal bitcheees.
I wonder if tag team avatars are ever going to catch on.


Are there any good Pony avatars that are floating around not being used? The ol' balloon is getting a bit old :(


Ark said:
Are there any good Pony avatars that are floating around not being used? The ol' balloon is getting a bit old :(
Ye Olde Avatar Post is still mostly up to date.

These ones of mine that are still on there are in fact in use:

The rest of mine are open as far as I know. One of Foxix's CMC ones was taken, I think, but I don't recall seeing any others.

Also, this one isn't on there yet and isn't in use:
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